341 research outputs found

    The Proposal of Business Plan for Openning a Coffe Shop

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    Bakalářská práce pojednává o návrhu podnikatelského záměru pro založení kavárny. Obsahuje teoretickou část, která je důležitá pro vypracování analytické a návrhové části. V analytické části se provádí průzkum trhu a okolí. Nejdůležitější částí bakalářské práce je návrhová část, která obsahuje finanční analýzu a návrh podnikatelského záměru. Bakalářská práce je návodem, jak v dnešních podmínkách začít co nejefektivněji podnikat.This Bachelor thesis is focused on a proposal of a business plan for open a coffee shop. The Bachelor thesis includes theoretical part which is important for an analytic part and a proposal part. There is a market research in the analytic part. The most important part od the Bachelor thesis is proposal part which includes financial analysis and proposal od business plan.

    Top management team behavioral integration, organizational ambidexterity, and small firms\u27 performance: The moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation

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    This dissertation research examines organizational ambidexterity (OA)–a concept first introduced in organizational learning literature and conceptualized as an interaction between exploration and exploitation–and its relationships with a managerial antecedent and an organizational outcome in the context of small businesses. Drawing on strategic choice and upper echelons theory, the present study suggests that top management team (TMT) behavioral integration plays a critical role in managing the interaction between exploration and exploitation. Specifically, this research proposes a positive association between TMT behavioral integration and OA. Furthermore, it suggests that small firms manage the interaction between exploration and exploitation differently depending on their entrepreneurial nature. Compared with conservative organizations, firms with high levels of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) are more likely to consider exploration and exploitation as separate (but related) options (the combined dimension of OA). On the other hand, conservative (low-EO) firms are tend to focus more on the notion that exploration and exploitation are two ends of a continuum (the balance dimension of OA), compared with high-EO counterparts. Investigating the effect of OA on firm performance, the present study proposes that while the combined dimension of OA has a positive relationship with organizational performance, the OA balance dimension have an inverted U-shaped relationship with firm performance. Data from 185 TMT members of 82 small firms in Texas and Pennsylvania strongly supported the positive association between TMT behavioral integration, combined dimension of OA, and firm performance. Supportive evidence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between the balance dimension of OA and organizational performance was also found. However, the moderating effect of EO on the relationship between TMT behavioral integration and OA was not detected. This study has significant contributions to the literature by shedding more light on the construct of OA and its relationship with important antecedents and consequences. It also reveals opportunities to attain new insights into the relationship between EO and organizational performance, which has been largely debated in entrepreneurship literature

    Employer branding guide via Social media. Case company: HMSHost Finland Oy

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    Possessing a strong labor force is a crucial key for enterprises. In order to achieve this, companies need to improve their image and reputation to attract more talents. These objectives can be only obtained by developing the organization’s employer branding in order to stand-out in the market. However, traditional marketing channels for employer branding are high-priced and rigid. Using these channels in marketing strategies consumes vast amount of time and resources as well as difficult for adjustments. In the contrast, social media is a convenient, easy-to-use and cost-efficient marketing channel, in which a company present the brand messages and image on social media platforms. This thesis presents a marketing strategy for the commissioner company, HMSHost Finland Oy, in order to improve their employer brand and attract more applicants. To be exact, the aim of this paperwork is to apply social media practices in marketing plan which improve its employer branding with a lower budget. Therefore, the final product is a social media marketing guidebook for the company. This paperwork consists of four main tasks needed to complete. In this thesis, the product is based on the theoretical framework of employer branding and social media (1). The author conducts interviews (2) in order to examine the importance of employer branding to a company as well as the elements to evaluate a successful employer brand image. Afterwards, a tailor-made employer brand process is introduced with four steps (3). Next, the feedback (4) from the commissioner and tutor is obtained and strengthening the final version of the product. Finally, the author assesses the whole thesis based on its outcomes, give recommendations and relevant learnings from school. The literature review presents a theoretical framework related to employer branding, social media and their elements. The author builds up a four-step procedure of employer branding via social media. A qualitative research is carried out to address the importance of employer branding and its value elements that determine the success level of an employer

    Analysis Of Model And Observation Data For The Development Of A Public Pm2.5 Air-Quality Advisories Tool (Aquat)

