345 research outputs found


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    It is shown that the existence of a time operator in the Liouville space representation of both classical and quantum evolution provides a mechanism for effective entropy change of physical states. In particular, an initially effectively pure state can evolve under the usual unitary evolution to an effectively mixed state.Comment: 20 pages. For more information or comments contact E. Eisenberg at [email protected] (internet)

    Dislocation screening in crystals with spherical topology

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    Whereas disclination defects are energetically prohibitive in two-dimensional flat crystals, their existence is necessary in crystals with spherical topology, such as viral capsids, colloidosomes or fullerenes. Such a geometrical frustration gives rise to large elastic stresses, which render the crystal unstable when its size is significantly larger than the typical lattice spacing. Depending on the compliance of the crystal with respect to stretching and bending deformations, these stresses are alleviated by either a local increase of the intrinsic curvature in proximity of the disclinations or by the proliferation of excess dislocations, often organized in the form of one-dimensional chains known as "scars". The associated strain field of the scars is such to counterbalance the one resulting from the isolated disclinations. Here, we develop a continuum theory of dislocation screening in two-dimensional closed crystals with genus one. Upon modeling the flux of scars emanating from a given disclination as an independent scalar field, we demonstrate that the elastic energy of closed two-dimensional crystals with various degrees of asphericity can be expressed as a simple quadratic function of the screened topological charge of the disclinations, both at zero and finite temperature. This allows us to predict the optimal density of the excess dislocations as well as the minimal stretching energy attained by the crystal

    Outcomes of patient education in adult oncologic patients receiving oral anticancer agents: a systematic review protocol

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    Background: A large variety of oral anticancer agents have become available and while at first glance these therapies appear to provide only benefits, patients have expressed their need for educational interventions and raised safety issues. Although both patients and providers have recognized patient education’s importance, and an interplay with safety has been acknowledged, no systematic reviews of the literature that summarize all of the current evidence related to patient education’s outcomes for patients who receive oral anticancer agents have been performed to date. Accordingly, this systematic review will attempt to fill the gap in the literature as well as to map (1) contents, (2) methodologies, (3) settings, (4) timing/duration, and (5) healthcare professionals involved. Methods: This protocol is being reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A systematic review will be performed. Studies that targeted eligible adult patients (≥ 18 years old) in hospital, outpatient, and home settings, and reported patient education’s outcomes for those taking oral anticancer agents will be included. Searches will be conducted in PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, and Scopus, and gray literature will be also sought. Two researchers will screen the search results independently and blindly in two phases: (1) title/abstract screening and (2) full-text screening using the Rayyan AI platform. An electronic data extraction form will be implemented and piloted, and then, two trained data extractors will extract the data cooperatively. Thereafter, a quality appraisal will be conducted using the Critical Appraisal Tools from The Joanna Briggs Institute. The results will be analyzed, grouped, clustered into categories, and discussed until a consensus is reached. Emerging evidence will be synthesized narratively and reported in accordance with the synthesis without meta-analysis guidelines. Discussion: The systematic review’s results will be relevant to (1) policymakers and management at an institutional level, and (2) for clinical practice, in an evidence-based paradigm, potentially leading to a quality improvement with respect to safety and patient satisfaction. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD42022341797

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penempatan Jabatan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (Saw) Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : Smk PGRI Pekanbaru)

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    Dalam lingkungan Perusahaan atau organisasi, komputer merupakan alat bantu yang mutlak diperlukan sehingga penerapan sebuah sistem berbasis komputer menjadi kebutuhan pokok dan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif. Masalah yang terjadi dalam proses evaluasi (penilaian) kinerja guru diantaranya adalah terutama jika beberapa guru yang ada memiliki kemampuan yang tidak jauh berbeda. Proses evaluasi (penilaian) yang rumit terjadi sekarang umumnya adalah adanya guru yang menempati jabatan yang hanya melihat pada kriteria pertama saja, tetapi guru tersebut belum tentu unggul pada beberapa kriteria-kriteria yang lain. SMK PGRI pekanbaru merupakan salah satu sekolah swasta yang ada di pekanbaru. Dimana selama ini pada proses penempatan jabatan hanya dilihat dari hasil tes dan beberapa persyaratan dasar lainya. Sebagian besar guru mengalami kesulitan beradaptasi dengan tugas-tugas yang harus dilaksanakan karena tidak memiliki latar belakang pengetahuan yang sesuai dengan posisi yang yang ditempatinya. Jika dibiarkan terus-menerus, hal ini akan berdampak negatif pada kinerja yang diberikan dan menghambat kemajuan sekolah. Oleh karena itu, Pihak sekolah mencari solusi agar dapat meminimalisasi kesalahan yang diakibatkan oleh kinerja guru, yaitu dengan cara menempatkan guru pada posisi atau bidang yang sesuai dengan kemampuanya

    Computational Study Potency of Eugenol and Safrole Derivatives as Active Sunscreen Material

