252 research outputs found

    Transition from the Seniority to the Anharmonic Vibrator Regime in Nuclei

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    A recent analysis of experimental energy systematics suggests that all collective nuclei fall into one of three classes -- seniority, anharmonic vibrational, or rotational -- with sharp phase transitions between them. We investigate the transition from the seniority to the anharmonic vibrator regime within a shell model framework involving a single large j-orbit. The calculations qualitatively reproduce the observed transitional behavior, both for U(5) like and O(6) like nuclei. They also confirm the preeminent role played by the neutron-proton interaction in producing the phase transition.Comment: 9 pages with 2 tables, submitted to Physical Review C, November 199

    The influence of different prefermentative maceration processes and tartaric stabilization treatments on the color, cation content and other physico-chemical parameters of 'Băbească neagră' rosé wines

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    This study enhances knowledge in the physicochemical and color parameters of rosé wines produced by the prefermentative maceration of native Romanian 'Băbească neagră' (Vitis vinifera L.) grape varieties, both before and after tartaric stabilization treatments by the contact procedure in an MK70 ultra-refrigerator. One variety was prepared without maceration as a control sample and the other was subjected to the maceration process for one of the following seven periods of time: 3.5 hours, 7 hours, 10.5 hours, 14 hours, 17.5 hours, 21 hours and 24.5 hours. The prefermentative maceration process exerts a significant influence on the amount of volatile acids, on the pH, conductivity and the K+ cation. The phenolic compound content, the chromatic parameters and the cation content of wines are significantly influenced by both prefermentative maceration and tartaric stabilization. The multifactor ANOVA tests prove that there is an interaction for all parameters except for total acidity.

    3C 57 as an Atypical Radio-Loud Quasar: Implications for the Radio-Loud/Radio-Quiet Dichotomy

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    Lobe-dominated radio-loud (LD RL) quasars occupy a restricted domain in the 4D Eigenvector 1 (4DE1) parameter space which implies restricted geometry/physics/kinematics for this subclass compared to the radio-quiet (RQ) majority of quasars. We discuss how this restricted domain for the LD RL parent population supports the notion for a RQ-RL dichotomy among Type 1 sources. 3C 57 is an atypical RL quasar that shows both uncertain radio morphology and falls in a region of 4DE1 space where RL quasars are rare. We present new radio flux and optical spectroscopic measures designed to verify its atypical optical/UV spectroscopic behaviour and clarify its radio structure. The former data confirms that 3C 57 falls off the 4DE1 quasar "main sequence" with both extreme optical FeII emission (R_{FeII} ~ 1) and a large CIV 1549 profile blueshift (~ -1500 km/s). These parameter values are typical of extreme Population A sources which are almost always RQ. New radio measures show no evidence for flux change over a 50+ year timescale consistent with compact steep-spectrum (CSS or young LD) over core-dominated morphology. In the 4DE1 context where LD RL are usually low L/L_{Edd} quasars we suggest that 3C 57 is an evolved RL quasar (i.e. large Black Hole mass) undergoing a major accretion event leading to a rejuvenation reflected by strong FeII emission, perhaps indicating significant heavy metal enrichment, high bolometric luminosity for a low redshift source and resultant unusually high Eddington ratio giving rise to the atypical CIV 1549.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Liver procurement as part of multiple organ procurement

