166 research outputs found


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    Rethinking Advertising Skepticism in China after West

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    Abstract: The present article reviews skepticism on the instrument of advertising in China which emphasizes that advertising in its existing institution doesn’t fit in the Chinese context. The literature reveals that consumer perceives the meaning of controversial, deceitful and waste of resources of advertising practice. It is reason of consumption of luxurious goods and increases the values of advertised item. Consumerism, consumer culture, sexual imagery, materialism and social differences are the conducive elements by advertisers to exploit for their utmost desire of maximization of profits. The review indicates that the regulation/code of conduct of advertising in the Western style is not a panacea. The elucidation of advertising as phenomena can arguably be addressed in the indigenous socio-political and cultural setting. In post-socialist China, Confucius ideals recommended as cultural, political, social and economic manifestation for authorities. It is suggested that institutionalization of advertising in accordance to Confucius’ “li”, “ren” and “xiaokang” serve the objectives of harmony, fair balance between economic growth and development and moreover issues concerning to the ecology. Key Words: Advertising scepticism; Advertising regulation; China; Confucius norms; Consumerism; Material cultureRĂ©sumĂ©: Le prĂ©sent article suggĂšre des commentaires de l’effet de scepticisme sur l'instrument de la publicitĂ© en Chine, lequel souligne que la publicitĂ© dans son institution existante ne rentre pas parfaitement dans le contexte chinois. La littĂ©rature montre que le consommateur perçoit le sens de la controverse, fourbe et le gaspillage des ressources de la pratique de la publicitĂ©. C'est la raison de la consommation de biens de luxe et augmente les valeurs de l'annonce. SociĂ©tĂ© de consommation, la culture de consommation, de l'imagerie sexuelle, le matĂ©rialisme et les diffĂ©rences sociales sont les Ă©lĂ©ments conductifs par les annonceurs d'exploiter pour leur plus grand dĂ©sir de maximisation des profits. L'examen indique que le rĂšglement / code de conduite de la publicitĂ© dans le style Occidental n'est pas une panacĂ©e. L'Ă©lucidation de la publicitĂ© en tant que phĂ©nomĂšnes peut sans doute ĂȘtre abordĂ©e dans le contexte socio-politique et culturelle de milieu indigĂšne. En post-socialiste de la Chine, les idĂ©aux de Confucius ont recommandĂ© que les manifestations culturelles, politiques, sociales et Ă©conomiques pour les autoritĂ©s. Il est suggĂ©rĂ© que l'institutionnalisation de la publicitĂ© conformĂ©ment selon le Confucius "li", "ren" et "xiaokang" servent les objectifs de l'harmonie, le juste Ă©quilibre entre la croissance Ă©conomique et le dĂ©veloppement et d'ailleurs les questions relatives Ă  l'Ă©cologie. Mots clĂ©s: L’effet de scepticisme de la publicitĂ©; RĂ©glementation de la publicitĂ©; La Chine; Les normes de Confucius; Le consumĂ©risme; La culture matĂ©riell

    Evaluation for Granulomatous Inflammation on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Using Special Stains

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    Background. Tuberculosis is the commonest infectious disease in the developing world. Many diagnostic tests are devised for its detection including direct smear examination. This study was designed to determine the frequency of cases positive for AFB and positive for fungus in patients diagnosed to have granulomatous inflammation on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology using special stains. Materials and Methods. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was done on 100 cases of granulomatous inflammation consistent with tuberculosis diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology at the Department of Pathology, King Edward Medical University, Lahore. After reporting granulomatous inflammation on Hematoxylin & Eosin staining of aspirates from FNAC, some unstained slides were subjected to special stains, like ZN, GMS, and PAS. Cases positive for AFB on ZN stain and fungus on GMS/PAS were noted down along with their frequency and percentages. Results. Forty-four cases (44%) of AFB positive smears were reported in granulomatous inflammation while only 5% cases of fungus were reported down. Cervical lymph nodes were the most commonly involved site (87%), and females were affected more (62%) than males. Most cases of AFB-positive smears were associated with caseation necrosis (93%). Conclusion. Special stains should be done on all granulomatous inflammation cases seen on FNAC for confirmation of TB and ruling out other infectious causes

