24 research outputs found

    Method for Designing Semantic Annotation of Sepsis Signs in Clinical Text

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    Annotated clinical text corpora are essential for machine learning studies that model and predict care processes and disease progression. However, few studies describe the necessary experimental design of the annotation guideline and annotation phases. This makes replication, reuse, and adoption challenging. Using clinical questions about sepsis, we designed a semantic annotation guideline to capture sepsis signs from clinical text. The clinical questions aid guideline design, application, and evaluation. Our method incrementally evaluates each change in the guideline by testing the resulting annotated corpus using clinical questions. Additionally, our method uses inter-annotator agreement to judge the annotator compliance and quality of the guideline. We show that the method, combined with controlled design increments, is simple and allows the development and measurable improvement of a purpose-built semantic annotation guideline. We believe that our approach is useful for incremental design of semantic annotation guidelines in general

    Fugler i Norge 2000 - Rapport fra Norsk faunakomité for fugl (NFKF)

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    THE NORWEGIAN BIRD REPORT 2000 - a report on locally uncommon and scarce birds in Norway in 2000, by the Norwegian Bird Records Committee (NFKF)The basis of this report is the annual reports produced by the county rarities committees. For 2000 all the counties, with the exception of Finnmark and Sogn og Fjordane counties contributed to the report. Only limited information for some species was received from Troms. The Svalbard archipelago and Jan Mayen are not represented in this report. With the exception of the northernmost counties the report thus reflects fairly well the observations reported from Norway in 2000. Readers should take care to note the geographical and time delimitation of the records stated for the different species, as stated in codes immediately after the scientific name of the species. This report details records of locally uncommon and scarce birds only, and not national rarities. National rarity records are treated by the Norwegian Rare Bird Committee (NSKF) and are published separately (e.g. Mjølsnes et al. 2005). Notable observations in 2000 were influxes or higher numbers than usual of different species, such as Corncrake Crex crex, Spotted Crake Porzana porzana, Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca and Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros. New arrivals of Guillemot Uria aalge in the larger freshwater lakes in southern parts of Norway were notable. This influx follows the larger influx in 1997 from which birds still remain in these freshwater bodies. The growth of the recently established colonies of Cormorant of the subspecies sinensis continued, with 482 nests at Øra (ØF) (first confirmed breeding in 1997). The status of the colony at Orrevann (RO) in 2000 is unknown, but contained more than 100 nests in 1999 (first confirmed breeding with 6 nests in 1996). In addition many birds have been recorded from other freshwater sites in Southern Norway. The Norwegian population of Lesser White-fronted Goose (the last remaining wild population of this species in Europe) still lingers on, with 64 individuals recorded during spring migration. Breeding failure prevailed this year with only one pair with 2 juveniles recorded (compared to 17 successful breeding pairs in 1999). The partly introduced population of Barnacle Goose in the Oslofjord-area continued to increase (59 pairs in 1999). White-tailed Eagles also continued their range expansion in the southernmost regions, e.g. 5 birds recorded at Øra (ØF), where the last breeding record stems from 1882. The Peregrine also increases strongly in Norway, with now around 500 breeding pairs (up from a low of ca. 50 pairs in the 1950’s and 1960’s). The aid of playback of sound recordings has revealed more Water Rails during late autumn and winter thanhitherto known, suggesting that many birds migrate to the western coasts of Norway. The Corncrake had another good year with a new record of 131-137 individuals in 2000. The first wintering record of Common Crane from 2.1-12.3 at Jæren (RO) was notable and as with other species indicate that the climate is changing towards milder winters. Many new lekking sites of Great Snipe were also detected this year, and one unusual late record of a specimen at Østensjøvann, Ås (OA) was made 3.12. Woodcock also occurred in unusually high wintering numbers with 134 individuals. An influx of Iceland Gull was noted in the southern parts of Norway with 58 individuals, including one inland observation from Mjøsa (OP). One of the birds in Trondheim (ST) was a possible kumlieni. Readers should note that both Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull are common and occur in larger numbers (hundreds) in the northernmost counties. An influx of Snowy Owl during the autumn was noted in all parts of the country, with 57-58 individuals. The trend towards milder winter climate has brought a significant increase in the breeding population of Grey Wagtail, and the numbers of wintering White Wagtail and Dunnock have increased. The numbers of White Wagtail subspecies yarrellii occurring during the summer months are steadily increasing. A spring influx of Stonechat brings back hope for a re-establishment of the western coast breeding population. The autumn migration of Yellow-browed Warbler resulted in a new national record in one year with 64 individuals. Also notable was a winter record of a Willow Warbler in December. Bearded Tits continued to occur in good numbers following the influx of 1999. The influx of Nutcrackers in 1995 helped establish a thriving breeding population outside their normal breeding areas in Norway (such as in ST), while the remnants of the influx of Two-barred Crossbill in 1996 finally seem to fade away. The Hawfinch is still spreading northwards and is now recorded more frequently, including as far north as TR

