197 research outputs found

    HOYER (Timo), Tugend und Erziehung. Die Grundlegung der MoralpÀdagogik in der Antike

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    L’emploi du mot « vertu » (Tugend) dans le domaine pĂ©dagogique et Ă©ducatif est au cƓur de l’étude de Timo Hoyer. Celui-ci retrace la gĂ©nĂ©alogie de la tradition savante dans ce domaine de recherche, en cherchant Ă  rĂ©pondre aux questions suivantes : qu’est-ce qu’une pĂ©dagogie de la morale ? Comment l’attention du public et des spĂ©cialistes s’est-elle portĂ©e sur ce sujet ? La genĂšse de la pĂ©dagogie de la morale a lieu dans l’AntiquitĂ©. Puis l’érudition se dĂ©tourne de la rĂ©fĂ©rence antique, pour i..

    GARCIA Y GARCIA (Laurentino), Pupils, teachers and schools in Pompei. Childhood, youth and culture in the Roman era

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    La ville de PompĂ©i, en tant que centre gĂ©ographique et historique, est au cƓur de ce livre, plus particuliĂšrement Ă  travers le lien entre Ă©ducation et vie quotidienne, abordĂ© par le biais des peintures et des objets. La culture romaine est rurale, rappelle l’auteur : une place importante y est accordĂ©e Ă  la tradition, aux anciens et Ă  la transmission orale. La premiĂšre Ă©ducation se dĂ©roule dans la famille, oĂč l’autoritĂ© incontestĂ©e du pater familias s’allie Ă  une rĂ©vĂ©rence presque sacrĂ©e enve..

    DĂ©notation et connotation dans la langue des scholies

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    The scholia add a second or secondary (grammatical; philological) text to the main (literary) text. They sometimes also add a meaning which might be considered (by modern philologists) as superfluous, irrelevant, or even unnecessary. The ancient commentators actually choose what they want to comment upon and how they want to do so. They mostly see the anterior texts from the point of view of their own synchrony and understanding. Scholia certainly don't reflect any denotative objectivity, which would just unfold the true and unique (if possible) meaning. The grammarians comment what their minds or their languages lead them to comment upon. Therefore the philological result looks like a mixture of objectivity and subjectivity. When a Greek grammarian of the Alexandrian era comments upon a Greek text of a previous time, in which ways is the Greek language put into a changing perspective? Does the technical language of the scholiasts provide the commented texts with more connotation or more denotation? How do the synchrony (of the commentary) and the diachrony (of the texts commented upon) meet, and what kind of meaning is then expressed or made available?Los escolios añaden al texto principal un segundo, o secundario, texto, gramatical o filolĂłgico. A veces añaden tambiĂ©n un contenido que puede ser considerado superfluo, irrelevante o incluso innecesario por los filĂłlogos modernos. Los comentaristas antiguos, de hecho, elegĂ­an quĂ© querĂ­an comentar y cĂłmo querĂ­an hacerlo. En la mayor parte de los casos, consideraron los textos mĂĄs antiguos desde el punto de vista de su propio tiempo. Los escolios, ciertamente, no reflejan una objetividad expositiva que se limitarĂ­a a explicar el significado verdadero y, en la medida de lo posible, Ășnico. Los gramĂĄticos comentan aquello que sus mentalidades o sus lenguajes les llevan a comentar. El resultado filolĂłgico, por consiguiente, parece una mixtura de objetividad y subjetividad. Cuando un gramĂĄtico griego de la edad alejandrina comenta un texto griego de una edad anterior, Âżde quĂ© manera se pone la lengua griega bajo un enfoque diferente? El lenguaje tĂ©cnico de los escoliastas Âżaporta a los textos comentados mĂĄs “connotaciĂłn” o mĂĄs “exposiciĂłn”? ÂżCĂłmo se funden el plano sincrĂłnico (el del comentario) y el diacrĂłnico (el del texto comentado), y quĂ© clase de significado es entonces expresado o presentado

    MOSS (Ann). – Les Recueils de lieux communs. MĂ©thode pour apprendre Ă  penser Ă  la Renaissance

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    La transmission du savoir passa longtemps par l’imitation dĂ©fĂ©rente des modĂšles anciens, l’enseignement – individuel et collectif – reposant avant tout sur la mĂ©morisation scrupuleuse des Ă©crits de l’AntiquitĂ©. Apprendre signifiait assimiler, pour reproduire (plus ou moins) ce que le passĂ© avait lĂ©guĂ© Ă  la postĂ©ritĂ©. Aussi l’enseignant et l’enseignĂ© apprenaient-ils trĂšs tĂŽt Ă  manier la citation. La citation permet, entre autres, de maĂźtriser l’expĂ©rience prĂ©sente par mise en relation avec les..

