446 research outputs found

    High spin states in 95Sr

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    [[abstract]]Twenty new γ transitions in 95Sr were identified from γ-γ-γ coincidences in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf. New bands, based on a previously known isomeric state, T1∕2=23.6(24) ns, have been built up to a (31∕2+) state. The states in these bands show a close similarity in transition energies to the ground band of the neighboring 94Sr, which has a spherical shape. This similarity is interpreted as the weak coupling of the 1g7∕2 neutron particle to the levels of the 3894Sr56 core.[[fileno]]2010125010048[[department]]物理

    Ozone and Other Air Pollutants and the Risk of Oral Clefts

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    Quasi-Fermi Distribution and Resonant Tunneling of Quasiparticles with Fractional Charges

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    We study the resonant tunneling of quasiparticles through an impurity between the edges of a Fractional Quantum Hall sample. We show that the one-particle momentum distribution of fractionally charged edge quasiparticles has a quasi-Fermi character. The density of states near the quasi-Fermi energy at zero temperature is singular due to the statistical interaction of quasiparticles. Another effect of this interaction is a new selection rule for the resonant tunneling of fractionally charged quasiparticles: the resonance is suppressed unless an integer number of {\em electrons} occupies the impurity. It allows a new explanation of the scaling behavior observed in the mesoscopic fluctuations of the conductivity in the FQHE.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX 3.0, Preprint SU-ITP-93-1

    Regulation of Homer and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors by nicotine

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    The present study focuses on the nicotine-induced modulation of mRNA and protein expression of a number of genes involved in glutamatergic synaptic transmission in rat brain over different time periods of exposure. A subchronic (3 days) but not the chronic (7 or 14 days) administration of nicotine resulted in the up-regulation of Homer2a/b mRNA in the amygdala while in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) no change in expression of either Homer2a/b or Homer1b/c was observed. Although the increase in Homer2a/b mRNA was not translated into the protein level in the amygdala, a slight but significant up-regulation of Homer1b/c protein was observed in the same region at day 3. Both Homer forms were up-regulated at the protein level in the VTA at day 3. In the nucleus accumbens, 14 days of nicotine treatment up-regulated mRNA of Homer2b/c by 68.2% (P < 0.05), while the short form Homer1a gene was down-regulated by 65.0% at day 3 (P < 0.05). In regard to other components of the glutamatergic signalling, we identified an acute and intermittent increase in the mRNA and protein levels of mGluR1 and mGluR5 in the amygdala. In the VTA, however, the effects of nicotine on mGluR mRNA expression were long-lasting but rather specific to mGluR1. Nevertheless, mGluR1 protein levels in the VTA area were up-regulated only at day 3, as in the amygdala. These data provide further evidence for the involvement of nicotine in the glutamatergic neuronal synaptic activity in vivo, suggesting a role for the newly identified Homer proteins in this paradigm

    Time and Amplitude of Afterpulse Measured with a Large Size Photomultiplier Tube

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    We have studied the afterpulse of a hemispherical photomultiplier tube for an upcoming reactor neutrino experiment. The timing, the amplitude, and the rate of the afterpulse for a 10 inch photomultiplier tube were measured with a 400 MHz FADC up to 16 \ms time window after the initial signal generated by an LED light pulse. The time and amplitude correlation of the afterpulse shows several distinctive groups. We describe the dependencies of the afterpulse on the applied high voltage and the amplitude of the main light pulse. The present data could shed light upon the general mechanism of the afterpulse.Comment: 11 figure

    Energy relaxation of an excited electron gas in quantum wires: many-body electron LO-phonon coupling

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    We theoretically study energy relaxation via LO-phonon emission in an excited one-dimensional electron gas confined in a GaAs quantum wire structure. We find that the inclusion of phonon renormalization effects in the theory extends the LO-phonon dominated loss regime down to substantially lower temperatures. We show that a simple plasmon-pole approximation works well for this problem, and discuss implications of our results for low temperature electron heating experiments in quantum wires.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, 4 figures included. Also available at http://www-cmg.physics.umd.edu/~lzheng

    Analysis of the modes of energy consumption of the complex of an incoherent scattering of the institute of ionosphere of national academy of sciences and the ministry of education and science of Ukraine

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    У даній статті представлені результати аналізу режимів енергоспоживання комплексу некогерентного розсіяння Інституту іоносфери НАН і МОН України з метою вирішення проблеми підвищення енергоефективності науково-дослідного комплексу та створення енергоефективної системи електропостачання, яка забезпечить стійку роботу наукового обладнання для виконання дослідницьких програм НАН України. Описана система електроживлення комплексу та режими енергоспоживання комплексу. Описано пристрої радарної системи, а також найбільш потужні споживачі електроенергії, які споживають електроенергію на експериментальні і господарські потреби. Проаналізовано енергоспоживання комплексу некогерентного розсіяння за 2013 р. Отримано і представлено графіки середньої споживаної потужності (середньодобовий показник) і середньої споживаної потужності в режимі вимірювань. Описана доцільність проведення робіт з оптимізації енергопостачання науково-дослідного комплексу Інституту іоносфери. Запропоновано можливі заходи для зниження економічної вартості проведення експериментів з дослідження іоносфери науково-дослідного комплексу некогерентного розсіяння. Проведено аналіз робіт сучасних авторів з метою показати, що підвищення ефективності функціонування систем електропостачання є актуальною проблемою сучасних досліджень.This article presents the results of the analysis of the energy consumption modes of the incoherent scattering complex of the Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to solve the problem of increasing the energy efficiency of a research complex and creating an energy efficient power supply system that will ensure the sustainability of scientific equipment for research programs of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The system of power supply of the complex and modes of power consumption of the complex are described. The devices of the radar system are described, as well as the most powerful consumers of electricity, which consume electricity for experimental and economic needs. The energy consumption of the incoherent scattering complex in 2013 is analyzed. Graphs of the average power consumption (daily average) and average power consumption in measurement modes were obtained and presented. The feasibility of work to optimize the energy supply of the research complex of the institute of the ionosphere is described. Possible measures are proposed to reduce the economic cost of conducting experiments on the study of the ionosphere of an incoherent scattering research complex. The analysis of the works of modern authors i s carried out in order to show that increasing the efficiency of the power supply systems is an actual problem of modern research

    One-neutron transfer study of 135Te and 137Xe by particle-γ coincidence spectroscopy: The ν1i13/2 state at N = 83

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    Additional information is reported on single-neutron states above the doubly closed-shell nucleus 132Sn. A radioactive ion beam of 134Te(N=82) at 565 MeV and a stable ion beam of 136Xe(N=82) at 560 MeV were used to study single-neutron states in the N=8

    Synthetic approaches to pallimamine and analogues using direct imine acylation

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    The use of Direct Imine Acylation (DIA) methodology for the total synthesis of pallimamine is described, with three different synthetic routes examined. The construction of three advanced δ-lactam precursors, all utilising DIA, is described, along with attempts to progress these compounds further, using three distinct desymmetrisation strategies, two involving alcohol-aryl coupling, and a third involving an unusual diastereoselective lactonisation