259 research outputs found

    Universal temporal features of rankings in competitive sports and games

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    Many complex phenomena, from the selection of traits in biological systems to hierarchy formation in social and economic entities, show signs of competition and heterogeneous performance in the temporal evolution of their components, which may eventually lead to stratified structures such as the wealth distribution worldwide. However, it is still unclear whether the road to hierarchical complexity is determined by the particularities of each phenomena, or if there are universal mechanisms of stratification common to many systems. Human sports and games, with their (varied but simplified) rules of competition and measures of performance, serve as an ideal test bed to look for universal features of hierarchy formation. With this goal in mind, we analyse here the behaviour of players and team rankings over time for several sports and games. Even though, for a given time, the distribution of performance ranks varies across activities, we find statistical regularities in the dynamics of ranks. Specifically the rank diversity, a measure of the number of elements occupying a given rank over a length of time, has the same functional form in sports and games as in languages, another system where competition is determined by the use or disuse of grammatical structures. Our results support the notion that hierarchical phenomena may be driven by the same underlying mechanisms of rank formation, regardless of the nature of their components. Moreover, such regularities can in principle be used to predict lifetimes of rank occupancy, thus increasing our ability to forecast stratification in the presence of competition

    Improvement of usability in user interfaces for massive data analysis: an empirical study

