2,964 research outputs found

    Penerapan metode latihan awalan sembilan langkah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan lompat jauh gaya jongkok atletik

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    Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan pada peserta didik kelas XI MIPA-3 semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2019-2020 yang kemampuan peserta didiknya untuk materi pembelajaran penjasolkes sangat rendah. Tujuan penulisan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa tinggi peningkatan kemampuan dan hasil belajar lompat jauh gaya jongkok dalam cabang atletik pada mata pelajaran PJOK setelah diterapkan penerapan metode latihan awalan sembilan langkah menggunakan teori-teori yang ada dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran biologi. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas XI MIPA-3, sedangkan objek penelitian adalah kemampuan dan hasil belajar lompat jauh gaya jongkok dalam cabang atletik pada mata pelajaran PJOK. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah tes kemampuan dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Metode analisis datanya adalah deskriptif baik untuk data kualitatif maupun untuk data kuantitatif. Kriteria keberhasilan ditetapkan sesuai nilai KKM yang ditetapkan yaitu 67. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode latihan awalan sembilan langkah dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil belajar yang diperoleh peserta didik pada awalnya mencapai nilai rata-rata 63, pada siklus I mencapai nilai rata-rata 69 dan pada siklus II mencapai nilai rata-rata 76. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode latihan awalan Sembilan langkah dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan hasil belajar lompat jauh gaya jongkok dalam cabang atletik pada peserta didik kelas XI MIPA-3 SMA Negeri I Abiansemal. This classroom action research was carried out on students of class XI MIPA-3 in the odd semester of the 2019-2020 academic year whose students' abilities for learning material for physical education and health education were very low. The purpose of writing this classroom action research is to find out how high the improvement in ability and learning outcomes of the squat style long jump in athletics in PJOK subjects is after the application of the nine-step prefix training method using existing theories in the implementation of biology learning. The research subjects were students of class XI MIPA-3, while the object of research was the ability and learning outcomes of the squat style long jump in athletics in PJOK subjects. The data collection method is a test of students' abilities and learning outcomes. The data analysis method is descriptive both for qualitative data and for quantitative data. The criteria for success are determined according to the KKM value that is set, namely 67. The results of this study indicate that the application of the nine-step prefix training method can improve students' abilities and learning outcomes. This is evident from the learning outcomes obtained by students initially reaching an average value of 63, in the first cycle it reached an average value of 69 and in the second cycle it reached an average value of 76. Nine steps can improve the ability and learning outcomes of long jump squat style in athletics for students in class XI MIPA-3 SMA Negeri I Abiansemal


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan disiplin dan prestasi belajar Matematika siswa kelas XI MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Jigsaw. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XI MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2021/2022 dengan mengikuti prosedur penelitian tindakan dari Hopkins. Tindakaan berupa penerapan model pembelajaran Jigsaw dilaksanakaan sebanyak dua siklus, di mana setiap siklus memuat tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi/evaluasi, dan refleksi. Sejumlah data untuk menjawab permasalahan dikumpulkan, diantaranya data disiplin siswa dalam belajar matematika dijaring dengan kuesioner disiplin belajar, dan data prestasi belajar matematika dijaring dengan prestasi belajar matematika. Data yang ada dianalisis secara deskriftip untuk memberikan gambaran hasil pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan ini. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Penerapan model pembelajaran Jigsaw dapat meningkatkan disiplin belajar matematika siswa kelas XI MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari adanya peningkatan rata-rata skor disiplin belajar siswa sebesar 9,21%, yakni dari rerata 120,03 kategori cukup pada siklus I menjadi 131,08 kategori tinggi pada siklus II. 2) Penerapan model pembelajaran Jigsaw dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas XI MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Hal ini diindikasikan dengan adanya peningkatan prestasi belajar matematika siswa secara rata-rata sebesar 14,92% yakni dari rata-rata 73,38 pada siklus I menjadi 84,32 di akhir siklus II. Ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal juga menunjukkan adanya kenaikkan sebesar 22,22% yakni dari ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 72,97% pada siklus I menjadi 89,19% pada siklus II. Sesuai hasil penelitian ini, disarankan agar guru dapat menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw, baik untuk mata pelajaran matematika maupun mata pelajaraan lainnya dengan tetap memperhatikan karakteristik siswa dan karakteristik materi yang akan menjadi objek penelitian.


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    ABSTRACT Prediction of heat transfer with heat and mass transfer analogy was done by considering the fact that direct heat transfer predictiion has difficulties with thermocouple installation system. This research was intended to develop h and h D formulations for various bodies shape and orientation. The results of this research will be compared with Nu-Re correlation for spheres . This research used naphthalene that was molded to cylindrical, cubical and baulk like forms. The specimens were put in a wind tunnel, and examined at various positions, sizes, and air velocities. The weight reductions of the specimens were used to calculate the coefficient of mass transfer. The coefficient of heat transfer was estimated from the mass transfer coefficient. The results of the measurement indicated a very close relation to the Nu-Re correlation for spheres. It proved that the realibility of the mass-heat transfer analogy method used in the research was good. Keyword : heat-mass transfer, naphthalene, sphere, and Nu-R

