7 research outputs found

    One teacher one book literacy program in elementary schools

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    Literacy is very important for learners and affects their success in terms of learning and living.  The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation, obstacles, and solutions in the implementation of the one-teacher-one-book literacy program at SD Negeri 1 Kuripan, Grobogan.  This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study research design. The data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with three procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the data analysis show that the implementation of the one-teacher-one-book literacy movement program in elementary schools is carried out by principals, teachers, and students with the main target being teachers. The implementation of the one-teacher-one-book literacy movement program in Grobogan District in 2020 was carried out by participating in a one-teacher-one-book movement training at the Kriyad Grand Master Hotel for 2 days which has been held by the local education office in collaboration with the Grobogan Writers Teachers Association (AGPG) and Media Teachers. Teachers can work on their work in between each teacher's free time. Teachers can print their own work into one book or combine their work with other teachers and then make it into one book. The obstacles encountered in the implementation of the literacy movement program for one-book teachers in elementary schools include constraints on the availability of funds and also time. The establishment of a literacy community is a solution to overcoming the obstacles that occur in the implementation of literacy programs to help teachers' self-development through activities with the community, such as joint book reviews, joint discussions, and exchange of informatio

    Implmentasi Layanan Delivery: Library Searching Service (LSS) Sebagai Layanan Referensi Virtual Perpustakaan Universitas Syiah Kuala

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    AbstrakLSS (Literature Searching Service) adalah salah satu layanan perpustakaan Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) yang merupakan bagian dari layanan referensi. Dimasa pandemi covid-19 tantangan bagi perpustakaan perguruan tinggi sangat komplek. Salah satunya adalah akses kesumber informasi ke perpustakaan sangat terbatas, koleksi perpustakaan tidak termanfaatkan secara optimal. Selama pandemi Covid-19 Perpustakaan USK membuat strategi layanan baru mengganti layanaan tatap muka ke layanan referensi virtual (delivery). Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja pustakawan, sarana akses informasi,  dan kualitas informasi LSS. Penelitian menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif yang berbentuk narasi. Teknik pengumpulan data  dilakukan dengan observasi partisipan ialah melalui pengamatan dan wawancara yang bersifat terbuka, data statistik dan dokumentasi studi literatur. Data yang dianalisis adalah data permitaan koleksi melalui layanan LSS tiga tahun terakhir. Sejak dirilis bulan Agustus 2020, pemustaka cukup reponsif terhadap layanan referensi virtual  ini. Data menunjukkan tahun 2020, Agustus s.d Desember sebanyak 438 orang melakukan pemesanan. Pada tahun 2021, Januari s.d Desember sebanyak 1.151 orang, adanya peningkatan yang tajam pemesanan koleksi. Pustakawan memiliki keterampilan dalam menelusur informasi yang dibutuhkan, memiliki kecakapan dalam bidangnya. Tersedianya sarpras yang baik, kemudahan akses, sumber informasi yang berkualitas. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa layanan LLS sebagai layanan referensi virtual  dapat dikatakan baik.Kata kunci: literature searching service; referensi virtual, layanan delivery, book delivery, perpustakaan digital, pandemi, layanan prima  Abstract LSS (Literature Searching Service) is one of the library services of Syiah Kuala University (USK) which is part of the reference service. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges for university libraries are very complex. One of them is access to information sources in the library is very limited, library collections are not utilized optimally. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the USK Library made a new service strategy, replacing face-to-face services to virtual reference services (delivery). The objectives to be achieved in this study are to determine the performance of librarians, information access facilities, and LSS information quality. The study used a descriptive qualitative methodology in narrative form. The data collection technique was carried out by participant through observation, open interviews, statistical data and documentation of literature studies. The data analyzed is data collection requests through LSS services for the last three years. Since its release in August 2020, users have been quite responsive to this virtual reference service. The data shows that in 2020, from August to December, 438 people placed orders. In 2021, January to December there were 1.151 people who have collection orders increased sharply. Librarians have skills in tracing the information needed, availability of good infrastructure, easy access, quality sources of information. Overall it can be concluded that the LLS service as a virtual reference service is very good. Keywords: literature searching service; virtual reference, delivery service, book delivery, digital library; pandemic; excellent servic

    Analisis Implementasi dan Kendala Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 pada SD Kelas Awal (Studi Kasus di SD 104/III Koto Iman)