    LOFAR/H-ATLAS: The low-frequency radio luminosity - star-formation rate relation

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.Radio emission is a key indicator of star-formation activity in galaxies, but the radio luminosity-star formation relation has to date been studied almost exclusively at frequencies of 1.4 GHz or above. At lower radio frequencies the effects of thermal radio emission are greatly reduced, and so we would expect the radio emission observed to be completely dominated by synchrotron radiation from supernova-generated cosmic rays. As part of the LOFAR Surveys Key Science project, the Herschel-ATLAS NGP field has been surveyed with LOFAR at an effective frequency of 150 MHz. We select a sample from the MPA-JHU catalogue of SDSS galaxies in this area: the combination of Herschel, optical and mid-infrared data enable us to derive star-formation rates (SFRs) for our sources using spectral energy distribution fitting, allowing a detailed study of the low-frequency radio luminosity--star-formation relation in the nearby Universe. For those objects selected as star-forming galaxies (SFGs) using optical emission line diagnostics, we find a tight relationship between the 150 MHz radio luminosity (L150L_{150}) and SFR. Interestingly, we find that a single power-law relationship between L150L_{150} and SFR is not a good description of all SFGs: a broken power law model provides a better fit. This may indicate an additional mechanism for the generation of radio-emitting cosmic rays. Also, at given SFR, the radio luminosity depends on the stellar mass of the galaxy. Objects which were not classified as SFGs have higher 150-MHz radio luminosity than would be expected given their SFR, implying an important role for low-level active galactic nucleus activity.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Transcranial direct current stimulation of the prefrontal cortex modulates working memory performance: combined behavioural and electrophysiological evidence

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    The present study demonstrates that tDCS can alter WM performance by modulating the underlying neural oscillations. This result can be considered an important step towards a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in tDCS-induced modulations of WM performance, which is of particular importance, given the proposal to use electrical brain stimulation for the therapeutic treatment of memory deficits in clinical settings

    VariĂ©tĂ© et variantes du français des villes. États de l'Est de la France. Alsace-Lorraine - Lyonnais - Franche-ComtĂ© - Belgique. Travaux publiĂ©s sous la direction de G.-L. Salmon. Bulletin de la FacultĂ© des Lettres de Mulhouse, Fascicule XVII, Paris, GenĂšve, Champion-Slatkine, 1991

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    Hummel Pascale. VariĂ©tĂ© et variantes du français des villes. États de l'Est de la France. Alsace-Lorraine - Lyonnais - Franche-ComtĂ© - Belgique. Travaux publiĂ©s sous la direction de G.-L. Salmon. Bulletin de la FacultĂ© des Lettres de Mulhouse, Fascicule XVII, Paris, GenĂšve, Champion-Slatkine, 1991. In: L'Information Grammaticale, N. 57, 1993. pp. 57-58

    74. Sauge (André), « L'Iliade », poÚme athénien de l'époque de Solon

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    Hummel Pascale. 74. Sauge (AndrĂ©), « L'Iliade », poĂšme athĂ©nien de l'Ă©poque de Solon. In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome 114, Juillet-dĂ©cembre 2001. pp. 729-730

    10. Wackernagel (Jacob), Lectures on Syntax, with special reference to Greek, Latin, and Germanic, edited with notes and bibliography by David Langslow

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    Hummel Pascale. 10. Wackernagel (Jacob), Lectures on Syntax, with special reference to Greek, Latin, and Germanic, edited with notes and bibliography by David Langslow. In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome 123, fascicule 1, Janvier-juin 2010. pp. 456-458

    100. Porter (James L), Nietzsche and the philology of the future

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    Hummel Pascale. 100. Porter (James L), Nietzsche and the philology of the future. In: Revue des Études Grecques, tome 114, Juillet-dĂ©cembre 2001. pp. 759-762