    Vindkraftutbygging i området Overhalla/Flatanger til Surna. Rapport nr. 14: Etterundersøkelser av fugl i områdene Sørmarkfjellet, Harbaksfjellet, Kvenndalsfjellet, Geitfjellet og kraftlinjer nært Åsnes i 2022

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    Vindkraftanleggene på Sørmarkfjellet, Kvenndalsfjellet, Harbaksfjellet, Geitfjellet og deler av kraftlinjetraseen Sørmarkfjellet-Hofstad-Årnes med nærliggende områder ble ferdigstilt i 2021. Disse områdene ble undersøkt for forekomsten av svartand, storlom, smålom, hønsehauk og hubro i 2022. De samme områdene og ble undersøkt med samme metodikk som ved tilsvarende forundersøkelser, hovedsakelig fra 2014-2015. Det ble ikke registrert svartand i de undersøkte områdene verken i 2014-2015 eller i 2022. Storlom ble påvist på til sammen åtte lokaliteter på våren og det ble påvist tre hekkeforsøk både i forundersøkelsene og i 2022. Mot slutten av hekkesesongen ble det til sammen registrert en unge i forundersøkelsene og tre unger i 2022. Det ble til sammen registrert ni smålom i seks vann/tjern våren 2022. På en av disse lokalitetene ble det påvist to unger. I forundersøkelsene ble det på våren observert til sammen 11 smålom i sju vann, og det ble til sammen påvist hekking på to lokaliteter og ingen unger. Det var ingen hønsehauklokaliteter som i henhold til programmet skulle undersøkes i 2022. Det ble likevel undersøkt fem lokaliteter der hønsehauk ble registrert i forundersøkelsene men hvor reir i bruk ikke ble påvist i etterundersøkelser i 2019-2021. Lydopptakere og/eller reirsøk i de fem lokalitetene i 2022 førte ikke til funn av reir i bruk eller at hønsehauk ble påvist på lokalitetene. Det ble påvist hubro på to av de fire lokalitetene innenfor influensområdet som ble undersøkt i 2022, hvorav det ble hørt kun en tiggende unge på den ene lokaliteten. Til sammenligning ble hubro påvist på tre av de fire lokalitetene i forundersøkelsene. Resultatene fra alle undersøkte vann og tjern er inkludert i rapporten, mens resultatene fra referanseområdene for hønsehauk og hubro ikke er presentert. Dette er en delrapport av en større undersøkelse og danner ikke tilstrekkelig grunnlag til å vurdere effekter av vindkraftutbygging på de fem aktuelle fugleartene. Det vil imidlertid bli mulig etter at alle undersøkelser er ferdig i løpet av 2026

    Vindkraftutbygging i området Overhalla/Flatanger til Surna. Rapport nr. 13: Etterundersøkelser av fugl i områdene Storheia, Frøya, Hitra og Snilldal i 2021

