231 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the kinetic energy in the atmospheric boundary layer from minisodar measurements

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    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the atmospheric kinetic energy and its components caused by the ordered and turbulent motions of air masses are estimated from minisodar measurements of three velocity vector components and their variances within the lowest 5–200 m layer of the atmosphere, with a particular emphasis on the turbulent kinetic energy. The layered structure of the total atmospheric kinetic energy has been established. From the diurnal hourly dynamics of the altitude profiles of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) retrieved from minisodar data, four layers are established by the character of the altitude TKE dependence, namely, the near-ground layer, the surface layer, the layer with a linear TKE increase, and the transitive layer above. In the first layer, the most significant changes of the TKE were observed in the evening hours. In the second layer, no significant changes in the TKE values were observed. A linear increase in the TKE values with altitude was observed in the third layer. In the fourth layer, the TKE slightly increased with altitude and exhibited variations during the entire observation period. The altitudes of the upper boundaries of these layers depended on the time of day. The MKE values were much less than the corresponding TKE values, they did not exceed 50 m2/s2. From two to four MKE layers were distinguished based on the character of its altitude dependence. The two-layer structures were observed in the evening and at night (under conditions of the stable atmospheric boundary layer). In the morning and daytime, the four-layer MKE structures with intermediate layers of linear increase and subsequent decrease in the MKE values were observed. Our estimates demonstrated that the TKE contribution to the total atmospheric kinetic energy considerably (by a factor of 2.5–3) exceeded the corresponding MKE contribution


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    This paper describes the zonal subdivisions of the revised Foraminiferal Scale of Russia and their correlation to conodont zones and age-equivalent beds in Western Europe and North America. The foraminiferal zonal sequence is documented in key sections and wells that cover the entire Lower Carboniferous. Boundary reference sections are proposed for most Tournaisian and Serpukhovian zones. Major evolutionary trends within the foraminifers are used to define individual zones.&nbsp

    Семейные и социальные факторы приобщения подростков к употреблению алкоголя

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    BACKGROUND: Many authors discuss factors which influence involving adolescence into alcohol use. This study was aimed to assess contribution of factors related to alcohol use in the family, getting into situations of alcohol use as well as preventive work in teenage establishments. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Survey of 373 adolescents attending teenage clubs was conducted in Kazan, Russia, with questions related to alcohol use in the family and among peers, age and circumstances of first alcohol use. The outcome measure was whether respondents were current alcohol users. Associations were explored through logistic regression models. RESULTS: Alcohol use by teenagers did not differ by gender. Odds of using alcohol increased with age (OR=1.46 95%CI 1.19-1.80 per year). Risk of alcohol use was lower if no family members used alcohol (OR=0.3 95%CI 0.2-0.5) compared to those teenagers who have any family members who used alcohol. After adding to the model variables related to the first alcohol use, most significant was association with the response that no one has ever proposed to drink alcohol (OR=0.014 95%CI 0.005-0.041) compared to any situations of alcohol use, while the association with familial factors was attenuated. This shows that impact of familial factors could be mediated through the occasions of alcohol use. Teenagers whose parents do not use alcohol less likely get into situations where they are proposed to drink in a peer group (12% vs. 24%) or at a party (18% vs. 25%). Adolescents who expressed negative attitude to alcohol-related work in youth clubs more likely were alcohol users themselves (OR=21.1 95%CI 2.6-170.3), which is better applicable for diagnostics than for program evaluation. CONCLUSION: Absence of alcohol in the family predetermines alcohol use by adolescents. Teenagers whose parents do not use alcohol less likely get into situations where they are suggested to drink alcohol. KEY WORDS: alcohol, alcohol initiation, adolescents, family, parents, youth peer groups, youth clubsАКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Многочисленные работы обсуждают факторы, касающиеся приобщения подростков к употреблению алкоголя. Цель работы - оценить вклад факторов, связанных с потреблением алкоголя в семье, попадания в ситуации, где принято употреблять алкоголь, профилактической работы в подростковых учреждениях. МАТЕРИАЛ и МЕТОДЫ: Опрошено 373 человека, посещавших подростковые клубы города Казани, Россия. Анкета включала вопросы, касающиеся потребления алкоголя, правил, принятых в семье и в компаниях сверстников, возраста первой пробы и ситуаций, в которых она произошла. Результирующая переменная – употребляет ли респондент алкоголь. Построены логистические регрессионные модели, учитывающие перечисленные выше факторы. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Потребление алкоголя подростками не различалось в зависимости от пола. С возрастом вероятность того, что подросток потребляет алкоголь, увеличивалась (OR=1.46 95%CI 1.19-1.80 на год). Добавление в модель переменных, касающихся потребления алкоголя членами семьи, показало, что вероятность его потребления подростком ниже, если никто в семье его не потребляет, (OR=0.3 95%CI 0.2-0.5) чем в случае потребления алкоголя любыми членами семьи. После добавления в модель переменных, касающихся ситуации первого употребления алкоголя, наиболее статистически значимой оказалась связь с ответом, что никто и никогда прежде не предлагал алкоголь (OR=0.014 95%CI 0.005-0.041) по сравнению с любыми ситуациями предложения алкоголя, значимость же связи с употреблением алкоголя членами семьи при этом снизилась, что указывает на медиацию влияния потребления алкоголя в семье через ситуации потребления алкоголя. Подростки, чьи родители не употребляют алкоголь, с меньшей вероятностью оказываются в ситуациях, когда им могут предложить алкоголь в компании сверстников (12% против 24%) или на вечеринке (18% против 25%). Добавление в модель переменных, касающихся профилактической работы в клубах, не изменило результатов, однако если подростки негативно оценивали такую работу, то они с большей вероятностью были потребителями алкоголя (OR=21.1 95%CI 2.6-170.3), что скорее может служить диагностическим целям, чем оценке эффективности проведенных мероприятий. ВЫВОДЫ: Отсутствие алкоголя в семье является фактором, определяющим употребление алкоголя подростками. Подростки, чьи родители не употребляют алкоголь, с меньшей вероятностью попадают в ситуации, где им могут предложить алкоголь

