971 research outputs found

    Fundamentos filosóficos-sociales de la educación

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    This article is divided in three parts. Tbe first deals with the fundaments of education with a particular reference made to the human persono Education is that cultural process which consists of the integral deve10pment of man's personality. Herein the following concepts are analyzed: education in its dynamic and legal sense; education as deve1opment, that is as qualitative evolution: education is onIy truly such if we consider man as an integral being, that is from the viewpoint of the different manifestations of bis life, name1y the physica1, intellectual, moral, social and supernatural aspects. Only in this way can we grasp man's personality in the fullest sense. Tbe second part deals with the fundaments of education with reference to man as a social being. In this sense the author first anaIyzes the juridica1 structure of education: the rights of those being taught, and the rights of parents, State and Church in their roles as educators. Immediate1y afterwards, the author studies the social roles of family, school, State and Church as institutions which are engaged in ,I¡e process of educating. Thus stated, a1beit in a highly sketchy fashión, the philosophica1 and social fun· daments of education are then confronted with some of the main characteristics of contemporary civilization, in order to explain why modem society is gradually re1in. quishing the onthologica1 and moral foundations of education, thereby paving the way for the rise of a series of problems which are currendy afflicting modero times

    Study of psychological skills in soccer players

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    En el fútbol, el entrenamiento psicológico favorece, elimina o fortalece relaciones propias de la competición con la intención de mantener el rendimiento deportivo. Una buena especialización en el deporte obliga a establecer qué variables hay que considerar para el logro del éxito deportivo, y parece ser que hoy en día, las habilidades psicológicas son las que predominan para ser analizadas como intervinientes en el rendimiento deportivo. En este estudio se profundiza en investigaciones científicas que tratan sobre las habilidades psicológicas y su influencia en el futbolista. Las habilidades seleccionadas son: motivación, autoconfianza, atención-concentración y control del estrés. Algunas de las conclusiones del estudio son que la mayoría de las investigaciones mantienen que los grandes deportistas tienen en común: mayor concentración, elevada autoconfianza, menor ansiedad, más pensamientos positivos, utilizan la visualización, y su motivación va orientada hacia la tarea en lugar de hacia el resultadoIn soccer, the psychological training favors, deletes or strengthens relationships that were part of the competition with the intention of keeping the sport performance. A good specialization in sport requires to establish which variables must be considered for the achievement of sporting success, and it seems that today, the psychological skills are predominant to be analyzed as involved in the sport performance. This study delves into scientific research dealing with the psychological skills and their influence on the footballer. The selected skill are: motivation, self-confidence, attention-concentration and control of stress. Some of the conclusions of the study are that the majority of the research argue that the great athletes have in common: concentration, high self-confidence, less anxiety, more positive thoughts, use visualisation, and their motivation geared toward the task instead of toward the result

    Feedback by automatic assessment systems used in mathematics homework in the engineering field

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    This research presents the results of the teaching innovation Dynamic Online Assessment System in Mathematics, which is implemented in higher education to promote self‐study by students outside the classroom. The WIRIS calculator was integrated into the Moodle platform to create questions with random elements, for example, students had access to different variants of the same question. The effect of the type of feedback (immediate or deferred) on the work of the students on the platform, measured by means of participation, time spent, and grades obtained, was evaluated. We used a quasi‐experimental methodology for a population of 5,507 students, distributed in 229 courses on four campuses that learn Mathematics I in engineering programs. Immediate feedback exhibits better work of students on the platform, but this work is not necessarily more efficient in comparison with the work performed by students using assessments online assessment with deferred feedback

    Seed systems and crop genetic diversity in agroecosystems

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    Poster presented at the First Diversitas Open Science Conference. Oaxaca (Mexico), 9-12 Nov 200

    Social life-cycle assessment: A review by bibliometric analysis

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    This study examined the literature on social life-cycle assessment (S-LCA) published in the last 15 years (2003–2018) using bibliometric methods. Applying scientific mapping and analyzing publication performance, the study describes the structure of and trends in S-LCA publications in terms of related subject categories, authors, journals, countries, and highly cited articles. Challenges and research gaps in the S-LCA literature were also explored. The content of related papers published in the ISIWeb of Science databases was examined to identify the main themes investigated, evolution of publication activity, and most representative elements. Analyses were conducted with SciMAT software. This tool enables researchers to map research specialties by extracting qualitative information in the specialized literature and representing it using quantitative measures. The results show rapid and exponential growth of the S-LCA research line in the past ten years, with a clear upward trend in related publications (mostly case studies), especially after publication of the UNEP/SETAC Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products in 2009: 66% of all articles published on S-LCA were published during the period 2015–2018, primarily by European authors. The findings also delineate S-LCA as a highly fragmented research field that has been applied to diverse sectors (agriculture, bioenergy, transport, water management, chemical products, electronics, etc.), mainly in non-European countries. Critical questions concerning methods, framework, paradigms, and indicators remain to be resolved. This study provides insight into the publication performance of S-LCA, characterizing its intellectual structure and salient authors and works. In identifying hotspots in the S-LCA research, the study provides a useful state-of-the-art reference guide for academics and reveals critical research gaps and potential research avenues for future studies to advance in consolidating the discipline.This study examined the literature on social life-cycle assessment (S-LCA) published in the last 15 years (2003-2018) using bibliometric methods. Applying scientific mapping and analyzing publication performance, the study describes the structure of and trends in S-LCA publications in terms of related subject categories, authors, journals, countries, and highly cited articles. Challenges and research gaps in the S-LCA literature were also explored. The content of related papers published in the ISI Web of Science databases was examined to identify the main themes investigated, evolution of publication activity, and most representative elements. Analyses were conducted with SciMAT software. This tool enables researchers to map research specialties by extracting qualitative information in the specialized literature and representing it using quantitative measures. The results show rapid and exponential growth of the S-LCA research line in the past ten years, with a clear upward trend in related publications (mostly case studies), especially after publication of the UNEP/SETAC Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products in 2009: 66% of all articles published on S-LCA were published during the period 2015-2018, primarily by European authors. The findings also delineate S-LCA as a highly fragmented research field that has been applied to diverse sectors (agriculture, bioenergy, transport, water management, chemical products, electronics, etc.), mainly in non-European countries. Critical questions concerning methods, framework, paradigms, and indicators remain to be resolved. This study provides insight into the publication performance of S-LCA, characterizing its intellectual structure and salient authors and works. In identifying hotspots in the S-LCA research, the study provides a useful state-of-the-art reference guide for academics and reveals critical research gaps and potential research avenues for future studies to advance in consolidating the discipline

    Regulació de l'aprenentatge en l'aula invertida en l'assignatura 'Psicopedagogia de les organitzacions'

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    El projecte Re-flip defineix estratègies per a acompanyar en la regulació de l'aprenentatge autònom en contextos d'aula invertida amb el suport de les tecnologies. Fruit del treball interdisciplinar de 14 professores i professors, s'ha generat aquest recurs on es presenta un exemple d'estratègies per a la regulació de l'aprenentatge en el context de l'aula invertida. Es presenten també els principals resultats i les propostes de millora per a futures implementacions. En aquest cas presentem un exemple amb la tècnica de la resolució de casos reals