6,515 research outputs found

    Employing dynamic fuzzy membership functions to assess environmental performance in the supplier selection process

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    The proposed system illustrates that logic fuzzy can be used to aid management in assessing a supplier's environmental performance in the supplier selection process. A user-centred hierarchical system employing scalable fuzzy membership functions implement human priorities in the supplier selection process, with particular focus on a supplier's environmental performance. Traditionally, when evaluating supplier performance, companies have considered criteria such as price, quality, flexibility, etc. These criteria are of varying importance to individual companies pertaining to their own specific objectives. However, with environmental pressures increasing, many companies have begun to give more attention to environmental issues and, in particular, to their suppliers’ environmental performance. The framework presented here was developed to introduce efficiently environmental criteria into the existing supplier selection process and to reflect on its relevant importance to individual companies. The system presented attempts to simulate the human preference given to particular supplier selection criteria with particular focus on environmental issues when considering supplier selection. The system considers environmental data from multiple aspects of a suppliers business, and based on the relevant impact this will have on a Buying Organization, a decision is reached on the suitability of the supplier. This enables a particular supplier's strengths and weaknesses to be considered as well as considering their significance and relevance to the Buying OrganizationPeer reviewe

    Development of an adaptive window-opening algorithm to predict the thermal comfort, energy use and overheating in buildings

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    This investigation of the window opening data from extensive field surveys in UK office buildings demonstrates: 1) how people control the indoor environment by opening windows; 2) the cooling potential of opening windows; and 3) the use of an ‘adaptive algorithm’ for predicting window opening behaviour for thermal simulation in ESP-r. It was found that when the window was open the mean indoor and outdoor temperatures were higher than when closed, but show that nonetheless there was a useful cooling effect from opening a window. The adaptive algorithm for window opening behaviour was then used in thermal simulation studies for some typical office designs. The thermal simulation results were in general agreement with the findings of the field surveys. The adaptive algorithm is shown to provide insights not available using non adaptive simulation methods and can assist in achieving more comfortable, lower energy buildings while avoiding overheating

    Comfort driven adaptive window opening behaviour and the influence of building design

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    It is important to understand and model the behaviour of occupants in buildings and how this behaviour impacts energy use and comfort. It is similarly important to understand how a buildings design affects occupant comfort, occupant behaviour and ultimately the energy used in the operation of the building. In this work a behavioural algorithm for window opening developed from field survey data has been implemented in a dynamic simulation tool. The algorithm is in alignment with the proposed CEN standard for adaptive thermal comfort. The algorithm is first compared to the field study data then used to illustrate the impact of adaptive behaviour on summer indoor temperatures and heating energy. The simulation model is also used to illustrate the sensitivity of the occupant adaptive behaviour to building design parameters such as solar shading and thermal mass and the resulting impact on energy use and comfort. The results are compared to those from other approaches to model window opening behaviour. The adaptive algorithm is shown to provide insights not available using non adaptive simulation methods and can assist in achieving more comfortable and lower energy buildings

    Flight-Test Evaluation of Landing Gear Noise Reduction Technologies

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    Results from the third Acoustics Research Measurements flight test, conducted under the NASA Flight Demonstrations and Capabilities project, are presented and discussed. The test evaluated landing gear and gear cavity noise mitigation technologies installed on a NASA Gulfstream G-III. Aircraft configurations with and without main landing gear treatments were flown at several flap deflections to determine the acoustic performance of the technologies for aircraft equipped with conventional Fowler flaps. With the aircraft flying an approach path and engines at ground-idle, extensive acoustic measurements were acquired with a phased microphone array system. Computed beamform maps were used to examine the effectiveness of the tested technologies in reducing the strength of the noise sources generated by the main landing gear. Various integration regions were devised to extract the farfield noise spectra associated with the treated and untreated landing gear configurations. Analyses of the gathered acoustic data demonstrate that significant noise reduction was achieved. How- ever, the full noise reduction potential of the technologies could not be determined because of contamination from flap inboard edge noise and other secondary sources

    Differential interactions between identity and emotional expression in own and other-race faces: effects of familiarity revealed through redundancy gains.

