744 research outputs found

    On the topology of adiabatic passage

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    We examine the topology of eigenenergy surfaces characterizing the population transfer processes based on adiabatic passage. We show that this topology is the essential feature for the analysis of the population transfers and the prediction of its final result. We reinterpret diverse known processes, such as stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), frequency-chirped adiabatic passage and Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passage (SCRAP). Moreover, using this picture, we display new related possibilities of transfer. In particular, we show that we can selectively control the level which will be populated in STIRAP process in Lambda or V systems by the choice of the peak amplitudes or the pulse sequence

    Precision global health in the digital age.

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    Precision global health is an approach similar to precision medicine, which facilitates, through innovation and technology, better targeting of public health interventions on a global scale, for the purpose of maximising their effectiveness and relevance. Illustrative examples include: the use of remote sensing data to fight vector-borne diseases; large databases of genomic sequences of foodborne pathogens helping to identify origins of outbreaks; social networks and internet search engines for tracking communicable diseases; cell phone data in humanitarian actions; drones to deliver healthcare services in remote and secluded areas. Open science and data sharing platforms are proposed for fostering international research programmes under fair, ethical and respectful conditions. Innovative education, such as massive open online courses or serious games, can promote wider access to training in public health and improving health literacy. The world is moving towards learning healthcare systems. Professionals are equipped with data collection and decision support devices. They share information, which are complemented by external sources, and analysed in real time using machine learning techniques. They allow for the early detection of anomalies, and eventually guide appropriate public health interventions. This article shows how information-driven approaches, enabled by digital technologies, can help improving global health with greater equity

    Sources and transfers of particulate organic matter in a tropical reservoir (Petit Saut, French Guiana): a multi-tracers analysis using d<sup>13</sup>C, C/N ratio and pigments

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    International audienceCarbon cycling and organic matter transfers in the tropical Sinnamary river system (French Guiana), including a mid-stream reservoir (Petit Saut) and its estuary on the Atlantic coast, were studied during the dry season by analyzing the organic carbon isotopic ratios (d13C-OC), C/N ratios and pigments contents of suspended matter, sediments, sediments traps and epiphytic and epilithic biofilms. In the River upstream as well as in surface sediments at the entrance of the reservoir and at the littoral zone of the reservoir, particulate organic matter (POM) was in majority of terrestrial origin, with a d13C-C/N signature close to the one of soil and litter collected in the surrounding forest and with high OC/total pigments ratios. High concentrations of Pheopigments a and b in these surface sediments showed that this terrestrial POM, either carried by the river and eolian transport or present in the soil before flooding, undergoes intense degradation. Deeper in the sediment, the d13C profile showed a decreasing trend with depth typical of what is found in soils, showing that the flooded soil still remains present at the reservoir bottom 10 years after flooding. At the center of the reservoir, POM in the water column, in sediment traps and in surface sediments was in majority of aquatic origin with low C/N and OC/total pigments ratios. In the oxic epilimnion at 3 m depth, Chl a, Chl b and Lutein showed the predominance of Chlorophyceae to the phytoplankton community. At this depth, a C/N ratio of 21 suggests a large contribution of transparent exopolymeric particles to the bulk POM, which, in addition, was 13C-depleted due to a significant contribution of methanotrophic bacteria. At 7 m depth, below the oxicline, high concentrations of BChl d and occasionally BChl c revealed the presence of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, namely Chlorobiaceae. In the sediment traps, Chl a, Chl b, Lutein and BChl c and BChl d confirmed the contribution of plankton to the sedimentary POM. This material was undergoing intense degradation as revealed by high concentration of pheopigments and by an increase in C/N ratio and an increase in d13C-OC with trap depth. Scytonemin was found in a biofilm developed on tree trunks at the reservoir surface and in all sediment traps. Other tracers showed however that the contribution of the biofilm to the sedimentary POM was minor compared to the planktonic source. In the Sinnamary downstream of the dam, POM became more 13C-depleted showing a larger contribution of methanotrophic bacteria. Chl b, Lutein and BChl c + BChl d originating from the reservoir progressively decreased downstream as the result of mineralization. At the estuarine mouth, fucoxanthin showed the presence of diatoms and the d13C-C/N signature matched the one of POM carried by the Amazonian coastal mobile mud belt

    Conseqüències de la biodegradabilitat de la matèria orgànica en les propietats físiques i químiques dels substrats

