642 research outputs found

    Projeto de arborização da praça da Torre do Castelo.

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    Em virtude da comemoração dos 240 anos da cidade de Campinas, a Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite e o Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Nepam/Unicamp) apresentam um projeto para rearborizar a Praça da Torre do Castelo, um dos principais cartões postais da cidade. A partir das informações históricas da vegetação de Campinas e de pesquisas com moradores e frequentadores do local, criou-se um projeto que insere espécies nativas regionais, com coerência de cores e de estilo e respeito a arquitetura do local e a segurança dos transeuntes.bitstream/item/103780/1/DC-105.pd

    A Framework for Verifiable and Auditable Collaborative Anomaly Detection

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    Collaborative and Federated Leaning are emerging approaches to manage cooperation between a group of agents for the solution of Machine Learning tasks, with the goal of improving each agent's performance without disclosing any data. In this paper we present a novel algorithmic architecture that tackle this problem in the particular case of Anomaly Detection (or classification of rare events), a setting where typical applications often comprise data with sensible information, but where the scarcity of anomalous examples encourages collaboration. We show how Random Forests can be used as a tool for the development of accurate classifiers with an effective insight-sharing mechanism that does not break the data integrity. Moreover, we explain how the new architecture can be readily integrated in a blockchain infrastructure to ensure the verifiable and auditable execution of the algorithm. Furthermore, we discuss how this work may set the basis for a more general approach for the design of collaborative ensemble-learning methods beyond the specific task and architecture discussed in this paper

    Event-based control of basic wastewater treatment plant control loops

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    [Abstract] This paper addresses the problem of basic control loops in wastewater treatment plants. By basic control loops we are referring to the traditional dissolved oxygen and nitrates. They are the basic controls more sophisticated control solutions can be based upon. Therefore it is important that these loops perform in an efficient way. The problem is addressed here within the framework provided by the Benchmark Simulation Model Number 1 (BSM1) and by the use of an event-based solution. It will be verified that the solution can slightly improve the performance of the already exiting controllers both at loop level as well as at plant operation level.[Resumen] Este documento aborda el problema de los bucles de control básicos en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Por bucles de control básicos nos referimos a los tradicionales disueltos de oxígeno y nitratos. Son los controles básicos en los que se pueden basar las soluciones de control más sofisticadas. Por lo tanto, es importante que estos bucles funcionen de manera eficiente. El problema se aborda aquí dentro del marco provisto por el Número de modelo de simulación de referencia (BSM1) y por el uso de una solución basada en eventos. Se verificará que la solución puede mejorar ligeramente el rendimiento de los controladores que ya existen, tanto a nivel de bucle como a nivel de operación de la planta

    Fontes de nitrogênio e técnicas de propagação de mudas atuam na produtividade de erva-mate.

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    Avaliou-se a influência de fontes de nitrogênio e técnicas de propagação na produtividade de erva-mate. Em plantio realizado em 2005 em São Mateus do Sul-PR (SMS), no espaçamento 1,2 x 3,0 m com mudas propagadas: por semente (procedência SMS) e por miniestaquia (procedências Bituruna, Cruz Machado e SMS). Em 2010, após a segunda colheita aplicou-se 130 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio na forma de nitrato de amônio, sulfato de amônio e ureia. Na colheita de 2012, com intervalo de 18 meses, quantificou-se a produtividade de erva-mate comercial, galho fino e galho grosso. A produtividade de todos os componentes avaliados foi influenciada pela interação entre fontes de N e procedências. Conclui-se que a preferência da erva-mate pela fonte de nitrogênio é dependente do local de origem da cultura; a miniestaquia é uma técnica eficiente na propagação de erva-mate, recomendada para melhorar a produtividade da cultura

    Where does a glacier end? Integrated geophysical, geomorphological and photogrammetric measurements to image geometry and ice facies distribution

