125 research outputs found

    Ursachen und Risikofaktoren für erneute Netzhautablösungen nach Silikonölentfernung bei verschiedenen vitreoretinalen Grunderkrankungen

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    Ursachen und Risikofaktoren für erneute Netzhautablösungen nach Silikonölentfernung bei verschiedenen vitreoretinalen Grunderkrankungen Die Pars plana Vitrektomie in Kombination mit einer Silikonöltamponade ist aktuell eine Standardtechnik zur Behandlung einer Ablatio retinae, auch in komplizierten Fällen können sehr gute Erfolgsraten von 85-90% erreicht werden. (Feltgen und Walter 2014) Trotz der inzwischen gut entwickelten Operationstechnik kommt es jedoch nach Entfernung der Silikonöltamponade immer wieder zu Fällen einer erneuten Netzhautablösung, einer Reablatio retinae. Auch bereits unter bestehender Silikonöltamponade kann eine Reablatio auftreten. Diese schwerwiegende Komplikation kann zu schlechteren funktionalen Ergebnissen für Patienten führen und sollte deshalb auf jeden Fall vermieden werden. In der Literatur gibt es bisher nur wenige Studien, die sich ausführlich mit den möglichen Risikofaktoren für eine Reablatio befassen, darum ist es Ziel dieser retrospektiven Studie Risikofaktoren und mögliche Ursachen für die Reablatio retinae zu finden, um dieses Wissen anschließend in die Therapieoptimierung einfließen zu lassen. In dieser retrospektiven Studie wurden zu diesem Zweck 43 Augen von Patienten untersucht, die im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2015 an der Augenklinik Marburg eine PpV mit Silikonöltamponade erhalten hatten und im Behandlungsverlauf eine Reablatio erlitten. Zur Auswertung wurde diese Patienten in die Gruppe mit Reablatio unter Silikonöl (21 Augen) und Reablatio nach Silikonölentfernung (22 Augen) eingeteilt. Analysiert und verglichen wurden die Patientendaten, die OP-Befunde bei Ablatio und Reablatio sowie die funktionalen Ergebnisse der Patienten. Mehrere Risikofaktoren konnten aus diesen Daten ermittelt werden: PVR-Reaktionen waren beim Großteil der Augen an einer Reablatio beteiligt und gelten somit als Hauptrisikofaktor sowohl unter als auch nach Ölentfernung. Voroperationen am Auge, z.B. nicht erfolgreiche PpV mit Gastamponade oder Katarakt OP, waren in den beobachteten Gruppen in fast allen Augen vorhanden und können eine mögliche Ursache für die Reablatio sein. Netzhautforamina 63 scheinen zu Rezidiven zu neigen, besonders die hier beobachteten Makulaforamen, und stellen so auch einen Risikofaktor dar. Auch eine vorhergehende Reablatio unter Silikonöl kann die Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine erneute Ablösung nach Ölentfernung erhöhen. All diese beobachteten Risikofaktoren bestätigen die in der Literatur bisher beschriebenen und sollten in der optimalen Therapieplanung berücksichtigt werden

    Full-field pulsed magneto-photoelasticity – Experimental Implementation

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    This paper contains a description of the experimental procedure employed when using a pulsed-magneto-polariscope (PMP) and some initial full-field through-thickness measurements of the stress distribution present in samples containing 3D stresses. The instrument uses the theory of magneto-photoelasticity (MPE), which is an experimental stress analysis technique that involves the application of a magnetic field to a birefringent model within a polariscope. MPE was developed for through-thickness stress measurement where the integrated through-thickness birefringent measurement disguises the actual stress distribution. MPE is mainly used in toughened glass where the through-thickness distribution can reduce its overall strength and so its determination is important. To date MPE has been a single-point 2D through-thickness measurement and the analysis time is prohibitive for the investigation of an area which may contain high localised stresses. The pulsed-magneto-polariscope (PMP) has been designed to enable the application of full-field 3D MPE [ ]. Using a proof-of concept PMP several experimental measurements were made, these were promising and demonstrate the potential of the new instrument. Further development of this technique presents several exciting possibilities including a tool for the measurement of the distribution of principal stress difference seen in a general 3D model

