259 research outputs found

    Economics of wind energy utilisation for water pumping and CO2 mitigation potential in Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    The wind characteristics of six locations in Niger Delta, Nigeria, and the economics of the application of wind energy for water pumping and possible avoidable CO2 emissions through wind utilisation were examined. The wind data were measured at 10 m height and analysed using the two-parameter Weibull model. Small size wind turbines were accessed with Goulds 45J03 water pump series. The average power density, average energy density and annual energy across locations ranged between 6.28<_ APD <_ 102.90 W/M2, 4.49 <_AED <_ 82.96 kWh/m2 and 422<_AE <_ 747 kWh/m2/year, respectively. Bergey Excel-10 kW turbine had the lowest cost of energy and water pumping cost of 0.022 <_ COE <_ 0.151 /kWhand0.074<WPC<0.403/kWh and 0.074 <_ WPC <_ 0.403 /m3, respectively. The annual capacity of water yield varies from 21,847 to 120,206 m3/year on a total dynamic head of 50 m. Furthermore, the annual diesel saved across the locations ranged from 1605 to 8696 l/year (17.47 to 94.67 GJ/year), while the annual averaged CO2 saved was between 4.32 and 22.93 tons/year

    Abattoir waste water attenuates kerosene toxicity on cowpea (Vigna unguiculuta) seedlings

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    Nigeria is a major producer of crude oil resulting in spillages that contaminate both cultivated and uncultivated farmlands. This exposes the immediate biota to the deleterious effect of petroleum hydrocarbons. The aim of the present investigation is to determine the ability of cowpea seedlings to handle exposure to kerosene in the presence of abattoir waste water. Poly bags were filled sieved soil and divided into six groups of five replicates. Groups 1 to 5 contained 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% (v/w) kerosene while group six served as control (0.0%) Corresponding concentrations were prepared and then treated with known amount of abattoir waste water. Cowpea seedlings were planted in each bag and the activity of suphite oxidase determined in the leaves twelve days after planting. The result indicates that kerosene treatment of soil caused a progressive decrease in sulphite oxidase activity as the concentration of kerosene in soil increases. The decrease in sulphite oxidase activity was significant (p&lt;0.05) at 0.5% - 2% kerosene treatment of soil. Moreover, treatment of soil with abattoir waste water caused a significant (P&lt;0.05) increase in the enzyme activity relative to the corresponding kerosene in soil treatment. However, at higher concentration of kerosene in soil, the activity of the enzyme was still significantly (P&lt;0.05) lower relative to the control. This is against the near restoration of the enzyme activity at low concentration of kerosene in soil. These observations indicate abattoir waste can remediate the toxic effect of kerosene at low levels of soil contamination.Keywords: abattoir, cowpea seedling, soil, sulphite oxidaseBiokemistri 27(3): 159–16

    Democracy and National Development: A Focus on Nigeria

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    Democracy is a government form based on the general consent, is seen to becoming common in global nations; and that if the tenet is followed it facilitates national development. This study used the content analysis method to examine democracy in Nigeria and national development. It was found that some pre-colonial administrations in Nigeria had embraced democratic tenets before the colonials master came; the difference, however, border on structural arrangements. It was found that the version of western democracy has not adapted the Nigeria environment making its practice difficult and also difficult to attain national development. It was also found that the phase Nigeria democracy passed, especially, during the military regimes has not provided opportunities for development. The ethnic diversity of Nigeria and inabilities of leadership to manage it was found to pose legislative influence on democracy and national development. It was found that Nigeria environment lacks the absorptive capacity to accommodate liberal democracy considering the death of institutions and the skewed electoral process. It was found that absence of effective democracy in Nigeria disarticulated the pre-colonial democratic structure, and the exclusivist approach to liberal democracy and the rule of the game, manifest in incessant agitations, militancy, insurgency, banditry, and general underdevelopment. It was also suggested that a change in leadership approach is necessary, more importantly, to allow a breath of democratic participation in policy-making for national development. It was also recommended that all forms of discriminations are addressed and that constitutionalism should be upheld

    The Major Challenges To Housing Development And Delivery In Anambra State Of Nigeria

