1,525 research outputs found

    Folding and unfolding phylogenetic trees and networks

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    Phylogenetic networks are rooted, labelled directed acyclic graphs which are commonly used to represent reticulate evolution. There is a close relationship between phylogenetic networks and multi-labelled trees (MUL-trees). Indeed, any phylogenetic network NN can be "unfolded" to obtain a MUL-tree U(N)U(N) and, conversely, a MUL-tree TT can in certain circumstances be "folded" to obtain a phylogenetic network F(T)F(T) that exhibits TT. In this paper, we study properties of the operations UU and FF in more detail. In particular, we introduce the class of stable networks, phylogenetic networks NN for which F(U(N))F(U(N)) is isomorphic to NN, characterise such networks, and show that they are related to the well-known class of tree-sibling networks.We also explore how the concept of displaying a tree in a network NN can be related to displaying the tree in the MUL-tree U(N)U(N). To do this, we develop a phylogenetic analogue of graph fibrations. This allows us to view U(N)U(N) as the analogue of the universal cover of a digraph, and to establish a close connection between displaying trees in U(N)U(N) and reconcilingphylogenetic trees with networks

    TopiaryExplorer: visualizing large phylogenetic trees with environmental metadata

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    Motivation: Microbial community profiling is a highly active area of research, but tools that facilitate visualization of phylogenetic trees and associated environmental data have not kept up with the increasing quantity of data generated in these studies

    The bacterial pedome associated with foot pathologies in sheep::a case study

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    Hoof lameness is considered to be a major health issue in sheep, and can impact on both animal welfare and production of livestock. However the causes, although generally assumed to have a microbiological basis, are poorly understood. The work presented here investigated the pedome (the bacterial community of the foot) of sheep which were seen to have one of the following conditions: foot rot; a toe granuloma; Ovine Interdigital Dermatitis (OID) / scald. These were compared relative to samples collected from the healthy feet of the same animals. Samples were collected from commercial lambs from two flocks of sheep (one Beulahs, one Suffolks) at times of routine husbandry work. All animals in the flocks and those which showed signs of lameness (7 per flock) were used for sample collection. Interdigital scrapes were collected from lame feet, together with controls (i.e. non-lame feet) from the same animals. Of the lame feet, 3 were classified as having foot rot, 10 had OID / scald and 1 had a toe granuloma. DNA was isolated from the interdigital scrapes and analysed by next generation sequencing following amplification of DNA by PCR. All foot rot samples showed unusual microbial communities: one having an elevated abundance of Fusobacterium spp.; another with an elevated level of a Corynebacterium sp.; and the third an increased level of a number of unidentified sequences. One of the OID samples also had a high abundance of Fusobacterium spp., and another had a similar pattern of unknown organisms to that seen in the example of the foot rot case. The toe granuloma case showed an elevated level of a Mycoplasma sp. Therefore the organisms described here are different from those previously identified in a similar investigation into this topic. However the other eight OID samples had patterns similar to those in controls. This suggests microbial communities associated with ovine foot rot are complex, and that there are bacteria associated with the condition which remain unknown

    A Note on Encodings of Phylogenetic Networks of Bounded Level

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    Driven by the need for better models that allow one to shed light into the question how life's diversity has evolved, phylogenetic networks have now joined phylogenetic trees in the center of phylogenetics research. Like phylogenetic trees, such networks canonically induce collections of phylogenetic trees, clusters, and triplets, respectively. Thus it is not surprising that many network approaches aim to reconstruct a phylogenetic network from such collections. Related to the well-studied perfect phylogeny problem, the following question is of fundamental importance in this context: When does one of the above collections encode (i.e. uniquely describe) the network that induces it? In this note, we present a complete answer to this question for the special case of a level-1 (phylogenetic) network by characterizing those level-1 networks for which an encoding in terms of one (or equivalently all) of the above collections exists. Given that this type of network forms the first layer of the rich hierarchy of level-k networks, k a non-negative integer, it is natural to wonder whether our arguments could be extended to members of that hierarchy for higher values for k. By giving examples, we show that this is not the case

    The Effect of Frequency of Fresh Pasture Allocation on Pasture Utilisation and the Performance of High Yielding Dairy Cows