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    [EN] Big Data challenges the conventional way of analyzing massive data and creates the need to improve the usability of existing user interfaces (UIs) in order to deal with massive amounts of data. How the UIs facilitate the search for information and helps in the end-user's decision-making depends on developers and designers, who have no guides for producing usable UIs. We have proposed a set of interaction patterns for designing massive data analysis UIs by studying 27 real case studies of massive data analysis. We evaluate if the proposed patterns improve the usability of the massive data analysis UIs in the context of literature search. We conducted two replications of the same controlled experiment, one with 24 undergraduate students experienced in scientific literature search and the other with eight researchers who are experienced in biomedical literature search. The experiment, which was planned as a repeated measures design, compares UIs that have been enhanced with the proposed patterns versus original UIs in terms of three response variables: effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. The outcomes show that the use of interaction patterns in UIs for massive data analysis yields better and more significant effects for the three response variables, enhancing the discovery and visualization of the data. The use of the proposed interaction design patterns improves the usability of the UIs that deal with massive data. The patterns can be considered as guides for helping designers and developers to design usable UIs for massive data analysis web applications.The authors thank the members of the PROS Center Genome group for productive discussions. In addition, it is also important to highlight that the Secretaría Nacional de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (SENESCYT) and the Escuela Politécnica Nacional from Ecuador have supported this work. This project has also been developed with the financial support of the Spanish State Research Agency and the Generalitat Valenciana, under the projects TIN2016-80811-P and PROMETEO/2018/176, and co-financed with ERDF.Iñiguez-Jarrín, C.; Panach, JI.; Pastor López, O. (2020). Improvement of usability in user interfaces for massive data analysis: an empirical study. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79(17-18):12257-12288. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-08456-6S12257122887917-18Borchers JO (2000) “Interaction Design Patterns : Twelve Theses,” Position Pap. CHI Work. “‘Pattern Lang. INteractoin Des. Build. Momentum,’”Borchers J (2009) The aachen media space: design patterns for augmented work environments, in Designing User Friendly Augmented Work Environments, Springer, 2009, pp. 261–312.Borchers J, Buschmann F (2001) A pattern approach to interaction design. WileyCohen J (1988) Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences 2nd edn. Erlbaum Associates, HillsdaleCremonesi P, Elahi M, and Garzotto F (2015) Interaction design patterns in recommender systems, in Proceedings of the Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter, 2015, pp. 66–73, https://doi.org/10.1145/2808435.2808442.Cremonesi P, Elahi M, Garzotto F (Feb. 2017) User interface patterns in recommendation-empowered content intensive multimedia applications. Multimed Tools Appl 76(4):5275–5309. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-3946-5Datamer e-book (2016) Top five high-impact use cases for big data analytics. Available at. https://www.datameer.com/pdf/eBook-Top-Five-High-Impact-UseCases-for-Big-Data-Analytics.pdf. Accessed on Apr-22-2017.DigitalScience (2018) “Dimensions.” Available at. https://app.dimensions.ai/discover/publication. Accessed on Mar-03-2018.Douglas SM, Montelione GT, Gerstein M (2005) PubNet: a flexible system for visualizing literature derived networks. Genome Biol 6(9):R80. https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2005-6-9-r80Elliott AC, Woodward WA (2006) Statistical analysis quick reference guidebook: with SPSS examples. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.Ellis PD (2010) The essential guide to effect sizes: statistical power, meta-analysis, and the interpretation of research results. Cambridge University PressField A (2013) Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics, 4th ed. Sage Publications Ltd.Fiorini N et al (2018, Jan.) PubMed labs: an experimental system for improving biomedical literature search. Database, vol 2018. https://doi.org/10.1093/database/bay094Folmer E (2006) Usability patterns in games. Futur. Play, vol. 6.Fritz MS, Arthur AM (2017) Moderator variables. Oxford University PressGenomenon (2018) “Mastermind - Comprehensive Genomic Search Engine.” Available at. https://mastermind.genomenon.com/. Accessed on Apr-22-2018.Good BM, Clarke EL, Loguercio S, Su AI (2012) Linking genes to diseases with a SNPedia-Gene Wiki mashup. J Biomed Semantics 3(1):S6. https://doi.org/10.1186/2041-1480-3-S1-S6Graham I (2003) A pattern language for Web usability. Addison-Wesley.Granlund Å, Lafrenière D, and Carr DA (2001) A pattern-supported approach to the user Interface design processGuerra E, Fernandes C (2010) An evaluation process for pattern languages, in Proceedings of the 8th Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 2010, pp. 18:1–18:11, https://doi.org/10.1145/2581507.2581525.IBM (2015) IBM big data use cases – What is a big data use case and how to get started – Exploration, 2015. Available at. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/bigdata/use-cases.html. Accessed on Apr-22-2017.Iñiguez-Jarrín CE, Panach JI, Pastor Ó (2018) Defining interaction design patterns to extract knowledge from big data. Advanced Information Systems Engineering 10816:539–553. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91563-0Kuehl RO (2001) Diseño de experimentos: principios estadísticos de diseño y análisis de investigación, 2 ed. MéxicoLaskowski N (2015) Ten big data case studies in a Nutshell, SearchCIO.com. pp. 11–12Lewis JR (1995) IBM computer usability satisfaction questionnaires: psychometric evaluation and instructions for use. Int J Hum Comput Interact 7(1):57–78Lu Z (2011) PubMed and beyond: A survey of web tools for searching biomedical literature,” Database, vol. 2011, p. baq036, 2011, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/database/baq036.Marill JL, Miller N, Kitendaugh P (Jan. 2006) The MedlinePlus public user interface: studies of design challenges and opportunities. J Med Libr Assoc 94(1):30–40Martín-Rodilla P, Panach JI (2014) Applications in the context of cultural heritage dataNilsson EG (2009) Design patterns for user interface for mobile applications. Adv Eng Softw 40(12):1318–1328Pentaho (2015) Big data uses cases | Pentaho. Available at. http://www.pentaho.com/big-data-use-cases. Accessed on Jun-11-2017.Pituch KA, Stevens JP (2015) Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences: analyses with SAS and IBM’s SPSS. RoutledgeRiley RD, Lambert PC, Abo-Zaid G (Feb. 2010) Meta-analysis of individual participant data: rationale, conduct, and reporting. BMJ 340:c221. https://doi.org/10.1136/BMJ.C221Schmettow M (2006) User interaction design patterns for information retrieval, Eur. 2006, pp. 489–512, 2006.Scott B and Neil T (2009) Designing web interfaces: Principles and patterns for rich interactions. O’Reilly Media, Inc.Seffah A, Taleb M (2012) Tracing the evolution of HCI patterns as an interaction design tool. Innov Syst Softw Eng 8(2):93–109. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-011-0178-8Seidel N (2017) Empirical evaluation methods for pattern languages: sketches, classification, and network analysis, in Proceedings of the 22Nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 2017, pp. 13:1--13:24, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3147704.3147719.Seltman HJ (2012) Experimental design and analysis. Online at: http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~hseltman/309/Book/Book.pdfTempleton GF (2011) A two-step approach for transforming continuous variables to normal: implications and recommendations for IS research. Commun. Assoc. Inf., vol. 28The Hillside Group (1994) How to Hold a Writer’s Workshop, 1994. Available at. https://hillside.net/conferences/plop/235-how-to-hold-a-writers-workshop. Accessed on Dec-18-2018.Thimthong T, Chintakovid T, and Krootjohn S (2012) An empirical study of search box and autocomplete design patterns in online bookstore. SHUSER 2012–2012 IEEE Symp. Humanit. Sci. Eng. Res., pp. 1165–1170, https://doi.org/10.1109/SHUSER.2012.6268796.Tidwell J (1999) Common ground: a pattern language for human-computer interface design. O’Reilly MediaTidwell J (2010) Designing interfaces: patterns for effective interaction design. O’Reilly Media, Inc.Toxboe A (2018) User interface design pattern library. UI Patterns, 2013. Available at. http://ui-patterns.com. Accessed on Feb-05-2018.Van Duyne DK, Landay JA, Hong JI (2003) The design of sites : patterns, principles, and processes for crafting a customer-centered web experience. Addison-WesleyVan Solingen R, Basili V, Caldiera G, Rombach HD (2002) Goal question metric (gqm) approach. Encycl Softw EngVan Welie M (2008) Patterns in interaction design. Available at. http://www.welie.com/patterns/. Accessed on Mar-01-2018.Vegas S, Apa C, Juristo N (2016) Crossover designs in software engineering experiments: benefits and perils. IEEE Trans Softw Eng 42(2):120–135. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2015.2467378VOSviewer (2015) Visualizing scientific landscapes, Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University, 2015. Available at. http://www.vosviewer.com/.Wohlin C, Runeson P, Höst M, Ohlsson MC, Regnell B, Wesslén A (2012) Experimentation in software engineering, vol 9783642290. Springer, United StatesWu C, Jin X, Tsueng G, Afrasiabi C, Su AI (2016) BioGPS: building your own mash-up of gene annotations and expression profiles. Nucleic Acids Res 44(D1):D313–D316. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkv1104Yahoo (2006) Yahoo design pattern library. Available at. https://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/everything.html. Accessed on Apr-03-2017