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    In this study we integrated different techniques, spanning from Ground Penetrating Radar to geomorphological and photogrammetric data, to characterize the glacial and proglacial environments of the Sforzellina Glacier (Central Alps, Italy). Direct data highlighted the presence of debris-covered ice and even of dead ice patches in front of the actual glacier terminus. Such an information was further proved by geophysical data. We try to correlate the dead ice patches occurrence with several parameters such as debris cover thickness, ground tem- perature, solar radiation, elevation, velocity of glacier retreat, and dip of the topographic surface without finding relevant correlations, except for the local bedrock morphology. In fact, the latter factor seems to be crucial to make the favourable conditions to dead ice patches formation and preservation with time. Since ice is not always outcropping, while dead ice patches never outcrop because they are hidden by continuous debris cover, classical glaciological monitoring techniques are not always successfully applicable. On the basis of the obtained results, we argue that estimates of glacier extension just related to surficial in- formation, like in the case of exclusive use of remote sensing data and outcropping ice monitoring, can produce relevant underestimations. The presence of hidden ice patches, even not strictly part of the glacier body, is further important to quantify the total water equivalent, as well as to make affordable forecasts of the future glaciers evolution

    Investigations of polygonal patterned ground in continuous Antarctic permafrost by means of ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography: Some unexpected correlations

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    The results of a combined geophysical and geomorphological investigation of thermal-contraction-crack polygons near Gondwana station (Germany) in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) are reported. An area of about 20,000 m2 characterized by random orthogonal polygons was investigated using integrated ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity tomography, geomorphological surveys, and two trench excavations. The polygons are well developed only at elevations higher than 6–7 m above current sea level on Holocene-age raised beaches. It is concluded that the polygons are composite in nature because the shallow linear depressions that outline the polygons are underlain by fissures that can contain both sandy gravel and foliated ice (i.e., ice wedges) even in the same polygon network and at distances of just a few meters. Unexpectedly, most of the polygons follow the border of the raised beaches and develop in correspondence with stratigraphic layers dipping toward the sea, imaged by ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles and interpreted as prograding layers toward the present-day shoreline

    Validation of the GATE Monte Carlo simulation platform for modelling a CsI(Tl) scintillation camera dedicated to small animal imaging

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    Monte Carlo simulations are increasingly used in scintigraphic imaging to model imaging systems and to develop and assess tomographic reconstruction algorithms and correction methods for improved image quantitation. GATE (GEANT 4 Application for Tomographic Emission) is a new Monte Carlo simulation platform based on GEANT4 dedicated to nuclear imaging applications. This paper describes the GATE simulation of a prototype of scintillation camera dedicated to small animal imaging and consisting of a CsI(Tl) crystal array coupled to a position sensitive photomultiplier tube. The relevance of GATE to model the camera prototype was assessed by comparing simulated 99mTc point spread functions, energy spectra, sensitivities, scatter fractions and image of a capillary phantom with the corresponding experimental measurements. Results showed an excellent agreement between simulated and experimental data: experimental spatial resolutions were predicted with an error less than 100 mu m. The difference between experimental and simulated system sensitivities for different source-to-collimator distances was within 2%. Simulated and experimental scatter fractions in a [98-182 keV] energy window differed by less than 2% for sources located in water. Simulated and experimental energy spectra agreed very well between 40 and 180 keV. These results demonstrate the ability and flexibility of GATE for simulating original detector designs. The main weakness of GATE concerns the long computation time it requires: this issue is currently under investigation by the GEANT4 and the GATE collaboration

    Calagem melhora a disponibilidade de cálcio no solo e a produtividade de Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.

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    Avaliou-se a influência da calagem na disponibilidade de Ca2+ no solo, produtividade e teor foliar de Ca e Al em erva-mate. Instalaram-se experimentos em três locais, avaliando-se cinco doses superficiais de calcário dolomítico para atingir 50 % das seguintes saturações por bases: 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 %. Após 18 meses, avaliou-se: teor de Ca2+ no solo em três profundidades; teor foliar de Ca e Al e produtividade de erva-mate comercial (ECOM). A calagem, não alterou o teor foliar de Ca, mas, reduziu o de Al. A calagem, aumentou o teor de Ca 2+ no solo e, a produtividade de ECOM entre 21 e 27 %. Em solos com baixa disponibilidade natural de Ca 2+, a calagem deve disponibilizá-lo entre 4,0-4,5 cmol c dm-3 na profundidade de 0-5 cm, já em solos com alta disponibilidade de Ca 2+, a calagem deve disponibilizar o nutriente até 6,0 cmolc dm-3 para o cultivo da erva-mate