365 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Gained by (Motion and Stability) of the Solar Cell Interface According to the Specific Angles of the Location of the Sun Disk in Diwaniyah City (Applied Climate Study)

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    يسلط البحث الضوء على أهمية توجيه ألواح الخلايا الشمسية فصليا وضمن ساعات النهار خلال الفصل ألواحد  في تحقيق أعلى كسب للطاقة الشمسية التي يمكن تحويلها الى طاقة كهربائية،اشتملت الدراسة على  أربعة فصول (الصيف، والشتاء، والاعتدالين الربيعي والخريفي)، تم اعتماد الدرجة المعيارية بوصفها وسيلة احصائية لبيان الفارق في الطاقة الواصلة لسطح ألواح الخلايا الشمسية في حالتي ثبات وحركة لألواح الخلايا الشمسية وفقا لزاويتي سمت الرأس وزاوية البعد الافقي، وتم بناء قاعدة للبيانات للمدة المحصورة بين (830-1230)ولكل فصل. وتم تحديد الزوايا المحددة لموقع قرص الشمس في مدينة الديوانية بدلالة موقعها الفلكي وذلك باستعمال برنامج  ( Energy 3D  programme)، وتم قياس شدة الاشعاع الشمسي المباشر والمنتشر بأستعمال جهاز(Solar power meter SPM – 1116 SD) وقد تم إعتماد موقع للرصد الميداني للإشعاع الشمسي بعيدا عن الابنية لتفادي تاثيرها على شدة الاشعاع الواصل.       توصلت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج يمكن ايجازها على النحو الاتي: 1-يتحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية ثابتة باتجاه موقع قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية  سمت الرأس (صفر⁰) في فصل الصيف في الساعة( 830)، ويتحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية باتجاه موقع قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية  سمت الرأس (صفر⁰) في الساعة( 1030)، اما في الساعة (1230) فقد تحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية ثابتة باتجاه موقع قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية سمت الرأس (صفر⁰) (1230). 2--يتحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية متحركة باتجاه قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية سمت الرأس (⁰45)، وزاوية البعد الافقي(135⁰) جنوب الشرقي في وقت (830) في فصل الشتاء، أما في الساعة(1030) فأن أعلى كسب للطاقة يتحقق عندما  تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية متحركة باتجاه قرص الشمس المحدد بزاوية سمت الرأس (⁰30)، وزاوية البعد الافقي (180⁰) جنوبا، أما في الساعة(1230) فقد تحقق أعلى كسب للطاقة عندما تكون ألواح الخلايا الشمسية متحركة باتجاه قرص الشمس المحددة بزاوية سمت الرأس (45⁰)، وزاوية البعد الافقي(180⁰) جنوبا. 3- تصدر الاعتدال الخريفي بقية الفصول في نسبة الوقت الذي يشهد فرقاً(عالياً جدا) في الطاقة في حال حركة ألواح الخلايا الشمسية تزامنا مع حركة قرص الشمس بالمقارنة مكتسب الطاقة في حال ثباتها لتبلغ (22,44%)ضمن رقعة الزمن الممتد من الساعة(830-1230) بمعدل فرقاً بلغ (326,3واط /م2/ الساعة)وبزوايا البعد افقي التي تراوحت بين(112-129,08⁰)، في حين تقلصت نسبة الوقت الذي يشهد فرقاً( عالياً جدا) في فصل الصيف بلغ (14,28%) بمعدل فرق في كسب الطاقة بلغ (273,9 واط /م2/الساعة) وبزوايا بعد افقي تراوحت بين( 143,08-160,2 ⁰). The research highlights the importance of directing solar panels quarterly and within daylight hours within each single season - in achieving the highest solar gain that can be converted into electrical energy. The study included four seasons (summer, winter, and spring and autumn equinoxes). The standard score was applied as a statistical method to classify the difference in the energy reaching the surface of the solar cell panels. The specific angles of the location of the sun disk in Diwaniyah city were determined by its astronomical location using (Energy 3D program), and the intensity of direct and diffuse solar radiation was measured using a device ( Solar power meter (SPM-1116 SD) has been observed site monitoring The field of solar radiation away from buildings to avoid the impact on the radiation intensity of connecting.       The study reached a set of results that can be summarized as follows 1-The highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are stationary towards the position of the sun disk specified at the head azimuth angle (zero⁰) in the summer at 830, and the highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are towards the sun disk position at the angle specified The azimuth of the head (zero⁰) at (1030), but at (1230) the highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are fixed towards the position of the sun disk specified at the angle of the head azimuth (zero⁰) (1230) 2-The highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are moving towards the sun disk specified at the angle of the head azimuth (⁰45), and the angle of the horizontal dimension (135⁰) southeast at 830 in winter, and at 1030 The highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are moving towards the sun's disc set at the angle of the head azimuth (⁰30), the angle of the horizontal dimension (180⁰) south, and at 1230 the highest energy gain is achieved when the solar cell panels are moving towards The sun disk is determined by the angle of the azimuth of the head (45⁰), and the angle of the horizontal dimension (180⁰) southward. 3-Autumnal equinox presided the rest of the seasons in the proportion of time, which sees a (very high) difference in energy in the case of the movement of solar cells coinciding with the movement of the solar disk compared to gain energy in the case of stability to reach (22.44%) within the time span of the hour ( The difference in power gain was (326.3 W / m2 / hour) and the horizontal dimension angles ranged from (112-129.08), while the percentage of time witnessed (very high) difference in Summer to reach (14.28%) rate of difference in energy gain of (273.9 W / m2 / hour) and angles of horizontal dimension ranged between (143.08 to 160.2 ⁰)

