39 research outputs found

    Error-preceding brain activity reflects (mal-)adaptive adjustments of cognitive control: a modeling study

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    Errors in choice tasks are preceded by gradual changes in brain activity presumably related to fluctuations in cognitive control that promote the occurrence of errors. In the present paper, we use connectionist modeling to explore the hypothesis that these fluctuations reflect (mal-)adaptive adjustments of cognitive control. We considered ERP data from a study in which the probability of conflict in an Eriksen-flanker task was manipulated in sub-blocks of trials. Errors in these data were preceded by a gradual decline of N2 amplitude. After fitting a connectionist model of conflict adaptation to the data, we analyzed simulated N2 amplitude, simulated response times (RTs), and stimulus history preceding errors in the model, and found that the model produced the same pattern as obtained in the empirical data. Moreover, this pattern is not found in alternative models in which cognitive control varies randomly or in an oscillating manner. Our simulations suggest that the decline of N2 amplitude preceding errors reflects an increasing adaptation of cognitive control to specific task demands, which leads to an error when these task demands change. Taken together, these results provide evidence that error-preceding brain activity can reflect adaptive adjustments rather than unsystematic fluctuations of cognitive control, and therefore, that these errors are actually a consequence of the adaptiveness of human cognition

    Reaction Time Variability in Children Is Specifically Associated With Attention Problems and Regional White Matter Microstructure

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    Background Increased intraindividual variability (IIV) in reaction times (RTs) has been suggested as a key cognitive and behavioral marker of attention problems, but findings for other dimensions of psychopathology are less consistent. Moreover, while studies have linked IIV to brain white matter microstructure, large studies testing the robustness of these associations are needed. Methods We used data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study baseline assessment to test the associations between IIV and psychopathology (n = 8622, age = 8.9–11.1 years) and IIV and white matter microstructure (n = 7958, age = 8.9–11.1 years). IIV was investigated using an ex-Gaussian distribution analysis of RTs in correct response go trials in the stop signal task. Psychopathology was measured by the Child Behavior Checklist and a bifactor structural equation model was performed to extract a general p factor and specific factors reflecting internalizing, externalizing, and attention problems. To investigate white matter microstructure, fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity were examined in 23 atlas-based tracts. Results Increased IIV in both short and long RTs was positively associated with the specific attention problems factor (Cohen’s d = 0.13 and d = 0.15, respectively). Increased IIV in long RTs was also positively associated with radial diffusivity in the left and right corticospinal tract (both tracts, d = 0.12). Conclusions Using a large sample and a data-driven dimensional approach to psychopathology, the results provide novel evidence for a small but specific association between IIV and attention problems in children and support previous findings on the relevance of white matter microstructure for IIV.publishedVersio

    A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task

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    © Verbruggen et al. Response inhibition is essential for navigating everyday life. Its derailment is considered integral to numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders, and more generally, to a wide range of behavioral and health problems. Response-inhibition efficiency furthermore correlates with treatment outcome in some of these conditions. The stop-signal task is an essential tool to determine how quickly response inhibition is implemented. Despite its apparent simplicity, there are many features (ranging from task design to data analysis) that vary across studies in ways that can easily compromise the validity of the obtained results. Our goal is to facilitate a more accurate use of the stop-signal task. To this end, we provide 12 easy-to-implement consensus recommendations and point out the problems that can arise when they are not followed. Furthermore, we provide user-friendly open-source resources intended to inform statistical-power considerations, facilitate the correct implementation of the task, and assist in proper data analysis

    Increase in short-term memory capacity induced by down-regulating individual theta frequency via transcranial alternating current stimulation

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    Working memory (WM) and short-term memory (STM) supposedly rely on the phase-amplitude coupling of neural oscillations in the theta and gamma frequency ranges. The ratio between the individually dominant gamma and theta frequencies is believed to determine an individual’s memory capacity. The aim of this study was to establish a causal relationship between the gamma/theta ratio and WM/STM capacity by means of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). To achieve this, tACS was delivered at a frequency below the individual theta frequency. Thereby the individual ratio of gamma to theta frequencies was changed, resulting in an increase of STM capacity. Healthy human participants (N=33) were allocated to two groups, one receiving verum tACS, the other underwent a sham control protocol. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was measured before stimulation and analyzed with regard to the properties of phase-amplitude coupling between theta and gamma frequencies to determine individual stimulation frequencies. After stimulation, EEG was recorded again in order to find after-effects of tACS in the oscillatory features of the EEG. Measures of STM and WM were obtained before, during and after stimulation. Frequency spectra and behavioral data were compared between groups and different measurement phases. The tACS- but not the sham stimulated group showed an increase in STM capacity during stimulation. WM was not affected in either groups. An increase in task-related theta amplitude after stimulation was observed only for the tACS group. These augmented theta amplitudes indicated that the manipulation of individual theta frequencies was successful and caused the increase in STM capacity

    The Temporal Dynamics of Response Inhibition and their Modulation by Cognitive Control

