88 research outputs found

    Physics Engine on the GPU with OpenGL Compute Shaders

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    Any kind of graphics simulation can be thought of like a fancy flipbook. This notion is, of course, nothing new. For instance, in a game, the central computing unit (CPU) needs to process frame by frame, figuring out what is happening, and then finally issues draw calls to the graphics processing unit (GPU) to render the frame and display it onto the monitor. Traditionally, the CPU has to process a lot of things: from the creation of the window environment for the processed frames to be displayed, handling game logic, processing artificial intelligence (AI) for non-player characters (NPC), to the physics, and issuing draw calls; and all of these have to be done within roughly 0.0167 seconds to maintain real-time performance of 60 frames per second (fps). The main goal of this thesis is to move the physics pipeline of any kind of simulation to the GPU instead of the CPU. The main tool to make this possible would be the usage of OpenGL Compute Shaders. OpenGL is a high-performance graphics application programming interface (API), used as an abstraction layer for the CPU to communicate with the GPU. OpenGL was created by the Khronos Group primarily for graphics, or drawing frames only. In the later versions of OpenGL, the Khronos Group has introduced Compute Shader, which can be used for general-purpose computing on the GPU (GPGPU). This means the GPU can be used to process any arbitrary math computations, and not limited to only process the vertices and fragments of polygons. This thesis features Broad Phase and Narrow Phase collision detection stages, and a collision Resolution Phase with Sequential Impulses entirely on the GPU with real-time performance


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    Stirling motor is a type of outside ignition heat motor that can utilize various fuel sources from customary structures (coal, oil, kindling, rice husk, and so forth) to sustainable power sources (sun-oriented energy), climate, squander heat usage, and so forth). The article centers around introducing the fundamental highlights of the improvement history, activity qualities, and plan techniques for certain sorts of Stirling motors, in this way offering useful appropriateness as well as a college preparing for understudies. The understudy studying Thermal Engineering in our nation today.  

    The COVID-19 global pandemic : a review of the Vietnamese Government response

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    The profound effect of COVID-19 pandemic has not eluded Vietnam, a lower-middle-income country that borders China, the country where the outbreak originated. Currently facing a second wave, Vietnam experienced several months of insignificant community-transmission, when the epidemic was effectively under control. This paper provides an account of the policies developed by the national COVID-19 response team during the first wave, from January to July 2020. Three key components were identified, including (i) the timely and decisive responses from the national and local authorities in the early phase of the pandemic, (ii) a society-wide approach, supported by an effective risk communication strategy which managed to gain the public trust, and (iii) an effective preventive medicine and infectious disease control system, residing in early case identification, strict isolation, effective contact tracing and compulsory quarantine of close contacts. While several other important components of the health system, such as financing and human resources remain largely under-explored, the results of this study show that a mixture of measures may lead to an effective epidemic management

    M^2UNet: MetaFormer Multi-scale Upsampling Network for Polyp Segmentation

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    Polyp segmentation has recently garnered significant attention, and multiple methods have been formulated to achieve commendable outcomes. However, these techniques often confront difficulty when working with the complex polyp foreground and their surrounding regions because of the nature of convolution operation. Besides, most existing methods forget to exploit the potential information from multiple decoder stages. To address this challenge, we suggest combining MetaFormer, introduced as a baseline for integrating CNN and Transformer, with UNet framework and incorporating our Multi-scale Upsampling block (MU). This simple module makes it possible to combine multi-level information by exploring multiple receptive field paths of the shallow decoder stage and then adding with the higher stage to aggregate better feature representation, which is essential in medical image segmentation. Taken all together, we propose MetaFormer Multi-scale Upsampling Network (M2^2UNet) for the polyp segmentation task. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method achieved competitive performance compared with several previous methods

    Replacement of freshwater small-size fish by formulated feed in snakehead (Channa striata) aquaculture: Experimental and commercial-scale pond trials, with economic analysis

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    Traditional snakehead culture in Southeast Asia relies on use of small-size (trash) fish as food, an unsustainable practice. Following development of weaning methods and testing of formulated feed (FF) in laboratory experiments, we conducted feeding trials of FF vs. trash fish (TF) in experimental ponds at Can Tho University (CTU), followed by similar trials on commercial farms in two provinces in Vietnam. CTU pond trials consisted of five treatments (in triplicate), in which TF was replaced by FF in increasing percentages: 0 (control), 25, 50, 75, and 100% replacement of TF by FF (i.e., three treatments had mixed TF/FF diets). Although survival was significantly reduced in the 100% replacement treatment, and growth was significantly reduced in the 75% and 100% replacement treatments, the cost per kg of fish produced was 28–35% less in those high-replacement treatments compared to the 0% replacement treatment. On-farm trials were then conducted at two farms in An Giang and Dong Thap provinces for 6 months with snakehead fed TF only or FF only. At both farms, survival (73–80%) was not significantly different, but growth was significantly better on FF diet at both; however, FF-fed fish at the An Giang farm showed significantly higher levels of abnormal development. Overall production was about twice as high at the An Giang farm as at Dong Thap, but significantly greater production by FF-fed fish vs. TF-fed fish was only seen at Dong Thap. Sensory evaluation by a tasting panel found no difference in product quality between FF-fed fish, TF-fed fish, and a commercial sample bought in the market. Economic analysis indicated that profits were higher for FF-fed fish from both farms, although production costs and sales varied greatly, reflecting market differences in the two provinces