    Evaluation Bio-Climatic Comfort for People Living in the Internal Spaces of Buildings in AL-Diwaniya City

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    يهدف البحث الى تقييم مستوى الراحة البايومناخية لشاغلي الفضاء الداخلي للابنية، طالما ان الانسان يقضي أكثر ساعات يومه ضمن الفضاء الداخلي للابنية لتحديد مستوى الأداء الحراري لها، اذ يعد مستوى الراحة دالة على متطلب الأبنية من نظم التبريد الذاتية و الفعالة. اعتمد في بناء قاعدة البيانات المسح المناخي بأستعمال جهاز قياس درجة الحرارة والرطوبة النسبية (Thermo – Hygrometer ) ضمن الفضاءات الداخلية لابنية ذات وظائف متعددة (سكنية وتعليمية وصحية وصناعية ودينية)، اذ تم اختيار ابنية حكومية لتشكل نسبة (3,6 %) من مجموع عدد الأبنية الحكومية في مدينة الديوانية البالغة (407) كعينة انتقائية على اساس الجانب الوظيفي، وعمر المبنى، والتصميم، وموقعه من مركز المدينة، بالإضافة الى (4 ابنية سكنية). وتمتد الحدود الزمانية، للدراسة الميدانية (المسح المُناخي) من (21حزيران2016) ولغاية (20 نيسان 2017) وتمثلت في أربع رصدات مناخية فصلية لـ (15مبنى حكومياً) و(4 مبانً سكنية) توزعت في مركز المدينة واطرافها باستخدام دليل (Thom) لقياس مستوى الراحة البايومناخية بدلالة معدل درجة الحرارة (مْ)، والرطوبة النسبية، وظهرت النتائج على النحو الآتي: 1- ارتفاع نسبة الأبنية الحكومية التي يشعر أكثر شاغليها في فضاءاتها الداخلية بعدم الراحة صيفا الى (67 %)، مما يترتب على ذلك زيادة في استهلاك الطاقة، اما في فصل الشتاء فان (100%) من الأبنية الحكومية يتمتع شاغلوها ضمن فضاءاتها الداخلية بالراحة البايومناخية. 2- انخفاض مستوى كفاءة الأداء الحراري للأبنية الحكومية بنسبة (80%) في فصل الخريف، وذلك لان أكثر من نصف شاغليها يشعرون بعدم الراحة، ونسبة (20%) فقط من الأبنية يشعر اقل من نصف شاغليها بعدم الراحة، في حين يرتفع مستوى كفاءة الأداء الحراري للأبنية في فصل الربيع، وذلك لان نسبة الأبنية بحسب نسبة شعور شاغليها بالراحة تكون معكوسة بالمقارنة مع فصل الخريف.  3- يعاني اكثر من (50%) شاغلي الأبنية السكنية من الشعور بعدم الراحة البيومناخية صيفاً، بدلالة مقدار درجة الحرارة والرطوبة النسبية، على افتراض ثبات المتغيرات المحددة للراحة البايومناخية، اما في الشتاء، فتتحقق الراحة للمساكن الاربعة، ولشاغليها بنسبة (100%)، فيما يظهر الاستثناء في الربيع الذي يشعر أقل من (50%) من ساكني المنزلينB,D) ( بعدم الراحة، اما المنزلين( (A,C فان اكثر من (50%) من ساكنيهما يشعرون بعدم الراحة.The study aims to evaluate the level of Bio-climatic comfort for people living in the internal spaces of buildings in order to evaluate the level of thermal performance of these buildings. The level of comfort is considered as an indicator to the response of designing and planning elements of buildings  to the common climate, in addition to identifying the effective air-conditioning systems required in buildings (heat-cool). The data base was collected by the use of (Thermo-Hygrometer) which is used to measure temperature and humidity to different building of different functions including: hosing educational, health, industry and religious (15) government buildings were selected randomly in a percentage of (3.6%)of the government buildings in AL-Diwaniya City  in addition to (4) housing buildings. The time limit of the study lasted from (21 of June 2016) to (20 of April 2017) Thom’s  Index of Discomfort is used to measure the level of Bio-climatic comfort depending on the  a average score of high temperature and relative humidity and the following results are shown: 1- A high percentage of the government buildings in which most people feel discomfort in the internal spaces in summer which reaches (67%) and accordingly the increase of power consumption ,while in winter most people feel the Bio-climate comfort in the internal spaces of all the government building with a percentage of (100%) .The indicates that all the government buildings (the sample of the study) have a designing and  planning features that respond to the elements of local climate in winter. 2- The level of heat performance decreased to (80%) of the government buildings in Autumn because more than (50%)of people feel with discomfort. The level of heat performance increases in spring because the percentage of people who feel with comfort is the opposite in comparison with Autumn. 3- More than (50%) of people in the housing buildings suffer from discomfort in summer, while in winter (100%)of people achieve Bio-climatic comfort in these buildings