    Effect of methionine type and levels on performance of broiler chicken

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    The experiment was conducted at Hybrid Farms, Kaukau, Kaduna State on one hundred and ninety eight 7-day old broiler chicks to determine the effect of methionine type and levels on performance of broiler starter chickens. The DL-Methionine and L-Methionine were supplemented at 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25% levels of inclusion respectively. The birds were divided into six treatments and replicated three times with eleven birds per replicate in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement using a completely randomized design (CRD). Feed and water were given ad libitum. Data collected were analysed using GLM procedure of SAS. Differences between means were compared for significance (P˂0.05) using Duncan Multiple Range Test. Methionine type, inclusion levels and interaction had significant (P˂0.05) effects on the growth performance. Birds fed dietary L-Methionine type performed better than those fed on DL-methionine. Birds fed dietary methionine at 0.20% inclusion levels performed significantly (P˂0.05) better than those on 0.15 and similar with those on 0.25. It was concluded that type and levels of methionine had influence on the growth performance of broiler chicken.Keywords: DL-Methionine; L-Methionine; Broiler; Starter; Chicke

    Evaluation of some genotypes of maize (Zea mays L.) for tolerance to drought in Northern Ghana

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    Pot and field studies were conducted to screen twenty five genotypes of maize for tolerance to drought in Northern Ghana during the 2012 and 2013 cropping seasons.  For the pot studies, seeds were planted in June 2012 in 0.20 m × 0.30 m surface pots arranged in rows on a platform with a distance of 1 m between the rows. After emergence, 2 l of water was applied to the plants in each pot, once every week for the non-stressed treatments (control). To mimic drought conditions, the same amount of water was applied, but once every two weeks to the stress treatments. Treatments were replicated three times in a completely randomized design. For the field study, genotypes were evaluated on single-row plots of three replicates, in a randomized complete block design. Plants designated as control were planted at the normal and usual time of planting of maize in the study area (July 2013), whilst those subjected to water-stressed treatments were planted late (six weeks later) to ensure that their growth period coincides with the drought period.  Results on yield and agronomic parameters showed that three of the genotypes (GUMA03-OB, KOBN03-OB and SISF03-OB) were highly tolerant to drought, whilst eleven genotypes (NYAZ04-W, TAAN04, TAIS03, TZE-Y-DT-STR-C4, NYSW03-Y, NYIA03, DORKE SR, TZE-W-DT-STR-C4, NYFA04, KOBN04-R, and CHMA04) were moderately tolerant. The rest of the genotypes showed moderate to high levels of drought susceptibility. Drought plant rating and anthesis-silking interval (ASI) were significantly reduced when plants were watered throughout the experimental period (control) as compared to those stressed. However, grain yield, plant height, ear height, days to 50% anthesis, days to 50% silking, leaf area, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry shoot weight and root length were significantly higher (P < 0.05) for the non-stressed plants as compared to those subjected to water stress. In drought-prone geographical areas like Northern Ghana, genotypes such as GUMA03-OB, KOBN03-OB and SISF03-OB or their crosses can be used for increased grain yield


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    Cinnamon plants (Cinnamomum burmani Blume), including plants that have medicinal properties for diabetes mellitus because they contain flavonoid compounds. This study aimed to determine the total flavonoids content of the ethanol extract of cinnamon leaf ethanol extract using UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. The ethanol extract of Cinnamon leaf was obtained by maceration using ethanol as a solvent.The qualitative analysis used FeCl3by forming yellowish green complex. The determination of total flavonoids content is conducted basedon AlCl3method with total flavonoidse xpressed in QE (Quercetin equivalent) at the maximum wavelength of 435 nm. The result showed that the average content of flavonoid total is 19.544 mg QE/g extract

    Characteristics and Intensity of “Warnabali” Colors and Their Meanings

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    Balinese traditional interior and architecture used to utilize natural materials such as stone, sand stone, and brick for the foundation and walls of a building, and its frame and roof used to be made of wood, bamboo, coconut leaves and ijuk (palm fiber from the sugar palm). The development in technology and design has made them impossible to be used for the interior parts and architecture of the building, due to the dusts they produce and their inability to endure. The development of technology and building materials has also made people choose other building materials such as concrete and plaster covered with wall paint. Wall paint is good enough for finishing the interior parts of the building. In addition, it is also good enough for finishing the outer parts of the building as it is dustless and endures the weather and is easily maintained. To enrich the treasury of final finishing, the warnabali, which used to be referred to as cat Bali (Bali paint) has been used in paintings, painting statues and arca (another type of statue) and masks. In addition, it has also been used with the architecture using wood as the material such as door ornaments, pillars and other ornaments. The warnabali is basically made of mangsi, taum, kencu, deluge, atal and bone. It consists of seven basic colors such as black, blue, red, jingga (colors ranging from orange to bright red), brown, yellow and white. The concepts on which the warnabali is based on are Tri Kono and Nawa Sanggha prescribed in some palm-leaf manuscripts such as Kereb Buwana, Dewa Tatwa and so forth. Keyword: Revitalisation, character , meaning, intensity, warnabali, and nawa sanggh