350 research outputs found

    Poly(butylene terephthalate-co-5-tert-butyl isophthalate) Copolyesters: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties

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    A series of poly(butylene terephthalate) copolyesters containing 5-tert-butyl isophthalate units up to 50%-mole, as well as the homopolyester entirely made of these units, were prepared by polycondensation from the melt. The microstructure of the copolymers was determined by NMR to be at random for the whole range of compositions. The effect exerted by the 5-tert-butyl isophthalate units on thermal, tensile and gas transport properties was evaluated. Both Tm and crystallinity as well as the mechanical moduli were found to decrease steadily with copolymerization whereas Tg increased and the polyesters became more brittle. Permeability and solubility sligthly increased also with the content in substituted units whereas the diffusion coefficient remained practically constant. For the homopolyester poly(5-tert-butyl isophthalate), all these properties were found to deviate significantly from the general trend displayed by copolyesters suggesting that a different chain mode of packing in the amorphous phase is likely adopted in this case

    ¿Qué comemos en la Escuela? Socialización y vida escolar en GuatemalaWhat do we eat at school? Socialization and the school life in Guatemala

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    El proyecto de investigación sobre el cual fue elaborado este artículo, se orientó a analizar cómo los procesos de socialización influyen en la vida escolar y situación nutricional de niñas y niños que asisten a tres escuelas públicas ubicadas en zonas distintas; ya que se identificó que estudios anteriores centraban su atención en la medición cuantitativa del fenómeno de la nutrición y la alimentación. Desde un enfoque sociológico se plantearon varias unidades de análisis como: la vida escolar de la que se determinó la influencia de la tienda escolar, la interacción social entre niñas y niños y el rol educativo de los maestros. Todas esas influencias recibidas modifican la situación nutricional de niñas y niños; para identificar estos cambios en el comportamiento se procedió a la construcción de una guía de observación, una guía de entrevista y de grupo focal. A partir de la aplicación de estas técnicas y del análisis de la información obtenida, se identificó que la educación alimentaria-nutricional en las escuelas visitadas es no planificada, poco frecuente, no incluye a los familiares y se limita a consejos ocasionales pues los escolares entrevistados respondieron que no se les impartían charlas o talleres sobre el tema; aunque en contraste algunos maestros afirmaron darlas, el proceso no es el adecuado por lo anteriormente descrito

    Resource heterogeneity leads to unjust effort distribution in climate change mitigation

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    Climate change mitigation is a shared global challenge that involves collective action of a set of individuals with different tendencies to cooperation. However, we lack an understanding of the effect of resource inequality when diverse actors interact together towards a common goal. Here, we report the results of a collective-risk dilemma experiment in which groups of individuals were initially given either equal or unequal endowments. We found that the effort distribution was highly inequitable, with participants with fewer resources contributing significantly more to the public goods than the richer −sometimes twice as much. An unsupervised learning algorithm classified the subjects according to their individual behavior, finding the poorest participants within two 'generous clusters' and the richest into a 'greedy cluster'. Our results suggest that policies would benefit from educating about fairness and reinforcing climate justice actions addressed to vulnerable people instead of focusing on understanding generic or global climate consequences

    Functional ectodomain of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein is expressed in transgenic tobacco cells as a candidate vaccine against Newcastle disease virus.

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    Recently, the use of plants for the production of recombinant proteins has been well demonstrated with promising outcomes. In this study, an efficient Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow 2 (BY-2) cells system expressing the ectodomain of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (eHN) protein from Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain AF2240 was established. Transgenic tobacco BY-2 cell cultures expressing the immunogenic eHN protein were generated and the translation efficiency of eHN protein was enhanced using the 5′-untranslated region of Nicotiana tabacum alcohol dehydrogenase gene (NtADH 5′-UTR) under the control of strong cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV 35S) promoter. Transgenic lines verified by real-time PCR showed high level of eHN mRNA transcripts and immunoblotting confirmed the presence of 66 kD eHN protein. The eHN protein was stably produced in an average of 0.2–0.4 % total soluble protein. Green fluorescent protein-tagged eHN protein was expressed and localized at the cytosol of BY-2 cell. All mice receiving purified eHN protein from transgenic tobacco BY-2 cells produced specific anti-NDV antibodies. We concluded that plant made eHN elicit immune response and can serve as candidate vaccine against NDV

    Biomarkers of tumor-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ TILs associate with improved prognosis in endometrial cancer