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    This paper examines the major challenges militating against housing development and delivery in Anambra State of Nigeria with a view to stimulating relevant agencies of government and other stakeholders into designing appropriate strategies for effective housing delivery in the state. The study has identified a multiplicity of factors inhibiting effective housing development and delivery in Anambra State to include lack of secure access to land, high cost of construction, limited access to finance, bureaucratic procedures, high cost of land registration and titling, uncoordinated policies and implementation at Federal and State levels, ownership rights under the Land Use Act, lack of critical infrastructure, affordability gap, inefficient development control, youths harassment of developers, inelegant revocation and compensation process among others. In order to comprehensively address the challenges the study recommended the need for a holistic approach to housing development and delivery that will involve the Federal Government, the State Government and the private sector (both formal and informal). In view of the fact that the private sector has displayed greater flexibility and potential for housing production, we are of the opinion that in line with the provisions of 2012 National Housing Policy, government should provide the enabling environment for the private sector to provide safe, adequate and affordable housing for the citizens. Keywords: Access to land, Affordable Housing, Cost of Construction, Housing Delivery, Housing Development, National Housing Policy

    Possible protective role of palm oil and beef liver on the kidney and liver of wistar albino rats fed diesel-contaminated diet

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    We investigated the effects of eight weeks of a diesel-contaminated diet on liver and kidney of Wistar Albino rats, as well as the possible protective role of palm oil and beef liver. There was a significant increase in serum activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate  aminotransferase (AST) of rats fed with dieselcontaminated diet compared with the controls, indicating damage to the liver. Rats fed with diesel-  contaminated diets also exhibited a significant increase in serum urea and creatinine, indicating kidney damage. While there was a significant  reduction in the activities of serum ALT and AST, as well as serum urea and creatinine in rats fed palm oil-pretreated diesel-contaminated diet, rats fed with beef liver-pretreated diesel-contaminated diet showed no significant  decrease in serum ALT, AST, urea and creatinine as compared to those fed with diesel-contaminated diets. Histological examination of the kidney and liver revealed severe degenerative changes in the structural integrity of  both hepatic and renal cells of rats fed with diesel-contaminated diets as compared to those of the controls and palm oil-pretreated diets. However, pretreatment of the diesel-contaminated diet with palm oil conferred some protection on both renal and hepatic cells. These observations may  therefore suggest that palm oil may play a protective role against diesel-induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity.Keywords: Contaminated-diet, nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicit

    Effects of honey supplementation on hydrocarbon-induced kidney and liver damage in wistar albino rats

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    This study investigated the chemoprotective and ameliorative effects of natural honey on nephro-and hepatoxocity induced by gasoline and kerosene in wistar albino rats. Ingestion of gasoline and kerosene contaminated diets significantly (P&lt;0.05) increased serum levels of urea, creatinine, potassium ion (K+), total bihrubin, and the activities of serum hepatic marker enzymes, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine amino-transferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Conversely, serum levels of sodium ion (Na+), chloride ion (Cl-) and bicarbonate ion (HCO3) were significantly decreased. However, the concentration of these serum metabolites and the activities of the hepatic marker enzymes, AST, ALT and ALP, in rats exposed to gasoline and kerosene and fed simultaneously with natural honey supplemented diet were close to those obtained in control rats. Rats that were exposed to gasoline and kerosene and later given natural honey supplemented diets after four (4) weeks of gasoline and kerosene exposure did not also differ significantly (P&lt;0.05) in serum metabolite concentration and hepatic enzymes activities as compared to the control rats. These observations suggest that the consumption of natural honey supplemented diet has chemoprotective and ameliorative effects against gasoline and kerosene induced kidney and liver tissue damage.Keywords: Honey, contaminated diets, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicit

    Penerapan Environmental Cost Accounting pada Pg. Modjopanggoong di Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    Peningkatan produksi gula berarti meningkat juga limbah hasil dari produksi gula. Limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi gula tersebut berupa limbah padat, cair maupun gas. Ada beberapa pabrik gula kurang dapat mengelola limbah meraka dengan baik dan berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan. Kasus yang terjadi yaitu kebocoran tetes PG. Ngadirejo dan kelalaian PG. Gempol kerep dalam pengelolaan limbahnya, hingga berdampak pada kematian masal ikan. Pengelolaan akan limbah hasil dari produksi gula ini harus benar-benar diperhatikan, karena dampak dari pencemaran limbah ini sendiri akan sangat merugikan bagi pihak eksternal maupun bagi internal pabrik itu sendiri. Dengan penerapan Environmental Cost Accounting Perusahaan dapat mengukur dampak lingkungan secara fisik maupun secara finansial. Penerapan ECA dapat dilakukan dengan model biaya kualitas lingkungan. Dengan mengkategorikan aktifitas terkait dengan pengelolaan lingkungan ke dalam empat kategori biaya kualitas lingkungan yaitu biaya pencegahan (prevention cost), biaya deteksi (detection cost), biaya kegagalan internal (internal failure cost), biaya kegagalan eksternal (external failure cost). Setelah itu membuat laporan biaya lingkungan dan laporan keuangan lingkungan. Dari situ didapatkan informasi-informasi yang dapat digunakan manajemen untuk pengembilan keputusan terkait dengan biaya lingkungan dan pengelolan limbah. PG. Modjopanggoong dalam pengelolaan limbahnya sudah cukup baik, namun PG belum menerapkan Environmental Cost Accounting

    Assessment of Factors Responsible for Successful Project Implementation in Anambra State, Nigeria.

