544 research outputs found

    Memòries d'exili

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    La Unió Europea front la crisi econòmica, l'Iraq i l'ampliació

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    The European Union is enlarging with the membership of ten new countries in May 2004 and two others in 2007. Probably in a near future other European countries will also be members of the enlarged Union: the Balkans, Turkey? But the current Europe is already showing a lot of disagreements among members and further enlargement would not contribute to ease these disagreements. The first disagreement is connected with the approval or not of the American intervention in Iraq. Spain even lead an initiative to support the Bush/Blair/Aznar initiative to intervene against the ideas of the UN Security Council, France and Germany included. In the economic field a basic disagreement refers to the respect to the Stability and Development Pact to avoid excessive budget deficits of countries participating in the euro. Here again France and Germany are over the permitted 3% deficit allowed by the Maastricht Treaty and the Stability Pact. On the other hand some members of the European Union are in favour of reducing the burden of the EU budget while most of the new members and the net receivers from the group of 15 are for increasing the budget in order to support farmers and develop underdeveloped regions of the enlarged Europe. In this context Europe can only overcome the current disagreements with a new ambitious Constitution going to a real One Europe beyond the low level ambitious European Constitution drafted by the European Convention established by the Laeken European Council

    El paisatge empordanès a la narrativa de Maria Àngels Anglada

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    La instauració del Magisteri de Cant de Sant Pere de Figueres a les primeries del segle XVII

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    In this article the author glosses the constituent act of the Chant Teaching benefice in the town of Figueres (Empordà, Girona) in the first year of the 17th century. Created at the request of the Town Council on the 1st of January 1601, it was ratified by the episcopal authority on the 6th of November 1602. Chapel Master's obligations have been put on record in the foundation document, both the musical (choir intonation of antiphons and psalms, teaching to choir boys and priests, polyphonic works composition) and the extramusical ones (processions arranging), what in a sense shapes the survivorship of certain duties of the old praeccentor. Although pacting casuistry is the common in the contemporary Catalunya, one might point out the importance held by the document, with a view to the musical history of Girona regions.Dans cet article on trouve le document de creation du benefice du Maitrisse de Chant de la ville de Figueres (Empordà, Girona), dans le première année du XVIIe siècle. Crée à la demande de la Mairie de la ville le ler janvier 1601, il fit ratifié par l'autorité episcopale le 6 novembre 1602. Les devoirs du Maître de Chapelle, aussi bien les musicaux (intonation des antiphones et des salms dans le choeur, enseignement des enfants de choeur et du clergé, composition d'oeuvres plyphoniques), que les extramusicaux (ordénation des processions) apparaissent dans le document et configurent, d'une certaine façon, la survivance de certaines devoirs de l'ancien praeccentor. Quoique la casuistique des pactes soit l'habituelle dans la Catalogne de l'époque, il faut souligner l'importance que le document possède pour l'histoire musicale de Girona

    Josep M. Puig Salellas (1924-2007)

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    Els estudis universitaris en educació social (O allò que ja sabem i del que sovint no parlem)

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    Parlar deis estudis universitaris en educació social molt probablement és resituar, tornar a situar, moltes de les qüestions que d'uns quants anys enc;;a són objecte de discussions i d'aportacions diverses sobre una disciplina encara no pas del tot definida i cap a una professionalització no definida definitivament, pero amb una historia i una practica prou consistents per continuar-nos preguntant cap a on va, cap a on podria anar i cap a on hauria d'anar I'educació social com a objecte de la pedagogia social i també d'altres camps disciplinaris. En un article com aquest i arran d'un títol com el que encapcala I'escrit, seria perfectament lícit (i gairebé esperable, potser?) de fer una descripció del model d'estudis, de la proposta formativa, etc., que duem a terme a la Universitat de Barcelona. Explicar-ho i gairebé fer-ne propaganda. Pero amb la mínima experiencia que hem adquirit, em sembla més interessant d'intentar una analisi mínima d'alguns deis aspectes que encara cuegen en el desenvolupament quotidia de la diplomatura d'educació social a la nostra Universitat i, evidentment, també en relació amb d'altres. Aixo obliga a no tancar la reflexió en les parets de la Universitat mateixa i a col'locar la formació de les persones que exerciran d'educadores socials -o hi exerceixen i es reciclen- en la cru'illa d'algunes influencies, d'algunes controversies, d'alguns terrenys relliscosos i també, evidentment, d'alguns aspectes pendents de resoldre


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    La Unió Europea front la crisi econòmica, l'Iraq i l'ampliació

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    The European Union is enlarging with the membership of ten new countries in May 2004 and two others in 2007. Probably in a near future other European countries will also be members of the enlarged Union: the Balkans, Turkey? But the current Europe is already showing a lot of disagreements among members and further enlargement would not contribute to ease these disagreements. The first disagreement is connected with the approval or not of the American intervention in Iraq. Spain even lead an initiative to support the Bush/Blair/Aznar initiative to intervene against the ideas of the UN Security Council, France and Germany included. In the economic field a basic disagreement refers to the respect to the Stability and Development Pact to avoid excessive budget deficits of countries participating in the euro. Here again France and Germany are over the permitted 3% deficit allowed by the Maastricht Treaty and the Stability Pact. On the other hand some members of the European Union are in favour of reducing the burden of the EU budget while most of the new members and the net receivers from the group of 15 are for increasing the budget in order to support farmers and develop underdeveloped regions of the enlarged Europe. In this context Europe can only overcome the current disagreements with a new ambitious Constitution going to a real “One Europe” beyond the low level ambitious European Constitution drafted by the European Convention established by the Laeken European Council