17 research outputs found

    Aeromagnetic anomalies reveal the link between magmatism and tectonics during the early formation of the Canary Islands

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    The 3-D inverse modelling of a magnetic anomaly measured over the NW submarine edifice of the volcanic island of Gran Canaria revealed a large, reversely-magnetized, elongated structure following an ENE-WSW direction, which we interpreted as a sill-like magmatic intrusion emplaced during the submarine growth of this volcanic island, with a volume that could represent up to about 20% of the whole island. The elongated shape of this body suggests the existence of a major crustal fracture in the central part of the Canary Archipelago which would have favoured the rapid ascent and emplacement of magmas during a time span from 0.5 to 1.9 My during a reverse polarity chron of the Earth’s magnetic field prior to 16 Ma. The agreement of our results with those of previous gravimetric, seismological and geodynamical studies strongly supports the idea that the genesis of the Canary Islands was conditioned by a strike-slip tectonic framework probably related to Atlas tectonic features in Africa. These results do not contradict the hotspot theory for the origin of the Canary magmatism, but they do introduce the essential role of regional crustal tectonics to explain where and how those magmas both reached the surface and built the volcanic edifices.Project CGL2015-63799-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    Giant flute-like scour and other erosional features formed by the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current

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    Erosional features on the floor of Eastern Valley of the Laurentian Fan, in 2800 m water depth, have been mapped with SeaMARC I side-scan sonar images and Seabeam multi-beam echo-soundings, and were directly observed during a dive with the deep submersible Alvin. The most spectacular feature is a 100-m-deep flute-shaped scour, more than 1 km long. The surrounding valley is floored by an unconsolidated coarse conglomerate, which was moulded into transverse bedforms by the turbidity current that was triggered by the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake. Direct observations and seismic-reflection profiles show that the flute-shaped scour cuts through this conglomerate and into Plio-Pleistocene valley-floor sediments, thereby exposing a section through the 1929 deposit. Application of the Allen defect theory suggests that the flute is unusually deep because general channel-floor erosion was inhibited by the conglomerate veneer. Valley-floor channels typically 1 km wide and 10m deep contain series of closed depressions that occasionally deepen to 30 m. These are also interpreted as erosional scours, analogous to pools cut on the beds of bedrock rivers. The large flute was probably formed by detached flow enlarging an initial scour depression. Such scours probably play an important role in channel-floor erosion, increasing the volume of sediment transported by large turbidity currents

    Volcanics from the Sierra Leone Rise

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    THE Sierra Leone Rise, located in the east equatorial Atlantic, forms a discontinuous chain of seamounts as shallow as 2 km extending with a general NE–SW trend from near the Sierra Leone coast of Africa, to the St Paul fracture zone near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Fig. 1). The origin of this feature has remained a topic of discussion. Sheridan et al.1 have hypothesised that the Sierra Leone Rise is a volcanic structure formed at the beginning of the opening of the Atlantic in the early Cretaceous period. The twin features of the Sierra Leone and the Ceara Rises are probably of oceanic origin and were created 80 Myr ago or later in their present-day position with respect to Africa and South America2. The Atlantic ocean exhibits several similar aseismic structures which appear symmetrically oriented with respect to the mid-oceanic ridge, such as the Walvis–Rio Grande Rise and the Iceland Faeroes–Iceland Greenland Ridges. These structures are volcanic edifices having a composition similar to that found in their associated islands3–7. Deep sea drilling of the Ceara Rise8,9 penetrated a basaltic basement of the upper Cretaceous period (Maestrichtian) (Leg 39, Site 354). Similarly, a DSDP hole (Leg 41, Site 366) on the Sierra Leone Rise, penetrated sediments of the same period, without reaching basement10. We report here the discovery of alkali-rich volcanics in an area of the Sierra Leone Rise. The sediment overlying the rock fragments is aged ∼45 Myr