    Experience in using Aterixen® in clinical practice. Results of the "SUPRA" observation program

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    Background. The new medical product Aterixen (XC221GI) has appeared on the pharmaceutical market in 2022. It was revealed, at preclinical stage, that the main anti-inflammatory drug's effect was assured by its effect on production of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-8 and chemokines IP-10 (CXCL10), MIG (CXCL9). The results of double-blind randomized placebo-controlled studies have shown high efficacy of the drug in the management of patients with new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) of different severity. Aim. To evaluate experience of Atherixen practical use among physicians and general practitioners. Materials and methods. The observational program included patients aged from 18 to 60 years with confirmed diagnosis of mild COVID-19. All patients have signed voluntary informed consent to participate in the study. The study consisted of 2 periods: screening period and drug administration period. All patients received Aterixen (100 mg tablets), 1 tablet 2 times per day for 14 days within the standard therapy outlined in the Temporary methodological recommendations on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19. Efficacy was assessed by mean disease duration and physician and patient treatment satisfaction via five-point Likert scale. Results. The average disease duration did not exceed 9.5 days. It indicates the ability of Aterixen to prevent the transition of the disease to moderate and severe forms. The degree of physician and patient treatment satisfaction via five-point Likert scale in the vast majority of cases corresponded to the highest grades. Moreover, no adverse events were reported during the study and all patients had high tolerability

    Multimedia technologies in vocational education

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    Modern higher professional education is aimed at the formation of a highly qualified competent specialist. In the conditions of the competence approach, there is an active introduction in the educational process of multimedia technologies. This is one of the most rapidly developing areas of information technology. Therefore, the training of students should be carried out with the use of various information and communication tools, ensuring the improvement of the quality of education. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of training students of pedagogical University using multimedia technologies. The analysis of the impact of these technologies on the motivation and training of students when studying discipline "technology of training teachers of the past" (media technologies have been embedded in the discipline content). For the study, we measured the motivation of students. We compared the indicators of motivation diagnostics in 2017 (before the introduction of multimedia technologies) and 2018 (after the introduction of technologies). We compared the motives of creative realization (MTR) and professional motives (PM). According to the control event on the discipline "Technologies of teaching teachers of the past", we found that the percentage of "excellent" in 2018 has increased significantly, the percentage of unsatisfactory ratings have decreased. The obtained data allowed detecting positive changes after the introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process. The motivation of students to study the discipline has increased, their preparedness has increased, and the quality of education has increased. The high efficiency of multimedia technologies was determined, so their implementation in the training of students of pedagogical University will continue

