852 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of a unit-wide disturbance caused by saturation in a manipulated variable

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    It is well known that faulty control valves with friction in the moving parts lead to limit cycle oscillations which can propagate to other parts of the plant. However, a control loop with healthy valve can also undergo oscillatory behavior. The root cause of a unit-wide oscillation in a distillation column was traced to a pressure control loop in a case study at Mitsui Chemicals. The diagnosis was made by means of a new technique of pattern matching of the time-resolved frequency spectrum using a wavelet analysis tool. The method identified key characteristics shared by measurements at various places in the column and quantified the similarities. Non-linearity was detected in the time trend of the pressure measurement, a result which initially suggested the root cause was a faulty actuator or sensor. Further analysis showed, however, that the source of non-linearlity was periodic saturation of the manipulated variable caused by slack tuning. The problem was remidied by changing the controller tuning settings and the unit-wide disturbance then went away

    Wireless Communication in Process Control Loop: Requirements Analysis, Industry Practices and Experimental Evaluation

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    Wireless communication is already used in process automation for process monitoring. The next stage of implementation of wireless technology in industrial applications is for process control. The need for wireless networked control systems has evolved because of the necessity for extensibility, mobility, modularity, fast deployment, and reduced installation and maintenance cost. These benefits are only applicable given that the wireless network of choice can meet the strict requirements of process control applications, such as latency. In this regard, this paper is an effort towards identifying current industry practices related to implementing process control over a wireless link and evaluates the suitability of ISA100.11a network for use in process control through experiments

    The application of graph theory and percolation analysis for assessing change in the spatial configuration of pond networks

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    Pond networks support high levels of biodiversity when compared to other freshwater ecosystems such as rivers, lakes and streams. The persistence of species in these small, sometimes ephemeral, aquatic habitats depends on the dispersal of individuals among ponds in the landscape. However, the number of ponds across the landscape is at a historical low as urbanisation and intensified agricultural practices have led to a substantial loss of ponds (nodes in the pond network) over more than a century. Here, we examine the extent and drivers of pond loss in a heavily urbanised landscape (Birmingham, UK) over 105 years and determine how pond loss influences key structural properties of the pond network using graph theoretic approaches. Specifically, we calculated minimum spanning trees (MST) and performed percolation analyses to determine changes in both the spatial configuration and resilience of the pond network through time. Pond numbers declined by 82% between ca1904 and 2009, such that pond density decreased from 7.1 km-2 to 1.3 km-2. The MST analyses revealed increased distance between ponds in the network (i.e. edge length increased) by up to 49% over the 105-year period, indicating that ponds in the modern landscape (2009) were considerably more isolated, with fewer neighbours. This study demonstrates that graph theory has an excellent potential to inform the management of pond networks in order to support ecological communities that are less vulnerable to environmental change

    Chaotic Interaction of Langmuir Solitons and Long Wavelength Radiation

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    In this work we analyze the interaction of isolated solitary structures and ion-acoustic radiation. If the radiation amplitude is small solitary structures persists, but when the amplitude grows energy transfer towards small spatial scales occurs. We show that transfer is particularly fast when a fixed point of a low dimensional model is destroyed.Comment: LaTex + 4 eps file

    The GREAT triggerless total data readout method

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    Recoil decay tagging (RDT) is a very powerful method for the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei. RDT is a delayed coincidence technique between detectors usually at the target position and at the focal plane of a spectrometer. Such measurements are often limited by dead time. This paper describes a novel triggerless data acquisition method, which is being developed for the Gamma Recoil Electron Alpha Tagging (GREAT) spectrometer, that overcomes this limitation by virtually eliminating dead time. Our solution is a total data readout (TDR) method where all channels run independently and are associated in software to reconstruct events. The TDR method allows all the data from both target position and focal plane to be collected with practically no dead-time losses. Each data word is associated with a timestamp generated from a global 100-MHz clock. Events are then reconstructed in real time in the event builder using temporal and spatial associations defined by the physics of the experimen

    Gender, war and militarism: making and questioning the links

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    The gender dynamics of militarism have traditionally been seen as straightforward, given the cultural mythologies of warfare and the disciplining of ‘masculinity’ that occurs in the training and use of men's capacity for violence in the armed services. However, women's relation to both war and peace has been varied and complex. It is women who have often been most prominent in working for peace, although there are no necessary links between women and opposition to militarism. In addition, more women than ever are serving in many of today's armies, with feminists rather uncertain on how to relate to this phenomenon. In this article, I explore some of the complexities of applying gender analyses to militarism and peace work in sites of conflict today, looking most closely at the Israeli feminist group, New Profile, and their insistence upon the costs of the militarized nature of Israeli society. They expose the very permeable boundaries between the military and civil society, as violence seeps into the fears and practices of everyday life in Israel. I place their work in the context of broader feminist analysis offered by researchers such as Cynthia Enloe and Cynthia Cockburn, who have for decades been writing about the ‘masculinist’ postures and practices of warfare, as well as the situation of women caught up in them. Finally, I suggest that rethinking the gendered nature of warfare must also encompass the costs of war to men, whose fundamental vulnerability to psychological abuse and physical injury is often downplayed, whether in mainstream accounts of warfare or in more specific gender analysis. Feminists need to pay careful attention to masculinity and its fragmentations in addressing the topic of gender, war and militarism

