70 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study – a review of modern computer simulation of physiological functions and evaluation of experience and implementation of these technologies in the educational process of the Department of Physiology, State establishment “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Dnipro.Materials and Methods. Theoretical and methodological analysis of modern simulation technologies for teaching the curse of physiology, including next software: “Virtual Physiology” (LuPraFi-Sim, program presented by the International Union of humane education – InterNICHE, and supported WSPA), Sim Nerv, Six Second ECG. Descriptive analyze the quality of passing of licensed test examination “Step 1” in the specialty “Dentistry” of Ukrainian students in 2017.Results and Discussion. At present, there are available and successfully implemented in teaching of physiology software simulators in the following sections: physiology of excitable structures, the central and peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, humoral regulation of visceral functions, urinary system, respiratory system, blood, physiology of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system. The results of the license test examination “Step 1” in the specialty “Dentistry” of Ukrainian students in 2017 the average mark of the discipline “Physiology” is 74.9 %, while the overall average score on the exam of 72.5 %.Conclusions. 1. New software have merged text information, graphics, video and animation of physiological processes, enables high-quality mastering theoretical information and promotes more successful integration of the student in clinical sciences. 2. These developments are actively implemented in all sections of the course Physiology and focused on continuity and consistency of training, based on historical experience and humanistic values, development of new educational technologies. 3. The use of modern simulation technology in teaching physiology course has a positive effect on student performance quality and their preparation to the licensed test exam “Step1”.Мета дослідження – огляд сучасних засобів комп’ютерної симуляції фізіологічних функцій та оцінка і досвід впровадження цих технологій  у навчальний процес кафедри фізіології ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України” м. Дніпро.Матеріали та методи дослідження. Теоретичний та методологічний аналіз сучасних симуляційних технологій, які використовуються для викладання курсу фізіології, зокрема програмне забезпечення: “Віртуальна фізіологія” (LuPraFi-Sim, програма представлена Міжнародною спілкою гуманної освіти – InterNICHE, та за підтримки WSPA), Sim Nerv, Six Second ECG. Дескриптивний аналіз якості складання ліцензійного тестового іспиту “Крок-1” за фахом “Стоматологія” вітчизняними студентами у 2017р.Результати й обговорення. На сьогодні доступні та успішно впроваджені у викладання курсу фізіології програми-симулятори з таких розділів, як: фізіологія збудливих структур, центральна та периферична нервова система, автономна нервова система, гуморальна регуляція вісцеральних функцій, система виділення, дихальна система, кров, фізіологія шлунково-кишкового тракту та харчування, серцево-судинна система. За результатами складання ліцензійного тестового іспиту “Крок-1” за фахом “Стоматологія” вітчизняними студентами у 2017 р. середній результат із дисципліни “Фізіологія” складає 74,9 %, при загальному середньому балі по іспиту 72,5 %.Висновки. 1. Нові розробки програмного забезпечення, у яких об’єднані текстова інформація, графіка, відео та анімація фізіологічних процесів, а також можливості впливати на їх перебіг, дають змогу якісного засвоєння теоретичної інформації та більш успішної інтеграції студента до клінічних дисциплін. 2.  Згадані розробки активно реалізуються у всіх розділах курсу фізіології й орієнтовані на безперервність і послідовність навчання, основані на історичному досвіді та гуманістичних цінностях, розвитку нових педагогічних технологій. 3.  Використання сучасних симуляційних технологій у викладанні курсу фізіології чинить позитивний вплив на якісну успішність студентів при складанні ліцензійного тестового екзамену “Крок-1”

    Clinical case of community-aquaired pneumonia on the background of previously undiagnosed occupational pulmonary fibrosis. Is occupational history important?

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    Interstitial lung disease is a systemic concept, which is understood as a group of progressive diseases, characterized by non-infectious inflammation in the wall of the alveoli and interstitial lung tissue and may result in pulmonary fibrosis. The publication deals with the clinical case of community-acquired pneumonia on the background of previously undiagnosed occupational pulmonary fibrosis. The complaints, anamnesis, clinical and instrumental data have been analyzed, special attention is paid to the professional history, which indicates long-term contact with toxic substances and negative factors of the industrial process. The data of pathomorphological research are given. Timely prevention and screening of workers involved in heavy work and work with harmful or hazardous working conditions, even after the cessation of work in a production environment, may contribute to early detection of interstitial lung disease and contribute to a positive prognosis for acute respiratory diseases occurring on its background

