556 research outputs found

    Química a l'escala atòmica

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    Tables of phase functions, opacities, albedos, equilibrium temperatures, and radiative accelerations of dust grains in exoplanets

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    There has been growing observational evidence for the presence of condensates in the atmospheres and/or comet-like tails of extrasolar planets. As a result, systematic and homogeneous tables of dust properties are useful in order to facilitate further observational and theoretical studies. In this paper we present calculations and analysis of non-isotropic phase functions, asymmetry parameter (mean cosine of the scattering angle), absorption and scattering opacities, single scattering albedos, equilibrium temperatures, and radiative accelerations of dust grains relevant for extrasolar planets. Our assumptions include spherical grain shape, Deirmendjian particle size distribution, and Mie theory. We consider several species: corundum/alumina, perovskite, olivines with 0 and 50 per cent iron content, pyroxenes with 0, 20, and 60 per cent iron content, pure iron, carbon at two different temperatures, water ice, liquid water, and ammonia. The presented tables cover the wavelength range of 0.2–500 μm and modal particle radii from 0.01 to 100 μm. Equilibrium temperatures and radiative accelerations assume irradiation by a non-blackbody source of light with temperatures from 7000 to 700 K seen at solid angles from 2π to 10−6 sr. The tables are provided to the community together with a simple code which allows for an optional, finite, angular dimension of the source of light (star) in the phase function

    A Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Maps-based Decision Support System for radiotherapy treatment planning

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    a b s t r a c t Recently, Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Map (FGCM) has been proposed as a FCM extension. It is based on Grey System Theory, that it is focused on solving problems with high uncertainty, under discrete incomplete and small data sets. The FGCM nodes are variables, representing grey concepts. The relationships between nodes are represented by directed edges. An edge linking two nodes models the grey causal influence of the causal variable on the effect variable. Since FGCMs are hybrid methods mixing Grey Systems and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, each cause is measured by its grey intensity. An improved construction process of FGCMs is presented in this study, proposing an intensity value to assign the vibration of the grey causal influence, thus to handle the trust of the causal influence on the effect variable initially prescribed by experts' suggestions. The explored methodology is implemented in a well-known medical decision making problem pertaining to the problem of radiotherapy treatment planning selection, where the FCMs have previously proved their usefulness in decision support. Through the examined medical problem, the FGCMs demonstrate their functioning and dynamic capabilities to approximate better human decision making

    Chemical physics insight of PPy-based modified ion exchange membranes: a fundamental approach

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    Four commercially available, cost-effective ion exchange membranes (two cationic and two anionic exchange membranes, CEMs and AEMs, respectively) were modified to mitigate crossover phenomena of the redox active species typically observed in Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries (AORFB) systems. The modification strategy was carried out using a pyrrole(Py)-based polymer which successfully reduced the permeation of two redox active organic molecules, a viologen derivative (named BP7 throughout this study) and TEMPOL, by an order of magnitude. Additionally, modified membranes showed not significant changes in ion conductivity, with negligible effect on the electrical conductivity of the membranes at a given conditions. The morphology, physicochemical, mechanical, and electrochemical properties of the membranes were determined to evaluate the impact of these modifications. AEMs modified in this manner were found to have optimal properties, showing an increase in ion exchange capacity while maintaining excellent mechanical stability and unaltered permselectivity. Additionally, the diffusion boundary layer of these AEMs was slightly extended, which suggests a greater double layer stability for ion exchange processes than in the case of CEMs. Our work shows that these modified membranes could be an appealing approach for AORFB applicationsThis work has been funded by the European Union under the HIGREEW project, Affordable High-performance Green Redox Flow batteries (Grant agreement no. 875613). H2020: LC-BAT-4-2019875613

    The structure of mixed H2O-OH monolayer films on Ru(0001)

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) have been used to study the structures produced by water on Ru(0001) at temperatures above 140 K. It was found that while undissociated water layers are metastable below 140 K, heating above this temperature produces drastic transformations whereby a fraction of the water molecules partially dissociate and form mixed H{sub 2}O-OH structures. XPS and XAS revealed the presence of hydroxyl groups with their O-H bond essentially parallel to the surface. STM images show that the mixed H{sub 2}O-OH structures consist of long narrow stripes aligned with the three crystallographic directions perpendicular to the close-packed atomic rows of the Ru(0001) substrate. The internal structure of the stripes is a honeycomb network of H-bonded water and hydroxyl species. We found that the metastable low temperature molecular phase can also be converted to a mixed H{sub 2}O-OH phase through excitation by the tunneling electrons when their energy is 0.5 eV or higher above the Fermi level. Structural models based on the STM images were used for Density Functional Theory optimizations of the stripe geometry. The optimized geometry was then utilized to calculate STM images for comparison with the experiment