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    L'ús de nous materials de naturalesa orgànica provinents de l'agricultura, de la indústria i d'unes altres activitats humanes en la preparació de substrats per al cultiu de plantes fora del sòl natural requereix el coneixement de llur bioestabilitat, ja que aquesta propietat determina la variació de les característiques físiques i químiques dels substrats en el decurs del temps. En una recerca conjunta duta a terme pels dos grups de recerca pertanyents als departaments de referència de l'INRA a França i de l'IRTA a Catalunya, s'ha estudiat la bioestabilitat de sis materials orgànics: torba d'esfagne, compost d'escorça de pi, compost de residus verds de jardineria, compost de residus de bosc, fibra de coco i compost de fems de vacum, i alhora de set barreges binàries formulades amb les matèries abans esmentades. Al mateix temps s'han estudiat els efectes de la bioestabilitat en la variació de les propietats físiques i químiques de tots els substrats.Considerant els índexs de bioestabilitat respectius, les matèries primeres s'han classificat en tres grups: han resultat materials molt estables la fibra de coco, el compost d'escorça de pi i el compost de residus de jardineria; s'ha provat que són materials estables la torba d'esfagne i el compost de residus forestals; i, finalment, el compost de fems de vacum presenta una bioestabilitat moderada. S'hi mostra que, considerant els materials estudiats, la variació relativa de certes propietats físiques, com ara l'aigua disponible i l'aigua difícilment disponible, i també la de certes propietats químiques, com la capacitat de bescanvi catiònic, es correlacionen linealment, amb significació estadística, amb l'índex de bioestabilitat dels substrats estudiats en les dues localitzacions experimentals. Considerant només les matèries primeres, la regressió lineal entre llur capacitat d'aireació i llur índex de bioestabilitat presenta un coeficient de correlació també estadísticament significatiu. Per contra, l'índex de bioestabilEl uso de nuevos materiales de naturaleza orgánica procedentes de la agricultura, de la industria y de otras actividades humanas en la preparación de sustratos para el cultivo de plantas fuera del suelo natural requiere el conocimiento de su bioestabilidad, ya que esta propiedad determina la variación de las características físicas y químicas de los sustratos en el transcurso del tiempo. En una investigación conjunta realizada por los dos grupos de investigación que pertenecen a los departamentos de referencia del INRA, en Francia, y del IRTA, en Catalunya, se ha estudiado la bioestabilidad de seis materiales orgánicos: turba de esfagno, compost de corteza de pino, compost de residuos verdes de jardinería, compost de residuos de bosque, fibra de coco y compost de estiércol de bovino. También se ha estudiado este parámetro sobre siete mezclas binarias formuladas con las primeras materias antes citadas. Igualmente, se han estudiado los efectos de la bioestabilidad en la variación de las propiedades físicas y químicas de todos los sustratos. Considerando los respectivos índices de bioestabilidad, las primeras materias se han clasificado en tres grupos: materiales muy estables han resulta-do ser la fibra de coco, el compost de corteza de pino y el compost de residuos de jardinería; materiales estables se ha probado que lo son la turba de esfagno y el compost de residuos forestales. Finalmente, el compost de estiércol de bovino presenta una bioestabilidad moderada. Se muestra que, considerando los materiales estudiados, la variación relativa de ciertas propiedades físicas, como por ejemplo el agua disponible y el agua difícilmente disponible, y también la de ciertas propiedades químicas, como la capacidad de intercambio catiónico, se correlacionan linealmente, con significación estadística, con el índice de bioestabilidad de los sustratos estudiados en las dos localizaciones experimentales. Considerando sólo las primeras materias, la regresión lineal entre su capacidad

    Self-stabilization in self-organized Multihop Wireless Networks

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    In large scale multihop wireless networks, flat architectures are not scalable. In order to overcome this major drawback, clusterization is introduced to support self-organization and to enable hierarchical routing. When dealing with multihop wireless networks the robustness is a main issue due to the dynamicity of such networks. Several algorithms have been designed for the clusterization process. As far as we know, very few studies check the robustness feature of their clusterization protocols. Moreover, when it is the case, the evaluation is driven by simulations and never by a theoretical approach. In this paper, we show that a clusterization algorithm, that seems to present good properties of robustness, is self-stabilizing. We propose several enhancements to reduce the stabilization time and to improve stability. The use of a Directed Acyclic Graph ensures that the self-stabilizing properties always hold regardless of the underlying topology. These extra criterion are tested by simulations

    Optimal Design of Multilayer Fog Collectors.

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    The growing concerns over desertification have spurred research into technologies aimed at acquiring water from nontraditional sources such as dew, fog, and water vapor. Some of the most promising developments have focused on improving designs to collect water from fog. However, the absence of a shared framework to predict, measure, and compare the water collection efficiencies of new prototypes is becoming a major obstacle to progress in the field. We address this problem by providing a general theory to design efficient fog collectors as well as a concrete experimental protocol to furnish our theory with all the necessary parameters to quantify the effective water collection efficiency. We show in particular that multilayer collectors are required for high fog collection efficiency and that all efficient designs are found within a narrow range of mesh porosity. We support our conclusions with measurements on simple multilayer harp collectors.EPSR

    Consumer credit in comparative perspective

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    We review the literature in sociology and related fields on the fast global growth of consumer credit and debt and the possible explanations for this expansion. We describe the ways people interact with the strongly segmented consumer credit system around the world—more specifically, the way they access credit and the way they are held accountable for their debt. We then report on research on two areas in which consumer credit is consequential: its effects on social relations and on physical and mental health. Throughout the article, we point out national variations and discuss explanations for these differences. We conclude with a brief discussion of the future tasks and challenges of comparative research on consumer credit.Accepted manuscrip