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    Computational studies have been carried out on eugenol and safrole derivatives as active sunscreen materials. The calculations were using Density Functional Theory (DFT) with the B3LYP functional and basis set 6-31G (d). The calculated eugenol derivative i.e. 3,4-dimethoxy isobutyl cinnamate; 3,4-dimethoxy isoamyl cinnamate; 3,4-dimethoxy isohexyl cinnamate; 3,4 dimethoxy isoheptyl cinnamate; 3,4-dimethoxy isoctyl cinnamate. The calculated safrole i.e. 3,4-methylenedioxy isobutyl cinnamate; 3,4-methylenedioxy isoamyl cinnamate; 3,4-methylenedioxy isohexyl cinnamate; 3,4-methylenedioxy isoheptyl cinnamate; and 3,4-methylenedioxy isooctyl cinnamate. The main parameter in determining the potential of sunscreen compounds is energy gap. The results of computational calculations show that the 3,4-methylenedioxy isohexyl cinnamate has the smallest energy gap (HOMO-LUMO) of 0.15021 eV. This shows that 3,4-methylenedioxy isohexyl cinnamate has a better potential as an active sunscreen material. In addition, the elongation of the alkyl chain does not significantly affect the HOMO-LUMO energy differenc

    Penggunaan Avogadro untuk Memperkenalkan Bentuk Molekul Sederhana pada SMP Negeri 27 Maluku Tengah

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    Kimia merupakan salah satu bagian dari pelajaran IPA di tingkat SMP yang mempelajari fenomena alam. Fenomena alam yang dibahas di tingkat SMP adalah Materi dan perubahannya. Di dalam materi dan perubahannya, ada bagian mengenai wujud zat. Untuk wujud zat hanya sebatas kasat mata, untuk bentuk molekul di dalam zat tersebut belum diperkenalkan. Perlu adanya pengenalan kepada para siswa SMP bagaimana bentuk molekul yang sebenarnya. Pengenalan bentuk molekul dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak seperti Avogadro. Avogadro dapat memberikan tampilan bentuk molekul sebenarnya dari suatu zat yang ada di lingkungan sekitar. Pelatihan penggunaan Avogadro dalam pengenalan bentuk molekul sederhana telah dilakukan pada SMP Negeri 27 Maluku tengah. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai bentuk molekul dari suatu zat yang ada di lingkungan sekitar, misalnya air, cuka, dan minyak. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan demonstrasi. Ceramah dilakukan oleh ketua tim dan dibantu oleh anggota tim. Ceramah dilakukan dengan pengantar pengenalan materi dan perubahannya diikuti dengan penjelasan tentang bentuk molekul dari zat yang ada dilingkungan sekitar. Demonstrasi dilakukan setelah ceramah dilakukan dengan menunjukkan cara mengunduh dan menginstal software avogadro serta cara menggambar molekul dengan software Avogadro. Hasil dari pelatihan ini diperoleh bahwa para peserta pelatihan (siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 27 Maluku Tengah) dapat mengerti tentang materi, atom, molekul dan bentuk molekul serta dapat menjalankan software Avogadro untuk menggambar bentuk molekul sederhana seperti air, cuka, dan minyak

    The various power decays of the survival probability at long times for free quantum particle

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    The long time behaviour of the survival probability of initial state and its dependence on the initial states are considered, for the one dimensional free quantum particle. We derive the asymptotic expansion of the time evolution operator at long times, in terms of the integral operators. This enables us to obtain the asymptotic formula for the survival probability of the initial state ψ(x)\psi (x), which is assumed to decrease sufficiently rapidly at large x|x|. We then show that the behaviour of the survival probability at long times is determined by that of the initial state ψ\psi at zero momentum k=0k=0. Indeed, it is proved that the survival probability can exhibit the various power-decays like t2m1t^{-2m-1} for an arbitrary non-negative integers mm as tt \to \infty , corresponding to the initial states with the condition ψ^(k)=O(km)\hat{\psi} (k) = O(k^m) as k0k\to 0.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Spontaneous emission and lifetime modification caused by an intense electromagnetic field

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    We study the temporal evolution of a three-level system (such as an atom or a molecule), initially prepared in an excited state, bathed in a laser field tuned at the transition frequency of the other level. The features of the spontaneous emission are investigated and the lifetime of the initial state is evaluated: a Fermi "golden rule" still applies, but the on-shell matrix elements depend on the intensity of the laser field. In general, the lifetime is a decreasing function of the laser intensity. The phenomenon we discuss can be viewed as an "inverse" quantum Zeno effect and can be analyzed in terms of dressed states.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Irreversible Quantum Mechanics in the Neutral K-System

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    The neutral Kaon system is used to test the quantum theory of resonance scattering and decay phenomena. The two dimensional Lee-Oehme-Yang theory with complex Hamiltonian is obtained by truncating the complex basis vector expansion of the exact theory in Rigged Hilbert space. This can be done for K_1 and K_2 as well as for K_S and K_L, depending upon whether one chooses the (self-adjoint, semi-bounded) Hamiltonian as commuting or non-commuting with CP. As an unexpected curiosity one can show that the exact theory (without truncation) predicts long-time 2 pion decays of the neutral Kaon system even if the Hamiltonian conserves CP.Comment: 36 pages, 1 PostScript figure include

    Unstable States in Quantum Many-Body Theory

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