132 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of entanglement Renyi entropies for generic quantum systems

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    We present a general scheme for the calculation of the Renyi entropy of a subsystem in quantum many-body models that can be efficiently simulated via quantum Monte Carlo. When the simulation is performed at very low temperature, the above approach delivers the entanglement Renyi entropy of the subsystem, and it allows to explore the crossover to the thermal Renyi entropy as the temperature is increased. We implement this scheme explicitly within the Stochastic Series expansion as well as within path-integral Monte Carlo, and apply it to quantum spin and quantum rotor models. In the case of quantum spins, we show that relevant models in two dimensions with reduced symmetry (XX model or hardcore bosons, transverse-field Ising model at the quantum critical point) exhibit an area law for the scaling of the entanglement entropy.Comment: 5+1 pages, 4+1 figure

    Нанотехнологии и книгопечатание

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    Розглянуто деякі питання застосування дисперсних систем нанорозмірного масштабу в поліграфії і упаковці. Проаналізовано сучасний стан застосування нанотехнологій в поліграфічних матеріалах і процесах з використанням мікро- і наноконтактного друку. Намічено шляхи і варіанти створення нових графічних комунікативних технологій.There are considered some features of dispersed systems in nanosized scale and their applications in Graphic Arts and packaging. There is made an analysis of the modern state of nanotechnology using in printing materials and processes in view of developments of new kinds of graphic communications.Рассмотрены некоторые вопросы применения дисперсных систем наноразмерного масштаба в полиграфии и упаковке. Проанализировано современное состояние применения нанотехнологий в полиграфических материалах и процессах с использованием микро- и наноконтактной печати. Намечены пути и варианты создания новых графических коммуникативных технологий


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    Іп work the new national preparation - essentsiale, was tested in treatment of preeklampsy.В работе апробировано эссенциале влечении преэклампсии беременных.В роботі апробовано ессенціале у лікуванні прееклампсії вагітних

    UMP/CMPK Is Not the Critical Enzyme in the Metabolism of Pyrimidine Ribonucleotide and Activation of Deoxycytidine Analogs in Human RKO Cells

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    Human UMP/CMP kinase was identified based on its enzymatic activity in vitro. The role of this protein is considered critical for the maintenance of pyrimidine nucleotide pool profile and for the metabolism of pyrimidine analogs in cells, based on the in vitro study of partially purified enzyme and recombinant protein. However, no detailed study has yet addressed the role of this protein in nucleotide metabolism in cells.Two stable cell lines in which UMP/CMP kinase (mRNA: AF087865, EC can be either up-regulated or down-regulated were developed using Tet-On Gene Expression Systems. The amount and enzymatic activity of UMP/CMP kinase extracted from these two cell lines can be induced up by 500% or down by 95-98%. The ribonucleotides of endogenous pyrimidine as well as the metabolism of exogenous natural pyrimidine nucleosides and their analogs were not susceptible to the altered amount of UMP/CMP kinase in these two stable RKO cell lines. The level of incorporation of pyrimidine nucleoside analogs, such as gemcitabine (dFdC) and troxacitabine (L-OddC), into cellular DNA and their potency in inhibiting cell growth were not significantly altered by up-regulation or down-regulation of UMP/CMP kinase expression in cells.The UMP/CMP kinase (EC expressed in RKO cells is not critical for the phosphorylation of (d)CMP and the maintenance of natural nucleotide pools. It also does not play an important role in the activation of dFdC and L-OddC. The increase by 500% or decrease by 95-98% in the levels of UMP/CMP kinase do not affect steady state levels of dFdC and L-OddC in RKO cells. Overall, the activity and possible mechanisms of recombinant UMP/CMP kinase expressed in the in vitro system can not be extended to that of UMP/CMP kinase expressed in a cell system or an in vivo system