    People of the British Isles: preliminary analysis of genotypes and surnames in a UK control population

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    There is a great deal of interest in fine scale population structure in the UK, both as a signature of historical immigration events and because of the effect population structure may have on disease association studies. Although population structure appears to have a minor impact on the current generation of genome-wide association studies, it is likely to play a significant part in the next generation of studies designed to search for rare variants. A powerful way of detecting such structure is to control and document carefully the provenance of the samples involved. Here we describe the collection of a cohort of rural UK samples (The People of the British Isles), aimed at providing a well-characterised UK control population that can be used as a resource by the research community as well as providing fine scale genetic information on the British population. So far, some 4,000 samples have been collected, the majority of which fit the criteria of coming from a rural area and having all four grandparents from approximately the same area. Analysis of the first 3,865 samples that have been geocoded indicates that 75% have a mean distance between grandparental places of birth of 37.3km, and that about 70% of grandparental places of birth can be classed as rural. Preliminary genotyping of 1,057 samples demonstrates the value of these samples for investigating fine scale population structure within the UK, and shows how this can be enhanced by the use of surnames

    Aboriginal Health Worker perceptions of oral health: a qualitative study in Perth, Western Australia

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    Background: Improving oral health for Aboriginal Australians has been slow. Despite dental disease being largely preventable, Aboriginal Australians have worse periodontal disease, more decayed teeth and untreated dental caries than other Australians. Reasons for this are complex and risk factors include broader social and historic determinants such as marginalisation and discrimination that impact on Aboriginal people making optimum choices about oral health. This paper presents findings from a qualitative study conducted in the Perth metropolitan area investigating Aboriginal Health Workers’ (AHWs) perceptions of barriers and enablers to oral health for Aboriginal people. Methods: Following extensive consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders, researchers conducted semi-structured interviews and focus groups across 13 sites to investigate AHWs’ perceptions of barriers and enablers to oral health based on professional and personal experience. Responses from 35 AHWs were analysed independently by two researchers to identify themes that they compared, discussed, revised and organised under key themes. These were summarised and interrogated for similarities and differences with evidence in the literature. Results: Key findings indicated that broader structural and social factors informed oral health choices. Perceptions of barriers included cost of services and healthy diets on limited budgets, attending services for pain not prevention, insufficient education about oral health and preventing disease, public dental services not meeting demand, and blame and discrimination from some health providers. Suggested improvements included oral health education, delivering flexible services respectful of Aboriginal people, oral health services for 0–4 year olds and role modelling of oral health across generations. Conclusion: Reviewing current models of oral health education and service delivery is needed to reduce oral health disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. Shifting the discourse from blaming Aboriginal people for their poor oral health to addressing structural factors impacting on optimum oral health choices is important. This includes Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal stakeholders working together to develop and implement policies and practices that are respectful, well-resourced and improve oral health outcomes

