331 research outputs found

    Real-Time Water Vapor Maps from a GPS Surface Network: Construction, Validation, and Applications

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    In this paper the construction of real-time integrated water vapor (IWV) maps from a surface network of global positioning system (GPS) receivers is presented. The IWV maps are constructed using a twodimensional variational technique with a persistence background that is 15 min old. The background error covariances are determined using a novel two-step method, which is based on the Hollingsworth¿Lonnberg method. The quality of these maps is assessed by comparison with radiosonde observations and IWV maps from a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. The analyzed GPS IWV maps have no bias against radiosonde observations and a small bias against NWP analysis and forecasts up to 9 h. The standard deviation with radiosonde observations is around 2 kg m-2, and the standard deviation with NWP increases with increasing forecast length (from 2 kg m-2 for the NWP analysis to 4 kg m-2 for a forecast length of 48 h). To illustrate the additional value of these real-time products for nowcasting, three thunderstorm cases are discussed. The constructed GPS IWV maps are combined with data from the weather radar, a lightning detection network, and surface wind observations. All cases show that the location of developing thunderstorms can be identified 2 h prior to initiation in the convergence of moist air

    Informationist Science Fiction Theory and Informationist Science Fiction

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    Informationist Science Fiction theory provides a way of analysing science fiction texts and narratives in order to demonstrate on an informational basis the uniqueness of science fiction proper as a mode of fiction writing. The theoretical framework presented can be applied to all types of written texts, including non-fictional texts. In "Informationist Science Fiction Theory and Informationist Science Fiction" the author applies the theoretical framework and its specific methods and principles to various contemporary science fiction works, including works by William Gibson, Neal Stephenson and Vernor Vinge. The theoretical framework introduces a new informational theoretic re-framing of existing science fiction literary theoretic posits such as Darko Suvin's novum, the mega-text as conceived of by Damien Broderick, and the work of Samuel R Delany in investigating the subjunctive mood in SF. An informational aesthetics of SF proper is established, and the influence of analytic philosophy - especially modal logic - is investigated. The materialist foundations of the metaphysical outlook of SF proper is investigated with a view to elucidating the importance of the relationship between scientific materialism and SF. SF is presented as The Fiction of Veridical, Counterfactual and Heterogeneous Information

    Low-temperature process steps for realization of non-volatile memory devices

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    In this work, the low-temperature process steps required for the realization of nano-crystal non-volatile memory cells are discussed. An amorphous silicon film, crystallized using a diode pumped solid state green laser irradiating at 532 nm, is proposed as an active layer. The deposition of the subsequent functional layers (e.g., gate oxide) can be done using CVD and ALD reactors in a cluster tool. We show that a high nanocrystal density (Si-NC), required for a good functionality of the memory device, can be obtained by using disilane (Si2H6) or trisilane (Si3H8, known as Silcore®) as precursors for LPCVD instead of silane, at a deposition temperature of 325 °C. The nanocrystals are encapsulated with an ALD-Al2O3 layer (deposited at 300 °C), which serves as oxidation barrier. The passivation of the realized structure is done with an ALD-TiN layer deposited at 425 °C. In this work, we realized Al/TiN/Al2O3/Si-NC/SiO2/Si(100) multilayer floating-gate structures, where the crystallized amorphous silicon film was for the time being replaced by a mono-crystalline silicon wafer, and the gate oxide was thermally grown instead of a low-temperature PECVD oxide. The structures were characterized in terms of their performance as memory cells. In addition, the feasibility to use laser crystallization for improving the amorphous silicon films (prior to the gate oxide deposition) was explored

    (Ill-Legal) Lust is a battle field: HIV risk, socio-sexuality and criminality

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    This paper examines the criminalisation of HIV infection. HIV transmission offences exist in all Australian states and territories, but the bulk of prosecutions have occurred in Victoria. This paper outlines criminal legal responses to the virus in that state with an overview of the legislation and case law. Victoria has several HIV specific and nonspecific offences which may be applied to situations of HIV infection risk. It is the HIV non-specific offences which have been successfully used to prosecute HIV infection risks. The case law outlines several instances where HIV positive bodies have been charged with offences for placing others at risk of HIV infection. These charges have been applied in several cases regardless of whether the complainants seroconvert. Those charged have been same-sex desiring men or African-born men who engaged in sex with Caucasian women. There are marked differences in the sentences which have been applied to these defendants, which are based on the sexuality of the defendant and complainant. This demonstrates the heterosexist and Eurocentric character of the performance of these laws. These offences do not operate in isolation to sociality, rather this area of law embodies many cultural panics about the Other. HIV transmission offences signal socio-legal panics about sexuality, race/ethnicity and disease, situating certain bodies at greater risk of crimino-legal punishment.This conference has been generously sponsored by the School of Social and Political Sciences and the Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, in collaboration with the School of Law, University of Western Sydne

    Infrared Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of Fullerenes

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    Gas-phase fullerenes are resonantly heated by a train of high power subpicosecond pulses from a free electron laser (FEL) to internal energies at which they efficiently undergo delayed ionization. When the laser is tuned from 6–20μm while the amount of laser produced parent ions is recorded, resonant absorption of 200–600 IR photons, resulting in almost fragmentation-free ion spectra, is observed. Infrared resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization with a FEL is shown to enable extremely sensitive IR spectroscopy with mass selective detection of gas-phase fullerenes

    Rotational and Vibrational Dynamics of Interstitial Molecular Hydrogen

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    The calculation of the hindered roton-phonon energy levels of a hydrogen molecule in a confining potential with different symmetries is systematized for the case when the rotational angular momentum JJ is a good quantum number. One goal of this program is to interpret the energy-resolved neutron time of flight spectrum previously obtained for H2_{2}C60_{60}. This spectrum gives direct information on the energy level spectrum of H2_2 molecules confined to the octahedral interstitial sites of solid C60_{60}. We treat this problem of coupled translational and orientational degrees of freedom a) by construction of an effective Hamiltonian to describe the splitting of the manifold of states characterized by a given value of JJ and having a fixed total number of phonon excitations, b) by numerical solutions of the coupled translation-rotation problem on a discrete mesh of points in position space, and c) by a group theoretical symmetry analysis. Results obtained from these three different approaches are mutually consistent. The results of our calculations explain several hitherto uninterpreted aspects of the experimental observations, but show that a truly satisfactory orientational potential for the interaction of an H2_2 molecule with a surrounding array of C atoms has not yet been developed.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev B (in press). Phys. Rev. B (in press
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