    Multidrug resistant Kluyvera ascorbata septicemia in an adult patient: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p><it>Kluyvera ascorbata </it>has become increasingly significant due to its potential to cause a wide range of infections, as well as its ability to transfer gene encoding for CTX-M- type extended spectrum B-lactamases (ESBLs) to other Enterobacteriaceae.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 64-year-old African-American male diagnosed with severe sepsis due to a multidrug resistant <it>Kluyvera ascorbata</it>, which was isolated from his blood. He was treated with meropenem and had a favorable outcome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of a multidrug resistant <it>Kluyvera ascorbata </it>isolated from the blood in an adult patient with sepsis.</p

    Розробка методики адресного фінансування секторів економіки шляхом капіталовкладень в інноваційний розвиток

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    The problem of targeted financing of economic sectors is considered. The method of targeted financing of sectors of the economy through investment in innovative development is proposed. On the basis of statistical data on the performance indicators of the sectors of the economy, the calculation of indicators of their innovative potential was carried out, based on the volume of sold innovative products (goods, services) by type of economic activity. In order to stimulate sectors of the economy by investing in innovative development, it is proposed to introduce targeted financing of the latter. The problem of quantitative assessment of targeted financing of economic sectors by means of investment in innovative development based on an integrated approach has been solved. According to the results obtained, sectors of the economy that are identified as the most risky and have the potential for innovative development fall under targeted financing. The proposed technique was tested by an experimental method. On the basis of an integrated approach for the indicators of the riskiness of the economic sector and the indicator of the innovative potential of the economic sector, targeted financing for 3 sectors of the economy (namely: P, N, M, L and J) was determined. Sector P will receive more targeted funding, while sectors N, M, L and J will receive less targeted funding, respectively. The size of these parts will be 47.30 %, 22.31 %, 13.48 %, 9.56 % and 7.34 %, respectively, of 100 % S. The results of the study are of practical interest for government bodies (local, territorial, etc.) in the distribution of funds according to the vector of targeted financing of sectors of the economy through investment in innovative development. Practically valuable for researchers who deal with issues of financial security, targeted financing and public administrationРассмотрена проблема адресного финансирования секторов экономики. Предложенная методика адресного финансирования секторов экономики путем капиталовложений в инновационное развитие. На основании статистических данных по показателям деятельности секторов экономики проведен расчет показателей их инновационного потенциала, в основе которого объем реализованной инновационной продукции (товаров, услуг) по видам экономической деятельности. С целью стимулирования секторов экономики путем капиталовложений в инновационное развитие предложено внедрение адресного финансирования последних. Решена задача количественной оценки адресного финансирования секторов экономики путем капиталовложений в инновационное развитие на основе комплексного подхода. Согласно полученным результатам под адресное финансирование попадают сектора экономики, которые определены наиболее рисковыми и имеют потенциал к инновационному развитию. Проведена апробация предложенной методики экспериментальным методом. На основе комплексного подхода по показателям рискованности сектора экономики и показателя инновационного потенциала сектора экономики определены адресное финансирование для 3-х секторов экономики (а именно: P, N, M, L и J). Большее адресное финансирование получит сектор P, а меньшее – секторы N, M, L и J соответственно. Величина этих частей составит 47,30 %, 22,31 %, 13,48&nbsp;%, 9,56 % и 7,34 % соответственно от 100 % S. Результаты исследования имеют практический интерес для органам управления (местным, территориальным и др.) при распределении средств по вектору адресного финансирования секторов экономики путем капиталовложений в инновационное развитие. Практически ценно исследователям, которые занимаются вопросами финансового обеспечения, адресного финансирования и государственного администрированияРозглянуто проблему адресного фінансування секторів економіки. Запропонована методика адресного фінансування секторів економіки шляхом капіталовкладень в інноваційний розвиток. На підставі статистичних даних за показниками діяльності секторів економіки проведено розрахунок показників їх інноваційного потенціалу, в основі якого обсяг реалізованої інноваційної продукції (товарів, послуг) за видами економічної діяльності. З метою стимулювання секторів економіки шляхом капіталовкладень в інноваційний розвиток запропоновано впровадження адресного фінансування останніх. Вирішено&nbsp; задачу&nbsp; кількісної&nbsp; оцінки адресного фінансування секторів економіки шляхом капіталовкладень в інноваційний розвиток на основі комплексного підходу. Згідно з отриманими результатами під адресне фінансування потрапляють сектори економіки, які визначені найбільш ризикованими та мають потенціал до інноваційного розвитку. Проведено апробацію запропонованої методики експериментальним методом. На основі комплексного підходу за показниками ризикованості сектору економіки та показника інноваційного потенціалу сектору економіки визначено адресне фінансування для 5-ти секторів економіки (а саме: P, N, M, L та J). Більше адресне фінансування отримає сектор P, а менше – секторы N, M, L та J відповідно. Величина цих частин складе 47,30 %, 22,31 %, 13,48&nbsp;%, 9,56 % та 7,34 % відповідно від 100&nbsp;% S. Результати мають практичний інтерес для органів управління (місцевим, територіальним та ін) при розподілі коштів за вектором адресного фінансування секторів економіки шляхом капіталовкладень в інноваційний розвиток. Теоретично цікаво дослідникам, які займаються питаннями фінансового забезпечення, адресного фінансування та державного адмініструванн