    Educació esportiva a l'escola japonesa. Valors i relacions socials a l'esport escolar al Japó

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    Aquest TFG tracte sobre el paper de l'esport escolar japonès en la transmissió de valors, des de la primària fins a la secundària superior. En primer lloc veiem el sistema educatiu japonès i definim quins són aquests valors. També en aquest primer apartat identifiquem les diferents etapes escolars per les que passen els estudiants. En segon lloc analitzem les diferents pràctiques esportives dins de l'escola japonesa. Estudiem el funcionament de l'assignatura d'educació física a la secundària, posant l'accent a les singularitats del sistema educatiu japonès. Finalment veurem un estudi de cas sobre el torneig nacional de beisbol, en el qual participen els millors equips de secundària de tot el Japó. Veurem en què consisteix aquest torneig i a partir d'un documental analitzarem les conseqüències que té aquest pràctica esportiva en la vida dels alumnes. La finalitat última d'aquest estudi de cas és analitzar un cas paradigmàtic sobre l'aplicació d'aquests valors promoguts per l'escola.Este TFG trata sobre el papel del deporte escolar japonés en la transmisión de valores, des de la primaria hasta la secundaria superior. En primer lugar vemos el sistema educativo japonés i definimos cuáles son estos valores. También en este primer apartado identificamos las diferentes etapas escolares por las que pasan los estudiantes. En segundo lugar analizamos las diferentes prácticas deportivas dentro de la escuela japonesa. Estudiamos el funcionamiento de la asignatura de educación física en la secundaria, fijándonos en las singularidades del sistema educativo japonés. Finalmente veremos un estudio de caso sobre el torneo nacional de beisbol, en el cual participan los mejores equipos de secundaria de todo Japón. Veremos en qué consiste este torneo y a partir de un documental analizaremos las consecuencias que puede tener esta práctica deportiva en la vida de los alumnos. La finalidad de este estudio de caso es analizar un caso paradigmático sobre la aplicación de estos valores promovidos por la escuela.This TFG is about the role of Japanese school sport in the transmission of values, from primary to upper school. First of all we study the Japanese educational system and we define what these values are. Also in this part we identify the different stages of Japanese school system. In the second place we analyze the different sports practices within the Japanese school. We study the functioning of the subject of physical education in high school, looking at the singularities of the Japanese educational system. Moreover we will see a case study about the national baseball tournament, in which the best high school teams from all over Japan participate. We will see what this tournament consists of and from a documentary we will analyze the consequences that this sport practice can have on the lives of students. The purpose of this case study is to analyze a paradigmatic case about the application of these values promoted by the school

    The molecular hallmarks of primary and secondary vitreoretinal lymphoma

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    Vitreoretinal lymphoma (VRL) is a rare subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) considered a variant of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). Diagnosis of VRL requires examination of vitreous fluid, but cytologic differentiation from uveitis remains difficult. Due to its rarity and difficulty in obtaining diagnostic material, little is known about the genetic profile of VRL. The aim of our study was to investigate the mutational profile of a large series of primary and secondary VRL. Targeted next generation sequencing using a custom panel containing the most frequent mutations in PCNSL was performed on 34 vitrectomy samples of 31 patients with VRL and negative controls with uveitis. In a subset of cases, genome-wide copy number alterations (CNA) were assessed using the Oncoscan platform. Mutations in MYD88 (74%), PIM1 (71%), CD79B (55%), IGLL5 (52%), TBL1XR1 (48%), ETV6 (45%) and 9p21/CDKN2A deletions (85%) were the most common alterations, with similar frequencies in primary (15), synchronous (3) or secondary (13) VRL. This mutational spectrum is similar to MYD88mut/CD79Bmut (MCD or cluster 5) DLBCL with activation of Toll-like and B-cell receptor pathways and CDKN2A loss, confirming their close relationship. Oncoscan analysis demonstrated a high number of CNAs (mean 18.6/case). Negative controls lacked mutations or CNAs. Using cell free DNA of vitreous fluid supernatant, mutations present in cellular DNA were reliably detected in all examined cases. Mutational analysis is a highly sensitive and specific tool for the diagnosis of VRL and can also be applied successfully to cell free DNA derived from the vitreous.Copyright © 2021 American Society of Hematology