59 research outputs found

    Gold in Peru: Present status and future challenge

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    Total reported gold resources in Peru is about 192 Moz. Gold production in Peru was 4.9 Moz in 2013, which was ranked first in Latin America and sixth in the world. Historic cumulative gold production in Peru is 118 Moz, and production from main gold belts including Miocene epithermal belt, Carboniferous-Permian orogenic gold belt and Upper Cretaceous intrusion-related gold belt corresponds to 84%. Most of production areas are located in Northern part of Peru, which corresponds to 63.5% of the total domestic production. Annual production onces in Yanacocha mine and Alto Chicama were 1 Moz and 0.606 Moz in 2013, which were ranked first and second in Peru, respectively. Gold production in Peru is expected to be 6.5 Moz in 2017. To accomplish the expected production, ongoing 14 projects should be developed to the production stage in three years

    Silver in Peru: Present status and future challenge

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    Silver production in Peru was 118 Moz in 2013, which was 3rd ranked in the world. Silver production mines which were ranked from 1st to 5th in Peru in 2013 were Antamina(16.7 Moz), Uchuchacua(12 Moz), Pallancata(7.6 Moz), Animón(7 Moz), and Arcata(5.4 Moz). Total reported silver resources in Peru is about 7,012 Moz, and resources from the belts of Miocene epithermal deposits and the belts of Miocene skarn, replacement and vein deposits are 4,812 Moz, which corresponds to 69% of total resources. There are 14 ongoing projects which will be developed to the production stage from 2014 to 2019. Through these projects, silver production in Peru is expected to be 148 Moz in 2017

    Protein-Directed Self-Assembly of a Fullerene Crystal

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    Learning to engineer self-assembly would enable the precise organization of molecules by design to create matter with tailored properties. Here we demonstrate that proteins can direct the self-assembly of buckminsterfullerene (C 60) into ordered superstructures. A previously engineered tetrameric helical bundle binds C 60 in solution, rendering it water soluble. Two tetramers associate with one C 60, promoting further organization revealed in a 1.67-Å crystal structure. Fullerene groups occupy periodic lattice sites, sandwiched between two Tyr residues from adjacent tetramers. Strikingly, the assembly exhibits high charge conductance, whereas both the protein-alone crystal and amorphous C 60 are electrically insulating. The affinity of C 60 for its crystal-binding site is estimated to be in the nanomolar range, with lattices of known protein crystals geometrically compatible with incorporating the motif. Taken together, these findings suggest a new means of organizing fullerene molecules into a rich variety of lattices to generate new properties by design

    Genome-wide association study to identify novel loci and genes for Fusarium root rot resistance in sweet potato using genotyping-by-sequencing

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    Fusarium root rot, caused by Fusarium solani, is a major post-harvest disease in sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.). An effective strategy for controlling this disease is the development of resistant varieties. In this study, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted on 96 sweet potato genotypes to identify novel candidate loci and dissect the genetic basis of Fusarium root rot resistance. Genotyping was performed using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), and 44,255 SNPs were identified after filtering. The genotypes (n = 96) were evaluated through resistance tests in 2021 and 2022, separately and combined. The GWAS identified two significant SNP markers (LG3_22903756 and LG4_2449919) on chromosomes 3 and 4 associated with Fusarium root rot resistance, respectively. Lesion length showed significant differences between homozygous A and G alleles of LG3_22903756, which can potentially be used to develop molecular markers for selecting accessions resistant to Fusarium root rot. Expression analysis of 11 putative genes flanking the significant SNPs revealed the alteration in the expression of nine genes, indicating their possible involvement in Fusarium root rot resistance. The results of this study will aid in the marker-assisted selection and functional analysis of candidate genes for Fusarium root rot resistance in sweet potatoes

    Replacing conventional battery electrolyte additives with dioxolone derivatives for high-energy-density lithium-ion batteries

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    Solid electrolyte interphases generated using electrolyte additives are key for anode-electrolyte interactions and for enhancing the lithium-ion battery lifespan. Classical solid electrolyte interphase additives, such as vinylene carbonate and fluoroethylene carbonate, have limited potential for simultaneously achieving a long lifespan and fast chargeability in high-energy-density lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Here we report a next-generation synthetic additive approach that allows to form a highly stable electrode-electrolyte interface architecture from fluorinated and silylated electrolyte additives; it endures the lithiation-induced volume expansion of Si-embedded anodes and provides ion channels for facile Li-ion transport while protecting the Ni-rich LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathodes. The retrosynthetically designed solid electrolyte interphase-forming additives, 5-methyl-4-((trifluoromethoxy)methyl)-1,3-dioxol-2-one and 5-methyl-4-((trimethylsilyloxy)methyl)-1,3-dioxol-2-one, provide spatial flexibility to the vinylene carbonate-derived solid electrolyte interphase via polymeric propagation with the vinyl group of vinylene carbonate. The interface architecture from the synthesized vinylene carbonate-type additive enables high-energy-density LIBs with 81.5% capacity retention after 400 cycles at 1???C and fast charging capability (1.9% capacity fading after 100 cycles at 3???C)

