19 research outputs found

    Uuden teknologian arvoketjun mallintaminen:case kiinteän elektrolyytin akut

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    Tiivistelmä. Kiinteäelektrolyyttiset akut ovat verrattain uusi akkuteknologia, jonka viimeaikaista kehitystä on ajanut sähköisten kulkuneuvojen yleistyminen niin julkisissa kulkuneuvoissa kuin yksityisautoilussa ja muussa kulkemisessa. Kiinteäelektrolyyttiset akut eroavat perinteisistä litiumioniakuista esimerkiksi turvallisuudellaan, ympäristöystävällisyydellään, varastointikapasiteetiltaan ja energiatiheyksiltään. Eräs valmistustapa näille kiinteäelektrolyyttisille akuille on painettavan elektroniikan valmistusmenetelmät rullalta rullalle -prosessissa. Tässä diplomityössä keskityttiin tutkimaan painettavien, kiinteäelektrolyyttisten akkujen arvoketjujen mallintamista Oulun liiketoimintaekosysteemissä. Pohja tälle kvalitatiiviselle tutkimukselle luotiin aiheelle relevantin kirjallisuuskatsauksen sekä case-esimerkkien avulla, sekä keräämällä aineistoa kiinteäelektrolyyttisistä akuista ja niiden painettavista valmistusmenetelmistä. Tiedonkeruumenetelminä empiirisessä tutkimuksessa käytettiin työpajaa sekä aihepiirin tutkijoiden vapaamuotoisia haastatteluja. Tapaustutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin mallinnettua Oulussa kehitettävälle painettavalle, kiinteäelektrolyyttiselle akkuteknologialle kolme skenaariomallia sekä näihin skenaarioihin pohjautuvat arvoketjumallit. Työn tuloksena saadut arvoketjuskenaarioiden mallit voivat auttaa niiden mukaisella tavalla vaadittua vastuun ottavaa yritystä tai muuta toimijaa hahmottamaan tarvittavia arvoa luovia toimintoja ja niiden huomioimista, sekä vaadittua liiketoimintaekosysteemin sitouttamista arvoketjuun esimerkiksi toimitus- tai akkuverkoston muodossa. Skenaariot voivat auttaa myös oman toiminnan merkityksen huomioimista tämän liiketoimintaekosysteemin kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset koskevat spesifisesti Oulun aluetta ja sen liiketoimintaekosysteemiä, mutta tuloksia voitaisiin soveltaa samankaltaisiin kohteisiin, joissa yritys tai muu toimija haluaa ottaa vastuun painettavien, kiinteäelektrolyyttisten akkujen valmistuksesta ja akkuteknologian kehityksestä tai muiden uusien teknologioiden kohdalla.Value chain modelling for a new technology : case solid-state batteries. Abstract. Solid-state batteries are a comparatively new battery technology and the driver for its recent development has been the generalization of electronic vehicles in public as well as in private transportation and other ways of movement. Solid-state batteries differ from conventional lithium-ion batteries by example with their safety, environmental friendliness, storage capacity and energy density. A certain manufacturing method for these batteries are the methods of printed electronics in roll-to-roll process. The focus of this thesis was studying the value chain modelling of printed solid-state batteries in Oulu business ecosystem. The background for this qualitative study was created with the help of relevant literature of the field and case examples, and by gathering literature in solid-state batteries and in manufacturing methods of printed electronics. The information gathered to the empirical study was conducted by workshop and by informal interviews with the researchers of the field. As the result of the case study, three scenario models for printable, solid-state battery technology to be developed in Oulu and value chain models based on these scenarios were modeled. The resulting value chain scenario models can help the required, responsible company or other actor to identify and consider the needed value-creating activities, as well as the commitment of the required business ecosystem to the value chain, for example in the form of supply of battery network. The scenarios may also help to consider company’s own activities in the context of the business ecosystem. The results of the study are specific to the Oulu region and its business ecosystem, but the results could be applied to similar sites where a company or other actor wants to take responsibility to produce printable, solid-state batteries and the development of battery technology or other new technology

    Prediction of electroconvulsive therapy response and remission in major depression: meta-analysis

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    Abstract: Background Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is considered to be the most effective treatment in severe major depression. The identification of reliable predictors of ECT response could contribute to a more targeted patient selection and consequently increased ECT response rates. Aims To investigate the predictive value of age, depression severity, psychotic and melancholic features for ECT response and remission in major depression. Method A meta-analysis was conducted according to the PRISMA statement. A literature search identified recent studies that reported on at least one of the potential predictors. Results Of the 2193 articles screened, 34 have been included for metaanalysis. Presence of psychotic features is a predictor of ECT remission (odds ratio (OR) = 1.47, P = 0.001) and response (OR = 1.69, P < 0.001), as is older age (standardised mean difference (SMD) = 0.26 for remission and 0.35 for response (P < 0.001)). The severity of depression predicts response (SMD = 0.19, P = 0.001), but not remission. Data on melancholic symptoms were inconclusive. Conclusions ECT is particularly effective in patients with depression with psychotic features and in elderly people with depression. More research on both biological and clinical predictors is needed to further evaluate the position of ECT in treatment protocols for major depression

    Recovery and reuse of structural products from end-of-life buildings

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    YesBuildings and construction have been identified as having the greatest potential for circular economy value creation. One source of value creation is to recover and reuse building products from end-of-service-life buildings, rather than destructive demolition and downcycling. While there is a trade in non-structural and heritage product recovery and reuse, the largest volume, mass and value of most buildings comprise structural elements – concrete, brick and masonry, and steel – which present many challenges. A comprehensive literature review confirms limited attention to innovation and advanced techniques to address these challenges and therefore the potential reuse of the stocks of accumulated building products globally and associated environmental benefits. Potential techniques being tested in an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council circular economy research programme are referenced as a key building block towards circular economy building system redesign.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - research project Rebuild (EPSRC EP/P008917/1

    Vacant residential buildings as potential reserves: a geographical and statistical study

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    Vacant housing has been associated with a variety of interests from economic implications and consequences for the urban structure to the possibility of providing housing for the homeless. In addition to these social and financial aspects, unused buildings have resources embedded in them. They take land from other activities and contain refined natural resources in the form of building components and materials. Therefore, empty buildings can be regarded as reserves for housing and repositories for urban mining, i.e. material extraction. In doing so, these buildings contribute to the resilience of cities. This geographical and statistical study on residential vacancies is situated in Finland, where empty homes may also keep using energy and producing emissions. The research material consists of a vast dataset of all residential buildings with vacancies in Finland in mid-2014, a total of 275 486 buildings with 1 100 267 occupied and 378 802 unoccupied dwellings (52% of the Finnish housing stock). The paper shows several characteristics that increase the understanding of vacancies and their role in the dynamics of the building stock. Public policy should address the issue of vacancy, not only because of social and economic implications but also because of its environmental impacts and opportunities.Peer reviewe

    Twitching Laborious Play or : How Game-Streaming Changes Modes of Playing

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    The twitch gaming event is a multifaceted and multilayered participatory act, linking economic interests of platform owners, game industry and gamers with modes of playing games – a development that engenders gaming – especially twitch gaming – as a new form of ‘work’. In this paper, we will make an effort to develop a frame by which the interconnections between actors like media specific aspects of live-streaming, the aesthetic of performing – such as ‘self-portrayal’ and maintaining a ‘screen persona’ by the streamers –,mediatechnical equipment as well as social interactions with the audience and, last but not least, economic interests become entangled to produce what we call a ‘live-streamed gaming event (Giddings 2008)’ or, to put it simple, twitch.publishe