138 research outputs found

    Unsupervised machine learning of integrated health and social care data from the Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey service in Glasgow

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    Background: Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) was launched in 2014 by Glasgow City Council and Macmillan Cancer Support. As part of routine service, data is collected on ICJ users including demographic and health information, results from holistic needs assessments and quality of life scores as measured by EQ-5D health status. There is also data on the number and type of referrals made and feedback from users on the overall service. By applying artificial intelligence and interactive visualization technologies to this data, we seek to improve service provision and optimize resource allocation.Method: An unsupervised machine-learning algorithm was deployed to cluster the data. The classical k-means algorithm was extended with the k-modes technique for categorical data, and the gap heuristic automatically identified the number of clusters. The resulting clusters are used to summarize complex data sets and produce three-dimensional visualizations of the data landscape. Furthermore, the traits of new ICJ clients are predicted by approximately matching their details to the nearest existing cluster center.Results: Cross-validation showed the model’s effectiveness over a wide range of traits. For example, the model can predict marital status, employment status and housing type with an accuracy between 2.4 to 4.8 times greater than random selection. One of the most interesting preliminary findings is that area deprivation (measured through Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation-SIMD) is a better predictor of an ICJ client’s needs than primary diagnosis (cancer type).Conclusion: A key strength of this system is its ability to rapidly ingest new data on its own and derive new predictions from those data. This means the model can guide service provision by forecasting demand based on actual or hypothesized data. The aim is to provide intelligent person-centered recommendations. The machine-learning model described here is part of a prototype software tool currently under development for use by the cancer support community.Disclosure: Funded by Macmillan Cancer Support</p

    Teleworking practice in small and medium-sized firms: Management style and worker autonomy

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    In an empirical study of teleworking practices amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in West London, organisational factors such as management attitudes, worker autonomy and employment flexibility were found to be more critical than technological provision in facilitating successful implementation. Consequently, we argue that telework in most SMEs appears as a marginal activity performed mainly by managers and specialist mobile workers

    An updated report on the incidence and epidemiological trends of keratinocyte cancers in the United Kingdom 2013-2018

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    Introduction: The most common cancers in the UK are keratinocyte cancers (KCs): the combined term for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (cSCCs). Registration of KC is challenging due to high numbers and multiplicity of tumours per person. Methods: We provide an updated report on the descriptive epidemiology of trends in KC incidence for the resident populations of UK countries (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) using population-based cancer registry and pathology report data, 2013-18. Results: Substantial increases in cSCC incidence in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland can be detected for the period of 2013-18, and the incidence of cSCC also increased in Wales from 2016 to 2018. In contrast, however, the pattern of annual change in the incidence of BCC across the nations differs. In England, the incidence of BCC declined slightly from 2016 to 2018, however, the overall trend across 2013-18 is not statistically significant. In Scotland, the incidence of BCC shows some variability, declining in 2017 before increasing in 2018, and the overall trend across 2013-18 was also not statistically significant. In Northern Ireland, the incidence of BCC increased significantly over the study period, and in Wales, the incidence of BCC increased from 2016 to 2018. One in five people will develop non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) in their lifetime in England. This estimate is much higher than the lifetime risk of melanoma (1 in 36 males and 1 in 47 females born after 1960 in the UK), which further highlights the burden of the disease and importance of early prevention strategies. Conclusions: We highlight how common these tumours are by publishing the first ever lifetime incidence of NMSC. Additionally, the first time reporting of the age standardised incidence of KC in Wales further confirms the scale of the disease burden posed by these cancers in the UK. With approximately one in five people developing NMSC in their lifetime, optimisation of skin cancer prevention, management and research are essential

    Life after prostate cancer diagnosis: protocol for a UK-wide patient-reported outcomes study

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    Background: Prostate cancer and its treatment may impact physically, psychologically and socially; affecting the health-related quality of life of men and their partners/spouses. The Life After Prostate Cancer Diagnosis (LAPCD) study is a UK-wide patient-reported outcomes study which will generate information to improve the health and well-being of men with prostate cancer. Methods and analysis: Postal surveys will be sent to prostate cancer survivors (18–42 months postdiagnosis) in all 4 UK countries (n=∼70 000). Eligible men will be identified and/or verified through cancer registration systems. Men will be surveyed twice, 12 months apart, to explore changes in outcomes over time. Second, separate cohorts will be surveyed once and the design will include evaluation of the acceptability of online survey tools. A comprehensive patient-reported outcome measure has been developed using generic and specific instruments with proven psychometric properties and relevance in national and international studies. The outcome data will be linked with administrative health data (eg, treatment information from hospital data). To ensure detailed understanding of issues of importance, qualitative interviews will be undertaken with a sample of men who complete the survey across the UK (n=∼150) along with a small number of partners/spouses (n=∼30). Ethics and dissemination: The study has received the following approvals: Newcastle and North Tyneside 1 Research Ethics Committee (15/NE/0036), Health Research Authority Confidentiality Advisory Group (15/CAG/0110), NHS Scotland Public Benefit and Privacy Panel (0516-0364), Office of Research Ethics Northern Ireland (16/NI/0073) and NHS R&D approval from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Using traditional and innovative methods, the results will be made available to men and their partners/spouses, the funders, the NHS, social care, voluntary sector organisations and other researchers