    Stark Broadening of the B III 2s-2p Lines

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    We present a quantum-mechanical calculation of Stark line widths from electron-ion collisions for the 2s1/2−2p1/2,3/22s_{1/2}-2p_{1/2,3/2}, lambda = 2066 and 2067 A, resonance transitions in B III. The results confirm the previous quantum-mechanical R-matrix calculations but contradict recent measurements and semi-classical and some semi-empirical calculations. The differences between the calculations can be attributed to the dominance of small L partial waves in the electron-atom scattering, while the large Stark widths inferred from the measurements would be substantially reduced if allowance is made for hydrodynamic turbulence from high Reynolds number flows and the associated Doppler broadening.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    First observations of SPEAR-induced artificial backscatter from CUTLASS and the EISCAT Svalbard radars

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    Results are presented from the first two active experimental campaigns undertaken by the new SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar) high-power system that has recently become operational on Spitzbergen, in the Svalbard archipelago. SPEAR's high-power beam was used to excite artificial enhancements in the backscatter detected by the ESR (EISCAT Svalbard Radar) parallel to the geomagnetic field, as well as coherent backscatter detected by both of the CUTLASS (Co-operative UK Twin Located Auroral Sounding System) coherent radars, in directions orthogonal to the geomagnetic field. The ESR detected both enhanced ion-lines as well as enhanced plasma-lines, that were sustained for the whole period when SPEAR was transmitting ordinary mode radio waves, at frequencies below the maximum F-region plasma frequency. On a number of occasions, coherent backscatter was also observed in one or in both of the CUTLASS radars, in beams that intersected the heated volume. Although the levels of enhanced backscatter varied considerably in time, it appeared that ion-line, plasma-line and coherent backscatter were all excited simultaneously, in contrast to what has typically been reported at Tromsø, during EISCAT heater operations. A description of the technical and operational aspects of the new SPEAR system is also included

    Admission to hospital following head injury in England: Incidence and socio-economic associations

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    BACKGROUND: Head injury in England is common. Evidence suggests that socio-economic factors may cause variation in incidence, and this variation may affect planning for services to meet the needs of those who have sustained a head injury. METHODS: Socio-economic data were obtained from the UK Office for National Statistics and merged with Hospital Episodes Statistics obtained from the Department of Health. All patients admitted for head injury with ICD-10 codes S00.0–S09.9 during 2001–2 and 2002–3 were included and collated at the level of the extant Health Authorities (HA) for 2002, and Primary Care Trust (PCT) for 2003. Incidence was determined, and cluster analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to look at patterns and associations. Results: 112,718 patients were admitted during 2001–2 giving a hospitalised incidence rate for England of 229 per 100,000. This rate varied across the English HA's ranging from 91–419 per 100,000. The rate remained unchanged for 2002–3 with a similar magnitude of variation across PCT's. Three clusters of HA's were identified from the 2001–2 data; those typical of London, those of the Shire counties, and those of Other Urban authorities. Socio-economic factors were found to account for a high proportion of the variance in incidence for 2001–2. The same pattern emerged for 2002–3 at the PCT level. The use of public transport for travel to work is associated with a decreased incidence and lifestyle indicators, such as the numbers of young unemployed, increase the incidence. CONCLUSION: Head injury incidence in England varies by a factor of 4.6 across HA's and PCT's. Planning head injury related services at the local level thus needs to be based on local incidence figures rather than regional or national estimates. Socio-economic factors are shown to be associated with admission, including travel to work patterns and lifestyle indicators, which suggests that incidence is amenable to policy initiatives at the macro level as well as preventive programmes targeted at key groups

    Preferences across the Menstrual Cycle for Masculinity and Symmetry in Photographs of Male Faces and Bodies

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    Background: Previous studies have shown that women increase their preference for masculinity during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. Evidence for a similar preference shift for symmetry is equivocal. These studies have required participants to choose between subtle variations in computer-generated stimuli, and preferences for more natural stimuli have not been investigated. Methodology/Principal Findings: Our study employed photographs of individual males to investigate women’s preferences for face and body masculinity and symmetry across the menstrual cycle. We collected attractiveness ratings from 25 normally cycling women at high- and low-fertility days of the menstrual cycle. Attractiveness ratings made by these women were correlated with independent ratings of masculinity and symmetry provided by different sets of raters. We found no evidence for any cyclic shift in female preferences. Correlations between attractiveness and masculinity, and attractiveness and symmetry did not differ significantly between high- and low-fertility test sessions. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between high- and low-fertility ratings of attractiveness. Conclusions: These results suggest that a menstrual cycle shift in visual preferences for masculinity and symmetry may be too subtle to influence responses to real faces and bodies, and subsequent mate-choice decisions
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