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    Departamentul de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec”, Institutul Clinic Fundeni, Bucureşti, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Scop: Prelevarea hepatică, etapă premergătoare transplantului hepatic, parte din prelevarea multiorgan, contribuie prin acuratețea și corectitudinea intervenției la obținerea unei grefe hepatice de bună calitate cu rezultate bune ale transplantului atît imediate cât și pe termen lung. Lucrarea de față își propune să evidențieze importantul rol al identificării variantelor anatomice și adaptarea metodelor de prelevare în funcție de acestea.Material şi metode: Pe parcursul perioadei 1 ianuarie 2000-16 iunie 2015 s-au efectuat în Centrul nostru 666 prelevări multiorgan. O importanță deosebită a fost acordată recunoașterii variantelor anatomice arteriale, acestea adaugând un grad de dificultate procedurii, dar fiind totodată esențiale pentru asigurarea succesului intervenției. Rezultate: Caracteristicile heterogene ale donatorilor au obligat la aplicarea unei game variate de tehnici de prelevare, adaptate fiecărei situații, așa cum au fost descrise în lucrarea de față, un pas cheie pentru obținerea unei grefe viabile pentru transplant. Concluzii: Multiplele tehnici de prelevare hepatică pot fi aplicate cu succes când sunt adaptate fiecarui donator, scurtând timpul de prelevare și furnizând o grefă de cea mai bună calitate.Purpose: Liver procurement, the preliminary stage of liver transplantation, is a part of multi-organ procurement, and it contributes, with its accuracy and correctness to the high quality liver graft, with the best results in the transplantation process (both immediate and long term). This paper is framed to enlighten the important role of identification of anatomical variants and the selection of the procurement technique that suits most. Material and methods: During 1st Jan 2000-16th Jun 2015 a number of 666 multi-organ procurements were performed in our center. A special attention was paid in recognizing of anatomical variants of blood vessels (especially arterial blood vessels), which added a high degree of difficulty to the procedures, but was considered to be vital in order to ensure the success of the intervention. Results: Heterogeneous characteristics of donors imposed the implementation of a variety of sampling techniques, adapted on each situation as was described in the paper, an essential step to obtain a viable liver / organ graft suitable for the transplant. Conclusions: The multiple methods of liver procurement can be successfully applied when it is adapted to each of the donors, thus shortening the actual time of the liver harvesting, delivering the best quality of the new liver graft

    IBM-1 description of the fission products 108,110,112^{108,110,112}Ru

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    IBM-1} calculations for the fission products 108,110,112^{108,110,112}Ru have been carried out. The even-even isotopes of Ru can be described as transitional nuclei situated between the U(5) (spherical vibrator) and SO(6) (γ\gamma-unstable rotor) symmetries of the Interacting Boson Model. At first, a Hamiltonian with only one- and two-body terms has been used. Excitation energies and BB(E2) ratios of gamma transitions have been calculated. A satisfactory agreement has been obtained, with the exception of the odd-even staggering in the quasi-γ\gamma bands of 110,112^{110,112}Ru. The observed pattern is rather similar to the one for a rigid triaxial rotor. A calculation based on a Hamiltonian with three-body terms was able to remove this discrepancy. The relation between the IBM and the triaxial rotor model was also examined.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    X(3): An Exactly Separable Gamma-Rigid Version of the X(5) Critical Point Symmetry

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    A gamma-rigid version (with gamma=0) of the X(5) critical point symmetry is constructed. The model, to be called X(3) since it is proved to contain three degrees of freedom, utilizes an infinite well potential, is based on exact separation of variables, and leads to parameter free (up to overall scale factors) predictions for spectra and B(E2) transition rates, which are in good agreement with existing experimental data for 172-Os and 186-Pt. An unexpected similarity of the first beta bands of the X(5) nuclei 150-Nd, 152-Sm, 154-Gd, and 156-Dy to the X(3) predictions is observed.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pagres, including 4 postscript figure

    In-beam fast-timing measurements in 103,105,107Cd

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    Fast-timing measurements were performed recently in the region of the medium-mass 103,105,107Cd isotopes, produced in fusion evaporation reactions. Emitted gamma-rays were detected by eight HPGe and five LaBr3:Ce detectors working in coincidence. Results on new and re-evaluated half-lives are discussed within a systematic of transition rates. The 7/21+7/2_1^+ states in 103,105,107Cd are interpreted as arising from a single-particle excitation. The half-life analysis of the 11/2111/2_1^- states in 103,105,107Cd shows no change in the single-particle transition strength as a function of the neutron number