    The Potential Ability of Plaster to Cause Breast Cancer as Indicated by CA15-3 and CEA Antigens in Women Working in Gypsum Factory

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    Plaster is an important form of gypsum that mainly used in building construction. Breast cancer was investigated among women exposure to the dust of such material. The levels of CA15-3 and carcinoembryonic antigens (CEA) as indicators for breast cancer were measured in the serum of 120 women working in a plaster factory. All of involved women showed a normal level of CEA, while 12.5% of them had moderately elevated levels of CA15-3. In conclusion; plaster dust has no significant effect to cause breast cancer in working women. Moderately high levels of CA15-3 in some of exposed women may relate to liver diseases

    Spectroscopic Study of Copper Plasma Produced by Fundamental Nd: YAG Laser by LIBS

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    Background:     The effect of laser wavelength on the analytical results obtained from LIBS by Nd: YAG laser diagnostics to copper element is experimentally investigated by Nd: YAG laser at 1064 nm wavelength. The temperature and density of electrons in copper plasma are calculated under (LTE) conditions. Materials and Methods: Various copper transitions were obtained. Identification of transition lines from the spectrum is carried out by comparing spectral lines with NIST atomic database. The results after performing the analysis were compared with (NIST) database. Results:  The result showed that the various wavelengths obtained from the copper target tare with significant compatibility with the same wavelengths from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Conclusion:  LIBS technique proved to be a precise and accurate tool for calculating electron temperature and electron number density, the presence of different elements with very low tolerance, and diagnosing their concentrations. &nbsp

    Plagiarism and Patchwriting Detection in EFL Students' Graduation Research Writing

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    This study aims at detecting plagiarism and patchwritting in Iraqi EFL students' graduation research papers. To accomplish this aim, five graduation research papers were analyzed. Findings indicate that Iraqi EFL students when writing from sources commit extensive copying from the source (plagiarsism) or stitching sentences together to form a paragraph (patchwriting). So instead of  writing about the source they find themselves coping from it. The researchers find that this misuse of sources is due to many reasons that were revealed in a questionnaire conducted throughout the study on 20 Iraqi fourth stage University students, exploring why they commit direct coping from their sources. Figures indicate evidently that (60%) of the students expressed their  lack of knowledge in the possible techniques that could be used when writing from sources like summarizing and paraphrasing. This lack of knowledge plays an essential role in the difficulty students face in their research writing process. To avoid plagiarism and patchwriting, further research is most definitely urgent so that the Iraqi students might be more aware of their misuses of sources and of the misconducting techniques they employ in writing their graduation research papers. Keywords: Plagiarism, Patchwriting, Writing from sources, Paraphrasing, Summarizing


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    In this paper, the optimal control is analyzed to compare the results of the zero moment point of a bipedal walking robot. Seventeen degrees of freedom bipedal walking robot is manufactured of hard Aluminum sheets. The zero moment point is calculated experimentally and theoretically in the single support phase. MATLAB Simulink is used to simulate the results. The experimental results showed that the lower link takes the settling time is (1) sec, the middle link takes settling time (0.9) sec and the upper link takes (1.1) sec to arrive the desired zero moment point for the bipedal walking robot. The minimum performance index in the experimental parts occurs when the optimal feedback control gain is [35.5 30.4 5 -4]. Hence, the minimum performance index in the theoretical part is [35 31 5.2 -4]. The dimensions of the foot area are (12.3cm×6.3cm), 2.3cm thickness, and 32g weight. Also, the approximate balance area in the double support phase equals the area between the feet of the robot