    Insight QSDAR models for prediction of anticancer activity on Hela cell line of new flavonoid isolating from rhizome Zingiber zerumbet SM in Viet Nam

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    1385-1395This research predicts the anticancer activity on the Hela cell line of new flavonoid kaempferol-3-O-methyl ether isolating from rhizome Zingiber zerumbet SM by using the spectrum data activity relationship (QSDAR) models. This model has been developed for a set of 3-aminoflavonoids based on the simulated-spectral data 13C NMR and 15O NMR resulting from the semi-empirical quantum chemical calculations TNDO/2 SCF. The atomic sites O1, O11, C2, C3, C6, C7, and C2’ in the QSDAR models significantly contribute to anticancer activity resulting from the Genetic algorithm (GA). The best regression model QSDARMLR with the values R2train of 0.9057 and R2test of 0.7137, and the neural network modelQSDARANN I(7)-HL(9)-O(1) with the values R2train of 0.993 and R2pred of 0.971 have been explored to predict the anticanceractivities on Hela cell line for new flavonoid kaempferol-3-O-methyl ether from rhizome Zingiber zerumbet SM in Viet Nam

    Insight QSDAR models for prediction of anticancer activity on Hela cell line of new flavonoid isolating from rhizome Zingiber zerumbet SM in Viet Nam

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    This research predicts the anticancer activity on the Hela cell line of new flavonoid kaempferol-3-O-methyl ether isolating from rhizome Zingiber zerumbet SM by using the spectrum data activity relationship (QSDAR) models. This model has been developed for a set of 3-aminoflavonoids based on the simulated-spectral data 13C NMR and 15O NMR resulting from the semi-empirical quantum chemical calculations TNDO/2 SCF. The atomic sites O1, O11, C2, C3, C6, C7, and C2’ in the QSDAR models significantly contribute to anticancer activity resulting from the Genetic algorithm (GA). The best regression model QSDARMLR with the values R2train of 0.9057 and R2test of 0.7137, and the neural network model QSDARANN I(7)-HL(9)-O(1) with the values R2train of 0.993 and R2pred of 0.971 have been explored to predict the anticancer activities on Hela cell line for new flavonoid kaempferol-3-O-methyl ether from rhizome Zingiber zerumbet SM in Viet Nam.

    The experience of using e-commerce platforms affects the online purchase intention of customers in the FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) sector in Hanoi city

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    In recent times, the Vietnamese e-commerce market is in a period of strong development, in addition, to the sharp increase in people’s demands to join e-commerce platforms after the epidemic. The research group started with an overview study, then research hypotheses and models were proposed. After conducting preliminary qualitative and quantitative research to adjust the appropriate scales, the research group created a questionnaire and collected data in online forms with a sample size of 350. Next, the data was entered into the software for SEM analysis. The results of the study indicate that the quality of the e-commerce platform has an indirect impact on the purchase intention through the positive impact on the trust and the negative impact on the perceived risk. Attitudes towards information, trust, perceived risk, and perceived usefulness have direct influences on purchase intention. Attitude towards information, trust, and perceived usefulness have positive effects on purchase intention, while perceived risk harms purchase intention. In addition, purchase intention is relatively strongly influenced by trust and perceived usefulness. Perceived risk and attitude towards information have little influence on purchase intention. Finally, the research team proposes some solutions for businesses to increase the purchase intention of consumers through e-commerce platforms. &nbsp

    A Study on Factors Impacting on Profitability: The Case of Vietnam

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    This study is conducted to investigate factors influencing the profitability of the Vietnamese food processing firms. Data was collected from audited financial statements from listed food processing firms on the Vietnam Stock Exchange. Panel regression model was applied in this study (PLS). The testing methods used in this research were Pearson model; Modified Wald Test, Wooldridge test (for autocorreclation in panel data), Hausman model, especially the relationship between FEM and REM as well as Multicollinearity test based on VIF coeficient. The results shows that DR, SDR and LDR have negative impacts on profitability. In contrast, TDTELT have positive impacts on the profitability. FATA and SIZE impact return on asset (ROA) without statistical significance. SIZE has positive impact on return on equity (ROE) while it impacts negatively on profit margin (PM). Moreover, AGE, GDP growth, and inflation do not have impact on profitability. Keywords: Factors, Return on assets, Food processing firms, Vietnam DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-10-07 Publication date:May 31st 202
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