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    Etter at vindkraftanleggene på Storheia, Frøya og Hitra 2 og 132 kV kraftlinje Hitra 2 – Fillan og Fillan - Snillfjord ble ferdigstilt i 2020, ble det påfølgende år gjennomført undersøkelser av bestandssituasjonen for svartand, storlom, smålom, hønsehauk og hubro. Undersøkelsene ble gjennomført i samme områder og med samme metodikk som ved tilsvarende forundersøkelsene fra 2014-2015. Fire voksne svartender ble registrert i 2021 mot seks i 2015. To hekkinger og henholdsvis to og tre unger av svartand ble påvist i 2021, mot ingen hekkinger i 2015 i de samme områdene. Storlom ble observert på 14 ulike lokaliteter våren 2021, og det ble mot slutten av hekkesesongen til sammen registrert ti unger. I løpet av undersøkelsene fra 2014 og 2015 ble storlom observert i 15 vann med til sammen sju unger. Smålom fikk påvist 15 hekkinger og 21 unger i 2021, mot ti hekkinger og sju unger i 2014-2015. Hønsehauk ble i 2021 påvist i to av fem undersøkte lokaliteter innenfor influensområdet, og det ble produsert to unger på en av disse lokalitetene. Det ble påvist hønsehauk på alle de fem lokalitetene i 2015, og i de fire lokalitetene med kjent ungeproduksjon var det til sammen sju unger. Hubro ble i 2021 påvist på seks av de 12 undersøkte lokalitetene innenfor influensområdet. Tilsvarende ble det i forundersøkelsene 2014-2015 registrert hubro på ti av lokalitetene. Resultater fra referanseområdene er ikke presentert i denne rapporten. Dessuten er dette en delrapport av en større undersøkelse og danner ikke tilstrekkelig grunnlag til å vurdere effekter av vindkraftutbygging på de fem aktuelle fugleartene. Det vil imidlertid bli gjort etter at alle undersøkelser er ferdig i 2026

    Antibiotic-loaded bone cement in prevention of periprosthetic joint infections in primary total knee arthroplasty: A register-based multicentre randomised controlled non-inferiority trial (ALBA trial)

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    Introduction The current evidence on the efficacy of antibiotic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) in reducing the risk of periprosthetic joint infections (PJI) after primary joint reconstruction is insufficient. In several European countries, the use of ALBC is routine practice unlike in the USA where ALBC use is not approved in low-risk patients. Therefore, we designed a double-blinded pragmatic multicentre register-based randomised controlled non-inferiority trial to investigate the effects of ALBC compared with plain bone cement in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods and analysis A minimum of 9,172 patients undergoing full-cemented primary TKA will be recruited and equally randomised into the ALBC group and the plain bone cement group. This trial will be conducted in Norwegian hospitals that routinely perform cemented primary TKA. The primary outcome will be risk of revision surgery due to PJI at 1-year of follow-up. Secondary outcomes will be: risk of revision due to any reason including aseptic loosening at 1, 6, 10 and 20 years of follow-up; patient-related outcome measures like function, pain, satisfaction and health-related quality of life at 1, 6 and 10 years of follow-up; risk of changes in the microbial pattern and resistance profiles of organisms cultured in subsequent revisions at 1, 6, 10 and 20 years of follow-up; cost-effectiveness of routine ALBC versus plain bone cement use in primary TKA. We will use 1:1 randomisation with random permuted blocks and stratify by participating hospitals to randomise patients to receive ALBC or plain bone cement. Inclusion, randomisation and follow-up will be through the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register. Ethics and dissemination The trial was approved by the Western Norway Regional Committees on Medical and Health Research Ethics (reference number: 2019/751/REK vest) on 21 June 2019. The findings of this trial will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. Trial registration number NCT04135170.publishedVersio

    DNA Sequence Profiles of the Colorectal Cancer Critical Gene Set KRAS-BRAF-PIK3CA-PTEN-TP53 Related to Age at Disease Onset