    Round table technology in university educational process

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    The process of building students' competence must meet modern requirements and include the use of innovative technologies. The development trends of modern society have led to the emergence of a competency-based approach in vocational education. In the process of building professional competence, it is necessary to use technologies that meet the requirements of the Federal state educational standards which contribute to the development of practical focus of training. Among such technologies we single out technologies for holding a round table. The technologies of the round table are not new, but due to combination with various innovative technologies, they become more relevant. The implementation of the round table in the training of vocational education teachers is a discussion process that speculates about a relevant topic requiring a comprehensive analysis. Modern conditions provide arrangements of round tables with their own specifics. The purpose of the article is to identify the effectiveness of holding round tables in students’ preparation in higher educational institutions. The article presents basic principles on which the technology of the round table is based, its ideas and essence, as well as the features of its holding. A study conducted at a pedagogical university during the training of vocational education teachers is presented. It showed the need for implementing round-table technologies in preparing students for future professional activities, as the ones allowing students to build effective discussions, negotiate based on arguments and facts. We have identified the effectiveness of the "round tables" in the training of students in higher educational institutions. The study made it possible to establish the level of students’ preparedness for conducting effective discussions for the implementation of future professional activities in secondary vocational educational institutions. The technology of the round table allows to increase the knowledge level of students. The results can be used in students’ training in various faculties

    Effect of irradiation with low-energy alpha particles on the structural-phase state of coatings of triple nitride systems based on titanium and vanadium on steel

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    The paper presents the results of studies of the effect of alpha-particle irradiation on the structural-phase composition of nitride coatings CrTiN, MoTiN and NbTiN on the surface of a steel substrate. The coatings were formed by vacuum-arc condensation in a gas medium with N2 using ion bombardment with the use of Ti, Cr, and Mo cathodes. In addition, coatings in a N2 gas medium on a steel substrate were produced by magnetron sputtering from Ti and Nb metals. Experimental data and the analysis of state diagrams of ternary systems of nitrides based on titanium and vanadium with transition metals of IVA-VIA groups have allowed deriving criteria for choosing materials for production of nitride coatings with a fairly high radiation stability

    Designing a Public Place on the Right Bank of the Iset River in Yekaterinburg

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    В статье описана архитектурно—ландшафтная реконструкции набережной Исети. Территория благоустройства находится в Центральном районе между улицами Куйбышева и Декабристов на правом берегу Городского пруда вдоль береговой линии Исети. Реализация проекта позволит создать в центре города комфортную среду и преобразовать ее в многофункциональное пространство.The article describes the architectural and landscape reconstruction of the Iseti embankment. The landscaping area is located in the Central area between Kuibyshev and Dekabristov Streets on the right bank of the City Pond along the Iset coastline. The implementation of the project will create a comfortable environment in the city center and transform it into a multifunctional space

    Resource-efficient low-loss four-channel active demultiplexer for single photons

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    We report a design and implementation of a resource-efficient spatial demultiplexer which produces 4 indistinguishable photons with efficiency of 39.7% per channel. Our scheme is based on a free-space storage/delay line which accumulates 4 photons and releases them by a controlled polarization rotation using a single Pockels cell.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Сахарный диабет у больных ревматоидным артритом в Республике Карелия

