2,369 research outputs found

    The continuous star formation history of a giant HII region in M101

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    We present results about the star formation process in the giant HII region NGC 5471 in the outskirts of M101. From resolved HST/WPFC2 photometry we find that star formation has been going for the last 70 Myr. We further compare previous results from integrated infrared-optical photometry with the stellar resolved CMD and we discuss the star formation properties of this region and its individual knots, as well as characterizing the different stellar content. This result has very important consequences in our understanding of the burst versus continuous star formation activity in spiral galaxies.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures. Proceeding of the conference From Stars to Galaxies: Building the pieces to build up the Universe (Venice, Italy

    ĀæQuĆ© es un recurso turĆ­stico? Un anĆ”lisis Delphi a la Academia Hispana

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    After more than fifty years of looking into people's movement due to leisure purposes, and therefore arguing the development of equipment, infrastructures, and facilities, implementing policies and tourism planning, evaluating programs and actions, the raw material of tourism, which justifies the existence of the previous elements, has not still reached an agreement among researchers. This investigation, which demonstrates the previous evidence after a wide bibliographical review, set up a Delphi among twenty-five Hispanic researchers whose works are directly related to this matter. The aim was to seek areas of common ground, regarding the concept of resource and its relationship to tourism, in order to articulate a proposal to identify the key elements of a tourism resource. Results (after two rounds, a questionnaire with thirty-four statements found in literature, and a Likert 1ā€“5 scale) have revealed a high level of agreement (towards consensus or dissent), in most assessed aspects of the three dimensions. These findings shed light on some points of discussion. Nevertheless, discrepancies about the third dimension (resource and adaptation to tourism purpose) have been observed. This is thus a first approximation of what tourism resource should be considered.Tras mĆ”s de cincuenta aƱos estudiando el desplazamiento de las personas con fines de ocio, argumentando por ello el desarrollo de equipamientos, infraestructuras e instalaciones, implementando polĆ­ticas y planificaciones turĆ­sticas, evaluando programas y actuaciones, todavĆ­a la materia prima de la actividad turĆ­stica, la que justifica la existencia de todos los elementos anteriores, sigue sin tener un espacio consensuado entre la academia. Esta investigaciĆ³n, tras una amplia revisiĆ³n bibliogrĆ”fica que evidencia esta situaciĆ³n descrita, implementa un Delphi entre veinticinco personas de la academia hispana cuyas investigaciones estĆ”n directamente asociadas al tema de estudio. El objeto no era otro que encontrar los puntos de confluencia en torno al concepto de recurso y su relaciĆ³n con el turismo para, posteriormente, articular una propuesta que identifique los elementos bĆ”sicos de todo recurso turĆ­stico. Los resultados obtenidos, tras dos rondas y un cuestionario de treinta y cuatro afirmaciones encontradas en la literatura valoradas con una escala Likert de 1 a 5, muestran un alto grado de acuerdo (hacia el consenso o el disenso), en la mayorĆ­a de aspectos evaluados en las tres dimensiones. Estos hallazgos aportan luz a algunos temas de debate. Sin embargo, tambiĆ©n se manifiestan ciertas discrepancias, sobre todo alrededor de la tercera dimensiĆ³n (la relaciĆ³n recursoā€“adaptaciĆ³n al uso turĆ­stico). Es, pues, una primera aproximaciĆ³n a la conceptualizaciĆ³n de recurso turĆ­stico

    A developmental and genetic classification for malformations of cortical development: update 2012.

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    Malformations of cerebral cortical development include a wide range of developmental disorders that are common causes of neurodevelopmental delay and epilepsy. In addition, study of these disorders contributes greatly to the understanding of normal brain development and its perturbations. The rapid recent evolution of molecular biology, genetics and imaging has resulted in an explosive increase in our knowledge of cerebral cortex development and in the number and types of malformations of cortical development that have been reported. These advances continue to modify our perception of these malformations. This review addresses recent changes in our perception of these disorders and proposes a modified classification based upon updates in our knowledge of cerebral cortical development

    Situasi Pasca Pengobatan Massal Filariasis Di Desa Buru Kaghu, Kecamatan Wewewa Selatan, Sumba Barat Daya