    Comparison of chest X-ray with lung ultrasound in the diagnosis of pneumonia in children aged 02 months to 12 years

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    Objective: To observe the reliability of lung ultrasound in diagnosing pneumonia as compared to chest X-ray.Materials and Methods: This Prospective cohort study was carried out over a period of three months in the Paediatric Department of Benazir Bhutto Hospital Rawalpindi. One hundred patients, 2 months to 12 years of age were enrolled in the study. All the patients were subjected to chest X-ray and lung ultrasound within 12 hours of admission. Data was recorded on predesigned Performa and processed on SPSS version 25. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were calculated for chest X-ray and lung ultrasound.Results: LUS was found to be more efficient in detecting consolidations (64 out of 100) as compared to CXR (50 out of 100). In 14 patients CXR was not able to detect consolidations but LUS detected the same. Fourteen patients in whom lung ultrasound was positive for consolidations but CXR was negative were subjected to CT chest. Out of these 14 CT scans, 11 were positive and 3 were negative for consolidations. Lung ultrasound was found to have a Sensitivity of 100%, the specificity of 92.30%, PPV 95.31%, NPV of 100%, and accuracy of 97% as compared to Sensitivity of 81%, the specificity of 100%, PPV 100%, NPV of 78% and accuracy of 89% for CXR in the diagnosis of pneumonia in children.Conclusion: Results from our study confirmed by many other studies on the same research question allow us to conclude that Lung ultrasound is a fast, low cost, reliable, radiation-free alternative to chest x-ray in the diagnosis of pneumonia in children. &nbsp

    Fractal and probabilistic analysis on fatigue crack growth rate of metallic materials

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    Load-bearing and complex geometry structures such as aircraft wing spars, thick-walled chemical processing vessels, offshore platforms and jacket structures are designed based on damage-tolerant design philosophy. The design employs fracture mechanics and test data to ensure that structural cracks nucleating during the operation will not propagate before they are detected by periodic inspections. The fracture mechanics equation describing the crack tip stress field (fr-field) is expressed in terms of the far-field stress and relies on the crack geometry factor. Closed-form equations for the far-field stress and the crack geometry factors have been established for standard fracture test coupons and relatively simple structures. The unavailability of the crack geometry factor for complex structures and loading renders the use of the fracture mechanics equation impractical. Inaccurate assessment of the fatigue crack and crack growth rates could jeopardize the safety and integrity of the structures. An alternative approach employing fractal analysis to quantify the fatigue crack growth rates of single-phase metallic material is proposed and examined. The fractal approach avoids the need for the crack geometry factor when calculating the crack tip driving force. The fractal analysis is carried out on digital images of the crack with a precision of 1.19 pixel/^m2 employing the box-counting algorithm to determine the fractal dimension (dF) along the edge of the crack length. The analysis is confined to the power law crack growth rate stage (Paris crack growth regime). Compact tension, C(T) specimens fabricated from AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel provide the reference fatigue crack growth response. Results show that the crack initially exhibits a Euclidean nature (dF-1.0). The fractal dimension increases steadily with increasing crack length in Paris region with 1.05<dF <1.24. The corresponding extent of disparity in the crack tip driving force range is between 18<Afr<40 MPaVm. The fractal dimension (dF) correlates linearly with the normalized crack tip driving force range (Afr/frIC) within the Paris region. The coefficient of fractality (CF) is identified as a characteristic material parameter. This enables the multifractal crack growth rate semiempirical model to be established in terms of Paris coefficient and exponent, fractal characteristics, and fatigue fracture properties of the material. A significant statistical dispersion is noted which is typical of a fatigue response. Given this, a probabilistic model based on Walker’s crack growth rate equation considering the variability in the crack tip driving force range, AK and stress ratio, R is developed. The model's validity is examined using selected sets of fatigue crack growth curves of AI-7075-T6, Al- 2024-351 and Ti-6Al-4V alloys. A good fit of the experimental data is noted. The model variance shows a convergent trend with an increasing number of test coupons, thus providing the statistical means of establishing sample sufficiency. The probabilistic model is annexed to the fractal analysis to yield an integrated probabilistic-fractal fracture model. The application of the integrated model to the general structures that lack the crack geometry factor for fatigue crack growth analysis is demonstrated on a bell crack structure. The results are contrasted with AK estimate established through the contour integral (CI) approach using Abaqus software and a close resemblance is noted. Thus, the model could be employed for the prediction of the fatigue crack growth response of engineering structures where the crack geometry factor is not readily available

