955 research outputs found

    Polymers Erosion and Contamination Experiment Being Developed

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    The Polymers Erosion and Contamination Experiment (PEACE) is currently being developed at the NASA Lewis Research Center by the Electro-Physics Branch in conjunction with students and faculty from Hathaway Brown School in Cleveland. The experiment is a Get Away Special Canister shuttle flight experiment sponsored by the American Chemical Society. The two goals of this experiment are (1) to measure ram atomic oxygen erosion rates of approximately 40 polymers that have potential use in space applications and (2) to validate a method for identifying sources of silicone contamination that occur in the shuttle bay. Equipment to be used in this flight experiment is shown in the schematic diagram. Spacecraft materials subjected to attack by atomic oxygen in the space environment experience significant degradation over the span of a typical mission. Therefore, learning the rates of atomic oxygen erosion of a wide variety of polymers would be of great benefit to future missions. PEACE will use two independent techniques to determine the atomic oxygen erosion rates of polymers. Large (1-in.-diameter) samples will be used for obtaining mass loss. Preflight and postflight dehydrated masses will be obtained, and the mass lost during flight will be determined. Small (0.5-in.-diameter) samples will be protected with isolated particles (such as NaCl crystals) and then exposed to the space environment. After flight, the protective particles will be removed (washed off) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) will be used to measure the erosion depth from protected mesas. Erosion depth measurements are more sensitive than traditional mass measurements and are very useful for materials with low erosion yields or with very low fluence missions

    Ether functionalisation, ion conformation and the optimisation of macroscopic properties in ionic liquids

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    Ionic liquids are an attractive material class due to their wide liquid range, intrinsic ionic conductivity, and high chemical as well as electrochemical stability. However, the widespread use of ionic liquids is hindered by significantly higher viscosities compared to conventional molecular solvents. In this work, we show how the transport properties of ionic liquids can be altered significantly, even for isostructural ions that have the same backbone. To this end, structure–property relationships have been determined for a set of 16 systematically varied representative ionic liquids. Variations in molecular structure include ammonium vs. phosphonium, ether vs. alkyl side chains, and rigid vs. flexible anions. Ab initio calculations are used to relate molecular structures to the thermal, structural and transport properties of the ionic liquids. We find that the differences in properties of ether and alkyl functionalised ionic liquids are primarily dependent on minimum energy geometries, with the conformational flexibility of ether side chains appearing to be of secondary importance. We also show unprecedented correlations between anion conformational flexibility and transport properties. Critically, increasing fluidity upon consecutive introduction of ether side chains and phosphonium centres into the cation is found to be dependent on whether the anion is flexible or rigid. We demonstrate that targeted design of functional groups based on structure–property relationships can yield ionic liquids of exceptionally high fluidity

    Bisphenol A in Thermal Paper Receipts: Taylor et al. Respond

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    We agree with Schwartz and Landrigan that there is a need for change in the regulatory system for chemicals used in products in the United States. Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of thousands of chemicals of concern, but it provides a striking example of what happens when there is no requirement for premarket testing

    Pluralismus im Islam - ein Schlüssel zum Frieden: Erfahrungen aus dem Irak, Syrien, Türkei, Ägypten und Tunesien im Vergleich

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    Zentrales Thema dieser Studie ist die Frage, wie die islamische Staatenwelt mit dem Pluralismus in ihrer eigenen Religion umgeht. Die meisten Länder haben erst mit ihrer staatlichen Unabhängigkeit in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhundert das religiöse Recht der weltlichen Gesetzgebung unterstellt. Dadurch wurden aus Untertanen unterschiedlicher Konfessionen und islamischer Glaubensrichtungen gleichberechtigte Staatsbürger. Die Verstaatlichung der islamischen Institutionen legitimiert die Regierungen allerdings zur Kontrolle über religiöse Doktrinen. So entstanden neben den klassischen Rechtsschulen nationale Varianten islamischer Glaubenslehren. Während Angehörige anderer Religionen teils Minderheitenrechte besitzen, wird die Vielfalt islamischer Lehrmeinungen von den Staaten selbst kaum anerkannt. Dieses Defizit nutzen islamistische Akteure wie Muslimbrüder oder Ennahdah, um sich als Opfer staatlicher Religionsbehörden darzustellen. Dabei zeigen sie selbst noch weniger Toleranz gegenüber dem religiösen Pluarlismus. Denn sie lehnen regionale und nationale Traditionen des Islam ab und wollen das religiöse Recht (Scharia) auf seine Ursprünge zurückführen (Salafismus, Wahhabismus). Die Anfänge islamischen Rechts lassen sich nur vage rekonstruieren, weshalb salafistische oder wahhabitische Doktrinen ebenfalls auf Interpretationen angewiesen sind. Der verstärkte Kampf um die Deutungshoheit im Islam kann nur gelöst werden, indem die Staaten den verschiedenen Glaubensrichtungen mit Toleranz begegnen und diese im Rahmen ihrer nationalen Gesetzgebung anerkennen. Den normativen Rahmen hierfür bilden die UN-Menschenrechtsdokumente wie die Anti-Rassismus-Konvention (1969), mit deren Unterzeichnung sich viele islamische Länder auch der Religionsfreiheit verschrieben haben. (Autorenreferat