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    Kurikulum menjadi isu yang serius dalam menyongsong pendidikan di Indonesia. Kurikulum 2013 adalah suatu kebijakan baru pemerintah pada bidang pendidikan yg dibutuhkan agar dapat menjawab tantangan & dilema yg akan dihadapi bangsa Indonesia ke depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi  dan kendala penerapan kurikulum 2013  pada sd kelas awal di SD 104/III Koto Iman. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus yang termasuk pada jenis penelitian kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bentuk-bentuk dari Implementasi kurikulum 2013 pada kelas awal di SD 104/III Koto Iman adalah: (1) membuat perangkat pembelajaran; (2) pembelajaran tidak hanya menekankan pada aspek kognitif; (3) penilaian autentik; (4) pembelajaran berbasis tematik; (5) menggunakan pendekatan saintifik; (6) menggunakan model pembelajaran projek; dan (7) strategi pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa. Adapun kendala-kendala yang ditemukan dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum 2013 pada kelas awal di SD 104/III Koto Iman adalah: (1) Keahlian Guru dalam Merencanakan Pembelajaran di Sekolah; (2) Kurangnya Media Pembelajaran; (3) Kurangnya Sarana dan Prasarana. Untuk mengatasi kendala ini, perencanaan dalam implementasi Kurikulum 2013 harus dilakukan secara matang

    One teacher one book literacy program in elementary schools

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    Literacy is very important for learners and affects their success in terms of learning and living.  The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation, obstacles, and solutions in the implementation of the one-teacher-one-book literacy program at SD Negeri 1 Kuripan, Grobogan.  This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study research design. The data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with three procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the data analysis show that the implementation of the one-teacher-one-book literacy movement program in elementary schools is carried out by principals, teachers, and students with the main target being teachers. The implementation of the one-teacher-one-book literacy movement program in Grobogan District in 2020 was carried out by participating in a one-teacher-one-book movement training at the Kriyad Grand Master Hotel for 2 days which has been held by the local education office in collaboration with the Grobogan Writers Teachers Association (AGPG) and Media Teachers. Teachers can work on their work in between each teacher's free time. Teachers can print their own work into one book or combine their work with other teachers and then make it into one book. The obstacles encountered in the implementation of the literacy movement program for one-book teachers in elementary schools include constraints on the availability of funds and also time. The establishment of a literacy community is a solution to overcoming the obstacles that occur in the implementation of literacy programs to help teachers' self-development through activities with the community, such as joint book reviews, joint discussions, and exchange of informatio

    Association between Urinary Aflatoxin (AFM1) and Dietary Intake among Adults in Hulu Langat District, Selangor, Malaysia

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    Aflatoxin is a food contaminant and its exposure through the diet is frequent and ubiquitous. A long-term dietary aflatoxin exposure has been linked to the development of liver cancer in populations with high prevalence of aflatoxin contamination in foods. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the association between urinary aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), a biomarker of aflatoxin exposure, with the dietary intake among adults in Hulu Langat district, Selangor, Malaysia. Certain food products have higher potential for aflatoxin contamination and these were listed in a Food Frequency Questionnaire, which was given to all study participants. This allowed us to record consumption rates for each food product listed. Concomitantly, urine samples were collected, from adults in selected areas in Hulu Langat district, for the measurement of AFM1 levels using an ELISA kit. Of the 444 urine samples collected and tested, 199 were positive for AFM1, with 37 of them exceeding the limit of detection (LOD) of 0.64 ng/mL. Cereal products showed the highest consumption level among all food groups, with an average intake of 512.54 g per day. Chi-square analysis showed that consumption of eggs (X2 = 4.77, p = 0.03) and dairy products (X2 = 19.36, p < 0.01) had significant associations with urinary AFM1 but both food groups were having a phi and Cramer’s V value that less than 0.3, which indicated that the association between these food groups’ consumption and AFM1 level in urine was weak

    MENUJU MASYARAKAT INDONESIA 5.0: Perspektif dan Dinamika

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    Buku ini berupaya untuk menggambarkan berbagai perspektif sosiologis, psikologi dan komunikasi berkenaan dengan isu teknologi yang menjadi mainstream dalam masyarakat 5.0. Perspektif tersebut dijabarkan untuk melihat sejauh mana masyarakat bisa bertahan, berbagai kemampuan psikososial yang dapat dikembangkan dalam masyarakat, serta kemampuan AI yang saat ini menjadi trend dalam ilmu pengetahuan. Lebih lanjut, dinamika sosial ekonomi dan media massa juga disorot sebagai dua aspek yang paling banyak bersinggungan dengan teknologi di era Society 5.0. Dalam aspek media, isu virtualitas diri, agama, pendidikan dan gender telah banyak mengalami perubahan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Demikian pula dalam aspek sosial ekonomi, terlebih di masa pandemi maka isu teknologi juga menjadi ulasan yang menarik dalam menganalisis bagaimana para pelaku ekonomi di masyarakat bertahan hidup. Dengan demikian, buku ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi masyarakat akademik yang ingin mengetahui perspektif dan dinamika masyarakat dalam menghadapi Era Society 5.0