112 research outputs found

    Fabrication of a thin silicon detector with excellent thickness uniformity

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    We have fabricated and tested a thin silicon detector with the specific goal of having a very good thickness uniformity. SOI technology was used in the detector fabrication. The detector was designed to be used as a Delta E detector in a silicon telescope for measuring solar energetic particles in space. The detector thickness was specified to be 20 mu m with an rms thickness uniformity of +/- 0.5%. The active area consists of three separate elements, a round centre area and two surrounding annular segments. A new method was developed for measuring the thickness uniformity based on a modified Fizeau interferometer. The thickness uniformity specification was well met with the measured rms thickness variation of 43 nm. The detector was electrically characterized by measuring the I-V and C-V curves and the performance was verified using a Am-241 alpha source. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p

    Personalised eHealth intervention to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour in rehabilitation after cardiac operations: Study protocol for the PACO randomised controlled trial (NCT03470246)

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    Introduction: Personalized intervention to increase physical Activity and reduce sedentary behaviour in rehabilitation after Cardiac Operations (PACO) is a smartphone-based and accelerometer-based eHealth intervention to increase physical activity (PA) and reduce sedentary behaviour (SB) among patients recovering from cardiac surgery.Design: Prospective randomised controlled trial.Methods and analysis: The present protocol describes a randomised controlled clinical trial to be conducted in the Heart Centres of Kuopio and Turku university hospitals. The trial comprises 540 patients scheduled for elective coronary artery bypass grafting, aortic valve replacement or mitral valve repair. The patients will be randomised into two groups. The control group will receive standard postsurgical rehabilitation guidance. The eHealth intervention group will be given the same guidance together with personalised PA guidance during 90 days after discharge. These patients will receive personalised daily goals to increase PA and reduce SB via the ExSedapplication. Triaxial accelerometers will be exploited to record patients’ daily accumulated PA and SB, and transmit them to the application. Using the accelerometer data, the application will provide online guidance to the patients and feedback of accomplishing their activity goals. The data will also be transmitted to the cloud, where a physiotherapist can monitor individual activity profiles and customise the subsequent PA and SB goals online. The postoperative improvement in patients’ step count, PA, exercise capacity, quality of sleep, laboratory markers, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) parameters and quality of life, and reduction in SB and incidence of major cardiac events are investigated as outcomes.Conclusions: The PACO intervention aims to build a personalised eHealth tool for the online tutoring of cardiac surgery patients.</p

    Chiral plasmonics of self-assembled nanorod dimers

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    Chiral nanoscale photonic systems typically follow either tetrahedral or helical geometries that require four or more different constituent nanoparticles. Smaller number of particles and different chiral geometries taking advantage of the self-organization capabilities of nanomaterials will advance understanding of chiral plasmonic effects, facilitate development of their theory, and stimulate practical applications of chiroplasmonics. Here we show that gold nanorods self-assemble into side-by-side orientated pairs and ‘‘ladders’’ in which chiral properties originate from the small dihedral angle between them. Spontaneous twisting of one nanorod versus the other one breaks the centrosymmetric nature of the parallel assemblies. Two possible enantiomeric conformations with positive and negative dihedral angles were obtained with different assembly triggers. The chiral nature of the angled nanorod pairs was confirmed by 4p full space simulations and the first example of single-particle CD spectroscopy. Self-assembled nanorod pairs and ‘‘ladders’’ enable the development of chiral metamaterials, (bio)sensors, and new catalytic processes

    Performing women: The gendered dimensions of the UK new research economy

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    This paper explores the development and maintenance of familiar gendered employment patterns and practices in UK universities, which are exemplars of new modes of knowledge production, commodification and marketisation. After discussing in detail the evidence of gender discrimination in UK higher education and the changes in the academic labour process consequent to the incorporation, at least at the policy level, of universities into the ‘knowledge economy’, institution-specific data is used to highlight the gendered aspects of the research economy from the three intermeshing perspectives of research culture, research capital and the research production process. This nexus is constructed in such a way as to systematically militate against women’s full and equal involvement in research. Lack of transparency, increased competition and lower levels of collegiate activity coupled with networking based on homosociability are contributing to a research production process where women are marginalized

    The academia we have and the one we want: on the centrality of gender equality

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    This concluding essay challenges the tendency in academia to consider feminist epistemologies and gender equality as peripheral when instead they are central to the flourishing of tourism scholarship. We analyse pervasive misconceptions about gender in higher education and present an alternative way of doing academia based on dissent and critical engagement; commitment to democratic practices that allow for different points of view to be shared and accepted as trustworthy; engagement with value judgement in knowledge production; care and accountability in our ways of knowing and teaching; and the establishment of diverse career patterns and decent contractual conditions to researchers so freedom of thought can take place

    The Perils of Gender Beliefs for Men Leaders as Change Agents for Gender Equality

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    This article examines the potentially damaging role that gender beliefs can play in hindering women's equal representation in leadership positions. Based on a secondary analysis of a large‐scale EU‐wide survey (Eurobarometer 76.1), the article shows that essentialist gender beliefs lower support for equality interventions such as quotas or targets, particularly among men as leaders. The results show that discriminatory gender beliefs partially mediate this relationship and produce a more negative effect among men leaders. The paper contributes to understanding the role essentialist gender beliefs often lay the groundwork for gender discriminatory beliefs. Those in turn hinder support for effective gender equality measures. Gender essentialist beliefs can be held by everyone but are more prevalent among men leaders. We conclude that greater gender balance in leadership cannot be achieved without tackling underlying gender beliefs, particularly among men leaders since they are called upon to enact change. We thereby argue that simply asking for men to become change agents for gender equality is not an effective strategy if underlying gender beliefs are left unchallenged
