501 research outputs found

    Castells i fortaleses medievals d'Osona. Presentació del monogràfic

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    Environmental costs of residuals: a characterization of efficient tax policies.

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    Durable goods leave residuals after being retired from use. If the environmental costs of the residuals are external to consumers and producers of the good, then overproduction and excess residuals will result. Ad valorem taxes are show to be ineffective in eliminating this externality. The efficient regulatory policy is shown to be based on a pigouvian tax.Externalities; Pollution control; Optimal taxation; Durable goods; Residuals;

    La imatge de la dona a la iconografia medieval

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    Mediaeval documents reflect the image of mediaeval woman in a special way, generally in relationship with men, as daughter of, wife of, widow of... There are few many women that act by herselves in a patriarcal society. This paper wants to give a look on the mediaeval woman through another way: the iconographical images. Miniatures, pictures, sculptures, altarpieces, engraving, inscriptions, drawings, show us how were mediaeval women, how they were dressed, how they worked and how they lived. We can see two kinds of woma’n image, the sacred one with virgins, martyrs and roman and gothic mother-of-god’s; and the profane image, that presents not only ladies and gentlewomen but marginal women as jews and witches. But, above all, there are workers, women that work as peasants, as craftswomen, and that make all kind of jobs beside men

    Underuse of indicated medications in elderly

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    Introduction: Treatment omissions are very important to value the quality of pharmacological therapy. In fact, suboptimal prescribing has been defined as overuse (polypharmacy), inappropriate prescribing (drug whose risks are greater than the benefits in older adults) and underuse of indicated medications. This omission of drug therapy may be linked to certain health outcomes in older patients, such as, for instance, the greater risk of cardiovascular events and mortality Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed. The study population comprised 407 community-dwelling residents over the age of 65 on Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain), where there are 15 primary healthcare centres. Data recorded included socio-demographic characteristics, clinical status, functional and cognitive assessment, and complete information about drugs intake. Potential prescribing omissions (PPO) were evaluated according to Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (START). Results: A total of 1844 medications were prescribed to the patients included in our study (median number per patient: 4.5 drugs; range: 0-14: polypharmacy prevalence: 45%). Omeprazole was the most frequently used drug followed by aspirin, furosemide and enalapril. START identified PPO in 170 (41.8%) subjects. Sixteen of the 22 START criteria (72.7%) were used to identify these PPO. The endocrine system accounted for over half the omissions (51.8%), followed by the cardiovascular system (26.7%), where the main omission was anticoagulants in the presence of chronic atrial fibrillation. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the risk of PPO increased by 60% for every additional point in the Charlson Comorbidity Index (OR 1.60, 95% CI 1.35-1.91). Increasing numbers of medications also independently predicted the odds of at least one PPO according to START criteria (OR 2.19, 95% CI 1.36-3.55). Conclusions: Our findings show high rates of polypharmacy and PPO, as well as a clear relationship between these two concepts.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Environmental costs of residuals: a characterization of efficient tax policies

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    Durable goods leave residuals after being retired from use. If the environmental costs of the residuals are external to consumers and producers of the good, then overproduction and excess residuals will result. Ad valorem taxes are show to be ineffective in eliminating this externality. The efficient regulatory policy is shown to be based on a pigouvian tax

    El passat que torna: conservació, documentació i difusió del fons procedent del Jaciment Arqueològic de l'Esquerda

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    [cat]Quan parlem de l'Esquerda ens referim a un projecte ampli que abasta diferents aspectes: d'una banda, el jaciment arqueològic, l'espai que ha generat tot el projecte; de l'altra, l'Àrea de Recerca Experimental Arqueològica (ÀREA), un espai on es fa arqueologia experimental, on s'estudien, s'interpreten, i es comproven les hipòstesis generades des de l'excavació, i, finalment, també estem parlant del museu, sobre el qual tractarà bàsicament aquest article. És indispensable però, fer una breu introducció sobre els altres dos aspectes per tal de capir la natura i l'abast del projecte. L'Esquerda és un projecte fonamentat en la recerca i la seva difusió, que fa una aposta per conservar i explicar el patrimoni des del propi territori, partint de les dificultats, però també de les possibilitats, que confereix el fet d'estar ubicat en un municipi de menys de 10.000 habitants.[spa] El proyecto de l'Esquerda es amplio y abarca diferentes aspectos: en primer lugar, el yacimiento arqueológico, el espacio que ha generado todo el proyecto; en segundo lugar, el Área de Investigación Experimental Arqueológica, una zona reservada a la arqueología experimental, donde se estudian, se interpretan y se comprueban las hipótesis planteadas en la excavación; y, en tercer lugar, también nos referimos al museo, sobre el que se centrará básicamente este artículo. Para hacerse una idea del proyecto, centrado en la investigación y su difusión, para comprender su complejidad y alcance, también describiremos los dos primeros aspectos. L'Esquerda apuesta por conservar y explicar el patrimonio desde el propio territorio, asumiendo las dificultades que esta condición conlleva, pero también las posibilidades que confiere el hecho de estar ubicado en un municipio de menos de 10.000 habitantes.[eng] When we speak of "L'Esquerda", we are referring to a broad project encompassing different aspects, such as the archaeological site itself, the Area of Experimental Archaeological Research dedicated to the study, analysis and verification of hypotheses raised during the excavation, and the museum. While the museum is the central theme of this article, it is necessary to briefly introduce the two other aspects in order to understand the nature of the project as well as its significance. The l'Esquerda project is based on research and the dissemination of its results, with a commitment to on-site conservation and promotion of the heritage. The fact that it is located in a town with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants has introduced both difficulties and opportunities

    Orfeo y Federico García Lorca. El mito y lo órfico en Sonetos del amor oscuro

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    El siguiente trabajo pretende mostrar la relación entre la poesía utilizada desde un punto de vista órfico y Sonetos del amor oscuro de Federico García Lorca. El estudio, basado en la última obra de Federico García Lorca, analiza la poesía en Sonetos del amor oscuro centrándose en dos características que el orfismo otorgaba a la poesía: la lírica como medio de purificación y como medio de penetración en el alma humana. Asimismo, se realiza un breve estudio sobre la obra Sonetos del amor oscuro y la relación entre el mito de Orfeo y el orfismo.El següent treball pretén mostrar la relació entre la poesia utilitzada des d'un punt de vista òrfic i Sonetos del amor oscuro de Federico García Lorca. L'estudi, basat en l'última obra de Federico García Lorca, analitza la poesia en Sonetos del amor oscuro centrant-se en dues característiques que l'orfisme atorgava a la poesia: la lírica com a mitjà purificador i com a mitjà de penetració en l'ànima humana. Així mateix, es realitza un breu estudi sobre l'obra Sonetos del amor oscuro i la relació entre el mite d'Orfeu i l'orfisme

    Carryover negligibility and relevance in bioequivalence studies

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    The carryover effect is a recurring issue in the pharmaceutical field. It may strongly influence the final outcome of an average bioequivalence study. Testing a null hypothesis of zero carryover is useless: not rejecting it does not guarantee the non-existence of carryover, and rejecting it is not informative of the true degree of carryover and its influence on the validity of the final outcome of the bioequivalence study. We propose a more consistent approach: even if some carryover is present, is it enough to seriously distort the study conclusions or is it negligible? This is the central aim of this paper, which focuses on average bioequivalence studies based on 2×2 crossover designs and on the main problem associated with carryover: type I error inflation. We propose an equivalence testing approach to these questions and suggest reasonable negligibility or relevance limits for carryover. Finally, we illustrate this approach on some real datasets