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    The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) increases with age and early onset indicates an increased likelihood for genetic predisposition for this disease. The somatic genetics of tumor development in relation to patient age remains mostly unknown. We have examined the mutation status of five known cancer critical genes in relation to age at diagnosis, and compared the genomic complexity of tumors from young patients without known CRC syndromes with those from elderly patients. Among 181 CRC patients, stratified by microsatellite instability status, DNA sequence changes were identified in KRAS (32%), BRAF (16%), PIK3CA (4%), PTEN (14%) and TP53 (51%). In patients younger than 50 years (n = 45), PIK3CA mutations were not observed and TP53 mutations were more frequent than in the older age groups. The total gene mutation index was lowest in tumors from the youngest patients. In contrast, the genome complexity, assessed as copy number aberrations, was highest in tumors from the youngest patients. A comparable number of tumors from young (<50 years) and old patients (>70 years) was quadruple negative for the four predictive gene markers (KRAS-BRAF-PIK3CA-PTEN); however, 16% of young versus only 1% of the old patients had tumor mutations in PTEN/PIK3CA exclusively. This implies that mutation testing for prediction of EGFR treatment response may be restricted to KRAS and BRAF in elderly (>70 years) patients. Distinct genetic differences found in tumors from young and elderly patients, whom are comparable for known clinical and pathological variables, indicate that young patients have a different genetic risk profile for CRC development than older patients

    Does the line-to-line cementing technique of the femoral stem create an adequate cement mantle?

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    Background: The line-to-line cementing technique is proposed to create a press-fit in the femoral canal, which is contrary to modern cementing techniques. The term ‘French paradox’ has been used to describe the acceptable results associated with this technique. It has been suggested that the quality of the mantle may not be satisfactory, predisposing to early failure and aseptic loosening. Methods: The line-to-line cementing technique, where the femoral stem was oversized by 1 size compared to the broach, was compared to the standard cementing technique using corresponding sized broaches and stems, in 6 pairs of human cadaver femora with taper-slip design C-stems. Cement pressure was measured, and cement mantle thickness was analysed. A mixed effects model with random intercepts was used to examine the relationship between thickness of mantle and cementing technique and between pressure and cementing technique. Results: Line-to-line cementing results in significantly higher pressurisation for longer periods of time leading to better interdigitation but a thinner mantle in some areas. Conclusions: The results of this study describe the in-vitro advantages and disadvantages of the line-to-line cementing technique

    Status for kongeørn og hubro på og ved Svarthammaren, Orkland kommune, i 2020

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    Norsk Vind AS har planer om utbygging av vindkraft på Svarthammaren i Orkland kommune, og ønsker å få en oversikt over hekkestatus hos kongeørn og eventuell forekomst av hubro i området. Det er to territorium for kongeørn på og ved Svarthammaren som sannsynligvis bruker dette fjellet som jaktområde. En oversikt over bruk av de kjente reirplassene i perioden 2011-2020 viser kun to år til sammen med ungeproduksjon i de to territoriene. I tillegg er spillflukt registrert vest på fjellet de siste årene, men reirplass er ikke funnet. Det ble i 2020 satt ut 21 lydopptakere programmert for hubro, spredt over Svarthammaren og lavereliggende områder rundt fjellet. Det ble ikke registrert hubro på noe av dem. Ut i fra effektiviteten til slike lydopptakere og flere påviste hubro med samme metode til omtrent samme tidsrom i andre områder, konkluderer vi med at det ikke var aktiv hubro på og ved Svarthammaren i 2020. Det er ikke så lenge siden hubro hekket her, så ved en eventuell reetablering vil Svarthammaren igjen være et sannsynlig jaktområde. Nøkkelord: Orkland – kongeørn – hubr

    Inactivation of Piscine orthoreovirus

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    Piscine orthoreovirus infects various salmonid fish species, and the infection is associated with diseases such as heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). There are no vaccines available or genetically selected resistant hosts that can efficiently control piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) infection. Currently, the only prophylactic measure against PRV is general biosecurity measures aiming to break the transmission cycle. Methods to eradicate infectious virus from contaminated facilities are desirable, but the knowledge on how to inactivate PRV is lacking. A major bottleneck for inactivation studies is the lack of ability to propagate PRV in cell culture. Therefore, in this study we developed an in vivo model for detection of infectious PRV particles after treatment of the virus with inactivation tools such as heat, pH, iodine, UV and commercially available disinfectants. The results show that standard iodine treatment is efficient in inactivation of the virus, and similarly are high and low pH extremes and treatment with Virocid, a commercially available disinfectant. A UV dose of at least 50 mJ/cm2 is required for inactivation, and the virus has high resistance against heat treatment.publishedVersio