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    Behavioral adjustments require interactions between distinct modes of cognitive control and response inhibition. Hypothetically, fast and global inhibition is exerted in the reactive control mode, whereas proactive control enables the preparation of inhibitory pathways in advance while relying on the slower selective inhibitory system. We compared the temporal progression of inhibition in the reactive and proactive control modes using simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) recordings. A selective stop signal task was used where go stimuli required bimanual responses, but only one hand’s response had to be suppressed in stop trials. Reactive and proactive conditions were incorporated by non-informative and informative cues, respectively. In 47% of successful stop trials, subthreshold EMG activity was detected that was interrupted as early as 150 ms after stop stimulus presentation, indicating that inhibition occurs much earlier than previously thought. Inhibition latencies were similar across the reactive and proactive control modes. The EMG of the responding hand in successful selective stop trials indicated a global suppression of ongoing motor actions in the reactive condition, and less inhibitory interference on the ongoing actions in the proactive condition. Group-level second order blind separation (SOBI) was applied to the EEG to dissociate temporally overlapping event-related potentials. The components capturing the N1 and N2 were larger in the reactive than the proactive condition. P3 activity was distributed across four components, three of which were augmented in the proactive condition. Thus, although EEG indices were modulated by the control mode, the inhibition latency remained unaffected

    Corticospinal excitability reductions during action preparation and action stopping in humans: Different sides of the same inhibitory coin?

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    Motor functions and cognitive processes are closely associated with each other. In humans, this linkage is reflected in motor system state changes both when an action must be prepared and stopped. Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation showed that both action preparation and action stopping are accompanied by a reduction of corticospinal excitability, referred to as preparatory and response inhibition, respectively. While previous efforts have been made to describe both phenomena extensively, an updated and comprehensive comparison of the two phenomena is lacking. To ameliorate such deficit, this review focuses on the role and interpretation of single-coil (single-pulse and paired-pulse) and dual-coil TMS outcome measures during action preparation and action stopping in humans. To that effect, it aims to identify commonalities and differences, detailing how TMS-based outcome measures are affected by states, traits, and psychopathologies in both processes. Eventually, findings will be compared, and open questions will be addressed to aid future research

    Differences in unity: The go/no-go and stop signal tasks rely on different mechanisms

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    Response inhibition refers to the suppression of prepared or initiated actions. Typically, the go/no-go task (GNGT) or the stop signal task (SST) are used interchangeably to capture individual differences in response inhibition. On the one hand, factor analytic and conjunction neuroimaging studies support the association of both tasks with a single inhibition construct. On the other hand, studies that directly compare the two tasks indicate distinct mechanisms, corresponding to action restraint and cancellation in the GNGT and SST, respectively. We addressed these contradictory findings with the aim to identify the core differences in the temporal dynamics of the functional networks that are recruited in both tasks. We extracted the time-courses of sensory, motor, attentional, and cognitive control networks by group independent component (G-ICA) analysis of electroencephalography (EEG) data from both tasks. Additionally, electromyography (EMG) from the responding effector muscles was recorded to detect the timing of response inhibition. The results indicated that inhibitory performance in the GNGT may be comparable to response selection mechanisms, reaching peripheral muscles at around 316 ​ms. In contrast, inhibitory performance in the SST is achieved via biasing of the sensorimotor system in preparation for stopping, followed by fast sensory, motor and frontal integration during outright stopping. Inhibition can be detected at the peripheral level at 140 ​ms after stop stimulus presentation. The GNGT and the SST therefore seem to recruit widely different neural dynamics, implying that the interchangeable use of superficially similar inhibition tasks in both basic and clinical research is unwarranted

    Partial response electromyography as a marker of action stopping. Data and analyses scripts.

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    The data files and scripts associated with the article ’Partial response electromyography as a marker of the individual stopping latency

    When holding your horses meets the deer in the headlights: time-frequency characteristics of global and selective stopping under conditions of proactive and reactive control

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    The ability to inhibit unwanted thoughts or actions is crucial for successful functioning in daily life; however, this ability is often impaired in a number of psychiatric disorders. Despite the relevance of inhibition in everyday situations, current models of inhibition are rather simplistic and provide little generalizability especially in the face of clinical disorders. Thus, given the importance of inhibition for proper cognitive functioning, the need for a paradigm, which incorporates factors that will subsequently improve the current model for understanding inhibition, is of high demand. A popular paradigm used to assess motor inhibition, the stop-signal paradigm, can be modified to further advance the current conceptual model of inhibitory control and thus provide a basis for better understanding different facets of inhibition. Namely, in this study, we have developed a novel version of the stop-signal task to assess how preparation (that is, whether reactive or proactive) and selectivity of the stopping behavior effect well-known time-frequency characteristics associated with successful inhibition and concomitant behavioral measures. With this innovative paradigm, we demonstrate that the selective nature of the stopping task modulates theta and motoric beta activity and we further provide the first account of delta activity as an electrophysiological feature sensitive to both manipulations of selectivity and preparatory control