261 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of strategies for positioning the leading universities in the uk in the international information space

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    Today the issue of competitiveness of higher education institutions is becoming more and more important. Given this paradigm, it is advisable to analyze the positioning strategies of leading UK universities on indicators of "prestige of higher education institutions among consumers of educational services or users of educational products" with indicators of the index of academic reputation; reputation index of institutions of higher education among employers; brand recognition and "economic and international activities" with indicators of economic impact, financial support for education, internationalization of the university. In the course of scientific research, the author analyzed in detail the special, scientific and pedagogical literature, information from the media, radio, television, data from Internet sites and social networks. To achieve these goals, general and special methods of scientific research were used: theoretical, monumental and problem-based analysis of special literature and Internet resources. The article provides a comparative analysis of the positioning strategies of the leading universities in the UK, namely: Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Bristol and Manchester universities on global indicators. After analyzing the five leading universities in the UK, we concluded that the main methods of positioning universities include stories, conversations, presentations and information and reference methods. It was determined that the main forms of positioning are based on consultations, seminars, conferences, research, creating courses and paying great attention to students with disabilities. Each university has created its own programs to improve the quality of education. All of them are aimed at helping talented students, but not financially secure; students who have outstanding academic results and international students. All leading universities have their own official pages and websites, which cover current information on the work of higher education institutions, their plans and prospects

    Міжнародний брендінг як інструмент розвитку інтегрованих бізнес-структур в Україні

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    На сучасному етапі світогосподарських зв'язків інтегровані бізнес-структури (ІБС) є рівноправними учасниками міжнародних економічних відносин. Виступаючи одночасно похідною і провідником глобалізації, вони перетворилися в структуро утворюючі чинники світового розвитку, роблять все більший вплив на функціонування світового господарства, конкретних господарюючих суб'єктів, окремі ринки, що розвиваються. Повноцінна адаптація зарубіжних методик оцінки і просування брендів дозволить врахувати специфіку української економіки, використовувати брендінг як джерело корпоративних конкурентних переваг українських учасників бізнесу, сприяти поліпшенню інвестиційного клімату шляхом посилення національних брендів. Мета даної статті – запропонувати методичний інструментарій міжнародного брендінгу інтегрованих бізнес-структур на Україні. Методи дослідження: порівняльний аналіз, рейтинг, графічний, табличний, специфічні методи маркетингових досліджень, компаративний аналіз. Запропоновано методичний підхід, відповідно до якого необхідно, з одного боку, розмежовувати технології міжнародного брендінгу в залежності від рівня економічного розвитку країни, а з іншого – враховувати взаємовплив іміджу країни, глобальної конкурентоспроможності її економіки і основних напрямків стратегії розвитку брендінгу національних компаній; оцінені підходи країн до реалізації стратегії міжнародного брендінгу в залежності від рівня їх розвитку з урахуванням значення брендінгу як інструменту маркетингу і як засобу зростання капіталізації компаній. Оцінені сучасні механізми просування брендів в стратегіях ІБС на Україні на базі оцінки переваг і недоліків програм глобального маркетингу при оцінці ефективності міжнародних брендів, вибору оптимальних методів розширення портфеля брендів; визначено сучасні стратегії і глобальна система планування міжнародного брендінгу з точки зору критерію стандартизації, специфіки товару, можливостей ІСБ і міжнародного конкурентного середовища і критерію взаємин брендів всередині портфеля.At the present stage of world economic relations, integrated business structures (IBS) are equal participants in international economic market. Acting as both a derivative and a conductor of globalization, they have become the structure-forming factors of world development, have an increasing impact on the functioning of the world economy, specific economic entities, and individual emerging markets. A full adaptation of foreign methods for evaluating and promoting brands will take into account the specifics of the Ukrainian economy, use branding as a source of corporate competitive advantages for Ukrainian business participants, and help improve the investment climate by strengthening national brands. Purpose of this article: to offer methodological tools for international branding of integrated business structures in Ukraine. Research methods: comparative analysis, ratings, graphical, tabular and specific methods of marketing research. A methodological approach is proposed, according to which it is necessary, on the one hand, to distinguish between international branding technologies depending on the level of the country's economic development, and on the other, to take into account the mutual influence of the country's image, global competitiveness of its economy and the main directions of the branding development strategy of national companies; countries' approaches of implementing the international branding strategy are evaluated depending on their level of development, taking into account the importance of branding as a marketing tool and as a means of increasing companies' capitalization. The modern mechanisms of brand promotion in IBS strategies in Ukraine are evaluated on the basis of assessing the advantages and disadvantages of global marketing programs in assessing the effectiveness of international brands, choosing the best methods for expanding the brand portfolio; modern strategies and a global planning system for international branding are defined in terms of standardization criteria, product specifics, IBS capabilities and the international competitive environment, and criteria for brand relationships within the portfolio

