1,170 research outputs found

    Direct detection and quantification of microRNAs

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    The recent discovery of the potent regulatory nature of microRNAs (miRNAs), a relatively new class of approximately 22 nucleotide RNAs, has made them a primary focus in today’s biochemical and medical research. The relationship between miRNA expression patterns and the onset of cancer, as well as other diseases, has glimpsed the potential of miRNAs as disease biomarkers or drug targets, making them a primary research focus. Their promising future in medicine is hinged upon improving our scientific understanding of their intricate regulatory mechanisms. In the realm of analytical chemistry, the main challenge associated with miRNA is its detection. Their extremely small size and low cellular concentration poses many challenges for achieving reliable results. Current reviews in this area have focused on adaptations to microarray, PCR, and Northern blotting procedures to make them suitable for miRNA detection. While these are extremely powerful methods and accepted as the current standards, they are typically very laborious, semi-quantitative, and often require expensive imaging equipment and/or radioactive/toxic labels. This review aims to highlight emerging techniques in miRNA detection and quantification that exhibit superior flexibility and adaptability as well as matched or increased sensitivity in comparison to the current standards. Specifically, this review will cover colorimetric, fluorescence, bioluminescence, enzyme, and electrochemical based methods, which drastically reduce procedural complexity and overall expense of operation thereby increasing the accessibility of this field of research. The methods are presented and discussed as to their improvements over current standard methods as well as their potential complications preventing acceptance as standard procedures. These new methods have addressed the many of the problems associated with miRNA detection through the employment of enzyme-based signal amplification, enhanced hybridization conditions using PNA capture probes, highly sensitive and flexible forms of spectroscopy, and extremely responsive electrocatalytic nanosystems, among other approaches

    An Examination of the Characteristics and Perceptions of School Resource Officers in Rural and Urban Oklahoma Schools

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    Fueled by concerns about school violence, the number of School Resource Officers (SROs) in the United States has soared. SROs are law enforcement officers who work in elementary and secondary schools and who are tasked to increase school safety. As of 2016, 48 percent of US public schools had SROs, compared to less than one percent in the 1970s, yet there are few studies that measure their effects. In particular, the literature largely ignores rural/urban differences. This study uses survey data from SROs working in public schools in Oklahoma to understand their roles and to determine if there are differences between rural and urban SROs. We look at jurisdiction and school characteristics as well as SRO perceptions of disciplinary practices, school climate, referrals, and community involvement. Identifying variability in these areas is a requisite first step in understanding the effect of the SRO on school safety

    Nanowire electron scattering spectroscopy

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    Methods and devices for spectroscopic identification of molecules using nanoscale wires are disclosed. According to one of the methods, nanoscale wires are provided, electrons are injected into the nanoscale wire; and inelastic electron scattering is measured via excitation of low-lying vibrational energy levels of molecules bound to the nanoscale wire

    The lattice stiffening transition in UO2 single crystals

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    The effective Debye temperatures (θDE) of the surface region of UO2 single crystals, prepared by the hydrothermal synthesis technique, were obtained from temperature-dependent x-ray photoemission in the temperature range of 300 K–623 K. A lattice stiffening transition, characterized by different regions of different effective Debye temperature, 500 ± 59 K below 475 K and 165 ± 21 K above 475 K is identified. A comparison of the temperature dependence of the effective UO2 Debye temperature, with the changes in the lattice expansion coefficient for UO2, support strong lattice-phonon interaction arising from the Jahn–Teller distortion

    A Methodology for Flash Drought Identification: Application of Flash Drought Frequency across the United StatesJORDAN

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    With the increasing use of the term ‘‘flash drought’’ within the scientific community, Otkin et al. provide a general definition that identifies flash droughts based on their unusually rapid rate of intensi- fication. This study presents an objective percentile-based methodology that builds upon that work by identifying flash droughts using standardized evaporative stress ratio (SESR) values and changes in SESR over some period of time. Four criteria are specified to identify flash droughts: two that emphasize the vegetative impacts of flash drought and two that focus on the rapid rate of intensification. The method- ology was applied to the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) to develop a 38-yr flash drought climatology (1979–2016) across the United States. It was found that SESR derived from NARR data compared well with the satellite-based evaporative stress index for four previously identified flash drought events. Furthermore, four additional flash drought cases were compared with the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM), and SESR rapidly declined 1–2 weeks before a response was evident with the USDM. From the climatological analysis, a hot spot of flash drought occurrence was revealed over the Great Plains, the Corn Belt, and the western Great Lakes region. Relatively few flash drought events occurred over mountainous and arid regions. Flash droughts were categorized based on their rate of intensification, and it was found that the most intense flash droughts occurred over the central Great Plains, Corn Belt, and western Great Lakes region

