283 research outputs found

    Diffusive behavior for randomly kicked Newtonian particles in a spatially periodic medium

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    We prove a central limit theorem for the momentum distribution of a particle undergoing an unbiased spatially periodic random forcing at exponentially distributed times without friction. The start is a linear Boltzmann equation for the phase space density, where the average energy of the particle grows linearly in time. Rescaling time, the momentum converges to a Brownian motion, and the position is its time-integral showing superdiffusive scaling with time t3/2t^{3/2}. The analysis has two parts: (1) to show that the particle spends most of its time at high energy, where the spatial environment is practically invisible; (2) to treat the low energy incursions where the motion is dominated by the deterministic force, with potential drift but where symmetry arguments cancel the ballistic behavior.Comment: 55 pages. Some typos corrected from previous versio

    Organized crime and preventive justice

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    By comparison with the prevention of terrorism, the prevention of acts of organizedcrime might be thought easier to conceptualize precisely and less controversial to legislate against and police. This impression is correct up to a point, because it is possible to arrive at some general characteristics of organized crime, and because legislation against it is not obviously bedevilled by the risk of violating civil or political rights, as in the case of terrorism. But there is a significant residue of legal, moral and political difficulty: legislation against organized crime is hard to make effective; the harm of organized crime is not uniform, and so some preventive legislation seems too sweeping and potentially unjust. More fundamentally, the scale and rewards of organized crime are often dependent on mass public participation in markets for proscribed goods, which may point to a hidden public consensus in favour of some of what is criminalized. Preventive policing and legislation in both areas, then, are less easily justified than first appears


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    Introduction. Decreased production of erythropoietin by the kidneys plays crucial role in the development of anemia in patients with chronic heart failure, especially on the background of comorbid diabetes mellitus type 2. In diabetic patients due to early damage of the kidney vessels and following erythropoietin deficiency anemia develops much earlier than clinically significant decrease of glomerular filtration rate. The aim of the study was to find out possible dependence of changes in the erythropoietinsynthesizing function of the kidneys on the degree of severity of anemic hypoxia in elderly and senile patients with chronic heart failure, including those with comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods. 120 patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic origin, type 2 diabetes mellitus and mild and moderate anemia were examined. Control group comprised 12 people with chronic heart failure without comorbid pathology. The examined groups were comparable in terms of gender and age, differing in the presence of comorbid diabetes mellitus and degree of severity of anemic syndrome. The level of erythropoietin in blood serum was determined by standard enzymelinked immunosorbent assay. Results. Type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic heart failure results in a significant decrease in erythropoietin production by 25 % compared to the control group (p<0,05). Comorbid to heart failure anemia leads to an increase in the level of erythropoietin by 74,4 % (р<0,05), and in the case of chronic heart failure and type 2 diabetes mellitus on the background of concomitant anemia – only by 39,5 % (р<0,05). As the severity of anemia in patients with chronic heart failure without diabetes progresses, the severity of the compensatory response of the kidneys to chronic anemic hypoxia is significantly higher than in patients with heart failure and comorbid type 2 diabetes. Conclusions. Diabetic nephropathy in patients with chronic heart failure and comorbid anemia leads to a significant deterioration of the erythropoietin-synthesizing function of the kidneys, complicating the course of both main and comorbid diseases

    The spirit of sport: the case for criminalisation of doping in the UK

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    This article examines public perceptions of doping in sport, critically evaluates the effectiveness of current anti-doping sanctions and proposes the criminalisation of doping in sport in the UK as part of a growing global movement towards such criminalisation at national level. Criminalising doping is advanced on two main grounds: as a stigmatic deterrent and as a form of retributive punishment enforced through the criminal justice system. The ‘spirit of sport’ defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as being based on the values of ethics, health and fair-play is identified as being undermined by the ineffectiveness of existing anti-doping policy in the current climate of doping revelations, and is assessed as relevant to public perceptions and the future of sport as a whole. The harm-reductionist approach permitting the use of certain performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) is considered as an alternative to anti-doping, taking into account athlete psychology, the problems encountered in containing doping in sport through anti-doping measures and the effect of these difficulties on the ‘spirit of sport’. This approach is dismissed in favour of criminalising doping in sport based on the offence of fraud. It will be argued that the criminalisation of doping could act as a greater deterrent than existing sanctions imposed by International Federations, and, when used in conjunction with those sanctions, will raise the overall ‘price’ of doping. The revelations of corruption within the existing system of self-governance within sport have contributed to a disbelieving public and it will be argued that the criminalisation of doping in sport could assist in satisfying the public that justice is being done and in turn achieve greater belief in the truth of athletic performances