    Lox-dependent gene expression in transgenic plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

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    Lox sites of the Cre/lox recombination system from bacteriophage P1 were analyzed for their ability to affect on transgene expression when inserted upstream from a gene coding sequence adjacent to the right border (RB) of T-DNA. Wild and mutated types of lox sites were tested for their effect upon bar gene expression in plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated and biolistic transformation methods. Lox-mediated expression of bar gene, recognized by resistance of transgenic plants to PPT, occurred only in plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. RT-PCR analysis confirms that PPT-resistant phenotype of transgenic plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was caused by activation of bar gene. The plasmid with promoterless gus gene together with the lox site adjacent to the RB was constructed and transferred to Nicotiana tabacum as well. Transgenic plants exhibited GUS activity and expression of gus gene was detected in plant leaves. Expression of bar gene from the vectors containing lox site near RB allowed recovery of numerous PPT-resistant transformants of such important crops as Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, Lactuca sativa and Solanum tuberosum. Our results demonstrate that the lox site sequence adjacent to the RB can be used to control bar gene expression in transgenic plants.Проанализирована способность lox-сайтов Cre/lox системы рекомбинации бактериофага Р1 влиять на экспрессию трансгенов при расположении этой последовательности непосредственно возле правого бордера (RB) перед кодирующей последовательностью гена. Нативная и мутированная последовательность lox-сайта были размещены в векторах для трансформации возле гена bar и проведена генетическая трансформация растений с помощью агробактерии и биолистическим методом. Lox-опосредованная экспрессия гена bar, обусловливающая устойчивость растений к фосфинотрицину, наблюдалась только у растений, которые получены с помощью агробактериальной трансформации. Методом РТ-ПЦР анализа подтверждено, что в трансгенных растениях, устойчивых к фосфинотрицину, происходит транскрипция гена bar. Сконструирован вектор, в котором ген gus и предшествующий ему lox-сайт размещены вблизи правого бордера, и проведена трансформация табака этим вектором. Экспрессия гена gus задетектирована в листьях трансгенных растений. Векторы, у которых последовательность lox-сайта предшествует гену bar возле правого бордера (RB-lox-bar), успешно использованы для получения устойчивых к фосфинотрицину трансгенных растений таких видов, как Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, Lactuca sativa и Solanum tuberosum. Наши результаты подтверждают возможность использования последовательности lox-сайта возле правого бордера для контроля экспрессии гена bar в трансгенных растениях


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    The global positioning device for playing a race vehicle trajectory was presented. The concept of modeling a trajectory of a particular racing vehicle was given

    Crystallization Features of Ternary Reversible Reciprocal Systems

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    Some features of the primary crystallization of phases in ternary reversible reciprocal system are considered and discussed. The diagonal join CdTe–GeSe of the CdTe + GeSe CdSe + GeTe ternary reciprocal system is studied to show that the features in primary and secondary heating and cooling curves in such systems under fully equilibrium conditions are not reproduced upon consecutive heating and cooling sessions, because of the existence of different amounts of the reagents and the reaction products in the mixture; the temperatures of each transformation lie in a range. Those who experimentally investigate other ternary and more complex reversible reciprocal systems should take this fact into account

    Conflict – Crisis Hierarchy in English News Discourse: Cognitive Rhetorical Perspective

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    The paper argues that in English on-line news the meanings of the conflict and crisis terms serve as reference points for the construction of a confrontation hierarchy. It is based on the interaction of the relations of force, serving as primes for meaning formation, with three levels of discourse prominence meant to attract, focus and keep the addressee’s attention in headings, headlines and throughout the text respectively. It is found that news stories arrange the units of conflict – crisis hierarchy according to three patterns: zoom-in, offering a detailed textual representation of confrontation with support of the argumentation sections of evidence, explanation or commentary; zoom-out, generalizing on the forces, underlying confrontation construction; multiperspectivation, aimed at a multifaceted representation of conflict – crisis hierarchy

    The Formation of the System of Indicators for Estimation of Efficiency of Information Process of Industrial Enterprise Management

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    The article is aimed at researching the efficiency of the information process of industrial enterprise management. To ensure the brevity of information provision of the management process in industrial enterprises with the help of the expert method the basic qualitative characteristics of information were defined, which ensure its completeness and achieving the brevity of information array. The system of indicators for estimation of information process is analyzed and formed with the purpose of determination of possibility and expediency of its use in industrial enterprise management. The model of hierarchy of prioritization of indicators of estimation of information processes of enterprise management is offered. The authors define the most important criteria for estimating the efficiency of use of information processes in the management of industrial enterprise, i.e. authenticity, appropriateness, content-richness and completeness