74 research outputs found

    Effect of audiovisual stimulation on the psychophysiological functions in track-and-field athletes

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    In 18- to 23-year-old athletes specialized in field-and-track athletics, the psychophysiological status (cognitive, psychoemotional, and neurodynamic indicators) and the spectral power of the main EEG rhythms, and the heart rate variability prior to and after the course of audiovisual stimulation (AVS) training (the experimental group) were studied as compared with athletes not receiving AVS (the control group). It has been shown that the AVS training sessions in the experimental group caused improvements to the psychoemotional (the levels of anxiety and neuroticism decreased, while the motivation to achieve success and the hardiness level increased), cognitive, and neurodynamic indicators (the volume of mechanical memory and the speeds of attention switching and simple visual-motor responses increased, while the variation of anticipatory and delayed responses to a moving object became reduced). Increases have also been recorded in the high-frequency EEG α2-subrange rhythm power and the parasympathetic nervous system activity, while the autonomic regulation contour activity was enhanced, and more efficient heart activity at rest was formed after the AVS training course in the experimental group compared to the control. This leads to the conclusion about a positive effect of the AVS training course received by athletes engaged in track-and-field athletics on their psychophysiological parameters and autonomic regulation mechanisms

    The structure of nutrition of Russian students as a risk factor for the development of nutritional diseases

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    The paper analyzes the literature data on the peculiarities of nutrition of students studying in higher educational institutions of various regions of Russia, and the risks of developing food-related diseases. They are largely associated with the adaptation of students to study at a university, the lack of self-organization skills and a lack of  knowledge in matters of rational nutrition. The actual nutrition of  students, on the one hand, is characterized by a lack of macronutrients and micronutrients intake, on the other hand, by excessive consumption of substances that contribute to the development of obesity. The results of numerous studies show a general pattern of unbalanced nutrition of students in terms of the ratio of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, insufficient consumption of dietary fiber, full-fledged proteins, and  excessive intake of simple carbohydrates. Dietary fiber deficiency can  lead to changes in the composition of the microbiocenosis of the digestive tract, a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, and consequently, the imbalance of fatty acid composition of the blood cell membrane. 20–40 % of Russian students show signs of severe hypovitaminosis, especially calciferol, which is caused not only by its deficiency in the diet, but also by physical, geographical, climatic and seasonal factors. The analysis of the content of the main minerals in students shows a sufficient content of calcium in the body, an excess of sodium and a lack of magnesium, potassium and  iron, which is due to both the composition of the food consumed and the peculiarities of the accumulation and excretion of these ions. An analysis of the actual nutrition of students shows the need for counseling young people, especially in the first years of study. The introduction of an educational program on optimal nutrition is possible through the practice of curatorial work during the adaptation of the first-year students to student’s life


