8,131 research outputs found

    Geophysics and the great escape

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    In August 2011, the Centre for Battlefield Archaeology at the University of Glasgow undertook excavations at the prisoner of war camp of Stalag Luft III at Zagań, Poland. This was the site of the famous “Great Escape” in March 1944, when 76 officers escaped the camp through Harry, one of four tunnels dug by the prisoners during their incarceration. Of the escapers, 73 were recaptured and 50 of them were executed by the Gestapo, and the camp stands as a memorial to them. The tunnels are an important part of the memorial, testifying to the ingenuity and superhuman effort made by the prisoners in their attempt to escape and disrupt the German war machine

    On Gauss sums and the evaluation of Stechkin's constant

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    Evaporation of Schwarzschild Black Holes in Matrix Theory

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    Recently, in collaboration with Susskind, we proposed a model of Schwarzschild black holes in Matrix theory. A large Schwarzschild black hole is described by a metastable bound state of a large number of D0-branes which are held together by a background, whose structure has so far been understood only in 8 and 11 dimensions. The Hawking radiation proceeds by emission of small clusters of D0-branes. We estimate the Hawking rate in the Matrix theory model of Schwarzschild black holes and find agreement with the semiclassical rate up to an undetermined numerical coefficient of order 1.Comment: 9 pages, harvma

    Approximation techniques for parameter estimation and feedback control for distributed models of large flexible structures

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    Approximation ideas are discussed that can be used in parameter estimation and feedback control for Euler-Bernoulli models of elastic systems. Focusing on parameter estimation problems, ways by which one can obtain convergence results for cubic spline based schemes for hybrid models involving an elastic cantilevered beam with tip mass and base acceleration are outlined. Sample numerical findings are also presented

    Computational methods for the identification of spatially varying stiffness and damping in beams

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    A numerical approximation scheme for the estimation of functional parameters in Euler-Bernoulli models for the transverse vibration of flexible beams with tip bodies is developed. The method permits the identification of spatially varying flexural stiffness and Voigt-Kelvin viscoelastic damping coefficients which appear in the hybrid system of ordinary and partial differential equations and boundary conditions describing the dynamics of such structures. An inverse problem is formulated as a least squares fit to data subject to constraints in the form of a vector system of abstract first order evolution equations. Spline-based finite element approximations are used to finite dimensionalize the problem. Theoretical convergence results are given and numerical studies carried out on both conventional (serial) and vector computers are discussed

    New developments in the representation of Saharan dust sources in the aerosol–climate model ECHAM6-HAM2

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    In the aerosol–climate model ECHAM6-HAM2, dust source activation (DSA) observations from Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satellite are proposed to replace the original source area parameterization over the Sahara Desert. The new setup is tested in nudged simulations for the period 2007 to 2008. The evaluation is based on comparisons to dust emission events inferred from MSG dust index imagery, Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) sun photometer observations, and satellite retrievals of aerosol optical thickness (AOT).<br><br>The model results agree well with AERONET measurements especially in terms of seasonal variability, and a good spatial correlation was found between model results and MSG-SEVIRI (Spinning-Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager) dust AOT as well as Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) AOT. ECHAM6-HAM2 computes a more realistic geographical distribution and up to 20 % higher annual Saharan dust emissions, using the MSG-based source map. The representation of dust AOT is partly improved in the southern Sahara and Sahel. In addition, the spatial variability is increased towards a better agreement with observations depending on the season. Thus, using the MSG DSA map can help to circumvent the issue of uncertain soil input parameters.<br><br>An important issue remains the need to improve the model representation of moist convection and stable nighttime conditions. Compared to sub-daily DSA information from MSG-SEVIRI and results from a regional model, ECHAM6-HAM2 notably underestimates the important fraction of morning dust events by the breakdown of the nocturnal low-level jet, while a major contribution is from afternoon-to-evening emissions

    Multiple core hole formation by free-electron laser radiation in molecular nitrogen

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    We investigate the formation of multiple-core-hole states of molecular nitrogen interacting with a free-electron laser pulse. We obtain bound and continuum molecular orbitals in the single-center expansion scheme and use these orbitals to calculate photo-ionization and Auger decay rates. Using these rates, we compute the atomic ion yields generated in this interaction. We track the population of all states throughout this interaction and compute the proportion of the population which accesses different core-hole states. We also investigate the pulse parameters that favor the formation of these core-hole states for 525 eV and 1100 eV photons

    Clarifying the generic limits of Talbotiella and Hymenostegia (Detarieae, Caesalpinioideae, Leguminosae)

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    The formal description of four species of Cameroonian forest legume trees new to science has been hampered by uncertainty as to whether their correct generic placement is within Hymenostegia Harms or Talbotiella Baker f. As there has been doubt as to whether these two genera differ from one another, an investigation was undertaken so that the new species could be correctly assigned to genus. Using morphological, molecular and pollen data, our study supports the recognition of Hymenostegia and Talbotiella as distinct genera, consequently the new species are correctly placed in Talbotiella. In addition, our data reveal the extensive heterogeneous nature of Hymenostegia as currently circumscribed and the need to transfer H. breteleri to Talbotiella

    An approximation theory for the identification of nonlinear distributed parameter systems

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    An abstract approximation framework for the identification of nonlinear distributed parameter systems is developed. Inverse problems for nonlinear systems governed by strongly maximal monotone operators (satisfying a mild continuous dependence condition with respect to the unknown parameters to be identified) are treated. Convergence of Galerkin approximations and the corresponding solutions of finite dimensional approximating identification problems to a solution of the original finite dimensional identification problem is demonstrated using the theory of nonlinear evolution systems and a nonlinear analog of the Trotter-Kato approximation result for semigroups of bounded linear operators. The nonlinear theory developed here is shown to subsume an existing linear theory as a special case. It is also shown to be applicable to a broad class of nonlinear elliptic operators and the corresponding nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations to which they lead. An application of the theory to a quasilinear model for heat conduction or mass transfer is discussed
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