    Phase II randomized trial of neoadjuvant metformin plus letrozole versus placebo plus letrozole for estrogen receptor positive postmenopausal breast cancer (METEOR)

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.Abstract Background Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy with an aromatase inhibitor has shown efficacy comparable to that of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with postmenopausal breast cancer. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that the antidiabetic drug metformin has anti-tumor activity. This prospective, multicenter, phase II randomized, placebo controlled trial was designed to evaluate the direct anti-tumor effect of metformin in non-diabetic postmenopausal women with estrogen-receptor (ER) positive breast cancer. Methods/Design Patients meeting the inclusion criteria and providing written informed consent will be randomized to 24 weeks of neoadjuvant treatment with letrozole (2.5 mg/day) and either metformin (2000 mg/day) or placebo. Target accrual number is 104 patients per arm. The primary endpoint will be clinical response rate, as measured by calipers. Secondary endpoints include pathologic complete response rate, breast conserving rate, change in Ki67 expression, breast density change, and toxicity profile. Molecular assays will be performed using samples obtained before treatment, at week 4, and postoperatively. Discussion This study will provide direct evidence of the anti-tumor effect of metformin in non-diabetic, postmenopausal patients with ER-positive breast cancer. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT0158936

    Phase II randomized trial of neoadjuvant metformin plus letrozole versus placebo plus letrozole for estrogen receptor positive postmenopausal breast cancer (METEOR)

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    This study is being supported by grant no 04-2012-0290 from the SNUH Research fund and by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIP)(No. 2013005540). Letrozole and metformin are being supplied by the pharmaceutical company, Shin Poong Pharm. Co., Ltd.Background : Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy with an aromatase inhibitor has shown efficacy comparable to that of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with postmenopausal breast cancer. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that the antidiabetic drug metformin has anti-tumor activity. This prospective, multicenter, phase II randomized, placebo controlled trial was designed to evaluate the direct anti-tumor effect of metformin in non-diabetic postmenopausal women with estrogen-receptor (ER) positive breast cancer. Methods/Design : Patients meeting the inclusion criteria and providing written informed consent will be randomized to 24 weeks of neoadjuvant treatment with letrozole (2.5 mg/day) and either metformin (2000 mg/day) or placebo. Target accrual number is 104 patients per arm. The primary endpoint will be clinical response rate, as measured by calipers. Secondary endpoints include pathologic complete response rate, breast conserving rate, change in Ki67 expression, breast density change, and toxicity profile. Molecular assays will be performed using samples obtained before treatment, at week 4, and postoperatively. Discussion : This study will provide direct evidence of the anti-tumor effect of metformin in non-diabetic, postmenopausal patients with ER-positive breast cancer. Trial registration : ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT01589367Peer Reviewe

    Análisis de las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía e Historia de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la efectividad que tienen las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016. Dicho trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque naturista o cualitativo, es una vía de transformación social, a través de la cual el ser humano descubre la realidad que le rodea, determina los medios y procedimientos para actuar sobre ella y transformarla de acuerdo a una intensión social. Los procesos de investigación cualitativa, tienen como finalidad primordial la generación y construcción de conocimientos que contribuyen al desarrollo social y personal de cada uno de los miembros de una comunidad. La fase de recolección de los datos de la investigación desarrollada, se realizó de dos formas: una información que se recogió mediante la observación directa del comportamiento de los informantes claves y una información que se obtuvo mediante la interrogación de algunos informantes claves. Para ello, primeramente el investigador realizo una inmersión en el campo de trabajo, con el propósito de identificar los lugares adecuados para recoger y producir la información necesaria y requerid

    The effect of hydrogen and oxygen contents on hydride reorientations of zirconium alloy cladding tubes

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    To investigate the effect of hydrogen and oxygen contents on hydride reorientations during cool-down processes, zirconium–niobium cladding tube specimens were hydrogen-charged before some specimens were oxidized, resulting in 250 ppm and 500 ppm hydrogen-charged specimens containing no oxide and an oxide thickness of 3.8 μm at each surface. The nonoxidized and oxidized hydrogen-charged specimens were heated up to 400°C and then cooled down to room temperature at cooling rates of 0.3°C/min and 8.0°C/min under a tensile hoop stress of 150 MPa. The lower hydrogen contents and the slower cooling rate generated a larger fraction of radial hydrides, a longer radial hydride length, and a lower ultimate tensile strength and plastic elongation. In addition, the oxidized specimens generated a smaller fraction of radial hydrides and a lower ultimate tensile strength and plastic elongation than the nonoxidized specimens. This may be due to: a solubility difference between room temperature and 400°C; an oxygen-induced increase in hydrogen solubility and radial hydride nucleation energy; high temperature residence time during the cool-down; or undissolved circumferential hydrides at 400°C