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    Publication history: Accepted - 19 November 2020; Published - 21 November 2020.Pasture allocation frequency (PAF) can influence pasture availability and grazing behaviour, which subsequently may impact on animal performance. Limited research to-date has investigated grazing management methods to improve the performance of high production dairy cows whilst also achieving high grass utilisation rates. This study evaluated the e ect of three di erent PAF’s (12, 24 and 36 h) on pasture utilisation, the performance of high yielding dairy cows and the interaction with parity. The experiment included two 60-day periods, 90 spring calving dairy cows (27 primiparous animals) in period one and 87 (24 primiparous animals) in period two. The average pre-grazing sward height (11.4 cm) was similar for all treatments in both periods. In period one, pasture utilisation rate was significantly higher (8%) in the 36 h compared to the 12 h treatment. In period two, milk energy output was significantly greater for primiparous animals in the 36 h treatment relative to the other treatments.This research was funded by AgrisearchNI

    Holistic corpus-based dialectology

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    This paper is concerned with sketching future directions for corpus-based dialectology. We advocate a holistic approach to the study of geographically conditioned linguistic variability, and we present a suitable methodology, 'corpusbased dialectometry', in exactly this spirit. Specifically, we argue that in order to live up to the potential of the corpus-based method, practitioners need to (i) abandon their exclusive focus on individual linguistic features in favor of the study of feature aggregates, (ii) draw on computationally advanced multivariate analysis techniques (such as multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis), and (iii) aid interpretation of empirical results by marshalling state-of-the-art data visualization techniques. To exemplify this line of analysis, we present a case study which explores joint frequency variability of 57 morphosyntax features in 34 dialects all over Great Britain

    Inference of population splits and mixtures from genome-wide allele frequency data

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    Many aspects of the historical relationships between populations in a species are reflected in genetic data. Inferring these relationships from genetic data, however, remains a challenging task. In this paper, we present a statistical model for inferring the patterns of population splits and mixtures in multiple populations. In this model, the sampled populations in a species are related to their common ancestor through a graph of ancestral populations. Using genome-wide allele frequency data and a Gaussian approximation to genetic drift, we infer the structure of this graph. We applied this method to a set of 55 human populations and a set of 82 dog breeds and wild canids. In both species, we show that a simple bifurcating tree does not fully describe the data; in contrast, we infer many migration events. While some of the migration events that we find have been detected previously, many have not. For example, in the human data we infer that Cambodians trace approximately 16% of their ancestry to a population ancestral to other extant East Asian populations. In the dog data, we infer that both the boxer and basenji trace a considerable fraction of their ancestry (9% and 25%, respectively) to wolves subsequent to domestication, and that East Asian toy breeds (the Shih Tzu and the Pekingese) result from admixture between modern toy breeds and "ancient" Asian breeds. Software implementing the model described here, called TreeMix, is available at http://treemix.googlecode.comComment: 28 pages, 6 figures in main text. Attached supplement is 22 pages, 15 figures. This is an updated version of the preprint available at http://precedings.nature.com/documents/6956/version/

    Retrospective analysis of antimicrobial resistance and bacterial spectrum of infection in Gabon, Central Africa

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    Background: Physicians depend on reliable information on the local epidemiology of infection and antibiotic resistance rates to guide empiric treatment in critically ill patients. As these data are scarce for Central Africa, we performed a retrospective analysis of microbiological findings from a secondary care hospital in Gabon. Methods: Microbiological reports from 2009 to 2012 were used to assess the non-susceptibility rates of the three most common isolates from six major types of infections (bloodstream, ear-eye-nose-throat, surgical site, skin and soft tissue, urinary tract and wound infection). Results: A high diversity of pathogens was found, but Staphylococcus aureus was predominant in the majority of infections. Overall, the three most prevalent pathogens in children were S. aureus (33.7%), Streptococcus pyogenes (8.1%) and Escherichia coli (4.5%) and in adults S. aureus (23.5%), E. coli (15.1%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (7.4%). In total, 5.8% (n = 19) of all S. aureus isolates were methicillin resistant. The proportion of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Enterobacteriaceae was 15.4% (n = 78), 49.4% of all K. pneumoniae were ESBL-producer (n = 42). Conclusion: The high diversity of potential pathogens and high resistance rates in Gram-negative bacteria challenge a rational empiric use of antibiotics. Countrywide continuous sentinel surveillance is therefore urgently needed.<br