    A tool for thought! When comparative thinking reduces stereotyping effects

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    Stereotypes have pervasive, robust, and often unwanted effects on how people see and behave towards others. Undoing these effects has proven to be a daunting task. Two studies demonstrate that procedurally priming participants to engage in comparative thinking with a generalized focus on differences reduces behavioral and judgmental stereotyping effects. In Study 1, participants who were procedurally primed to focus on differences sat closer to a skinhead – a member of a negatively stereotyped group. In Study 2, participants primed on differences ascribed less gender stereotypic characteristics to a male and female target person. This suggests that comparative thinking with a focus on differences may be a simple cognitive tool to reduce the behavioral and judgmental effects of stereotyping

    FEMALE = SUBMISSIVE and MALE = ASSERTIVE Sexuality-priming leads to gender-based self-perception and automatic behavior

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    Sexuality is a domain in which gender stereotypes thrive. A cultural standard for the sexual experience and expression of women and men prescribes different gender roles in sexuality. Women�s sexual role is submissive and tender, men�s assertive and dominant. These sexual roles reflect the stereotypical view of women as more communal and men as more agentic. If gender stereotypes and sexual roles are activated by sexuality cues, this may have consequences for subsequent thought and behavior. Specifically, following reminders of sex, men�s and women�s self-perceptions may become more gender-stereotypical, and they may identify more strongly with their respective sexes. Moreover, research on prime-to-behavior effects has shown that priming affects a person�s momentary self-representation (the �active self�), which can lead to corresponding behavioral effects (e.g., Wheeler, DeMarree, & Petty, 2007). Thus, after sex-priming the prescriptive gender stereotypes of sexual submissiveness among women and sexual assertiveness among men may manifest themselves in participants� non-sexual social behavior. In four studies, sexuality was primed using visual (Study 1) and verbal (Study 2 through 4) material. Sex-priming led to a gender-based self-perception, i.e. women�s communal orientation was more pronounced relative to their agency, whereas for men the opposite was true (Study 1 and 4), heightened identification with one�s own gender (Study 2), and prompted greater submissiveness in women (Study 3 and 4) and greater assertiveness in men (Study 3). More specifically, in Study 3 changes in participants� signature size were unobtrusively measured after sex-priming to check for changes in assertiveness. Men�s signatures were larger following sex-priming whereas women�s were not. In Study 4 sex-primed women hesitated longer before interrupting an experimenter chatting on the telephone, thus revealing a more submissive approach to social interaction. In sum, these findings support the hypothesis that following sex-priming, self-perception and social behavior �tune in� to gender stereotypes. The potentially detrimental effects of casual �sex-priming� in everyday life on self-perceptions and mixed-sex social interactions are discussed

    Terminalpleie til kreftpasienter i hjemmet

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    Bakgrunn For kreftpasienter som ønsker å dø hjemme, er det viktig med helhetlig sykepleie for å lindre lidelse i livets sluttfase, og videre i forløpet for å bidra til en verdig død. Sykepleiers funksjon, med vår faglige og medmenneskelige kunnskap, vil i denne prosessen være essensiell for at pasientens pleie- og omsorg skal ytes på best mulig måte. Hensikt Hensikten med oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan sykepleiere kan ivareta helhetlig sykepleie og lindre lidelse for kreftpasienter i terminal fase i hjemmet. Metode I oppgaven er det benyttet en allmenn litteraturoversikt, hvor fire vitenskapelige artikler ble analysert. Resultatene fra forskningsartiklene, relevant litteratur og egne refleksjoner utgjør grunnlaget for besvarelsen. Resultater Resultatene viser at sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien er opptatt av å utøve god omsorg og pleie til pasienter med kreft, men at eksistensielle spørsmål om døden kan være utfordrende for mange. Samtidig portretterer resultatene at det må fastsettes et godt organisatorisk og tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom fastlege, palliativt team, spesialisthelsetjenesten og ressurspersoner i kommunehelsetjenesten, for å optimalisere pasientens pleie- og omsorgstilbud i hjemmet. Men disse organisatoriske forholdene rundt pasienten, hvor pasientens behov blir vedtaksfestet, viser også resultatene at kan hindre sykepleiers mulighet til å kunne sikre helhetlig sykepleie og lindre lidelse i terminal fase. Nøkkelord: sykepleie*, palliasjon, hjem, terminal cancer nurs*