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2012An air-quality advisory tool (AQuAT) that combines mobile measurements of particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5mum in diameter (PM2.5) with air-quality simulations performed with the Alaska adapted version of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model was developed to interpolate PM2.5-measurements into unmonitored neighborhoods in Fairbanks, Alaska. AQuAT was developed as traditional interpolation methods of interpolating the mobile measurements were unsuccessful. Such a spatially differentiated air-quality advisory is highly desired in Fairbanks due to health concerns of PM2.5, and the need to improve the quality of life. The accuracy of AQuAT depends on the accuracy of the air-quality simulations used for its database. Evaluation of these simulations showed that they captured the observed relationships between PM2.5-concentrations and major meteorological fields (e.g., wind-speed, temperature, and surface-inversions) well. Skill scores for simulated PM2.5-concentrations fell in the range of modern models. The AQuAT database can include information on the nonlinear impacts of various emission sources on PM2.5-concentrations. This benefit was illustrated by investigating the impacts of emissions from point sources, uncertified wood-burning devices, and traffic on the distribution of PM 2.5-concentrations in the neighborhoods. Sensitivity studies on the effects of wood-burning device changeouts on the PM2.5-concentrations suggested that the emission inventory should be updated as soon as possible to capture recent changes in the emission situation in response to the changeout program. The performance of AQuAT was evaluated with PM2.5-measurements from mobile and stationary sites, and with simulated PM2.5-concentrations of winter 2010/2011 which were assumed to be "grand-truth" data. These evaluations showed that AQuAT captured the magnitudes and temporal evolutions of the PM 2.5-measurements and the "grand-truth" data well. The inclusion of wind-speed, wind-direction, and temperature in AQuAT did not improve its accuracy. This result may be explained by the fact that the relationships between meteorology and PM2.5-concentrations were already captured by the database. AQuAT allows quick spatial interpolation after the mobile measurements were made and provides error bars. It also allows for any route within the area for which a database of simulated concentrations exists. It was shown that AQuAT can be easily transferred for applications in other regions


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    In recent years, experimental and numerical researches on the effect of blasting pressure on the stability of existing tunnels was widely obtained. However, the effect of the blasting pressure during excavation a new tunnel or expansion old tunnels on an existing tunnel has disadvantages and still unclear. Some researches were carried out to study the relationship of the observed Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) on the lining areas along the existing tunnel direction, due to either the lack of in situ test data or the difficulty in conducting field tests, particularly for tunnels that are usually old and vulnerable after several decades of service. This paper introduces using numerical methods with the field data investigations on the effect of the blasting in a new tunnel on the surrounding rock mass and on the existing tunnel. The research results show that not only predicting the tunnel lining damage zone under the impact of blast loads but also determination peak maximum of explosion at the same time at the surface of tunnel working

    La eficiencia de aplicar muestreo comprimido y resolución múltiple en tomografía por ultrasonido

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    Introduction: This publication is the product of  research developed within the research lines of the Smart Sensing, Signal Processing, and Applications (3SPA)  research  group  throughout  2018,  which  supports  the  work  of  a  doctor’s degree at VNU University of Engineering & Technology, Vietnam. Problem: The limitations of diagnostic ultrasound techniques using echo information has motivated the study of new imaging models in order to create additional quantitative ultrasound information in multi-model imaging devices. A promising solution is to use image sound contrast because it is capable of detecting changes in diseased tissue structures. Ultrasound tomography shows speed-of-sound changes in the propagation medium of sound waves. This technique is primarily used for imaging cancer-causing cells in womens’ breasts. The Distorted Born Iterative Method (DBIM), based on the first-order Born approximation, is an efficient diffraction tomography approach. The compressed sensing technique is utilized for DBIM to obtain the high-quality ultrasound image, although the image reconstruction process is quite long. Objective: The objective of the research is to propose an combined method for the efficient ultrasound tomography. Methodology: In this paper, we proposed an approach to enhance the imaging quality and to reduce the imaging time by applying the compressed sensing technique along with the multi-resolution technique for the DBIM. Results: The simulation results indicate that the imaging time is reduced by 33% and the imaging quality is improved by 83%. Conclusion: This project seeks to propose an improvement in ultrasound tomography. The simulated results confirmed the realibility of the propsed method. Originality: Through this research, a combined method of compressed sensing and multiple resolution are formulated for the first time in ultrasound tomography. Limitations: The lack of experiments to confirm the proposed method.Introducción: esta publicación es el producto de la investigación desarrollada dentro de las líneas del grupode investigación Detección Inteligente, Procesamiento de Señales y Aplicaciones (3SPA, Smart Sensing, Signal Processing, and Applications) a lo largo de 2018, que respalda el trabajo de un doctorado en la Universidad deIngeniería y Tecnología de VNU, Vietnam. Problema: las limitaciones de las técnicas de diagnóstico por ultrasonido que utilizan información de eco han motivado el estudio de nuevos modelos de imágenes para crear información cuantitativa adicional de ultrasonidos en dispositivos de imágenes de modelos múltiples. Una solución prometedora es utilizar el contraste de sonido de la imagen porque es capaz de detectar cambios en las estructuras de los tejidos enfermos. La tomografía por ultrasonido muestra los cambios en la velocidad del sonido en el medio de propagación de las ondas sonoras. Esta técnica se usa principalmente para obtener imágenes de células que causan cáncer en los senos de las mujeres.  Objetivo: el objetivo de la investigación es proponer un método combinado para la tomografía de ultrasonido eficiente. Metodología: en este documento se propuso un enfoque para mejorar la calidad de la imagen y reducir el tiempo diante la aplicación de la técnica de detección comprimida junto con la técnica de resolución múltiplepara el DBIM. Resultados: los resultados de la simulación indican que el tiempo de imagen se reduce en un 33 % y la calidad de imagen se mejora en un 83 %. Conclusión: este proyecto busca proponer una mejora en la tomografía por ultrasonido. Los resultados simulados confirmaron la viabilidad del método sugerido. Originalidad: a través de esta investigación, se formula por primera vez un método combinado de detección comprimida y resolución múltiple en la tomografía por ultrasonido. Limitaciones: la falta de experimentos para confirmar el método propuesto