    Physiological levels of estradiol limit murine osteoarthritis progression

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    Among patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), postmenopausal women are overrepresented. The purpose of this study was to determine whether deficiency of female sex steroids affects OA progression and to evaluate the protective effect of treatment with a physiological dose of 17β-estradiol (E2) on OA progression using a murine model. Ovariectomy (OVX) of female mice was used to mimic a postmenopausal state. OVX or sham-operated mice underwent surgery for destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) to induce OA. E2 was administered in a pulsed manner for 2 and 8 weeks. OVX of OA mice did not influence the cartilage phenotype or synovial thickness, while both cortical and trabecular subchondral bone mineral density (BMD) decreased after OVX compared with sham-operated mice at 8 weeks post-DMM surgery. Additionally, OVX mice displayed decreased motor activity, reduced threshold of pain sensitivity, and increased number of T cells in the inguinal lymph nodes compared to sham-operated mice 2 weeks after OA induction. Eight weeks of treatment with E2 prevented cartilage damage and thickening of the synovium in OVX OA mice. The motor activity was improved after E2 replacement at the 2 weeks time point, which was also associated with lower pain sensitivity in the OA paw. E2 treatment protected against OVX-induced loss of subchondral trabecular bone. The number of T cells in the inguinal lymph nodes was reduced by E2 treatment after 8 weeks. This study demonstrates that treatment with a physiological dose of E2 exerts a protective role by reducing OA symptoms. © 2022 The authors Published by Bioscientifica Ltd.</p

    Breakingtheice: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial of an internet-based intervention addressing amphetamine-type stimulant use

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    Background: The prevalence of amphetamine-type stimulant use is greater than that of opioids and cocaine combined. Currently, there are no approved pharmacotherapy treatments for amphetamine-type stimulant problems, but some face-to-face psychotherapies are of demonstrated effectiveness. However, most treatment services focus on alcohol or opioid disorders, have limited reach and may not appeal to users of amphetamine-type stimulants. Internet interventions have proven to be effective for some substance use problems but none has specifically targeted users of amphetamine-type stimulants. Design/method: The study will use a randomized controlled trial design to evaluate the effect of an internet intervention for amphetamine-type stimulant problems compared with a waitlist control group. The primary outcome will be assessed as amphetamine-type stimulant use (baseline, 3 and 6 months). Other outcomes measures will include ‘readiness to change’, quality of life, psychological distress (K-10 score), days out of role, poly-drug use, help-seeking intention and help-seeking behavior. The intervention consists of three modules requiring an estimated total completion time of 90 minutes. The content of the modules was adapted from face-to-face clinical techniques based on cognitive behavior therapy and motivation enhancement. The target sample is 160 men and women aged 18 and over who have used amphetamine-type stimulants in the last 3 months. Discussion: To our knowledge this will be the first randomized controlled trial of an internet intervention specifically developed for users of amphetamine-type stimulants. If successful, the intervention will offer greater reach than conventional therapies and may engage clients who do not generally seek treatment from existing service providers