820 research outputs found

    El depósito de la ría de Huelva: datos isotópicos para la determinación de su procedencia

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    Desde su descubrimiento en 1923, el Depósito la Ría de Huelva, compuesto por 400 objetos metálicos del s. X a.C., ha sido objeto de diversas interpreta ciones sobre su deposición y procedencia. Muestras de cinco objetos de diversa tipología de este Depósito han sido analizadas por medio de Isótopos de Plomo, confrontándose sus composiciones con los campos isotópicos de mineralizaciones regionales, peninsulares y mediterráneas. Los resultados indican que los ob jetos que componen el Depósito tendrían varios orígenes foráneos, siendo con sistentes en algún caso con mineralizaciones de Cerdeña. Tecnológicamente, el carácter de importación del Depósito concuerda con el registro arqueológico re gional

    Deinstitutionalization through Business Model Evolution: Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa

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    This chapter is among the first to examine the interplay between deinstitutionalization and the rollout of novel business models by women entrepreneurs in developing countries. Much of the existing literature has examined the ways in which policy directives by formal institutions are the key drivers of entrepreneurial activity among women. Implicitly, this orientation suggests that the fate of women entrepreneurs is tied to, and cascades from, macro-level deinstitutionalization efforts, arising through changes in policies, laws and regulations championed at the highest levels. While this top-down view may intuitively be attractive, there are empirical reasons to doubt that the “institutional cascading” model accurately captures the underlying mechanisms of entrepreneurial activity among women. Taking a radically different tack, we develop and test an alternative, market-based perspective in which novel business models developed by women drive deinstitutionalization in bottom-up fashion. The context for our study involves detailed case histories of 95 women who started new businesses in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), 1960–2012. Using a question-driven research design, our findings indicate that deinstitutionalization is strongly associated with the timing and substance of entrepreneurial action taken by MENA women

    Prehistoric mining and metallurgy in the Priorat and bordering areas (province of Tarragona). State of the issue

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    En los últimos 15 años se han desarrollado diversos proyectos de investigación centrados en la minería y la metalurgia prehistóricas en el Priorat. Gracias a estos, el conocimiento sobre este tema se ha visto notablemente incrementado hasta el punto de convertirse en el territorio del nordeste con más datos disponibles. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar este conjunto de nuevos datos (arqueológicos y arqueométricos) así como las interpretaciones que de ellos se derivan para avanzar en el conocimiento de la producción metalúrgica en las comunidades del Calcolítico y la Edad del Bronce.In the last 15 years a few research projects have been carried out focused on prehistoric mining and metallurgy in the Priorat area. Because of their results, knowledge on this subject has been increased significantly, to the point of becoming the territory of the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula with more data available. Is the goal of this article to expose this set of new data (archaeological and archaeometric) as well as to treat the interpretations derived from them, advancing in the knowledge of metallurgical production in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age communities

    Aplicació d'anàlisi d'isòtops en la investigació arqueometal·lúrgica

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    Análisis arqueometalúrgico de yacimiento calcolítico de “La Pijotilla” (Badajoz)

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    Los restos de carácter metalúrgico del yacimiento de La Pijotilla han sido so metidos a distintos métodos analíticos (XRF, Microsonda, Metalografías, Isóto pos de Plomo) para la caracterización de la tecnología metalúrgica Calcolítica, evaluar los procesos que se llevaban a cabo en el yacimiento y establecer pau tas en el aprovisionamiento de materias primas y/o objetos elaborados

    Tablero de altar y elementos constructivos tardoantiguos del yacimiento de Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso, término municipal de Aznalcóllar (Sevilla)

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    9 páginas, 10 figuras.[EN]During the archaeological excavation of the site Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso (Aznalcóllar, Sevilla), elements corresponding to various phases of occupation, from Roman times to present times, were documented. Integrated in a 17th. century AD building, a marble fragment was recovered,identified as an altar panel, with a chronology between the 5th. and 7th. centuries AD. The revision of the archaeological record of the excavaction has allowed the identification, also found in Modern contexts, of other constructive elements of the same chronology.[ES]Durante el proceso de excavación del yacimiento de Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso, Aznalcóllar (Sevilla), fueron documentados restos correspondientes a diversas fases de ocupación, desde época romana a la actualidad. Integrado en un edificio del siglo XVII d.C. se recuperó un fragmento de mármol que se ha identificado como tablero de altar, con una cronología entre los siglos V y VII d.C. La revisión del registro arqueológico ha permitido identificar, encontrados también en contextos modernos, otros elementos constructivos de la misma cronología.Peer reviewe

    New objects in old structures: The Iron Age hoard of the Palacio III megalithic funerary complex (Almadén de la Plata, Seville, Spain)

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    Cultural contact, exchange and interaction feature high in the list of challenging topics of current research on European Prehistory. Not far off is the issue of the changing role of monuments in the making and maintaining of key cultural devices such as memory and identity. Addressing both these highly-debated issues from a science-based perspective, in this paper we look at an unusual case study set in southern Iberia and illustrate how these archaeological questions can benefit from robust materials-science approaches.We present the contextual, morphological and analytical study of an exceptional Early Iron Age hoard composed of a number of different (and mostly exotic) materials such as amber, quartz, silver and ceramic. This hoard, found under the fallen orthostat of a megalithic structure built at least 2000 years earlier, throws new light on long-distance exchange networks and the effect they could have had on the cultural identities and social relations of local Iberian Early Iron Age communities. Moreover, the archaeometric study reveals how diverse and distant the sources of these item are (Northern Europe to Eastern and Western Mediterranean raw materials, as well as local and eastern technologies), therefore raising questions concerning the social mechanisms used to establish change and resistance in contexts of colonial encounter

    Romanticism’s Fellow Creatures

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    This panel opens up innovative ways of thinking about Romanticism and “the problem of sharing our earth with other creatures.” Over the last couple of decades, the crisis in human relations with animals has deteriorated to the point that it has become increasingly recognized as a constitutive part of the global environmental crisis. Like the climate crisis, the “animal crisis” originates with the emergence of the industrial form of capitalism in Britain around the turn of the nineteenth century. Appreciation of this historical constellation can and should become the basis of a renewed Romantic animal studies. However, reading Romanticism as a reflection of and on the historical origins of the contemporary crisis in human-animal relations in turn requires rethinking and openly debating topics, archive, and method. To indicate the initial results and style of our efforts, we have chosen not to summarize the papers presented, but rather to pose ten collectively formulated questions and to briefly answer as individuals a selection of three of those questions. Overall, we hope not just to make an argument for what we regard as a vital area of research in Romantic studies, but to encourage more research on the topic

    Ingresos y demanda social en el Hospital Psiquiátrico Provincial de Huelva.

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    En este artículo se estudia la población que ingresa en el Hospital Psiquiátrico de Huelva, el tipo de demanda de ingreso y los motivos de ingreso. La población elegida es la que ingresa en este Hospital durante los seis últimos meses del año 1986. En el estudio de la población se valoran sexo, edad, estado civil, profesión, situación laboral, zona de ingreso, relación familiar, convivencia y diagnóstico