85 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to find out the structure of compound words and the types of compound words in Dawan language. This study belongs to qualitative research aiming at describing the struc-ture and the types of compound words in Dawan language. The data are taken from language con-sultants (informants) of Dawan language speakers through interview method The result of analysis showed that compound words in Dawan language are structured by combining two different words whether the words in the same category or different category. The structure of compound words are built by combining noun (N) with noun (N), for instance mais-oni ‘sugar’ which is built by the noun mais ‘salt’ and the noun oni ‘sweet’; noun (N) with verb (V), for instance bife-anaot ‘prostitute’ which is built by the noun bife ‘woman’ and the verb anaot ‘work’; verb (V) with noun (N), for in-stance poni-haano ‘propose’ which is built by the verb poni ‘hang’ and the noun hauno ‘leaf’; verb (V) with verb (V), for instance fua-tulu ‘worship’ which is built by the verb fua ‘see’ and the verb tulu ‘give’; and noun (N) with adjective (Adj), for instance ume-kbubu ‘kitchen’ which is built by the noun ume‘house’ and the adjective kbubu ‘circle’. Further analysis on the compound words showed that they can also be classified into compound noun, compound verb, and compound adjective

    Discourse Structure of Food Product Advertisement on Television

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    Advertising discourse differs from other genres of text because advertisements are supposed to attract public attention and interest. The macro structure, superstructure, and microstructure of food product advertisements on Indonesian television are investigated using Van Dijk’s (2009) discourse theory. This study used a qualitative research method design to achieve these goals. The data analysis revealed that at the macro structure level of food product advertisements on Indonesian television, the writer’s ideology is to invite and persuade the public to purchase the advertised product using various word forms, including figurative languages. Each advertisement is organized and systematic at the superstructure level, beginning with the introduction, body, closing, and conclusion. Each advertisement’s text is constructed with great attention to semantic and syntactic aspects at the microstructure level. Background, detail, and purpose are included in the semantic aspect, while the syntactic aspect includes the relationships between ideas from one sentence to the next and from one paragraph to the next to create a complete message presentation (cohesion and coherence). As a result, grammatical and lexical cohesion are manifestations of the cohesive element. Advertising is a type of manipulative communication tool that employs lingual forms and strict diction to pique the public’s interest and attention. Further research is expected to investigate semantic aspects of advertising discourse texts using a larger number of data sources than the five types of advertisements used in this study, and to investigate changes in the way advertising texts are composed as a result of societal changes. Keywords: advertisement, food product, discourse structure, televisio

    Konstruksi Kausatif Analitik Bahasa Kemak

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    Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari disertasi penulis. Judul penelitian ini adalah Konstruksi Kausatif Analitik Bahasa Kemak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana konsttuksi kausatif analitik bahasa Kemak di bentuk. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui metode linguistik lapangan yang mencakup elisitasi langsung, perekaman, dan pengecekan elisitasi. Lebih lanjut, instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah daftar tanyaan. Di samping pendistribusian daftar tanyaan, data penelitian ini juga dikumpulkan melalui perekaman Data rekaman yang diambil berupa data dalam bentuk teks yang bersumber dari cerita-cerita ataupun percakapan informan atau di antara penutur bahasa Kemak. Metode distribusional (agih) diterapkan dalam menganalisis data penelitian berdasarkan permasalahan yang dibahas dalam artikel ini . Hasil analisis data penelitian ini disajikan dengan menggunakan metode infromal berupa penjelasan atau paparan dengan menggunakan kata-kata biasa atau bahasa verbal. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa konstruksi kausatif analitik bahasa Kemak dibentuk oleh verba kausatif tau ‘buat’ dengan predikat yang ditempati oleh verba intransitif, verba transitif, dan adjektiva. Di samping konstruksi kausatif analitik yang dibangun oleh verba kausatif tau ‘buat’, konstruksi kausatif analitik bahasa Kemak dapat pula dibentuk oleh verba kausatif laka ‘suruh’ yang hanya dapat diikuti oleh verba intransitif dan verba transitif. Konstruksi kausatif analitik dengan predikat verba intransitif dan verba transitif memiliki bentuk alternasi. Bentuk alternasi konstruksi kausatif analitik ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan posisi objek yang bisa hadir setelah verba kausatif  tau ‘buat’ dan laka ‘suruh’ atau setelah verba intranstif dan verba transitif yang menempati posisi sebagai predikat


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap keunikan dari konstruksi serialisasi verba bahasa Kemak. Data Penelitian ini bersumber dari informan yang diperoleh dengan metode wawancara dan pengamatan yang didukung teknik elisitasi, pengamatan partisipatif, rekam, dan catat. Analisis data menggunakan metode padan dan metode agih. Hasil analisis data disajikan dengan menggunakan metode informal. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kluasa BKm dibentuk oleh predikat yang dapat berupa verba tunggal dan verba serial. Terkait dengan KVS BKm ditemukan bahwa KVS BKm dapat dibangun oleh dua verba dan juga tiga verba. KVS BKm dengan tiga verba biasanya diawali dengan verba verba e ‘ingin’, verba ber ‘suka’, verba laka ’suruh’, verba bebe’i ‘ikut’, dan verba gesa ‘coba’. KVS BKm dengan dua verba dan tiga verba berperilaku seperti verba tunggal atau sederhana yang menjalankan fungsi predikat sebuah klausa atau kalimat. Fungsi gramatikal subjek dan objek pada konstruksi verba serial merupakan subjek dan objek yang dimiliki oleh kedua maupun ketiga verba yang membentuk KVS tersebu


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    Abstract The aims of this thesis are to figure out the techniques and process of translation of English idiom into Indonesian Language. The data were taken from a Novel by Sidney Sheldon entitled “Bloodline” and its translation Garis Darah. The collected data was analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative methods. The data of this study were collected by identifying and classifying the data based on the idioms and translation procedures by using Hocket (1958). Another theory is from Vinay & Dalbernet’s (1995) and also supported by a theory proposed by Catford (1978). Through classification based on the theory there are three types of idioms, they are English phrasal compound that is divided into three parts such as the close form, the hyphenated form and the open form; figure of speech that is divided into four parts such as simile, hyperbole, metaphor, and personification; and slang. All types of idioms are applied in this thesis and it is found there are 289 data. The close form is 3, the hyphenated form is 16, the open form is 11, simile with 42 data, metaphor and personification are 26, hyperbole is 33, and slang is 132 data. On the other hand, there are seven techniques of translation according to the theory, they are borrowing, calque, literal, transposition, modulation, adaptation, and equivalence. All techniques are applied in this thesis. The most dominant translation technique that is applied in this thesis is adaptation with the percentage of 33,5% (97 data), the second is literal with 33,2% (96 data), modulation and equivalence has same percentage as 10,3% (30 data), transposition is 9,3% (27 data), borrowing with 2,76% (8 data), and the last is calque with 0,34% (1 data). Keywords: techniques of translation, idiomatic expression, language