    Testicular germ-cell tumours and penile squamous cell carcinoma: Appropriate management makes the difference

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    Germ-cell tumours (GCT) of the testis and penile squamous cell carcinoma (PeSCC) are a rare and a very rare uro-genital cancers, respectively. Both tumours are well defined entities in terms of management, where specific recommendations - in the form of continuously up-to-dated guide lines-are provided. Impact of these tumour is relevant. Testicular GCT affects young, healthy men at the beginning of their adult life. PeSCC affects older men, but a proportion of these patients are young and the personal consequences of the disease may be devastating. Deviation from recommended management may be a reason of a significant prognostic worsening, as proper treatment favourably impacts on these tumours, dramatically on GCT and significantly on PeSCC. RARECAREnet data may permit to analyse how survivals may vary according to geographical areas, histology and age, leading to assume that non-homogeneous health-care resources may impact the cure and definitive outcomes. In support of this hypothesis, some epidemiologic datasets and clinical findings would indicate that survival may improve when appropriate treatments are delivered, linked to a different accessibility to the best health institutions, as a consequence of geographical, cultural and economic barriers. Finally, strong clues based on epidemiological and clinical data support the hypothesis that treatment delivered at reference centres or under the aegis of a qualified multi-institutional network is associated with a better prognosis of patients with these malignancies. The ERN EURACAN represents the best current European effort to answer this clinical need

    Treatment challenges in and outside a specialist network setting: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours

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    Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms comprise a group of rare tumours with special biology, an often indolent behaviour and particular diagnostic and therapeutic requirements. The specialized biochemical tests and radiological investigations, the complexity of surgical options and the variety of medical treatments that require individual tailoring, mandate a multidisciplinary approach that can be optimally achieved through an organized network. The present study describes currents concepts in the management of these tumours as well as an insight into the challenges of delivering the pathway in and outside a Network

    Treatment challenges in and outside a network setting: Head and neck cancers

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    Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a rare disease that can affect different sites and is characterized by variable incidence and 5-year survival rates across Europe. Multiple factors need to be considered when choosing the most appropriate treatment for HNC patients, such as age, comorbidities, social issues, and especially whether to prefer surgery or radiation-based protocols. Given the complexity of this scenario, the creation of a highly specialized multidisciplinary team is recommended to guarantee the best oncological outcome and prevent or adequately treat any adverse effect. Data from literature suggest that the multidisciplinary team-based approach is beneficial for HNC patients and lead to improved survival rates. This result is likely due to improved diagnostic and staging accuracy, a more efficacious therapeutic approach and enhanced communication across disciplines. Despite the benefit of MTD, it must be noted that this approach requires considerable time, effort and financial resources and is usually more frequent in highly organized and high-volume centers. Literature data on clinical research suggest that patients treated in high-accrual centers report better treatment outcomes compared to patients treated in low-volume centers, where a lower radiotherapy-compliance and worst overall survival have been reported. There is general agreement that treatment of rare cancers such as HNC should be concentrated in high volume, specialized and multidisciplinary centers. In order to achieve this goal, the creation of international collaboration network is fundamental. The European Reference Networks for example aim to create an international virtual advisory board, whose objectives are the exchange of expertise, training, clinical collaboration and the reduction of disparities and enhancement of rationalize migration across Europe. The purpose of our work is to review all aspects and challenges in and outside this network setting planned for the management of HNC patients

    Investigation of the international comparability of population-based routine hospital data set derived comorbidity scores for patients with lung cancer