    A Methodology for Flash Drought Identification: Application of Flash Drought Frequency across the United States

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    With the increasing use of the term ‘‘flash drought’’ within the scientific community, Otkin et al. provide a general definition that identifies flash droughts based on their unusually rapid rate of intensification. This study presents an objective percentile-based methodology that builds upon that work by identifying flash droughts using standardized evaporative stress ratio (SESR) values and changes in SESR over some period of time. Four criteria are specified to identify flash droughts: two that emphasize the vegetative impacts of flash drought and two that focus on the rapid rate of intensification. The methodology was applied to the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) to develop a 38-yr flash drought climatology (1979–2016) across the United States. It was found that SESR derived from NARR data compared well with the satellite-based evaporative stress index for four previously identified flash drought events. Furthermore, four additional flash drought cases were compared with the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM), and SESR rapidly declined 1–2 weeks before a response was evident with the USDM. From the climatological analysis, a hot spot of flash drought occurrence was revealed over the Great Plains, the Corn Belt, and the western Great Lakes region. Relatively few flash drought events occurred over mountainous and arid regions. Flash droughts were categorized based on their rate of intensification, and it was found that the most intense flash droughts occurred over the central Great Plains, Corn Belt, and western Great Lakes region

    A Chromosome-Scale Assembly of the Garden Orach (Atriplex hortensis L.) Genome Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing

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    Atriplex hortensis (2n = 2x = 18, 1C genome size 1.1 gigabases), also known as garden orach and mountain-spinach, is a highly nutritious, broadleaf annual of the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae alliance (Chenopodiaceae sensu stricto, subfam. Chenopodioideae) that has spread in cultivation from its native primary domestication area in Eurasia to other temperate and subtropical regions worldwide. Atriplex L. is a highly complex but, as understood now, a monophyletic group of mainly halophytic and/or xerophytic plants, of which A. hortensis has been a vegetable of minor importance in some areas of Eurasia (from Central Asia to the Mediterranean) at least since antiquity. Nonetheless, it is a crop with tremendous nutritional potential due primarily to its exceptional leaf and seed protein quantities (approaching 30%) and quality (high levels of lysine). Although there is some literature describing the taxonomy and production of A. hortensis, there is a general lack of genetic and genomic data that would otherwise help elucidate the genetic variation, phylogenetic positioning, and future potential of the species. Here, we report the assembly of the first high-quality, chromosome-scale reference genome for A. hortensis cv. “Golden.” Long-read data from Oxford Nanopore’s MinION DNA sequencer was assembled with the program Canu and polished with Illumina short reads. Contigs were scaffolded to chromosome scale using chromatin-proximity maps (Hi-C) yielding a final assembly containing 1,325 scaffolds with a N50 of 98.9 Mb – with 94.7% of the assembly represented in the nine largest, chromosome-scale scaffolds. Sixty-six percent of the genome was classified as highly repetitive DNA, with the most common repetitive elements being Gypsy- (32%) and Copia-like (11%) long-terminal repeats. The annotation was completed using MAKER which identified 37,083 gene models and 2,555 tRNA genes. Completeness of the genome, assessed using the Benchmarking Universal Single Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) metric, identified 97.5% of the conserved orthologs as complete, with only 2.2% being duplicated, reflecting the diploid nature of A. hortensis. A resequencing panel of 21 wild, unimproved and cultivated A. hortensis accessions revealed three distinct populations with little variation within subpopulations. These resources provide vital information to better understand A. hortensis and facilitate future study

    The Origins of [CII] Emission in Local Star-forming Galaxies

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    The [CII] 158um fine-structure line is the brightest emission line observed in local star-forming galaxies. As a major coolant of the gas-phase interstellar medium, [CII] balances the heating, including that due to far-ultraviolet photons, which heat the gas via the photoelectric effect. However, the origin of [CII] emission remains unclear, because C+ can be found in multiple phases of the interstellar medium. Here we measure the fractions of [CII] emission originating in the ionized and neutral gas phases of a sample of nearby galaxies. We use the [NII] 205um fine-structure line to trace the ionized medium, thereby eliminating the strong density dependence that exists in the ratio of [CII]/[NII] 122um. Using the FIR [CII] and [NII] emission detected by the KINGFISH and Beyond the Peak Herschel programs, we show that 60-80% of [CII] emission originates from neutral gas. We find that the fraction of [CII] originating in the neutral medium has a weak dependence on dust temperature and the surface density of star formation, and a stronger dependence on the gas-phase metallicity. In metal-rich environments, the relatively cooler ionized gas makes substantially larger contributions to total [CII] emission than at low abundance, contrary to prior expectations. Approximate calibrations of this metallicity trend are provided.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Ap