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    We examined relations between the processing of facial identity and emotion in own- and other-race faces, using a fully crossed design with participants from 3 different ethnicities. The benefits of redundant identity and emotion signals were evaluated and formally tested in relation to models of independent and coactive feature processing and measures of processing capacity for the different types of stimuli. There was evidence for coactive processing of identity and emotion that was linked to super capacity for own-race but not for other-race faces. In addition, the size of the redundancy gain for other-race faces varied with the amount of social contact participants had with individuals from the other race. The data demonstrate qualitative differences in the processing of facial identity and emotion cues in own and other races. The results also demonstrate that the level of integration of identity and emotion cues in faces may be determined by life experience and exposure to individuals of different ethnicities

    Non-linear Microwave Surface Impedance of Epitaxial HTS Thin Films in Low DC Magnetic Fields

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    We have carried out non-linear microwave (8 GHz) surface impedance measurements of three YBaCuO thin films in dc magnetic fields HdcH_{dc} (parallel to c axis) up to 12 mT using a coplanar resonator technique. In zero dc field the three films, deposited by the same method, show a spread of low-power residual surface resistance, RresR_{res} and penetration depth, λ\lambda (T=15 K) within a factor of 1.9. However, they exhibit dramatically different microwave field, HrfH_{rf} dependences of the surface resistance, RsR_s, but universal Xs(Hrf)X_s(H_{rf}) dependence. Application of a dc field was found to affect not only absolute values of RsR_s and XsX_s, but the functional dependences Rs(Hrf)R_s(H_{rf}) and Xs(Hrf)X_s(H_{rf}) as well. For some of the samples the dc field was found to decrease RsR_s below its zero-field low-power value.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be published in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., June 199

    Antilinear deformations of Coxeter groups, an application to Calogero models

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    We construct complex root spaces remaining invariant under antilinear involutions related to all Coxeter groups. We provide two alternative constructions: One is based on deformations of factors of the Coxeter element and the other based on the deformation of the longest element of the Coxeter group. Motivated by the fact that non-Hermitian Hamiltonians admitting an antilinear symmetry may be used to define consistent quantum mechanical systems with real discrete energy spectra, we subsequently employ our constructions to formulate deformations of Coxeter models remaining invariant under these extended Coxeter groups. We provide explicit and generic solutions for the Schroedinger equation of these models for the eigenenergies and corresponding wavefunctions. A new feature of these novel models is that when compared with the undeformed case their solutions are usually no longer singular for an exchange of an amount of particles less than the dimension of the representation space of the roots. The simultaneous scattering of all particles in the model leads to anyonic exchange factors for processes which have no analogue in the undeformed case.Comment: 32 page

    Axial Symmetry and Rotation in the SiO Maser Shell of IK Tauri

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    We observed v=1, J=1-0 43-GHz SiO maser emission toward the Mira variable IK Tauri (IK Tau) using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). The images resulting from these observations show that SiO masers form a highly elliptical ring of emission approximately 58 x 32 mas with an axial ratio of 1.8:1. The major axis of this elliptical distribution is oriented at position angle of ~59 deg. The line-of-sight velocity structure of the SiO masers has an apparent axis of symmetry consistent with the elongation axis of the maser distribution. Relative to the assumed stellar velocity of 35 km/s, the blue- and red-shifted masers were found to lie to the northwest and southeast of this symmetry axis respectively. This velocity structure suggests a NW-SE rotation of the SiO maser shell with an equatorial velocity, which we determine to be ~3.6 km/s. Such a NW-SE rotation is in agreement with a circumstellar envelope geometry invoked to explain previous water and OH maser observations. In this geometry, water and OH masers are preferentially created in a region of enhanced density along the NE-SW equator orthogonal to the rotation/polar axis suggested by the SiO maser velocities.Comment: 17 Pages, 4 figures (2 color); accepted for publication in Ap