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    Introduction: The International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP) identified significant international differences in lung cancer survival. Differing levels of comorbid disease across ICBP countries has been suggested as a potential explanation of this variation but, to date, no studies have quantified its impact. This study investigated whether comparable, robust comorbidity scores can be derived from the different routine population-based cancer data sets available in the ICBP jurisdictions and, if so, use them to quantify international variation in comorbidity and determine its influence on outcome. Methods: Linked population-based lung cancer registry and hospital discharge data sets were acquired from nine ICBP jurisdictions in Australia, Canada, Norway and the UK providing a study population of 233 981 individuals. For each person in this cohort Charlson, Elixhauser and inpatient bed day Comorbidity Scores were derived relating to the 4–36 months prior to their lung cancer diagnosis. The scores were then compared to assess their validity and feasibility of use in international survival comparisons. Results: It was feasible to generate the three comorbidity scores for each jurisdiction, which were found to have good content, face and concurrent validity. Predictive validity was limited and there was evidence that the reliability was questionable. Conclusion: The results presented here indicate that interjurisdictional comparability of recorded comorbidity was limited due to probable differences in coding and hospital admission practices in each area. Before the contribution of comorbidity on international differences in cancer survival can be investigated an internationally harmonised comorbidity index is required

    Impact of case management by advanced practice nurses in primary care on unplanned hospital admissions: a controlled intervention study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing unplanned hospital admissions disrupt planned health care, lead to additional morbidity and are expensive. A recent review found only weak evidence for case management preventing unplanned admissions, yet case management of older people is being implemented widely in the UK. We aimed to study the effect of advanced practice nurse case management on unplanned medical and geriatric hospital admission rates in patients 50 years and over, and on admission risk in a 'higher risk' sub-group of patients in the UK.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Case management by advanced practice nurses in NHS primary care practices in the Swansea Local Health Board area, Wales, UK. We conducted a prospective non-randomized controlled intervention study comparing unplanned medical and geriatric patient admissions between five intervention and thirty non-intervention practices during a pre-intervention year and an intervention year.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For all lengths of stay, comparing intervention (n = 5) with non-intervention practices (n = 30) from pre-intervention to intervention year, we found that the unplanned medical and geriatric admission rate was significantly lower in the intervention group – adjusted relative risk of 0.909; relative risk reduction 9.1% (95% credible limit 0.840 to 0.984, p = 0.018); absolute risk reduction 0.99 admissions per 100 patients (95% credible limit 0.17 to 1.86, p = 0.018). For lengths of stay of one night or more we observed a stronger effect – adjusted relative risk 0.896; relative risk reduction 10.41% (95%, credible limit 0.820 to 0.979, p = 0.015). Most of the rate reduction was due to a reduction in the number of new admissions but much less so for admissions of lengths of stay of at least one night, compared to all lengths of stay. We did not find a statistically significant effect on re-admission or multiple re-admission rates in 'higher risk' patients previously admitted one or more times – adjusted relative risk of further multiple admissions per previously admitted patient 0.908 (95% credible limit 0.765, 1.077); relative risk reduction 9.3%; adjusted relative risk of total admissions per multiple admitter 0.995 (95% credible limit 0.940, 1.053) relative risk reduction 0.6%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although this study reports a reduction in unplanned admission rates in the intervention practices, this appears to be only in part directly due to nurse case management: most of the reduction did not occur in multipe admitters whom were case managed. Further research is needed to explain this finding, to elucidate how best to target the attention of case managers and to examine the complexity of potential outcomes in terms of the nature and necessity of admissions and most suitable lengths-of-stay in terms of acute care or rehabilittion need.</p

    Conservative Fragments in Bacterial 16S rRNA Genes and Primer Design for 16S Ribosomal DNA Amplicons in Metagenomic Studies

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    Bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) amplicons have been widely used in the classification of uncultured bacteria inhabiting environmental niches. Primers targeting conservative regions of the rDNAs are used to generate amplicons of variant regions that are informative in taxonomic assignment. One problem is that the percentage coverage and application scope of the primers used in previous studies are largely unknown. In this study, conservative fragments of available rDNA sequences were first mined and then used to search for candidate primers within the fragments by measuring the coverage rate defined as the percentage of bacterial sequences containing the target. Thirty predicted primers with a high coverage rate (>90%) were identified, which were basically located in the same conservative regions as known primers in previous reports, whereas 30% of the known primers were associated with a coverage rate of <90%. The application scope of the primers was also examined by calculating the percentages of failed detections in bacterial phyla. Primers A519–539, E969–983, E1063–1081, U515 and E517, are highly recommended because of their high coverage in almost all phyla. As expected, the three predominant phyla, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes and Proteobacteria, are best covered by the predicted primers. The primers recommended in this report shall facilitate a comprehensive and reliable survey of bacterial diversity in metagenomic studies