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    Objective: to estimate the incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the Republic of Karelia and to analyze the types of carbohydrate metabolism disorders.Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 889 patients aged 18 years and older with RA treated in the Rheumatology Department, V.A. Baranov Republican Hospital (Petrozavodsk), in 2000 to 2019. Among them, there were 709 (79.8%) women and 180 (20.2%) men; the median age was 59 [52; 66] years; the median duration of RA was 6.5 [1.75; 13] years. Most patients were found to have positive rheumatoid factor (68.3%), the second and more advanced radiological stages (90.6%), and moderate and high RA disease activity (84.8%). Methotrexate as a mainstay disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug was taken by 68.2%; biological agents and glucocorticoids (GCs) were used in 4.8 and 3.3%, respectively. The incidence of DM and its types and risk factors (RFs) were analyzed.Results and discussion. DM was recorded in 67 (7.5%) RA patients (55 women and 12 men; the median age was 62 [56; 66] years). Among these patients, 9 (1.0%) patients with RA were observed to have type 1 DM, 50 (5.6%) and 8 (0.9%) patients had steroid-induced DM (SIDM), and type 2 DM, respectively. In 55.5% of cases, type 1 DM was represented by latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), which is of late onset. SIDM was detected in 75% of patients over 60 years of age who had RFs for type 2 DM. In this study, the incidence of type 2 DM in RA patients exceeded official figures in the general population of the Russian Federation, but was close to the predicted prevalence rates of type 2 DM. Patients with RA and type 2 DM had major RFs, such as age over 45 years, hypertension, overweight or obesity; moreover, 60% of patients were found to have a combination of these factors.Conclusion. RA patients showed a higher incidence rate of carbohydrate disorders of different types; the number of cases of type 1 DM and type 2 DM among the examined patients with RA exceeded that in the regional DM registries in the general population in the Republic of Karelia. It seems advisable to screen for carbohydrate disorders in patients with RA, especially in the presence of RFs for type 2 DM and during systemic therapy with GCs.Цель исследования – оценка частоты сахарного диабета (СД) у больных ревматоидным артритом (РА) в Республике Карелия и анализ типов нарушений углеводного обмена.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 889 пациентов с РА в возрасте 18 лет и старше, которые находились на лечении в ревматологическом отделении ГБУЗ «Республиканская больница им. В.А. Баранова» Петрозаводска с 2000 по 2019 г. Среди них было 709 (79,8%) женщин и 180 (20,2%) мужчин, медиана возраста составила 59 [52; 66] лет, медиана длительности РА – 6,5 [1,75; 13] года. У большинства пациентов были выявлены положительный ревматоидный фактор (РФ; 68,3%), II и более рентгенологическая стадия (90,6%), умеренная и высокая активность РА (84,8%). Метотрексат в качестве основного базисного противовоспалительного препарата получали 68,2%, генно-инженерные биологические препараты – 4,8%, глюкокортикоиды (ГК) – 3,3% пациентов. Анализировали частоту СД и его типов, факторы риска (ФР).Результаты и обсуждение. СД зарегистрирован у 67 (7,5%) больных РА: у 55 женщин и у 12 мужчин, медиана возраста – 62 [56; 66] года. У 9 (1,0%) больных РА наблюдался СД 1-го типа, у 8 (0,9%) – стероид-индуцированный СД (СИСД) и у 50 (5,6%) – СД 2-го типа. В 55,5% случаев СД 1-го типа был представлен латентным аутоиммунным диабетом взрослых (LADA) с поздним дебютом. СИСД в 75% наблюдений был выявлен у пациентов старше 60 лет с ФР развития СД 2-го типа. Встречаемость СД 2-го типа у больных РА в настоящем исследовании превысила официальные показатели в общей популяции Российской Федерации, но оказалась близка к прогнозируемым цифрам распространенности СД 2-го типа. У пациентов с РА и СД 2-го типа имелись такие основные ФР, как возраст старше 45 лет, артериальная гипертензия, избыточная масса тела или ожирение, кроме того, у 60% пациентов выявлено сочетание этих факторов.Заключение. Выявлена большая частота углеводных нарушений различного типа у больных РА, количество случаев СД 1-го типа и СД 2-го типа среди обследованных пациентов с РА превысило показатели региональных регистров СД в общей популяции в Республике Карелия. Представляется целесообразным проведение скрининга углеводных нарушений у больных РА, особенно при наличии ФР СД 2-го типа и системной терапии ГК