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of influence of single and prolonged exposure of audio-visual stimulation (AVS) on heart rate variability and the mechanisms of the autonomic regulation in athletes, involved in cyclic sports activity.Material and methods. In this study 60 athletes aging of 17–23 years old, specializing in middle-distance running, were involved. The running volume in the zones of varying intensity was from 185 to 225 km/month. The experiment was conducted in January – March 2014, at the Scientific Educational Center “Physiology of ontogenesis” at the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Life Safety of NSPU.Training course of audiovisual stimulation (AVS) consisted of 20–22 sessions, which were conducted in a day with using a portable audiovisual stimulator “NOVO PRO” (USA). ECG registration signal was performed using hardware and software complex VNS-Micro (Neurosoft, Ivanovo, Russia) in standard electrocardiogram lead II. Athletes who received AVS course in the morning, before sports training loads, have received training with activating program, and after exercise – by using a relaxed program.Results. In athletes after 20–22 sessions of AVS the decreased influence of the sympathetic regulation and contribution of central levels of management in the regulation of heart rate were found. A decrease of intensity of regulatory system was observed.Increased influence of the parasympathetic regulation and strengthening of autonomous regulation contour was found. AVS contributed to increasing influence of respiratory waves on the heart rhythm and a more economical functional activity. AVS single exposure caused a significant increase in the functioning of autonomous regulation contour, the growing influence of parasympathetic effects and higher contribution of respiratory waves in the formation of heart rate by using activating as well relaxing programs. However, a more pronounced effect was observed after application of relaxing program.Conclusion. Application of AVS contributed to increase activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, the growing influence of autonomous regulation contour, the increase influence of respiratory waves on the heart rhythm and a more economical its work at rest and during an orthostatic test. AVS training may be recommended by sports training for maintaining top competition form, faster recovery and improve the functional state of regulation mechanisms.Цель исследования – изучить эффективность влияния однократного и продолжительного воздействия аудиовизуальной стимуляции (АВС) на вариабельность сердечного ритма и механизмы вегетативной регуляции  у спортсменов, занимающихся циклическими видами спорта.Материал и методы. В обследовании приняли участие 60 спортсменов-легкоатлетов мужского пола  в возрасте 17–23 лет, специализирующихся в беге на средние дистанции. Беговой объем в зонах разной интенсивности составлял от 185 до 225 км/мес. Эксперимент проводился в январе – марте2014 г. на базе НОЦ «Физиология онтогенеза» кафедры анатомии, физиологии и безопасности жизнедеятельности Новосибирского государственного педагогического университета.Курс тренингов АВС состоял из 20–22 сеансов, которые проводились через сутки с использованием портативного аудивизуального стимулятора NOVO PRO (США). Регистрация ЭКГ-сигнала осуществлялась с помощью АПК ВНС-Микро (Нейрософт, Иваново) во II стандартном отведении. Спортсмены, получавшие курс АВС утром до спортивно-тренировочных нагрузок, проходили тренинг по возбуждающей (активизирующей) программе, а после тренировок – по релаксирующей программе.Результаты. После 20–22 сеансов АВС у спортсменов снижались влияние симпатической регуляции и вклад центральных уровней управления в регуляцию сердечного ритма. Наблюдалось уменьшение напряжения регуляторных систем. Увеличивалось влияние парасимпатической регуляции и происходило усиление автономного контура регуляции. АВС способствовала увеличению влияния дыхательных волн на ритм сердца и формированию более экономичной его работы. Однократное воздействие АВС вызывало достоверное повышение функционирования автономного контура регуляции, усиление парасимпатических влияний и вклада дыхательных волн в формирование ритма сердца при использовании как активирующей, так и релаксирующей программы. Однако более значительный эффект наблюдался после программы релаксации.Заключение. Применение АВС способствовало повышению активности парасимпатической нервной системы, усилению влияния автономного контура регуляции, увеличению влияния дыхательных волн на ритм сердца и формированию более экономной его работы в состоянии покоя и при ортостатической пробе. Тренинги АВС могут быть рекомендованы при занятиях спортом для поддержания спортивной формы, более быстрого восстановления и улучшения функционального состояния механизмов регуляции

    Modern Trends of the Development of Primary School-Aged Children (Literature Review)

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    The beginning of children’s school education is a potential risk of morphofunctional and psycho-physiological disorders in the body because of the significant reduction in daily physical activity, the change in day regimen, emotional and intellectual stress, which are often inadequate for the age-related psycho-physiological capabilities of schoolchildren. In this paper, we analyzed the literature on the development of modern children of primary school age according to the results of the assessment of morphological, functional and mental indicators. The identification of a general trend in the development of primary school-aged children is necessary for determination and development of health-saving programs to implement in the system of modern education. A review of data on the development of younger school children over the past 20 years shows an increase in the number of children with digressions in physical development, deterioration in physical fitness, delay of biological age from actual age, stress of the cardiovascular system, decrease in lung capacity and muscle strength. This pattern is manifested regardless of the region of residence and the nationality of children. There is an increase in the number of children with learning difficulties. Among the reasons for these changes, researchers highlight the complexity of the educational program, physical inactivity, the delay of physical development and, at the same time, medical and social successes of the state, allowing preserving the life of newborns even with somatic and neurological abnormalities. In connection with the identified trend of development of modern primary school children, the measures are needed to optimize children’s learning activities by the following criteria: level of physical activity, intensity of intellectual loads, rest mode