    Uses and gratifications of selected social network services: Study of Lahore youth

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    The Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) havedrastically transformed the contemporary societies. Social NetworkingServices (SNS) have overcome time and space distance and increasedopportunities of individuals' interactions. This study explores theimpact of on students' behavior in Lahore. Utilized survey designwhere a self-administered questionnaire is the instrument to find outthe factors of these sites that had impact on respondents. Throughpurposive sampling 206 students are selected from two universities ofLahore. Data is analyzed in the backdrop of uses and gratificationstheory to determine 'most popular social networking site', 'timeconsumed on these sites', 'instrumental use or active use' and'ritualized use or passive use'. The descriptive statistics includingpercentage and mean is applied. The mean for ritualized or passive useof four items is 84% whereas for instrumental it is only 31%. The othersignificant statistics related to items include 63% use of Facebook, 61%use of the SNSs for more than two hours, 11% use for serious politicaldebate and 94% use for making fun of political personalities, 91% usefor sharing and liking the celebrity photos. This study also highlightsfuture considerations for research in this domain

    Serological and Molecular Investigation of Brucella Species in Dogs in Pakistan

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    Brucellosis is an important bacterial zoonosis caused by B. abortus and B. melitensis in Pakistan. The status of canine brucellosis caused by B. canis remains obscure. In total, 181 serum samples were collected from stray and working dogs in two different prefectures viz. Faisalabad (n = 87) and Bahawalpur (n = 94). Presence of antibodies against B. canis and B. abortus/B. melitensis was determined using the slow agglutination test (SAT) and ELISA, respectively. Real-time PCR was performed to detect and differentiate Brucella DNA at the species level. In Faisalabad, the serological prevalence was found to be 9.2% (8/87) and 10.3% (9/87) by SAT and ELISA, respectively. Only one of the ELISA positive samples (1.15%) yielded amplification for B. abortus DNA. In Bahawalpur, 63.8% (60/94) samples were found positive by SAT; however, none of the samples was positive by ELISA or by real-time PCR. Location, age (≄1 year) and body condition (weak) were found to be associated with B. canis infection, whereas presence of wounds was found to be associated with B. abortus infection only. These findings point towards a risk of transmission from dog to livestock and humans and vice versa. The study expects to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards infection prevention and animal welfare. This study warrants further epidemiological investigation on brucellosis in pet dogs and their owners. To the best of our knowledge, this is first ever report on B. canis and B. abortus in dogs in Pakistan

    Leadership Characteristics and Quality Prevalence in Higher Education

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    The QUAL PRVLANC of advanced learning grounded on the policies made by the organization and leadership is considered significant for implementing these policies. The investigation was led to understand the association among governance features as well as QUAL PRVLANC in advanced learning. The characteristics includes the adoption of innovation, continuous observing of the surrounding, honesty to new thoughts, communiqué of the significance of applying new thoughts, the endowment of monetary capitals, and teaching and suitably satisfying the execution of new plans. The assessment technique was utilizing toward gather the information and questionnaire was the tool of research. Further, together descriptive plus inferential statistic techniques were utilized aimed at examining the information collected by the business schools. Moreover, study described that there is an optimistic association among the features of the governance of the professional colleges and receptiveness to QUAL PRVLANC