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    Background: Despite the growing interest in immunotherapeutic interventions for endometrial cancer (EC), the prevalence, phenotype, specificity and prognostic value of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in this tumor type remains unclear. Methods: To better understand the role of TILs in EC, we analyzed the phenotypic traits of CD8+ and CD4+ EC-resident T cells from 47 primary tumors by high-dimensional flow cytometry. In addition, CD8+ and CD4+ TIL subpopulations were isolated based on the differential expression of programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) (negative, dim and high) and CD39 (positive or negative) by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), expanded in vitro, and screened for autologous tumor recognition. We further investigated whether phenotypic markers preferentially expressed on CD8+ and CD4+ tumor-reactive TIL subsets were associated with the four distinct molecular subtypes of EC, tumor mutational burden and patient survival. Results: We found that CD8+TILs expressing high levels of PD-1 (PD-1hi) co-expressed CD39, TIM-3, HLA-DR and CXCL13, as compared with TILs lacking or displaying intermediate levels of PD-1 expression (PD-1- and PD-1dim, respectively). Autologous tumor reactivity of sorted and in vitro expanded CD8+ TILs demonstrated that the CD8+PD-1dimCD39+ and PD-1hiCD39+ T cell subsets both contained tumor-reactive TILs and that a higher level of PD-1 expression was associated with increased CD39 and a superior frequency of tumor reactivity. With respect to CD4+ T conventional (Tconv) TILs, co-expression of inhibitory and activation markers was more apparent on PD-1hi compared with PD-1- or PD-1dim T cells, and in fact, it was the CD4+PD-1hi subpopulation that accumulated the antitumor T cells irrespective of CD39 expression. Most importantly, detection of CD8+PD-1hiCD39+ and CD4+PD-1hi tumor-reactive T-cell subsets, but also markers specifically expressed by these subpopulations of TILs, that is, PD-1hi, CD39, CXCL13 and CD103 by CD8+ TILs and PD-1hi and CXCL13 by CD4+ Tconv TILs, correlated with prolonged survival of patients with EC. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that EC are frequently infiltrated by tumor-reactive TILs, and that expression of PD-1hi and CD39 or PD-1hi can be used to select and expand CD8+ and CD4+ tumor-reactive TILs, respectively. In addition, biomarkers preferentially expressed on tumor-reactive TILs, rather than the frequency of CD3+, CD8+ and CD4+ lymphocytes, hold prognostic value suggesting their protective role in antitumor immunity

    Submarine cartographic methodology for managing and conserving littoral areas: Mapping the benthic communities of the northern coast of the Straits of Gibraltar

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    The cartography of benthic communities is, today, essential to promoting adequate strategies for the use, management and conservation of littoral areas, especially if they are large protected zones. In each zone, cartography is necessary to elaborate a management zoning map, depending on the ecological value of the different benthic communities established and on the local geographical distribution. The methodology used in the elaboration of a map including the benthic communities of the Straits of Gibraltar (0-30 m depth; 40 km of littoral extension), in spite of the complexity of these kinds of objectives, represents an approach to the cartography of the submarine sessile biota of large littoral zones of protected areas. The present study combines physical data (bathymetry and type of substrate), collected using acoustic techniques, and biological data (benthic communities), collected during an intensive sampling programme using scuba (hard bottom: image analysis) and dredging (soft bottom: granulometry and benthic fauna). The information has been geoindexed to be inserted, as different layers, into a Geographic Information System (GIS).La cartografía de las comunidades bentónicas es esencial, actualmente, para promover actuaciones eficientes de uso, gestión y conservación de las zonas litorales, especialmente en el ámbito de grandes espacios litorales protegidos. En cada uno de éstos, la cartografía resulta determinante para la elaboración de un mapa de zonificación de usos, condicionado, en gran medida, por los distintos valores ecológicos que puedan asignarse a las diferentes comunidades bentónicas establecidas y a sus distribuciones geográficas locales. La metodología utilizada en la elaboración del mapa de las comunidades bentónicas del estrecho de Gibraltar (en el intervalo batimétrico 0-30 m y de 40 km de extensión litoral aproximada), dada la complejidad que reviste este tipo de objetivos, supone una aproximación a la cartografía de la biota sésil sumergida, en tramos litorales amplios contenidos en áreas protegidas. Se han combinado, mediante superposición de información, datos físicos de batimetría y tipos de fondo, obtenidos mediante técnicas acústicas y convenientemente cartografiados, con datos biológicos de las comunidades bentónicas, obtenidos en campaña intensiva de buceo científico (con la toma de imágenes en sustrato duro, para su ulterior análisis) y mediante dragado (con registros de granulometría y fauna endobentónica en sustrato blando). La información ha sido georreferenciada adecuadamente para su introducción, como capas independientes, en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG).Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Dynamical Patterns of Cattle Trade Movements

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    Despite their importance for the spread of zoonotic diseases, our understanding of the dynamical aspects characterizing the movements of farmed animal populations remains limited as these systems are traditionally studied as static objects and through simplified approximations. By leveraging on the network science approach, here we are able for the first time to fully analyze the longitudinal dataset of Italian cattle movements that reports the mobility of individual animals among farms on a daily basis. The complexity and inter-relations between topology, function and dynamical nature of the system are characterized at different spatial and time resolutions, in order to uncover patterns and vulnerabilities fundamental for the definition of targeted prevention and control measures for zoonotic diseases. Results show how the stationarity of statistical distributions coexists with a strong and non-trivial evolutionary dynamics at the node and link levels, on all timescales. Traditional static views of the displacement network hide important patterns of structural changes affecting nodes' centrality and farms' spreading potential, thus limiting the efficiency of interventions based on partial longitudinal information. By fully taking into account the longitudinal dimension, we propose a novel definition of dynamical motifs that is able to uncover the presence of a temporal arrow describing the evolution of the system and the causality patterns of its displacements, shedding light on mechanisms that may play a crucial role in the definition of preventive actions

