12,365 research outputs found

    Severe storm initiation and development from satellite infrared imagery and Rawinsonde data

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    The geographical distribution of potential temperatures, mixing ratio, and streamlines of flow patterns at 850, 700, and 500 mb heights are used to understand the prestorm convection and the horizontal convergence of moisture. From the analysis of 21 tornadoes the following conclusions are reached: (1) Strong horizontal convergence of moisture appeared at the 850, 700, and 500 mb levels in the area 12 hours before the storm formation; (2) An abundantly moist atmosphere below 3 km (700 mb) becomes convectively unstable during the time period between 12 and 24 hours before the initiation of the severe storms; (3) Strong winds veering with height with direction parallel to the movement of a dryline, surface fronts, etc; (4) During a 36-hour period, a tropopause height in the areas of interest is lowest at the time of tornadic cloud formation; (5) A train of gravity waves is detected before and during the cloud formation period. Rapid-scan infrared imagery provides near real-time information on the life cycle of the storm which can be summarized as follows: (1) Enhanced convection produced an overshooting cloud top penetrating above the tropopause, making the mass density of the overshooting cloud much greater than the mass density of the surrounding air; (2) The overshooting cloud top collapsed at the end of the mature stage of the cloud development; (3) The tornado touchdown followed the collapse of the overshooting cloud top

    Numerical study of large-eddy breakup and its effect on the drag characteristics of boundary layers

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    The break-up of a field of eddies by a flat-plate obstacle embedded in a boundary layer is studied using numerical solutions to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The flow is taken to be incompressible and unsteady. The flow field is initiated from rest. A train of eddies of predetermined size and strength are swept into the computational domain upstream of the plate. The undisturbed velocity profile is given by the Blasius solution. The disturbance vorticity generated at the plate and wall, plus that introduced with the eddies, mix with the background vorticity and is transported throughout the entire flow. All quantities are scaled by the plate length, the unidsturbed free-stream velocity, and the fluid kinematic viscosity. The Reynolds number is 1000, the Blasius boundary layer thickness is 2.0, and the plate is positioned a distance of 1.0 above the wall. The computational domain is four units high and sixteen units long

    Exotic fermion multiplets as a solution to baryon asymmetry, dark matter and neutrino masses

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    We propose an extension to the standard model where three exotic fermion 5-plets and one scalar 6-plet are added to the particle content. By demanding that all interactions are renormalizable and standard model gauge invariant, we show that the lightest exotic particle in this model can be a dark matter candidate as long as the new 6-plet scalar does not develop a nonzero vacuum expectation value. Furthermore, light neutrino masses are generated radiatively at one-loop while the baryon asymmetry is produced by the CP-violating decays of the second lightest exotic particle. We have demonstrated using concrete examples that there is a parameter space where a consistent solution to the problems of baryon asymmetry, dark matter and neutrino masses can be obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures (REVTeX4.1), v2: some refs added, v3: typos corrected, Sec.VI.B, C modified, this version to appear in PR

    Quantum many-body models with cold atoms coupled to photonic crystals

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    Using cold atoms to simulate strongly interacting quantum systems represents an exciting frontier of physics. However, as atoms are nominally neutral point particles, this limits the types of interactions that can be produced. We propose to use the powerful new platform of cold atoms trapped near nanophotonic systems to extend these limits, enabling a novel quantum material in which atomic spin degrees of freedom, motion, and photons strongly couple over long distances. In this system, an atom trapped near a photonic crystal seeds a localized, tunable cavity mode around the atomic position. We find that this effective cavity facilitates interactions with other atoms within the cavity length, in a way that can be made robust against realistic imperfections. Finally, we show that such phenomena should be accessible using one-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides in which coupling to atoms has already been experimentally demonstrated

    Studies on the effect of MegaPixel sensor resolution on displayed image quality and relevant metrics

