10 research outputs found

    Methylmercury exposure during early Xenopus laevis development affects cell proliferation and death but not neural progenitor specification

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    Methylmercury (MeHg) is a widespread environmental toxin that preferentially and adversely affects developing organisms. To investigate the impact of MeHg toxicity on the formation of the vertebrate nervous system at physiologically relevant concentrations, we designed a graded phenotype scale for evaluating Xenopus laevis embryos exposed to MeHg in solution. Embryos displayed a range of abnormalities in response to MeHg, particularly in brain development, which is influenced by both MeHg concentration and the number of embryos per ml of exposure solution. A TC50 of similar to 50 mu g/l and LC50 of similar to 100 mu g/l were found when maintaining embryos at a density of one per ml, and both increased with increasing embryo density. In situ hybridization and microarray analysis showed no significant change in expression of early neural patterning genes including sox2, en2, or delta; however a noticeable decrease was observed in the terminal neural differentiation genes GAD and xGAT, but not xVGlut. PCNA, a marker for proliferating cells, was negatively correlated with MeHg dose, with a significant reduction in cell number in the forebrain and spinal cord of exposed embryos by tadpole stages. Conversely, the number of apoptotic cells in neural regions detected by a TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling) assay was significantly increased. These results provide evidence that disruption of embryonic neural development by MeHg may not be directly due to a loss of neural progenitor specification and gene transcription, but to a more general decrease in cell proliferation and increase in cell death throughout the developing nervous system. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Characterization of tweety gene (ttyh1-3) expression in Xenopus laevis during embryonic development

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    The tweety family of genes encodes large-conductance chloride channels and has been implicated in a wide array of cellular processes including cell division, cell adhesion, regulation of calcium activity, and tumorigenesis, particularly in neuronal cells. However, their expression patterns during early development remain largely unknown. Here, we describe the spatial and temporal patterning of ttyh1, ttyh2, and ttyh3 in Xenopus laevis during early embryonic development. Ttyh1 and ttyh3 are initially expressed at the late neurula stage are and primarily localized to the developing nervous system; however ttyh1 and ttyh3 both show transient expression in the somites. By swimming tadpole stages, all three genes are expressed in the brain, spinal cord, eye, and cranial ganglia. While ttyh1 is restricted to proliferative, ventricular zones, ttyh3 is primarily localized to postmitotic regions of the developing nervous system. Ttyh2, however, is strongly expressed in cranial ganglia V, VII, IX and X. The differing temporal and spatial expression patterns of ttyh1, ttyh2, and ttyh3 suggest that they may play distinct roles throughout embryonic development. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Influencia de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para mejorar el aprendizaje en el área de Ciencia y Ambiente, en los estudiantes del Sexto Grado de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa N° 16173, Santa Rosa -Jaén - 2014

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    El estudio realizado buscó determinar la influencia de las Tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el aprendizaje del área de ciencia y ambiente, objetivo que se consolidó con la propuesta, nuevas tecnologías para desarrollar aprendizajes significativos, en el área de Ciencia y Ambiente, en estudiantes del sexto grado de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa Nª 16173, Santa Rosa- Jaén. El tipo de estudio fue de tipo mixto de diseño cuasi experimental. La población y muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 22 estudiantes comprendidos entre los 6 y 12 años de edad, de los cuales el 55% fue de sexo femenino y 45% masculino. El instrumento estuvo basado en un cuestionario para medir conocimiento, conformado por 8 preguntas; aplicación, organizada en 4 preguntas y el razonamiento mediante 4 interrogantes y con un coeficiente de fiabilidad determinada por el alfa de Crombach de 0,889, también se recurrió a medidas de tendencias central: media aritmética, moda, mediana. Finalmente, se concluye, asumiendo que el programa “nuevas tecnologías de la información”, incidió significativamente en el desarrollo de un conjunto de capacidades en los estudiantes del sexto grado de educación primaria, tales como: selecciona medios o herramientas tic para generar redes de interaprendizaje, selecciona y organiza información, organiza conceptos y teorías, comprende y fundamenta conocimientos científicos, problematiza situaciones y analiza datos en función de las implicancia del saber y hacer científico.Tesi

    Zinc-Induced Formation of a Coactivator Complex Containing the Zinc-Sensing Transcription Factor MTF-1, p300/CBP, and Sp1 ▿

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    Herein, the mechanisms of transactivation of gene expression by mouse metal response element-binding transcription factor 1 (MTF-1) were investigated. Evidence obtained from coimmunoprecipitation assays revealed that exposure of the cells to zinc resulted in the rapid formation of a multiprotein complex containing MTF-1, the histone acetyltransferase p300/CBP, and the transcription factor Sp1. Down-regulation of endogenous p300 expression by small interfering RNA transfection significantly decreased zinc-dependent metallothionein I (MT-I) gene transcription without altering induction of zinc transporter 1 (ZnT1). MTF-1 independently facilitated the recruitment of Sp1 and p300 to the protein complex in response to zinc. Mutagenesis demonstrated that the acidic domain, one of three transactivation domains of MTF-1, is required for recruitment of p300 but not Sp1 as well as for zinc-dependent activation of MT-I gene transcription. Furthermore, mutation of leucine residues (L→A) within a nuclear exclusion signal in the MTF-1 acidic domain impaired recruitment of p300 and zinc-dependent activation of the MT-I gene. Nuclear magnetic resonance characterization of an isolated protein fragment corresponding to the MTF-1 acidic region demonstrated that this region is largely unstructured in the presence and absence of excess stoichiometric amounts of zinc. This suggests that the mechanism by which MTF-1 recruits p300 to this complex involves extrinsic-zinc-dependent steps. These studies reveal a novel zinc-responsive mechanism requiring an acidic region of MTF-1 that functions as a nuclear exclusion signal as well as participating in formation of a coactivator complex essential for transactivation of MT-I gene expression

    Social support in the lives of lesbians and gay men at midlife and later

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    1981 Selected Bibliography

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