    User Interface Design for Searching Biomedical Literature

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    Biomedical bibliographic sources are crucial resources for the work of physicians, biologists, and bioinformatics. Many of the genetic-medical diagnoses depend on the findings in these bibliographic sources. Despite the importance and value of the information stored in these repositories, the user interface (UI) of these resources does not provide the adequate mechanisms to interact with the content, converting the query and interpretation of the information into complex and time-consuming tasks. In this sense, improving the usability of these UIs becomes a challenge since this means facilitating the interaction, analysis and comparison of biomedical information, and, consequently, improving the productivity of professionals in this domain. This paper presents a UI design for the search of biomedical bibliography that incorporates solutions to the usability problems documented and detected by a study of the literature. The proposed design becomes a usability heuristic for UI designers facing the development of UIs in this domain

    Construcción de un texto dramatúrgico basado en anécdotas de personas de la tercera edad

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvocomo principal motivación la indagación en las historias personales de individuos de la tercera edad, donde el objetivo principal fue el ficcionar dichas narraciones para poder llevarlas al plano teatral en donde el producto final de esta exploración fue un texto dramático, para la recopilación de dichas anécdotas se realizaron entrevistas anónimas a ancianos y ancianas de la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador.The main motivation of this research work was the investigation of the personal stories of elderly individuals, where the main objective was to fictionalize these narratives in order to take them to the theatrical plane where the final product of this exploration was a dramatic text, for the collection of these anecdotes’ interviews were conducted anonymously with elderly men and women of the city of Cuenca, Ecuador.0009-0005-5657-4032Licenciado en Artes Escénicas Teatro y DanzaCuenc

    3D Sound applied to the design of Assisted Navigation Devices for the Visually Impaired