    Identity in exile: Tibetan Buddhists in India

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    The aim of the study – a review of modern computer simulation of physiological functions and evaluation of experience and implementation of these technologies in the educational process of the Department of Physiology, State establishment “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Dnipro.Materials and Methods. Theoretical and methodological analysis of modern simulation technologies for teaching the curse of physiology, including next software: “Virtual Physiology” (LuPraFi-Sim, program presented by the International Union of humane education – InterNICHE, and supported WSPA), Sim Nerv, Six Second ECG. Descriptive analyze the quality of passing of licensed test examination “Step 1” in the specialty “Dentistry” of Ukrainian students in 2017.Results and Discussion. At present, there are available and successfully implemented in teaching of physiology software simulators in the following sections: physiology of excitable structures, the central and peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, humoral regulation of visceral functions, urinary system, respiratory system, blood, physiology of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system. The results of the license test examination “Step 1” in the specialty “Dentistry” of Ukrainian students in 2017 the average mark of the discipline “Physiology” is 74.9 %, while the overall average score on the exam of 72.5 %.Conclusions. 1. New software have merged text information, graphics, video and animation of physiological processes, enables high-quality mastering theoretical information and promotes more successful integration of the student in clinical sciences. 2. These developments are actively implemented in all sections of the course Physiology and focused on continuity and consistency of training, based on historical experience and humanistic values, development of new educational technologies. 3. The use of modern simulation technology in teaching physiology course has a positive effect on student performance quality and their preparation to the licensed test exam “Step1”.Мета дослідження – огляд сучасних засобів комп’ютерної симуляції фізіологічних функцій та оцінка і досвід впровадження цих технологій  у навчальний процес кафедри фізіології ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академія МОЗ України” м. Дніпро.Матеріали та методи дослідження. Теоретичний та методологічний аналіз сучасних симуляційних технологій, які використовуються для викладання курсу фізіології, зокрема програмне забезпечення: “Віртуальна фізіологія” (LuPraFi-Sim, програма представлена Міжнародною спілкою гуманної освіти – InterNICHE, та за підтримки WSPA), Sim Nerv, Six Second ECG. Дескриптивний аналіз якості складання ліцензійного тестового іспиту “Крок-1” за фахом “Стоматологія” вітчизняними студентами у 2017р.Результати й обговорення. На сьогодні доступні та успішно впроваджені у викладання курсу фізіології програми-симулятори з таких розділів, як: фізіологія збудливих структур, центральна та периферична нервова система, автономна нервова система, гуморальна регуляція вісцеральних функцій, система виділення, дихальна система, кров, фізіологія шлунково-кишкового тракту та харчування, серцево-судинна система. За результатами складання ліцензійного тестового іспиту “Крок-1” за фахом “Стоматологія” вітчизняними студентами у 2017 р. середній результат із дисципліни “Фізіологія” складає 74,9 %, при загальному середньому балі по іспиту 72,5 %.Висновки. 1. Нові розробки програмного забезпечення, у яких об’єднані текстова інформація, графіка, відео та анімація фізіологічних процесів, а також можливості впливати на їх перебіг, дають змогу якісного засвоєння теоретичної інформації та більш успішної інтеграції студента до клінічних дисциплін. 2.  Згадані розробки активно реалізуються у всіх розділах курсу фізіології й орієнтовані на безперервність і послідовність навчання, основані на історичному досвіді та гуманістичних цінностях, розвитку нових педагогічних технологій. 3.  Використання сучасних симуляційних технологій у викладанні курсу фізіології чинить позитивний вплив на якісну успішність студентів при складанні ліцензійного тестового екзамену “Крок-1”

    Sequencing of autosomal, mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal forensic markers in the People of the British Isles cohort detects population structure dominated by patrilineages

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    Short tandem repeat (STR) polymorphisms are traditionally assessed by measuring allele lengths via capillary electrophoresis (CE). Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) reveals differences among alleles of the same length, thus improving discrimination, but also identifying groups of alleles likely related by descent. These may have relatively restricted geographical distributions and thus MPS could detect population structure more effectively than CE-based analysis. We addressed this question by applying an MPS multiplex, the Promega PowerSeq™ Auto/Mito/Y System prototype, to 362 individuals chosen to represent a wide geographical spread from the People of the British Isles (PoBI) cohort, which represents at least three generations of local rural ancestry. As well as 22 autosomal STRs (aSTRs; equivalent to PowerPlex Fusion loci) the system sequences 23 Y-STRs (the PowerPlexY 23 loci) and the control region (CR) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), allowing population structure to be compared across biparentally and uniparentally inherited segments of the genome. For all loci, FST-based tests of population structure were done based on historical, linguistic, and geographical partitions, and for aSTRs the clustering algorithm STRUCTURE was also applied. STRs were considered using both length and sequence. Sequencing increased aSTR allele diversity by 87.5% compared to CE-based designations, reducing random match probability to 1.25E-30, compared to a CE-based 6.72E-27. Significant population structure was detectable in just one pairwise comparison (Central/South East England compared to the rest), and for sequence-based alleles only. The 362 samples carried 308 distinct mtDNA CR haplotypes corresponding to 13 broad haplogroups, representing a haplotype diversity of 0.9985 ( ± 0.0005), and a haplotype match probability of 0.0043. No significant population structure was observed. Y-STR haplotypes belonged to ten broad predicted Y-haplogroups. Allele diversity increased by 33% when considered at the sequence rather than length level, although haplotype diversity was unchanged at 0.999969 ( ± 0.000001); haplotype match probability was 2.79E-03. In contrast to the biparentally and maternally inherited loci, Y-STR haplotypes showed significant population structure at several levels, but most markedly in a comparison of regions subject to Anglo-Saxon influence in the east with the rest of the sample. This was evident for both length- and sequence-based allele designations, with no systematic difference between the two. We conclude that MPS analysis of aSTRs or Y-STRs does not generally reveal stronger population structure than length-based analysis, that UK maternal lineages are not significantly structured, and that Y-STR haplotypes reveal significant population structure that may reflect the Anglo-Saxon migrations to Britain in the 6th century.</p