    Dynamical Patterns of Cattle Trade Movements

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    Despite their importance for the spread of zoonotic diseases, our understanding of the dynamical aspects characterizing the movements of farmed animal populations remains limited as these systems are traditionally studied as static objects and through simplified approximations. By leveraging on the network science approach, here we are able for the first time to fully analyze the longitudinal dataset of Italian cattle movements that reports the mobility of individual animals among farms on a daily basis. The complexity and inter-relations between topology, function and dynamical nature of the system are characterized at different spatial and time resolutions, in order to uncover patterns and vulnerabilities fundamental for the definition of targeted prevention and control measures for zoonotic diseases. Results show how the stationarity of statistical distributions coexists with a strong and non-trivial evolutionary dynamics at the node and link levels, on all timescales. Traditional static views of the displacement network hide important patterns of structural changes affecting nodes' centrality and farms' spreading potential, thus limiting the efficiency of interventions based on partial longitudinal information. By fully taking into account the longitudinal dimension, we propose a novel definition of dynamical motifs that is able to uncover the presence of a temporal arrow describing the evolution of the system and the causality patterns of its displacements, shedding light on mechanisms that may play a crucial role in the definition of preventive actions

    In Vitro Cytotoxic Activity of Methanol Extracts of Selected Medicinal Plants Traditionally Used in Mexico against Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Medicinal plants are traditionally used in Mexico to treat diseases such as cancer. The present study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic, antioxidant, and anti-hemolytic activity of 15 plants of ethnopharmacological use in Mexico. For this, plant methanol extracts were prepared by the Soxhlet method, after which their cytotoxic activity was evaluated against human hepatocellular carcinoma (HEP-G2) and monkey kidney epithelial (Vero) cells by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction colorimetric assay. The selectivity index (SI) of each extract was then determined by the IC50 ratio of normal to tumor cells. We showed that Ruta chalepensis extract possessed an IC50 of 1.79 µg/mL and 522.08 µg/mL against HEP-G2 and Vero cells, respectively, resulting in an SI of 291.50. Furthermore, antioxidant activity was evaluated by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging technique, where the best antioxidant potential was shown by the Heterotheca inuloides extract (IC50 = 19.24 µg/mL). Furthermore, the hemolytic potential was determined against human erythrocytes, which showed that the extracts with the highest anti-hemolytic activity were Smilax aspera (IC50 = 4.41 µg/mL) and Amphipterygium adstringens (IC50 = 5.35 µg/mL). In conclusion, we observed that R. chalepensis methanol extract possesses cytotoxic activity against HEP-G2 cells, without affecting non-tumorigenic Vero cells. Our results indicated the antitumor potential of medicinal plants used in Mexico

    Longitudinal outcomes of obeticholic acid therapy in ursodiol-nonresponsive primary biliary cholangitis: Stratifying the impact of add-on fibrates in real-world practice

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    Background Suboptimal response to ursodeoxycholic acid occurs in 40% of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) patients, affecting survival. Achieving a deep response (normalisation of alkaline phosphatase [ALP] and bilirubin ≤0.6 upper limit of normal) improves survival. Yet, the long-term effectiveness of second-line treatments remains uncertain. Aims To evaluate the long-term effectiveness of obeticholic acid (OCA) ± fibrates. Focusing on biochemical response (ALP ≤1.67 times the upper limit of normal, with a decrease of at least 15% from baseline and normal bilirubin levels), normalisation of ALP, deep response and biochemical remission (deep response plus aminotransferase normalisation). Methods We conducted a longitudinal, observational, multicentre study involving ursodeoxyccholic acid non-responsive PBC patients (Paris-II criteria) from Spain and Portugal who received OCA ± fibrates. Results Of 255 patients, median follow-up was 35.1 months (IQR: 20.2–53). The biochemical response in the whole cohort was 47.2%, 61.4% and 68.6% at 12, 24 and 36 months. GLOBE-PBC and 5-year UK-PBC scores improved (p < 0.001). Triple therapy (ursodeoxycholic acid plus OCA plus fibrates) had significantly higher response rates than dual therapy (p = 0.001), including ALP normalisation, deep response and biochemical remission (p < 0.001). In multivariate analysis, triple therapy remained independently associated with biochemical response (p = 0.024), alkaline phosphatase normalisation, deep response and biochemical remission (p < 0.001). Adverse effects occurred in 41.2% of cases, leading to 18.8% discontinuing OCA. Out of 55 patients with cirrhosis, 12 developed decompensation. All with baseline portal hypertension. Conclusion Triple therapy was superior in achieving therapeutic goals in UDCA-nonresponsive PBC. Decompensation was linked to pre-existing portal hypertension