    Effects of Training and Testosterone on Muscle-Fiber Types and Locomotor Performance in Male Six-Lined Racerunners (\u3cem\u3eAspidoscelis sexlineata\u3c/em\u3e)

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    Testosterone (T) is thought to affect a variety of traits important for fitness, including coloration, the size of sexual ornaments, aggression, and locomotor performance. Here, we investigated the effects of experimentally elevated T and locomotor training on muscle physiology and running performance in a nonterritorial male lizard species (Aspidoscelis sexlineata). Additionally, several morphological attributes were quantified to examine other characters that are likely affected by T and/or a training regimen. Neither training alone nor training with T supplementation resulted in increased locomotor performance. Instead, we found that T and training resulted in a decrease in each of three locomotor performance variables as well as in hematocrit, ventral coloration, and testis size. Strikingly, neither the size nor the fiber composition of the iliofibularis or gastrocnemius muscles was different among the two treatments or a group of untrained control animals. Hence, the relationships among T, training, and associated characters are not clear. Our results offer important insights for those hoping to conduct laboratory manipulations on nonmodel organisms and highlight the challenges of studying both training effects and the effects of steroid hormones on locomotor performance

    Інтраопераційний стан гемокоагуляційної системи крові в пацієнтів із віддаленими ускладненнями операційного лікування атеросклеротичної оклюзії аорто/клубово-стегнової зони

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    The aim of the work: to substantiate thromboprophylaxis at surgical interventions in patients with recurrence of chronic arterial insufficiency and late thrombosis of the aorto/iliac-bifemoral alloprosthesis and thrombosis of the iliac-femoral segment of the contralateral lower extremity. Materials and Methods. Long-term results of surgical treatment of 522 patients during 2006–2019 were traced. 353 (67.62 %) patients were diagnosed with bilateral atherosclerotic occlusion of the aorto-femoral zone and 159 (30.46 %) – unilateral occlusion of the iliac-femoral zone. Two groups of patients were identified in the study: group I – 81 patients with recurrence of chronic arterial insufficiency: in 32 (39.63&nbsp;%) – chronic arterial insufficiency IIB stage, in 49 (60.49 %) – chronic arterial insufficiency III stage; group II – 47 patients: 38 (80.85 %) were diagnosed late thrombosis of the aorto/iliac-bifemoral alloprosthesis and 9 (19.17 %) with thrombosis of the iliac-femoral segment of the contralateral lower extremity. In patients, the status of coagulation and fibrinolytic systems was determined. Results and Discussion. As a result of studies of the hemocoagulation system of patients with recurrence of chronic arterial ischemia and postoperative alloprosthesis branch thrombosis and thrombosis of the iliac-femoral segment of the contralateral lower extremity, it is possible to state that the coagualation system is active before operation. Surgery is accompanied by increased coagulation and aggregation properties of the blood system. Hypercoagulation at the intraoperative stage of surgery is formed due to the increasing blood content of the fibrin-thrombin fraction of the hemocoagulative cascade, which contributes to the formation of fibrinogen. Based on the results of the study of the hemocoagulation system, schemes of thromboprophylaxis in patients with atherosclerotic lesions of the aorta and main arteries of the lower extremities during reconstructive operations were proposed.Цель работы: патогенетически обосновать тромбопрофилактику при оперативных вмешательствах у пациентов с рецидивом хронической артериальной недостаточности и поздним тромбозом бранши аорто/ подвздошно-бифеморального аллопротеза и тромбозом подвздошно-бедренного сегмента контралатеральной нижней конечности. Материалы и методы. Прослежены в течение 2006–2019 гг. отдаленные результаты хирургического лечения 522 пациентов, из которых в 353 (67,62 %) было диагностировано двустороннюю атеросклеротическою окклюзию аорто-бедренной зоны и в 159 (30,46 %) – одностороннюю окклюзию подвздошно-бедренной зоны. В исследовании выделено две группы пациентов: I группа – 81 пациент с рецидивом хронической артериальной недостаточности, из которых у 32 (39,63 %) – ХАН II Б ст., у 49 (60,49 %) – ХАН III А ст.; II группа – 47 пациентов, из которых у 38 (80,85&nbsp;%) диагностирован поздний тромбоз бранши аорто/подвздошно-бифеморального аллопротеза и у 9 (19,17 %) – тромбоз подвздошно-бедренного сегмента контралатеральной нижней конечности. У пациентов проводилось определение состояния свертывающей и фибринолитической систем. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. В результате исследований гемокоагуляционной системы пациентов с рецидивом хронической артериальной ишемии и послеоперационным тромбозом бранш аллопротеза и тромбозом подвздошно-бедренного сегмента контралатеральной нижней конечности можно утверждать, что свертывающие звено гемокоагуляции на дооперационном этапе находится в активированном состоянии. Реваскуляризация сопровождается усилением активности гиперкоагуляционной и агрегационной систем крови, в большей степени это выражено у пациентов II группы. Гиперкоагуляция на интраоперационном этапе хирургического вмешательства формируется за счет растущего содержания в крови фибрин-тромбиновой фракции гемокоагулятивного каскада, которая способствует формированию фибриногена. Основываясь на полученных результатах исследования системы гемокоагуляции, предложены схемы проведения тромбопрофилактики у пациентов с атеросклеротическим поражением аорты и магистральных артерий нижних конечностей при реконструктивных операциях.Мета роботи: патогенетично обґрунтувати тромбопрофілактику при оперційних втручаннях у пацієнтів із рецидивом хронічної артеріальної недостатності та пізнім тромбозом бранші аорто/клубово-біфеморального алопротеза і тромбозом клубово-стегнового сегмента контрлатеральної нижньої кінцівки. Матеріали і методи. Прослідковано протягом 2006–2019 рр. віддалені результати хірургічного лікування 522 пацієнтів, з яких у 353 (67,62 %) було діагностовано двобічну атеросклеротичну оклюзію аорто-стегнової зони та у 159 (30,46 %) – однобічну оклюзію клубово-стегнової зони. У дослідженні виділено дві групи пацієнтів: І група – 81 пацієнт із рецидивом хронічної артеріальної недостатності, з яких у 32 (39,63 %) – ХАН ІІБ ст., у 49 (60,49 %) – ХАН ІІІА ст.; ІІ група – 47 пацієнтів, з яких у 38 (80,85 %) діагностований пізній тромбоз бранші аорто/клубово-біфеморального алопротеза і 9 (19,17 %) – тромбозом клубово-стегнового сегмента контрлатеральної нижньої кінцівки. У пацієнтів проводилось визначення стану згортальної та фібринолітичної систем. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. В результаті досліджень гемокоагуляційної системи пацієнтів із рецидивом хронічної артеріальної ішемії та післяопераційним тромбозом бранші алопротезу і тромбозом клубово-стегнового сегмента контрлатеральної нижньої кінцівки можна стверджувати, що згортальна ланка гемокоагуляції на доопераційному етапі знаходиться в активованому стані. Реваскуляризація супроводжується посиленням активності гіперкоагулятивних та агрегаційних властивостей системи крові, в більшому ступені це виражено у пацієнтів ІІ групи. Гіперкоагуляція на інтраопераційному етапі хірургічного втручання формується за рахунок зростаючого вмісту в крові фібрин-тромбінової фракції гемокоагулятивного каскаду, яка сприяє формуванню фібриногену. Ґрунтуючись на отриманих результатах дослідження системи гемокоагуляції, запропоновано схеми проведення тромбопрофілактики у пацієнтів із атеросклеротичним ураженням аорти та магістральних артерій нижніх кінцівок при реконструктивних операціях