    The interrelation between the Ketle index and the body component composition (muscle, fat, bone) in students with different levels of physical fitness

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    The process of body mass increasing among the population becomes global, which updates the need for early diagnosis of obesity. An informative method of determining the body mass excess and obesity is the determination of muscle and fat components, as well as the analysis of correlations between weight, mass index and component composition of the body. Aim of the study was to identify the availability and character of relationship between body mass, index Ketle and body component composition in students with different level of physical fitness. Material and methods. Length, weight, body mass index, level of physical fitness, body component composition (muscle, fat, bone) have been investigated in 107 students (52 boys and 55 girls) of the main medical group studying at the Gorno-Altai State University. Results. Trained young man and girls with higher level of physical fitness were characterized by higher body mass, a positive correlation between weight, index Ketle, muscle and bone components and an inverse correlation between index Ketle and total fat. In young man and girls with low physical fitness, total mass and Ketle index positively correlated with the fat component. The nature of the correlation between body mass, Ketle index and composition of the body allows us to identify the trend of weight gain due to fat or muscle components


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    Aim. The effects of the powder of Curcuma longa plant rhizome as food additive on different processes of carbohydrate metabolism: glucose concentration in whole blood, concentration of hormones – insulin and C-peptide in plasma, content of glycogen in the liver, structural and functional organization of the islet apparatus of the pancreas in rats with alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus were studied.Material and methods. The study was conducted on Wistar adult male rats. All animals were divided into 4 groups: 1 and 2 – the controls, 3 and 4 – the rats with alloxan-induced model of diabetes mellitus. Animals of groups 1 and 3 were kept on standard chow, whereas the rats of groups 2 and 4 were feeded with additive of powder from Curcuma longa plant rhizome (2% by weight of feed).The concentration of glucose in blood and perfused solution was determined with picric acid method by intensity of colour reaction on spectrofotometer. Concentration of hormones (insulin, C-peptide) was defined by immunoenzyme method with standard sets on tablet spectrofotometer. The morphological structure of a pancreas was studied by a method of light microscopy. Content of glycogen in a liver was measured by means of Shick-reaction on the Mac-Manus method with measurement of colour intensity on spectrofotometer.Results. Intake of the turmeric rhizomes powder by rats with diabetes, as compared with the diabetic animals on a standard diet, resulted in the lower increase of the glucose concentration in blood, the decrease of glucose absorption in the gut, higher concentration of the insulin and C-peptide in plasma and significant increase of glycogen content in the liver. The microstructure of pancreatic tissue samples of experimental animals using turmeric intake, was characterized by the better preservation of the islet apparatus in comparison with a group of animals on a standard diet.Conclusion. The results indicate the positive effect of the Curcuma longa rhizomes on the homeostatic mechanisms of the carbohydrate metabolism regulation in the alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus rats.Цель исследования – изучить влияние корневища растения куркумы длинной (Curcuma longa) на показатели углеводного обмена и морфофункциональную характеристику поджелудочной железы у крыс с аллоксан-индуцированным сахарным диабетом.Материал и методы. Исследование проведено на взрослых самцах крыс линии Wistar. Все животные были поделены на 4 группы: 1-я – интактная, 2-я – контрольная, 3-я и 4-я – крысы с аллоксан-индуцированной моделью сахарного диабета. Животных 1-й и 3-й групп содержали на стандартном корме, крысам 2-й и 4-й групп в корм добавляли порошок куркумы (2% от массы корма).Концентрацию глюкозы в крови и перфузируемом растворе определяли пикриновым методом по интенсивности цветной реакции на спектрофотометре. Концентрации гормонов (инсулина, С-пептида) – иммуноферментным методом с помощью стандартных наборов на планшетном спектрофотометре. Морфологическая структура поджелудочной железы изучалась методом световой микроскопии. Определение содержания гликогена в печени осуществлялось с помощью ШИК-реакции по Мак-Манусу с измерением интенсивности окрашивания на спектрофотометре Spekol (Германия).Результаты. Прием порошка корневища растения Curcuma longa в виде 2% от массы корма пищевой добавки вызывал у крыс с сахарным диабетом, по сравнению с аналогичными животными, находящимися на стандартном корме, менее выраженное повышениеконцентрации глюкозы в крови, уменьшение интенсивности всасывания глюкозы в тонком кишечнике, повышение концентрации инсулина и С-пептида в плазме, а также достоверное увеличение уровня гликогена в печени. При изучении микроструктуры образцов ткани поджелудочной железы экспериментальных животных на фоне приема фитопрепарата отмечена лучшая сохранность островкового аппарата по сравнению с группой животных в условиях стандартного питания.Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о положительном влиянии порошка корневища растения Curcumalonga на гомеостатические механизмы регуляции углеводного обмена при аллоксан-индуцированном сахарном диабете

