211 research outputs found

    Zero overshoot and fast transient response using a fuzzy logic controller

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    In some industrial process control systems it is desirable not to allow an overshoot beyond the setpoint or a threshold, this could be a safety constraint or the requirement of the system. This paper outlines our work in designing a fuzzy PID controller to achieve a step-response with zero overshoot while improving the output transient response. Our designed fuzzy PID controller is applied to stable, marginally stable and unstable systems and their step responses are compared with a tuned conventional PID controller. A comparative case study shows that the proposed fuzzy controller is highly effective and outperforms the PID controller in achieving a zero overshoot response and enhancing the output transient response

    Upaya Guru dalam Menumbuhkan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa di SD Negeri 22 Banda Aceh

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    Dalam konteks kemandirian belajar siswa, salah satu upaya guru adalah menumbuhkan kemandirian. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan upaya guru dalam menumbuhkan kemandirian belajar siswa di SD Negeri 22 Banda Aceh. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan upaya guru dalam menumbuhkan kemandirian belajar siswa di SD Negeri 22 Banda Aceh dan kemandirian belajar siswa di SD Negeri 22 Banda Aceh. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yaitu deskriptif.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Teknik observasi dilakukan kepada siswa untuk melihat kemandirian belajar siswa di kelas tinggi yang berjumlah 18 siswa yang dipilih secara random dan teknik wawancara dilakukan kepada 9 orang guru kelas yang mengajar di kelas tinggi. Selanjutnya seluruh data diolah dengan tahapan analisis data kualitatif yaitu reduksi data, model data (data display), penarikan/verifikasi kesimpulan dan persentase.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Pertama guru menggunakan multi metode dalam mengajar. Kedua guru menumbuhkan rasa senang dalam belajar yaitu sambil bermain, memberi pujian dan memberi hadiah. Ketiga guru memanfaatkan sumber belajar dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan, internet, dan alat peraga yang ada disekolah. Keempat guru memberi motivasi belajar dalam bentuk ceramah, cerita dan tanya jawab.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah guru di SD Negeri 22 Banda Aceh telah maksimal dalam menumbuhkan kemandirian belajar siswa yang dilakukan dalam memotivasi dan membuat perencanaan mata pelajaran. Disamping itu siswa di SD Negeri 22 Banda Aceh termasuk kategori baik dalam kemandirian belajar

    Design of a wireless intelligent fuzzy controller network

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    Since the first application of fuzzy logic in the field of control engineering, fuzzy logic control has been successfully employed in controlling a wide variety of applications, such as commercial appliances, industrial automation, robots, traffic control, cement kilns and automotive engineering. The human knowledge on controlling complex and non-linear processes can be incorporated into a controller in the form of linguistic expressions. Despite these achievements, however, there is still a lack of an empirical or analytical design study which adequately addresses a systematic auto-tuning method. Indeed, tuning is one of the most crucial parts in the overall design of fuzzy logic controllers and it has become an active research field. Various techniques have been utilised to develop algorithms to fine-tune the controller parameters from a trial and error method to very advanced optimisation techniques. The structure of fuzzy logic controllers is not straightforward as is the case in PID controllers. In addition, there is also a set of parameters that can be adjusted, and it is not always easy to find the relationship between the parameters and the controller performance measures. Moreover, in general, controllers have a wide range of setpoints; changing from one value to another requiring the controller parameters to be re-tuned in order to maintain a satisfactory performance over the entire range of setpoints. This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a new intelligent algorithm for fuzzy logic controllers in a wireless network structure. The algorithm enables the controllers to learn about their plants and systematically tune their gains. The algorithm also provides the capability of retaining the knowledge acquired during the tuning process. Furthermore, this knowledge is shared on the network through a wireless communication link with other controllers. Based on the relationships between controller gains and the closed-loop characteristics, an auto-tuning algorithm is developed. Simulation experiments using standard second order systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm with respect to auto-tuning, tracking setpoints and rejecting external disturbances. Furthermore, a zero overshoot response is produced with improvements in the transient and the steady state responses. The wireless network structure is implemented using LabVIEW by composing a network of several fuzzy controllers. The results demonstrate that the controllers are able to retain and share the knowledge

    Effectiveness Strategy Of Problem Focused Coping And Emotion Focused Coping In Improving Stress Management Student Of SMA Negeri 1 Barru

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    . The study aims to determine the effectiveness of the strategy Problem Focused Coping and Emotion Focused Coping in improving stress management SMA Negeri 1 Barru. This research is a quantitative model of pre-experimental pre-test post-test group design .. one sample was 22 people, with purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that the highest percentage obtained after administration of PFCs by 42% which is the highest category, namely the interval 104-114 and strategies EFC scored the highest percentage obtained by 38% which is the highest category, namely the interval 118-125. Hypothesis test results are known to test value t = 0.004 and tt = 2.013 it is seen that the value to <tt value at a significance level of 5%. This means that an increase in stress management through the EFC. The conclusion that the strategy Problem Focused Coping and Emotion Focused Coping effective in improving stress management students at SMA Negeri 1 Barru