    Kompaktwörterbuch Islamischer Rechtsbegriffe

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    Islamic Law is a core field of subjects dealing with Islam, particularly Islamic theology and Islamic studies. Nonetheless, students frequently experience challenges encountering unfamiliar texts, not least because specialized teaching aids are not yet extant. This is the core idea of the Compact Dictionary of Islamic Law Terms, which was conceived as an academic tool. In it, terms of Islamic law are explained in easily comprehensible ways and presented in their respective legal, religious, and historical contexts. Both specific Sunni and Shia terms are dealt with. In this way, the Compact Dictionary of Islamic Law Terms enables students to understand all relevant historical and modern texts that deal with Islamic law, and thereby facilitates writing both term papers and theses.Das Islamische Recht stellt einen Kernbereich des Studiums Islam-bezogener Fächer, insbesondere der Islamischen Theologie und Islamwissenschaft dar. Dennoch fällt es vielen Studierenden gerade in den ersten Semestern schwer, sich in die neue und oft ungewohnte Materie einzuarbeiten, nicht zuletzt, weil bislang entsprechende Lehrmittel fehlen. Hier setzt das Kompaktwörterbuch Islamischer Rechtsbegriffe an, das als studienbegleitendes wissenschaftliches Hilfsmittel konzipiert wurde. Islamische Rechtsbegriffe werden auf verständliche Weise erklärt und in ihren jeweiligen rechtlichen, religiösen oder historischen Kontext gesetzt. Dabei werden sowohl die sunnitischen als auch die spezifisch schiitischen Fachbegriffe behandelt. Das Kompaktwörterbuch Islamischer Rechtsbegriffe befähigt die Studierenden so zum Verständnis aller historischen oder modernen Texte, die sich mit dem Islamischen Recht beschäftigen, und erleichtert damit auch das Verfassen von Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten

    Paralytic Impact of Centrifugation on Human Neutrophils

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    Centrifugation is a common step in most of the popular protocols for the isolation of neutrophils from whole blood. Inconsistent results from previous studies on neutrophils may originate from an underestimation of the centrifugation effect, as in consequence impaired, not native cells, being investigated. We hypothesize, that centrifugation significantly impairs major neutrophil functions. However, there is no data yet whether the application of g-force itself or the product of g-force and duration of centrifugation (=“g-time”) defines the impact on neutrophils. Neutrophils were isolated from whole blood via centrifugation with different g-times and subsequently analyzed via live cell imaging for migration, as well as via flow cytometry for oxidative burst and surface antigen expression. Chemotactic migration was significantly reduced with increasing g-time. Oxidative burst decreased likewise the higher the g-time applied. Expression of CD11b was no longer upregulated in response to an n-formylmethionine-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) stimulus in neutrophils having experienced high g-time during the isolation process. We conclude that centrifugation “paralyzes” neutrophils in the form of a significant decrease in functionality. Future investigations on neutrophil granulocytes should reduce the g-time load as far as possible

    Management of decontamination in chemical accidents: a laboratory model

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    Rapid and efficient decontamination of the skin is a major task for emergency rescue services in the event of a chemical accident involving humans. While rinsing the skin with water (and soap) has been the standard procedure, some skepticism has developed in recent years regarding the situational suitability of this method. The efficacy of three different decontamination materials/techniques (Easyderm® cleaning cloth, water-soaked all-purpose sponge, rinsing with water) in removing Capsaicin, Bromadiolone, Paraquat and 2,2′-dichlorodiethylether (DCEE) from porcine skin was compared. Different cleaning motions (wiping, twisting, pressing) with the Easyderm® were evaluated for their effectiveness in removing Capsaicin from porcine skin. Finally, the impact of different exposure times of the skin to Capsaicin on the decontamination process were investigated. Contaminant recovery rates (CRRs) were analysed in the skin and in each decontamination material using high-performance-liquid-chromatography (HPLC; used for Capsaicin, Bromadiolone, Paraquat) or gas chromatography (GC; used for DCEE). Wiping the skin with the amphiphilic Easyderm® was most effective for decontamination of Capsaicin and DCEE, while the water rinsing method gave the best results for removing Paraquat and Bromadiolone. Both wiping with the Easyderm® and rotating the Easyderm® were significantly more effective in cleaning Capsaicin-contaminated skin than pressing the Easyderm® on the contamination area alone. Prolonged exposure times of the porcine skin to Capsaicin were associated with a decrease in efficacy of the following decontamination. Emergency rescue services should have materials available that can remove both hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances from skin. Since not all of our results for comparing different decontamination materials were as distinct as we expected, there are likely several other factors determining the efficacy of skin decontamination in some cases. Time is key; therefore, first responders should try to begin the decontamination process as soon as possible after arriving at the scene