    Impact of methylene blue on enhancing the hydrocarbon potential of early cambrian Khewra sandstone formation from the Potwar Basin, Pakistan

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    Significant amounts of hydrocarbon resources are left behind after primary and secondary recovery processes, necessitating the application of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques for improving the recovery of trapped oil from subsurface formations. In this respect, the wettability of the rock is crucial in assessing the recovery and sweep efficiency of trapped oil. The subsurface reservoirs are inherently contaminated with organic acids, which renders them hydrophobic. Recent research has revealed the significant impacts of nanofluids, surfactants, and methyl orange on altering the wettability of organic-acid-contaminated subsurface formations into the water-wet state. This suggests that the toxic dye methylene blue (MB), which is presently disposed of in huge quantities and contaminates subsurface waters, could be used in EOR. However, the mechanisms behind hydrocarbon recovery using MB solution for attaining hydrophilic conditions are not fully understood. Therefore, the present work examines the impacts of MB on the wettability reversal of organic-acid-contaminated Khewra sandstone samples (obtained from the outcrop in the Potwar Basin, Pakistan) under the downhole temperature and pressure conditions. The sandstone samples are prepared by aging with 10-2 mol/L stearic acid and subsequently treated with various amounts of aqueous MB (10-100 mg/L) for 1 week. Contact angle measurements are then conducted under various physio-thermal conditions (0.1-20 MPa, 25-50 °C, and salinities of 0.1-0.3 M). The results indicate that the Khewra sandstone samples become hydrophobic in the presence of organic acid and under increased pressure, temperature, and salinity. However, the wettability changes from oil-wet to preferentially water-wet in the presence of various MB solutions, thus highlighting the favorable effects of MB on EOR from the Khewra sandstone formation. Moreover, the most significant change in wettability is observed for the Khewra sandstone sample that was aged using 100 mg/L MB. These results suggest that injecting MB into deep underground Khewra sandstone reservoirs may produce more residual hydrocarbons

    Optimum Design for Controlling the Scouring on Bridge Piers

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    The scouring around bridge pier can be considered the most important reasons of bridge failure. Therefore, we investigated by using physical models of piers and we used single pier with square collar , circular collar and interaction of two piers   in laboratory channel, its width 1 m and applied three velocities (0.1, 0.08, and 0.07) m/sec. This experimental investigation was made to choose the optimum shape and location of collar of single pier and comparing it with the interaction of two piers, the results showed that both square and circular collar decrease the scour depth, but the square collar is more effective of reducing scouring and the best location at bed level for single pier, comparing the results of single pier with the interaction of two piers, the interaction of two piers without any countermeasure reduced scour depth about 58%.

    Automation conditions of mobile base station shelter via cloud and IoT computing applications

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    In this paper, a monitoring and controlling process of the mobile base station shelter has been implemented. We have proposed a model that is based on a firebase cloud service and the principle of the internet of things (IoT) to carry out the process of automation. In this model, we have used Raspberry Pi 4 as the main microcontroller of our system that has interacted with a DHT11 Humidity-Temperature sensor and a PIR motion sensor. It's found that the Pi4 module provides efficient analysis, low consumption of power, and effective control of the operation. It turns ON/OFF the electrical appliances automatically inside the shelter. The main advantage of our proposed model is to maintain the temperature and humidity degrees inside the shelter within the required range of operation. Another important advantage is to diminish the tall human exertion level behind the monitoring process throughout the day. The model has been tested through a localhost server via an HTML page. The last one was created with the assistance of HTML and CSS languages to be used as a local user interface. Moreover, the Raspberry Pi 4 was programmed by Python Language to catch up on the reading of the sensors, processes the data, and sends it to the cloud service. Finally, those data will be shown in real-time to the authenticated user on the database of the firebase cloud service

    Symmetric Cryptosystem Based on Petri Net

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    يتضمن هذا البحث طريقة جديدة  تعتمد على شبكة بتري لتوليد مفتاح سري خاص .يستخدم  مؤشر الوصول الذي يشير الى البيانات الموجودة  في الشبكة كمفتاح للتشفير وفك التشفير للحصول على مفتاح معقد بشكل جيد. يستخدم كلا الطرفين (المرسل والمستقبل)  للتشفير وفك التشفيرشبكة ذات تصميم مطابق لتوليد نفس المفتاح . يتم اعادة ترتيب النص الصريح باستخدام جدول معين قبل عملية التجميع مع المفتاح لتوليد النص المشفرIn this wok, a novel approach based on ordinary Petri net is used to generate private key . The reachability marking  of petri net is used as encryption/decryption key to provide more complex key . The same ordinary Petri Nets models  are used for the sender(encryption) and  the receiver(decryption).The plaintext has been permutated  using  look-up table ,and XOR-ed with key to generate cipher tex