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    bidang termasuk juga di bidang perbankan, dimana banyak bank kini bersaing untuk memberikan layanannya melalui web perbankan yang mereka miliki. Seiring dengan meningkatnya tingkat penggunaan internet di Indonesia, maka keberadaan web perbankan menjadi semakin penting serta bernilai kompetitif. Hal tersebut tentunya menjadikan tiap bank yang ingin menang dalam kompetisi dituntut untuk menyajikan web yang berkualitas. Penulisan ini berusaha untuk memberikan penilaian terkait kualitas web pada beberapa bank di Indonesia dengan menggunakan beberapa parameter pengukuran kualitas web. Adapun dalam penelitian ini kriteria penilaian digolongkan dalam empat hal pokok yakni aksesbilitas (accessibility), kecepatan (speed), Navigability serta isi (Site Content). Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran mengenai sejauh mana kualitas web perbankan di Indonesia berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang telah disebutkan di atas. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai metode penilaian kualitas web, walaupun masih perlu diakui bahwa masing-masing kriteria yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini masih memerlukan justifikasi teoritis sehingga dapat lebih diterima keabsahannya

    Keunggulan Sistem Keuangan Berbasis Bagi Hasil Dan Implikasinya Pada Distribusi Pendapatan

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    In this paper we attempted to answer a fundamental question whether banking systembased on a profi t-loss sharing (PLS) could improve welfare than an interest based banking system bydeveloping a rigorous theoretical modeling. In the framework of production technology we fi rstlyshowed that under production certainty and competitive market both PLS and interest based systemswere effi cient and right. However, under an uncertain situation due to a productivity shock,we proved that only the PLS system was right. We verifi ed our result by quantifying the effects onincome distribution for both lender and borrower. Two indicators, namely the standard error of distributionand Gini ratio were considered. We showed that the conventional credit market led to aserious income distribution problem where lenders did not enjoy the variability in income and didnot bear any risk, but in contrast, borrowers bore all the risk. On the other side, PLS system sharedthe risk between lenders and borrowers. In the end of the analysis, we proposed an instrument thatwould improve the performance of a PLS system from lenders perspective by introducing a so-calledrisk pooling mechanism

    Fleksibilitas Nilai Tukar dan Penyesuaian Transaksi Berjalan di Indonesia: Analisis Threshold Var

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    Estimation study about the relationship between exchange rate flexibility and current account adjustment has been through three stages, the first stage was analysis of correlation among exchange rates variability (proxied by REER and NEER) and exchange rate regimes classification. The second step was estimating the relationship that the former was mentioned with VAR as benchmark model. The third step was applying the nonlinear estimation with Threshold VAR. The results of analysis showed that exchange rate regime classification may not capture actual exchange rate variability and flexibility exchange rate can accelerate current account adjustment in Indonesia if the changes of Indonesia exchange rate less than 27.7059 (low regime) whereas in high regime exchange rate is persistent increasing so that the system between exchange rate and current account become unstable. Bank Indonesia as monetary authorities must keep the changes of exchange rate less than 27.7059, due to exchange rate can affect current account adjustment, so can anticipate if there is current account deficit in Indonesia economy

    The Values of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's Critical Education: Fundamental Concept of Accounting Education Objective

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    This article analyzesthe currentofaccounting educationreality and founds a relevance values that ​​brought by modern accounting with Ki Hadjar Dewantara's thinking. Additionally, this article explores the values ​​of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's critical education as aformulation for basic concept of accounting education objective. Islamic spiritual value, moral value​​and freedomvalue which become the findings in this article are still a conceptual framework that requires ongoing study to obtain indicators of each value in order to formulate the concept ofaccounting education objectivesin accordance with character and identity of Indonesian people

    Assertive Training untuk Mengurangi Kecenderungan Pergaulan Bebas

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penggunaan assertive training, pergaulan bebas siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan assertive training, dan pengaruh assertive training untuk mengurangi pergaulan bebas siswa. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis eksperiment. Desain penelitian menggunakan pretest –posttest control group design. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 75 siswa dengan mengambil sampel 28 orang siswa. Teknik penarikan sampel adalah simple random sampling. Instrument yang digunakan adalah bahan perlakuan berupa scenario assertive training dan angket pergaulan bebas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan teknik&nbsp;&nbsp; assertive&nbsp; training yang dilaksanakan selama&nbsp; delapan kali pertemuan menunjukkan kecenderungan pergaulan bebas pada siswa cenderung menurun dan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara siswa yang diberikan Assertive Training dengan siswa yang diberikan layanan BK oleh konselor sekolah lainnya untuk mencegah kecenderungan pergaulan bebas. Kesimpulan setelah pelaksanaan teknik assertive training, yaitu kecenderungan pergaulan bebas pada siswa yang diberikan pelatihan assertive cenderung menurun dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diberikan layanan BK oleh konselor sekolah lainnya, artinya semakin diberi Assertive Training&nbsp; maka kecenderungan pergaulan bebas juga menurun. Dari hasil penelitian maka, disarankan pada&nbsp; konselor sekolah dapat menggunakan latihan asertif dalam menangani masalah-masalah yang dialami oleh siswa secara terprogram&nbsp; dan bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait
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