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    Filariasis limfatik adalah penyakit parasit dimana cacing filaria (Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi dan Brugia timori) menginfeksi jaringan limfe (getah Bening). Mikrofilaria rate di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya tahun 2011 sebesar 1,16%, mf rate di Desa Buru Kaghu sebesar 1,32%. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran situasi daerah endemis filariasis pasca pengobatan massal filariasis di Desa Buru Kaghu. Desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, jenis penelitian tanpa intervensi. Sampel penelitian yakni masyarakat dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 501 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 501 responden tidak ditemukan kasus positif mikrofilaria. Jumlah nyamuk tertangkap sebanyak 174 ekor dengan puncak kepadatan pada Pkl. 20.00-21.00 WITA sebanyak 31 ekor. Cx. vishnui memiliki jumlah terbanyak dibandingkan dengan spesies lain yaitu 52 ekor (29,9%), puncak kepadatannya pada Pkl. 22.00 - 23.00 WITA sebanyak 10 ekor. Pembedahan pada seluruh spesies secara individu tidak ditemukan larva filaria dalam tubuh nyamuk. Habitat perkembangbiakan yang banyak berupa sawah dengan rata-rata suhu 280C, pH rata-rata 7 dan salinitas rata-rata 0,2%o. Kepadatan tertinggi pada sawah padi umur 1 bulan sebesar 5,8 percidukan, pada umumnya terkena sinar matahari langsung, air yang keruh. Biota air yang ditemukan adalah padi dan lumut. Lima spesies hasil pencidukan yaitu An.barbirostris, An.vagus, An.annullaris, An. vishnui, dan Cx. pseudovishnui

    The group approach to AdS space propagators: A fast algorithm

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    In this letter we show how the method of [4] for the calculation of two-point functions in d+1-dimensional AdS space can be simplified. This results in an algorithm for the evaluation of the two-point functions as linear combinations of Legendre functions of the second kind. This algorithm can be easily implemented on a computer. For the sake of illustration, we displayed the results for the case of symmetric traceless tensor fields with rank up to l=4.Comment: 14 pages, comment adde

    Optimization and stability of cellā€“polymer hybrids obtained by ā€œclickingā€ synthetic polymers to metabolically labeled cell surface glycans

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    Re-engineering of mammalian cell surfaces with polymers enables the introduction of functionality including imaging agents, drug cargoes or antibodies for cell-based therapies, without resorting to genetic techniques. Glycan metabolic labeling has been reported as a tool for engineering cell surface glycans with synthetic polymers through the installation of biorthogonal handles, such as azides. Quantitative assessment of this approach and the robustness of the engineered coatings has yet to be explored. Here, we graft poly(hydroxyethyl acrylamide) onto azido-labeled cell surface glycans using strain-promoted azideā€“alkyne ā€œclickā€ cycloaddition and, using a combination of flow cytometry and confocal microscopy, evaluate the various parameters controlling the outcome of this ā€œgrafting toā€ process. In all cases, homogeneous cell coatings were formed with >95% of the treated cells being covalently modified, superior to nonspecific ā€œgrafting toā€ approaches. Controllable grafting densities could be achieved through modulation of polymer chain length and/or concentration, with longer polymers having lower densities. Cell surface bound polymers were retained for at least 72 h, persisting through several mitotic divisions during this period. Furthermore, we postulate that glycan/membrane recycling is slowed by the steric bulk of the polymers, demonstrating robustness and stability even during normal biological processes. This cytocompatible, versatile and simple approach shows potential for re-engineering of cell surfaces with new functionality for future use in cell tracking or cell-based therapies

    100th anniversary of macromolecular science viewpoint : re-engineering cellular interfaces with synthetic macromolecules using metabolic glycan labeling

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    Cell-surface functionality is largely programmed by genetically encoded information through modulation of protein expression levels, including glycosylation enzymes. Genetic tools enable control over protein-based functionality, but are not easily adapted to recruit non-native functionality such as synthetic polymers and nanomaterials to tune biological responses and attach therapeutic or imaging payloads. Similar to how polymerā€“protein conjugation evolved from nonspecific PEGylation to site-selective bioconjugates, the same evolution is now occurring for polymerā€“cell conjugation. This Viewpoint discusses the potential of using metabolic glycan labeling to install bio-orthogonal reactive cell-surface anchors for the recruitment of synthetic polymers and nanomaterials to cell surfaces, exploring the expanding therapeutic and diagnostic potential. Comparisons to conventional approaches that target endogenous membrane components, such as hydrophobic, protein coupling and electrostatic conjugation, as well as enzymatic and genetic tools, have been made to highlight the huge potential of this approach in the emerging cellular engineering field
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