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    This work presents an approach to generate 3D sound by using a set of artificial neural networks (ANNs). The proposed method is capable to reconstruct the Head Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) by means of spatial interpolation. In order to cover the whole reception auditory space, without increasing the network complexity, a structure of multiple networks (set), each one modeling a specific area was adopted. The three main factors that influence the model accuracy --- the network's architecture, the reception area's aperture angles and the HRIR's time shifts --- are investigated and an optimal setup is presented. The computational effort to process the ANN is shown to be slightly smaller than traditional interpolation methods and all error calculation reached very low levels, validating the method to be used in the design of a 3D sound emitter capable of provide navigation aid for the visually impaired. Two approaches are presented in order to detect obstacles, one which makes use of computational vision techniques and other with laser proximity sensors. Este trabajo presenta un abordaje para generar sonido 3D utilizando un conjunto de redes neuronales artificiales (RNAs). El método propuesto es capaz de reconstruir la Respuestas Impulsivas Asociadas a Cabeza Humana (HRIRs) mediante interpolación espacial. Con el fin de cubrir todo el espacio de recepción auditivo, sin aumentar la complejidad de la red, fue adoptada una estructura de múltiples redes (conjunto), cada una modelando un área específica. Los tres factores principales que influyen en la exactitud del modelo --- la arquitectura de la red, ángulos de apertura de la zona de recepción y los cambios de tiempo del HRIR --- son investigados y es presentada una configuración óptima. El esfuerzo computacional necesario para procesar la RNA muestra ser menor que métodos tradicionales de interpolación y todos los cálculos de error alcanzan niveles muy bajos, validando el método para ser utilizado en el diseño de un emisor de sonido 3D capaz de proporcionar asistencia en la navegación de discapacitados visuales. Dos enfoques se presentan con el fin de detectar obstáculos, uno que hace uso de técnicas de visión computacional y otro con sensores de proximidad de láser.&nbsp

    Use of live attenuated Mycobacteria as treatment against asthma and their ability to induce trained immunity

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    El asma es la enfermedad inflamatoria más común de los pulmones. Su incidencia alcanza el 12% en los países desarrollados, mientras que en los países en vías de desarrollo es del 1%. Por lo tanto, el gasto económico que el asma acarrea es muy alto, además los actuales tratamientos están dirigidos a paliar los síntomas y no perduran en el tiempo. En este sentido, se ha postulado que la respuesta Th1 que desencadenan las micobacterias podría suprimir la exacerbación de la respuesta Th2 que prima en el asma alérgico, y por tanto, estas bacterias podrían usarse como un tratamiento más eficaz.Por un lado, la tuberculosis en humanos se ha asociado con un descenso en la tasa de asma. En relación a esto, hemos demostrado por primera vez que la infección con Mycobacterium tuberculosis previene el asma alérgico en modelo de ratón. Este efecto protector implica una reducción en la producción de eosinófilos en la médula ósea y en su infiltración a las vías respiratorias. Además, la infección también produce una disminución de la respuesta Th2, a través de la inducción de la respuesta Th1.Por otro lado, ya existen datos en la literatura sobre el uso de BCG frente al asma, pero los resultados no son concluyentes y la vacuna sólo se ha probado como tratamiento preventivo. En este trabajo, hemos evaluado el uso de BCG y MTBVAC frente al asma alérgica en ratones. MTBVAC es la única vacuna viva atenuada a partir de M. tuberculosis que entra en ensayos clínicos, donde ha demostrado ser segura e inmunogénica, por lo tanto está llamada a remplazar a BCG, si demuestra una mayor protección contra las formas respiratorias de tuberculosis. Hemos demostrado que tanto BCG como MTBVAC son efectivas como tratamiento preventivo frente al asma alérgica. Aún más importante, hemos probado por primera vez que ejercen un papel terapéutico frente al asma ya establecida, al administrarse por la vía intranasal, y que este efecto es similar entre ambas vacunas. Los efectos beneficiosos de MTBVAC y BCG incluyen la supresión de la eosinofilia en las vías aéreas, la disminución de la producción de citoquinas tipo Th2 y de las células Th2, y una menor remodelación de las vías aéreas. Este efecto terapéutico tiene gran relevancia clínica, ya que los pacientes asmáticos podrían tratarse con micobacterias atenuadas usando un nebulizador. Además, demostramos que la acción frente al asma mediada por ambas vacunas se basa en la disfunción de la respuesta Th2, a través de la inducción de la respuesta Th1, y en la re polarización de los macrófagos M2 a macrófagos M1. La respuesta anti-asma es dosis dependiente, y parece requerir del contacto entre la bacteria y las células inmunes del pulmón.También es importante el hecho de que MTBVAC y BCG reducen los eosinófilos en los esófagos de ratones, por lo que planteamos la hipótesis de que estas bacterias puedan usarse como tratamiento frente a la esofagitis eosinofílica o frente a otras alergias alimentarias. Recientemente, se ha descubierto que el sistema inmune innato en humanos es capaz de responder más fuerte y eficientemente frente a un segundo estímulo, de forma inespecífica. Esta capacidad se ha descrito con el término “trained immunity” o inmunidad entrenada. Además, se ha demostrado que BCG es capaz de inducir estos rasgos de memoria en las células innatas, tanto in vitro como in vivo. Gracias a esto, BCG es capaz de mediar efectos inespecíficos beneficiosos frente a algunas enfermedades, como podrían ser el cáncer de vejiga o ciertas enfermedades respiratorias.En este trabajo hemos demostrado que MTBVAC es capaz de inducir “trained immunity” in vitro en monocitos humanos, y también in vivo en ratones. Además, la potencia de esta respuesta alcanza valores similares a los obtenidos con BCG. Demostramos que los monocitos entrenados por MTBVAC exhiben cambios en el metabolismo, como son el aumento en la tasa glicolítica y la dependencia de la ruta de la glutaminólisis. La vacuna también induce cambios epigenéticos a través del enriquecimiento de la marca H3K4me3 (asociada a la activación de la transcripción) en la región del promotor de los genes TNFA e IL6, lo que correlaciona con el aumento en la potencia de la respuesta inmune innata que ocurre tras la reinfección. Como conclusión, los resultados obtenidos abalan el estudio clínico de MTBVAC como terapia frente al asma, y apoyan su progresión en los ensayos clínicos contra la tuberculosis como vacuna administrada al nacimiento, ya que podría ejercer los mismos beneficios inespecíficos que presenta BCG.<br /