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    This paper investigates camera phone image quality, namely the effect of sensor megapixel (MP) resolution on the perceived quality of images displayed at full size on high-quality desktop displays. For the purpose, we use images from simulated cameras with different sensor MP resolutions. We employ methods recommended in the IEEE 1858 Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) standard, as well as other established psychophysical paradigms, to obtain subjective image quality ratings for systems with varying MP resolution from large numbers of observers. These are subsequently used to validate image quality metrics (IQMs) relating to sharpness and resolution, including those from the CPIQ standard. Further, we define acceptable levels of quality - when changing MP resolution - for mobile phone images in Subjective Quality Scale (SQS) units. Finally, we map SQS levels to categories obtained from star-rating experiments (commonly used to rate consumer experience). Our findings draw a relationship between the MP resolution of the camera sensor and the LCD device. The chosen metrics predict quality accurately, but only the metrics proposed by CPIQ return results in calibrated JNDs in quality. We close by discussing the appropriateness of star-rating experiments for the purpose of measuring subjective image quality and metric validation

    A new mechanism for a naturally small Dirac neutrino mass

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    A mechanism is proposed in which a right-handed neutrino zero mode and a right-handed charged lepton zero mode can be localized at the same place along an extra compact dimension while having markedly different spreads in their wave functions: a relatively narrow one for the neutrino and a rather broad one for the charged lepton. In their overlaps with the wave function for the left-handed zero modes, this mechanism could produce a natural large hierarchy in the effective Yukawa couplings in four dimensions, and hence a large disparity in masses.Comment: 6 pages (2 with figures), twocolumn forma

    Cytosolic DNA Promotes Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) Phosphorylation by TANK-binding Kinase 1 (TBK1) to Restrain STAT3 Activity

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    Cytosolic DNA can elicit beneficial as well as undesirable immune responses. For example, viral or microbial DNA triggers cell-intrinsic immune responses to defend against infections, whereas aberrant cytosolic accumulation of self-DNA results in pathological conditions, such as autoimmunity. Given the importance of these DNA-provoked responses, a better understanding of their molecular mechanisms is needed. Cytosolic DNA engages stimulator of interferon genes (STING) to activate TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1), which subsequently phosphorylates the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) to promote interferon expression. Recent studies have reported that additional transcription factors, including nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6), are also activated by cytosolic DNA, suggesting that cytosolic DNA-induced gene expression is orchestrated by multiple factors. Here we show that cytosolic DNA activates STAT3, another member of the STAT family, via an autocrine mechanism involving interferon β (IFNβ) and IL-6. Additionally, we observed a novel cytosolic DNA-induced phosphorylation at serine 754 in the transactivation domain of STAT3. Upon cytosolic DNA stimulation, Ser 754 is directly phosphorylated by TBK1 in a STING-dependent manner. Moreover, Ser 754 phosphorylation inhibits cytosolic DNA-induced STAT3 transcriptional activity and selectively reduces STAT3 target genes that are up-regulated in response to cytosolic DNA. Taken together, our results suggest that cytosolic DNA-induced STAT3 activation via IFNβ and IL-6 is restrained by Ser 754 phosphorylation of STAT3. Our findings reveal a new signaling axis downstream of the cytosolic DNA pathway and suggest potential interactions between innate immune responses and STAT3-driven oncogenic pathways

    Entropy production and equilibration in Yang-Mills quantum mechanics

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    The Husimi distribution provides for a coarse grained representation of the phase space distribution of a quantum system, which may be used to track the growth of entropy of the system. We present a general and systematic method of solving the Husimi equation of motion for an isolated quantum system, and we construct a coarse grained Hamiltonian whose expectation value is exactly conserved. As an application, we numerically solve the Husimi equation of motion for two-dimensional Yang-Mills quantum mechanics (the x-y model) and calculate the time evolution of the coarse grained entropy of a highly excited state. We show that the coarse grained entropy saturates to a value that coincides with the microcanonical entropy corresponding to the energy of the system.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figure
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