    Separation and concentration of CO 2 from air using a humidity-driven molten-carbonate membrane

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    Separation processes are substantially more difficult when the species to be separated is highly dilute. To perform any dilute separation, thermodynamic and kinetic limitations must be overcome. Here we report a molten-carbonate membrane that can ‘pump’ CO2 from a 400 ppm input stream (representative of air) to an output stream with a higher concentration of CO2, by exploiting ambient energy in the form of a humidity difference. The substantial H2O concentration difference across the membrane drives CO2 permeation ‘uphill’ against its own concentration difference, analogous to active transport in biological membranes. The introduction of this H2O concentration difference also results in a kinetic enhancement that boosts the CO2 flux by an order of magnitude even as the CO2 input stream concentration is decreased by three orders of magnitude from 50% to 400 ppm. Computational modelling shows that this enhancement is due to the H2O-mediated formation of carriers within the molten salt that facilitate rapid CO2 transport

    Water Formation Reaction under Interfacial Confinement: Al0.25Si0.75O2 on O-Ru(0001)

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    Confined nanosized spaces at the interface between a metal and a seemingly inert material, such as a silicate, have recently been shown to influence the chemistry at the metal surface. In prior work, we observed that a bilayer (BL) silica on Ru(0001) can change the reaction pathway of the water formation reaction (WFR) near room temperature when compared to the bare metal. In this work, we looked at the effect of doping the silicate with Al, resulting in a stoichiometry of AlSiO . We investigated the kinetics of WFR at elevated H pressures and various temperatures under interfacial confinement using ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The apparent activation energy was lower than that on bare Ru(0001) but higher than that on the BL-silica/Ru(0001). The apparent reaction order with respect to H was also determined. The increased residence time of water at the surface, resulting from the presence of the BL-aluminosilicate (and its subsequent electrostatic stabilization), favors the so-called disproportionation reaction pathway (*HO + *O ↔ 2 *OH), but with a higher energy barrier than for pure BL-silica.Research was carried out in part at the 23-ID-2 (IOS) beamline of the National Synchrotron Light Source II and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, which are U.S. DOE Office of Science Facilities, and the Scientific Data and Computing Center, a component of the Computational Science Initiative, at Brookhaven National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-SC0012704. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. J.C. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for a “Severo Ochoa” grant (BES-2015-075748) through “Severo Ochoa” Excellence Programme (SEV-2016-0683). Z.D. is supported by ACS PRF grant #61059-ND5

    A New Approach for Checking and Complementing CALIPSO Lidar Calibration

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    We have been studying the backscatter ratio of the two CALIPSO wavelengths for 3 different targets. We are showing the ratio of integrate attenuated backscatter coefficient for cirrus clouds, ocean surface and liquid. Water clouds for one month of nightime data (left:July,right:December), Only opaque cirrus classified as randomly oriented ice[1] are used. For ocean and water clouds, only the clearest shots, determined by a threshold on integrated attenuated backscatter are used. Two things can be immediately observed: 1. A similar trend (black dotted line) is visible using all targets, the color ratio shows a tendency to be higher north and lower south for those two months. 2. The water clouds average value is around 15% lower than ocean surface and cirrus clouds. This is due to the different multiple scattering at 532 nm and 1064 nm [2] which strongly impact the water cloud retrieval. Conclusion: Different targets can be used to improve CALIPSO 1064 nm calibration accuracy. All of them show the signature of an instrumental calibration shift. Multiple scattering introduce a bias in liquid water cloud signal but it still compares very well with all other methods and should not be overlooked. The effect of multiple scattering in liquid and ice clouds will be the subject of future research. If there really is a sampling issue. Combining all methods to increase the sampling, mapping the calibration coefficient or trying to reach an orbit per orbit calibration seems an appropriate way