    What Factors Affect Diversity and Species Composition of Endangered Tumbesian Dry Forests in Southern Ecuador?

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    This paper reports a study on species richness and composition of Tumbesian dry forest communities. We tested two alternative hypotheses about species assemblage processes in tropical dry forests: (1) species assemblage is determined by the filtering effect of environmental conditions and (2) species assemblage is determined by facilitative processes along the gradient of water availability, and thus, species richness and evenness increase as water becomes limited. In addition, we also explored the effect of climate and soil conditions on species composition in tropical dry forests. Species composition was sampled in 109 plots in terms of cover and tree diameter at breast height. Climatic, edaphic, topographic and anthropogenic degradation variables were obtained for each plot. We used generalized linear models and canonical correspondence analyses to evaluate the effect of environmental variables on species composition, richness and evenness. Water availability negatively affected richness and significantly determined the species assemblage. Species richness increased from ridges to valleys and evenness increased at higher altitudes. Soil characteristics showed no effect on richness and evenness but soil moisture, nitrogen concentration and soil temperature explained significant fractions of species composition. Although timber extraction and livestock in our study area were of low intensity, it negatively affected richness but had only a minor effect on species composition. Our results suggest that species composition in these endangered tropical dry forests may be at least partially explained by the stress-gradient hypothesis, with higher species richness at drier conditions probably induced by facilitation processe