    D6.7 Report on the experience of conducting the case studies

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    One of the main aims of the case studies was to publish improved market reports. The data collected as part of the six case studies have been, or will shortly be, published in the five improved national organic market reports and one first regional market report (MOAN case study). This will make a contribution towards filling the many gaps that continue to exist in organic market data collection in Europe

    IUCN Conservation Status Does Not Predict Glucocortoid Concentrations in Reptiles and Birds

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    Circulating glucocorticoids (GCs) are the most commonly used biomarkers of stress in wildlife. However, their utility as a tool for identifying and/or managing at-risk species has varied. Here, we took a very broad approach to conservation physiology, asking whether International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listing status (concern versus no obvious concern) and/or location within a geographic range (edge versus non-edge) predicted baseline and post-restraint concentrations of corticosterone (CORT) among many species of birds and reptiles. Even though such an approach can be viewed as coarse, we asked in this analysis whether CORT concentrations might be useful to implicate species at risk. Indeed, our effort, relying on HormoneBase, a repository of data on wildlife steroids, complements several other large-scale efforts in this issue to describe and understand GC variation. Using a phylogenetically informed Bayesian approach, we found little evidence that either IUCN status or edge/non-edge location in a geographic distribution were related to GC levels. However, we did confirm patterns described in previous studies, namely that breeding condition and evolutionary relatedness among species predicted some GC variation. Given the broad scope of our work, we are reluctant to conclude that IUCN status and location within a range are unrelated to GC regulation. We encourage future more targeted efforts on GCs in at-risk populations to reveal how factors leading to IUCN listing or the environmental conditions at range edges impact individual performance and fitness, particularly in the mammals, amphibians, and fish species we could not study here because data are currently unavailable