
Flight-Test Evaluation of Landing Gear Noise Reduction Technologies


Results from the third Acoustics Research Measurements flight test, conducted under the NASA Flight Demonstrations and Capabilities project, are presented and discussed. The test evaluated landing gear and gear cavity noise mitigation technologies installed on a NASA Gulfstream G-III. Aircraft configurations with and without main landing gear treatments were flown at several flap deflections to determine the acoustic performance of the technologies for aircraft equipped with conventional Fowler flaps. With the aircraft flying an approach path and engines at ground-idle, extensive acoustic measurements were acquired with a phased microphone array system. Computed beamform maps were used to examine the effectiveness of the tested technologies in reducing the strength of the noise sources generated by the main landing gear. Various integration regions were devised to extract the farfield noise spectra associated with the treated and untreated landing gear configurations. Analyses of the gathered acoustic data demonstrate that significant noise reduction was achieved. How- ever, the full noise reduction potential of the technologies could not be determined because of contamination from flap inboard edge noise and other secondary sources

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