    Defining Interaction Design Patterns to Extract Knowledge from Big Data

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    [EN] The Big Data domain offers valuable opportunities to gain valuable knowledge. The User Interface (UI), the place where the user interacts to extract knowledge from data, must be adapted to address the domain complexities. Designing UIs for Big Data becomes a challenge that involves identifying and designing the user-data interaction implicated in the knowledge extraction. To design such an interaction, one widely used approach is design patterns. Design Patterns describe solutions to common interaction design problems. This paper proposes a set of patterns to design UIs aimed at extracting knowledge from the Big Data systems data conceptual schemas. As a practical example, we apply the patterns to design UI s for the Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases domain since it is a clear case of extracting knowledge from a complex set of genetic data. Our patterns provide valuable design guidelines for Big Data UIs.The authors thank the members of the PROS Center's Genome group for fruitful discussions. In addition, it is also important to highlight that Secretaria Nacional de Educacion, Ciencia y Tecnologia (SENESCYT) and Escuela Politecnica Nacional from Ecuador have supported this work. This project also has the support of Generalitat Valenciana through project IDEO (PROMETEOII/2014/039) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project DataME (ref: TIN2016-80811-P).Iñiguez Jarrín, CE.; Panach Navarrete, JI.; Pastor López, O. (2018). Defining Interaction Design Patterns to Extract Knowledge from Big Data. Springer. 490-504. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91563-0_30S490504Power, D.J.: ‘Big Data’ decision making use cases. In: Delibašić, B., Hernández, J.E., Papathanasiou, J., Dargam, F., Zaraté, P., Ribeiro, R., Liu, S., Linden, I. (eds.) ICDSST 2015. LNBIP, vol. 216, pp. 1–9. Springer, Cham (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-18533-0_1Genetic Alliance: Capítulo 2, Diagnóstico de una enfermedad genética (2009). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK132200/Pabinger, S., et al.: A survey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data. Brief Bioinform. 15(2), 256–278 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbs086Borchers, J.O.: Pattern approach to interaction design. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, DIS 2000, pp. 369–378 (2000)Tidwell, J.: Designing Interfaces, vol. XXXIII, no. 2. O’Reilly Media, Sebastopol (2012)Van Duyne, D.K., Landay, J.A., Hong, J.I.: The Design of Sites: Patterns, Principles, and Processes for Crafting a Customer-Centered Web Experience. Addison-Wesley, Boston (2003)Schmettow, M.: User interaction design patterns for information retrieval. In: EuroPLoP 2006, pp. 489–512 (2006)IBM big data use cases – What is a big data use case and how to get started - Exploration. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/bigdata/use-cases.htmlDatamer e-book: Top Five High-Impact Use Cases for Big Data Analytics (2016). https://www.datameer.com/pdf/eBook-Top-Five-High-Impact-UseCases-for-Big-Data-Analytics.pdfBig Data Uses Cases | Pentaho. http://www.pentaho.com/big-data-use-casesHenderson-Sellers, B., Ralyté, J.: Situational method engineering: state-of-the-art review. J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 16(3), 424–478 (2010)Iñiguez-Jarrin, C., García, A., Reyes, J.F., Pastor, O.: GenDomus: interactive and collaboration mechanisms for diagnosing genetic diseases. In: ENASE 2017 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, Porto, Portugal, 28–29 April 2017, pp. 91–102 (2017). https://doi.org/10.5220/0006324000910102Román, J.F.R., López, Ó.P.: Use of GeIS for early diagnosis of alcohol sensitivity. In: Proceedings of the BIOSTEC 2016, pp. 284–289 (2016). https://doi.org/10.5220/0005822902840289Laskowski, N.: Ten big data case studies in a nutshell. http://searchcio.techtarget.com/opinion/Ten-big-data-case-studies-in-a-nutshellMolina, P.J., Meliá, S., Pastor, O.: JUST-UI: a user interface specification model. In: Kolski, C., Vanderdonckt, J. (eds.) Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces III, pp. 63–74. Springer, Dordrecht (2002). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-010-0421-3_

    Comparison of the Spherical Averaged Pseudopotential Model with the Stabilized Jellium Model

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    We compare Kohn-Sham results (density, cohesive energy, size and effect of charging) of the Spherical Averaged Pseudopotential Model with the Stabilized Jellium Model for clusters of sodium and aluminum with less than 20 atoms. We find that the Stabilized Jellium Model, although conceptually and practically more simple, gives better results for the cohesive energy and the elastic stiffness. We use the Local Density Approximation as well as the Generalized Gradient Approximation to the exchange and correlation energies.Comment: 13 pages, latex, 8 figures, compressed postscript version available at http://www.fis.uc.pt/~vieir

    La competencia intercultural en las organizaciones: una aproximación teórica

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    Cada vez son más las organizaciones que reflejan la multiculturalidad en alguna de sus facetas. La necesidad de que las relaciones que se establecen entre ellos sean exitosas es un imperativo organizativo. Pese a ello, las investigaciones demues- tran un amplio fracaso en estos ámbitos, por lo que las empresas están acudiendo a consultorías para obtener formación que faculte a sus trabajadores para desempeñarse con éxito en estas relaciones multiculturales, es lo que se ha denominado competencia intercultural. El presente artículo aborda este concepto aplicado a las organizaciones, concluyendo la necesidad de ampliar la formación universitaria en este aspecto