    Revisiting the Approaches for Exploring Students’ Drive in Japanese Studies

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    Japanese Studies undergraduate programs offer students an engaging curriculum that provides a deep understanding of the Japanese language and culture. A degree in Japanese Studies equips students with valuable skills that are relevant in various fields, making it a popular choice worldwide. College students’ motivation is a critical factor in academic success and has been extensively studied in education. The paper aims to review the existing theories related to study motivation, language acquisition, study abroad drives, and motivation, then to consider the approaches and details that we could prioritize for investigating the motivations and drives of students majoring and minoring in Japanese Studies in universities

    Optimization for engine calibration

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    International audienceNowadays, automotive manufacturers are submitted to strong constraints in engine calibration such as: low fuel consumption, emission-control legislation and driver requests for driving comfort and performances. These constraints lead to an increasing complexity of the engines and thus an increasing number of parameters to be tuned, making the empirical engine calibration by a scan of parameter values impossible at engine test-bench. New methodologies in automated engine calibration based on statistics and optimization have emerged in order to limit the number of experimental tests to be run. The optimization problem of engine calibration consists in the determination of engine tuning parameters that minimize the cumulated fuel consumption and pollutant emissions on a driving cycle generally associated with legislation norms. This cycle is decomposed in a set of stationary operating points of the engine characterized by its speed and its torque (the transient behaviors of the engine are not taken into account in the stabilized calibration). Then, the optimal tuning parameters of the engine should be defined for each operating points, the functions defining these parameters on the whole engine operating domain are called the engine maps. These two-dimensional optimal engine maps are then integrated in the engine control unit in the vehicle. We illustrate the difficulties associated with this application and propose adapted optimization methodologies: LoLiMoT models for engine map parameterization in order to handle intrinsic constraints on the map regularity, multi-objective optimization method based on CMA-ES approach. Finally , application on real dataset obtained at IFP automated test-bench for a diesel engine are presented. 2. Keywords: Engine calibration, LoLiMoT, Multi-objective optimization, Evolutionary algorithm 3. Introduction Engine calibration consists in fulfilling the engine tuning maps that are used in engine controls of the vehicle, i.e. in defining the optimal tuning of parameters used by engine control strategies. Due to the highly increased number of these parameters (especially for diesel engines but spark ignition engines are following the same trend) and the reduction of the development schedule available for the calibration process, manual tuning of engine parameters is now replaced by mathematically assisted calibration process. Such a process is based on the design of experiments with associated modeling methods, in order to reduce the number of tests used to build engine response models depending on engine control parameters, and optimization techniques to determine the optimal settings within the model definition domain. In order to perform the tests in a more productive way, these mathematical techniques are generally associated with test automation, requiring well controlled measurement methods and reliable test equipments. This paper describes the optimization methods developed for this application and illustrates their effectiveness on a real case of a common rail diesel Engine. The first section introduces the classical steps of the calibration process and discusses the associated difficulties. In the second section, we propose the Multi-Objective Covariance-Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy method for solving the optimization problem associated with a given engine operating point defined by the engine speed and the engine load. In the third part, an integrated approach is proposed in order to directly optimize the engine maps on the whole driving cycle (associated with legislation norms) instead of the individual optimization of each engine operating point. 4. Engine calibration 4.1. Sketch of the engine calibration process The emission calibration workflow is classically divided into four steps: 1. a preliminary phase consisting in choosing a sample of operating points (referred to as OP in the