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    There is a high rate of project failure in Anambra State, Nigeria. This manifests not only as abandonment of projects, but also as cases of structural collapse, inability to deliver projects on time, cost overshoots and poor client satisfaction. Because every microenvironment is unique in some way, factors dictating project success could differ markedly from environment to environment. The aim of this research therefore was to appraise the factors critical for project success in Anambra State, Nigeria, with a view to helping stem the high incidence of project failure. Primary information used in the research were sourced from a survey of one hundred (100) project professionals, each possessing a minimum of 5 years of experience. Structured questionnaires based on the Likert-5-Point Scale of Responses were used to capture their opinions on the reasons for project success, while Secondary information were sourced from a review of literature.  Results were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools based on the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 16.0).  We have established and firmly ranked the first five factors responsible for project success in Anambra State, Nigeria. We concluded that the most important factor for project success is ability to handle unexpected crises above client commitment. It is recommended that the results of this research be disseminated and used in community enlightenment, and in further policy guidance and regulation. It is also recommended that the study be applied to the entire South Eastern states of Nigeria in order to generate better client satisfaction in subsequent projects. Keywords: Assessment, Factors, Successful Project, Implementation

    Pencapaian Visi Misi melalui Penerapan Action dan Result Control

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    Saat ini, bidang olahraga sedang mengalami perkembangan, hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan semakin banyaknya klub olahraga dan kompetisi-kompetisi olahraga yang diadakan, baik itu didalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Cabang olahraga di Indonesia yang cukup berkembang antara lain, bulutangkis, sepak bola, dan bola basket. Dengan adanya sistem manajemen olahraga yang profesional, maka dunia olahraga di Indonesia akan semakin berkembang. Klub olahraga sebagai wadah pengembangan atlit merupakan salah satu bagian dalam dunia olahraga yang mempunyai peranan penting bagi perkembangan olahraga. Oleh karena itu, sebagai salah satu fondasi dari perkembangan olahraga, manajemen olahraga professional merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting. Dalam suatu klub olahraga, sumber daya manusia yaitu pemain merupakan salah satu asset penting yang mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap kesuksesan pencapaian visi misi klub tersebut. Sehingga dalam sebuah klub diperlukan pengendalian-pengendalian untuk menjaga pemain untuk tetap sejalan dengan visi misi yang ingin dicapai oleh klub. Salah satu alat yang dapat digunakan adalah action dan result control, yang mana merupakan salah satu bentuk alat pengendalian dari sistem pengendalian manajemen. Oleh karenanya, dilakukan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan action dan result control membantu pencapaian visi misi klub ,dan disini klub basket putri profesional Surabaya Fever sebagai obyeknya

    End-use energy utilization efficiency of Nigerian residential sector

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    In this paper, the end-use efficiencies of the different energy carriers and the overall energy efficiency in the Nigerian residential sector (NRS) were estimated using energy and energy analysis. The energy and energy flows were considered from 2006 to 2011. The overall energy efficiency ranges from 19.15% in 2006 to 20.19% in 2011 with a mean of (19.96±0.23)% while the overall energy efficiency ranges from 4.34% in 2006 to 4.40% in 2011 with a mean of (4.31±0.059)%. The energy and energy efficiency margin was 15.58% with a marginal improvement of 0.07% and 0.02%, respectively when compared with previous results. The contribution of the energy carriers to the total energy and energy inputs were 1.45% and 1.43% for electricity, 1.95% and 3% for fossil fuel and 96.6% and 95.57% for bio-fuel. The result shows that approximately 65% of the residence use wood and biomass for domestic cooking and heating, and only a fraction of the residence have access to electricity. LPG was found to be the most efficient while kerosene, charcoal, wood and other biomass the least in this order. Electricity utilization energy efficiency is affected by vapor-compression air conditioning application apart from low potential energy applications. In addition, this paper has suggested alternatives in the end-use application and has demonstrated the relevance of energy analysis in enhancing sustainable energy policies and management and improved integration technique