8,605 research outputs found

    Social Sensing of Floods in the UK

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    "Social sensing" is a form of crowd-sourcing that involves systematic analysis of digital communications to detect real-world events. Here we consider the use of social sensing for observing natural hazards. In particular, we present a case study that uses data from a popular social media platform (Twitter) to detect and locate flood events in the UK. In order to improve data quality we apply a number of filters (timezone, simple text filters and a naive Bayes `relevance' filter) to the data. We then use place names in the user profile and message text to infer the location of the tweets. These two steps remove most of the irrelevant tweets and yield orders of magnitude more located tweets than we have by relying on geo-tagged data. We demonstrate that high resolution social sensing of floods is feasible and we can produce high-quality historical and real-time maps of floods using Twitter.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Adaptation of a School-based Mental Health Literacy Curriculum: from Canadian to English Classrooms

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    Background: School-based mental health literacy (MHL) interventions are increasingly trialled outside of the country in which they were developed. However, there is a lack of published studies that qualitatively explore their cultural adaptation. This study investigated the reasons for adaptations made and suggested to a Canadian MHL curriculum (The Guide) within the English school context. // Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 school staff responsible for the planning and/or implementation of The Guide across three schools in the South East of England, as part of the Education for Wellbeing (EfW) feasibility study. Transcripts were analysed using a hybrid, deductive-inductive thematic analysis. // Results: Adaptations made and suggested included dropping and emphasising content, and adapting language, examples and references. Most adaptations were proactive and related to The Guide's implementation methods, including developing more interactive and student-led approaches. Staff Capacity and Expertise, Timetabling, and Accessibility of Resources were identified as logistical reasons for adaptations. Philosophical reasons included Consistency of Messages, Student Characteristics, Reducing Stigma and Empowering Students, National and Local Context, and Appropriate Pedagogic Practices. // Conclusion: Overall, recommendations were for immediately implementable lesson plans informed by teachers' knowledge about best pedagogic practices in England. Adequate training, attended by both senior leadership and those implementing, was also emphasised. While ensuring that the core components are clear, MHL interventions should be developed with a necessary level of flexibility to accommodate contextual characteristics. Future research should ensure that adaptations are captured through process and implementation evaluations conducted alongside efficacy trials

    Dilemmas in doing insider research in professional education

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    This article explores the dilemmas I encountered when researching social work education in England as an insider researcher who was simultaneously employed as an educator in the host institution. This was an ethnographic project deploying multiple methods and generating rich case study material which informed the student textbook Becoming a Social Worker the four-year period of the project. First, ethical dilemmas emerged around informed consent and confidentiality when conducting surveys of students and reading their portfolios. Second, professional dilemmas stemmed from the ways in which my roles as a researcher, academic tutor, social worker and former practice educator converged and collided. Third, political dilemmas pertained to the potential for the project to crystallize and convey conflicts among stakeholders in the university and community. Since the majority of research in social work education is conducted by insiders, we have a vital interest in making sense of such complexity

    The MUSE 3D view of feedback in a high-metallicity radio galaxy at z = 2.9

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    We present a detailed study of the kinematic, chemical and excitation properties of the giant Lyα\alpha emitting nebula and the giant \ion{H}{I} absorber associated with the z=2.92z = 2.92 radio galaxy MRC 0943--242, using spectroscopic observations from VLT/MUSE, VLT/X-SHOOTER and other instruments. Together, these data provide a wide range of rest-frame wavelength (765 \AA \, -- 6378 \AA \, at z=2.92z = 2.92) and 2D spatial information. We find clear evidence for jet gas interactions affecting the kinematic properties of the nebula, with evidence for both outflows and inflows being induced by radio-mode feedback. We suggest that the regions of relatively lower ionization level, spatially correlated with the radio hotspots, may be due to localised compression of photoionized gas by the expanding radio source, thereby lowering the ionization parameter, or due to a contribution from shock-heating. We find that photoionization of super-solar metallicity gas (Z/Z⊙Z/Z_{\odot} = 2.1) by an AGN-like continuum (α\alpha=--1.0) at a moderate ionization parameter (UU = 0.018) gives the best overall fit to the complete X-SHOOTER emission line spectrum. We identify a strong degeneracy between column density and Doppler parameter such that it is possible to obtain a reasonable fit to the \ion{H}{I} absorption feature across the range log N(\ion{H}{I}/cm−2^{-2}) = 15.20 and 19.63, with the two best-fitting occurring near the extreme ends of this range. The extended \ion{H}{I} absorber is blueshifted relative to the emission line gas, but shows a systematic decrease in blueshift towards larger radii, consistent with a large scale expanding shell.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Published: 23 November 201

    Dark matter-baryons separation at the lowest mass scale: the Bullet Group

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    We report on the X-ray observation of a strong lensing selected group, SL2S J08544-0121, with a total mass of 2.4±0.6×10142.4 \pm 0.6 \times 10^{14} M⊙\rm{M_\odot} which revealed a separation of 124±20124\pm20 kpc between the X-ray emitting collisional gas and the collisionless galaxies and dark matter (DM), traced by strong lensing. This source allows to put an order of magnitude estimate to the upper limit to the interaction cross section of DM of 10 cm2^2 g−1^{-1}. It is the lowest mass object found to date showing a DM-baryons separation and it reveals that the detection of bullet-like objects is not rare and confined to mergers of massive objects opening the possibility of a statistical detection of DM-baryons separation with future surveys.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Typos correcte