    Design of a peptide-based vector, PepFect6, for efficient delivery of siRNA in cell culture and systemically in vivo

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    While small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) have been rapidly appreciated to silence genes, efficient and non-toxic vectors for primary cells and for systemic in vivo delivery are lacking. Several siRNA-delivery vehicles, including cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), have been developed but their utility is often restricted by entrapment following endocytosis. Hence, developing CPPs that promote endosomal escape is a prerequisite for successful siRNA implementation. We here present a novel CPP, PepFect 6 (PF6), comprising the previously reported stearyl-TP10 peptide, having pH titratable trifluoromethylquinoline moieties covalently incorporated to facilitate endosomal release. Stable PF6/siRNA nanoparticles enter entire cell populations and rapidly promote endosomal escape, resulting in robust RNAi responses in various cell types (including primary cells), with minimal associated transcriptomic or proteomic changes. Furthermore, PF6-mediated delivery is independent of cell confluence and, in most cases, not significantly hampered by serum proteins. Finally, these nanoparticles promote strong RNAi responses in different organs following systemic delivery in mice without any associated toxicity. Strikingly, similar knockdown in liver is achieved by PF6/siRNA nanoparticles and siRNA injected by hydrodynamic infusion, a golden standard technique for liver transfection. These results imply that the peptide, in addition to having utility for RNAi screens in vitro, displays therapeutic potential

    The pathophysiology of restricted repetitive behavior

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    Restricted, repetitive behaviors (RRBs) are heterogeneous ranging from stereotypic body movements to rituals to restricted interests. RRBs are most strongly associated with autism but occur in a number of other clinical disorders as well as in typical development. There does not seem to be a category of RRB that is unique or specific to autism and RRB does not seem to be robustly correlated with specific cognitive, sensory or motor abnormalities in autism. Despite its clinical significance, little is known about the pathophysiology of RRB. Both clinical and animal models studies link repetitive behaviors to genetic mutations and a number of specific genetic syndromes have RRBs as part of the clinical phenotype. Genetic risk factors may interact with experiential factors resulting in the extremes in repetitive behavior phenotypic expression that characterize autism. Few studies of individuals with autism have correlated MRI findings and RRBs and no attempt has been made to associate RRB and post-mortem tissue findings. Available clinical and animal models data indicate functional and structural alterations in cortical-basal ganglia circuitry in the expression of RRB, however. Our own studies point to reduced activity of the indirect basal ganglia pathway being associated with high levels of repetitive behavior in an animal model. These findings, if generalizable, suggest specific therapeutic targets. These, and perhaps other, perturbations to cortical basal ganglia circuitry are mediated by specific molecular mechanisms (e.g., altered gene expression) that result in long-term, experience-dependent neuroadaptations that initiate and maintain repetitive behavior. A great deal more research is needed to uncover such mechanisms. Work in areas such as substance abuse, OCD, Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and dementias promise to provide findings critical for identifying neurobiological mechanisms relevant to RRB in autism. Moreover, basic research in areas such as birdsong, habit formation, and procedural learning may provide additional, much needed clues. Understanding the pathophysioloy of repetitive behavior will be critical to identifying novel therapeutic targets and strategies for individuals with autism