139 research outputs found
Duality Twists, Orbifolds, and Fluxes
We investigate compactifications with duality twists and their relation to
orbifolds and compactifications with fluxes. Inequivalent compactifications are
classified by conjugacy classes of the U-duality group and result in gauged
supergravities in lower dimensions with nontrivial Scherk-Schwarz potentials on
the moduli space. For certain twists, this mechanism is equivalent to
introducing internal fluxes but is more general and can be used to stabilize
some of the moduli. We show that the potential has stable minima with zero
energy precisely at the fixed points of the twist group. In string theory, when
the twist belongs to the T-duality group, the theory at the minimum has an
exact CFT description as an orbifold. We also discuss more general twists by
nonperturbative U-duality transformations.Comment: 30 pages, harvmac, references and brief comments on gauged
supergravity adde
(Twisted) Toroidal Compactification of pp-Waves
The maximally supersymmetric type IIB pp-wave is compactified on spatial
circles, with and without an auxiliary rotational twist. All spatial circles of
constant radius are identified. Without the twist, an S compactification
can preserve 24, 20 or 16 supercharges. compactifications can preserve
20, 18 or 16 supercharges; compactifications can preserve 18 or 16
supercharges and higher compactifications preserve 16 supercharges. The
worldsheet theory of this background is discussed. The T-dual and
decompactified type IIA and M-theoretic solutions which preserve 24
supercharges are given. Some comments are made regarding the AdS parent and the
CFT description.Comment: 22 pages REVTeX 4 and AMSLaTeX. v3: References and a paragraph on
nine dimensional Killing spinors were added. v4: A few typos corrected and a
footnote was modifie
Waves, boosted branes and BPS states in M-theory
Certain type II string non-threshold BPS bound states are shown to be related
to non-static backgrounds in 11-dimensional theory. The 11-d counterpart of the
bound state of NS-NS and R-R type IIB strings wound around a circle is a pure
gravitational wave propagating along a generic cycle of 2-torus. The extremal
(q_1,q_2) string with non-vanishing momentum along the circle (or infinitely
boosted black string) corresponds in D=11 to a 2-brane wrapped around 2-torus
with momentum flow along the (q_1,q_2) cycle. Applying duality transformations
to the string-string solution we find type IIA background representing a bound
state of 2-brane and 0-brane. Its lift to 11 dimensions is simply a 2-brane
finitely boosted in transverse direction. This 11-d solution interpolates
between a static 2-brane (zero boost) and a gravitational wave in 11-th
dimension (infinite boost). Similar interpretations are given for various bound
states involving 5-branes. Relations between transversely boosted M-branes and
1/2 supersymmetric non-threshold bound states 2+0 and 5+0 complement relations
between M-branes with momentum in longitudinal direction and 1/4 supersymmetric
threshold bound states 1+0 and 4+0. In the second part of the paper we
establish the correspondence between the BPS states of type IIB strings on a
circle and oscillating states of a fundamental supermembrane wrapped around a
2-torus. We show that the (q_1,q_2) string spectrum is reproduced by the
membrane BPS spectrum, determined using a certain limit. This supports the
picture suggested by Schwarz.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac (minor corrections; T-duality relation between IIB
string-string solution and boosted 0-brane made explicit
pp-waves in 11-dimensions with extra supersymmetry
The Killing spinor equations for pp-wave solutions of eleven dimensional
supergravity are analysed and it is shown that there are solutions that
preserve 18,20,22 and 24 supersymmetries, in addition to the generic solution
preserving 16 supersymmetries and the Kowalski-Glikman solution preserving 32
supersymmetries.Comment: 13 pages. Reference added, typos corrected, new examples of
7-parameter case presente
Magnetic flux tube models in superstring theory
Superstring models describing curved 4-dimensional magnetic flux tube
backgrounds are exactly solvable in terms of free fields. We first consider the
simplest model of this type (corresponding to `Kaluza-Klein' Melvin
background). Its 2d action has a flat but topologically non-trivial
10-dimensional target space (there is a mixing of angular coordinate of the
2-plane with an internal compact coordinate). We demonstrate that this theory
has broken supersymmetry but is perturbatively stable if the radius R of the
internal coordinate is larger than R_0=\sqrt{2\a'}. In the Green-Schwarz
formulation the supersymmetry breaking is a consequence of the presence of a
flat but non-trivial connection in the fermionic terms in the action. For R <
R_0 and the magnetic field strength parameter q > R/2\a' there appear
instabilities corresponding to tachyonic winding states. The torus partition
function Z(q,R) is finite for R > R_0 (and vanishes for qR=2n, n=integer). At
the special points qR=2n (2n+1) the model is equivalent to the free superstring
theory compactified on a circle with periodic (antiperiodic) boundary condition
for space-time fermions. Analogous results are obtained for a more general
class of static magnetic flux tube geometries including the a=1 Melvin model.Comment: 28 pages, harvmac. Minor changes, final version to appear in NP
Constant magnetic field in closed string theory: an exactly solvable model
We consider a simple model describing a closed bosonic string in a constant
magnetic field. Exact conformal invariance demands also the presence of a
non-trivial metric and antisymmetric tensor (induced by the magnetic field).
The model is invariant under target space duality in a compact Kaluza-Klein
direction introduced to couple the magnetic field. Like open string theory in a
constant gauge field, or closed string theory on a torus, this model can be
straightforwardly quantized and solved with its spectrum of states and
partition function explicitly computed. Above some critical value of the
magnetic field an infinite number of states become tachyonic, suggesting a
presence of phase transition. We also construct heterotic string
generalisations of this bosonic model in which the constant magnetic field is
embedded either in the Kaluza-Klein or internal gauge group sector.Comment: 39 pages, harvmac (some corrections and addenda; version to appear in
Nuclear Physics
Localized Intersections of Non-Extremal p-branes and S-branes
A class of solutions to Supergravity in 10 or 11 dimensions is presented
which extends the non-standard or semi-local intersections of Dp-branes to the
case of non-extremal p-branes. The type of non-extremal solutions involved in
the intersection is free and we provide two examples involving black-branes
and/or D-\bar{D} systems. After a rotation among the time coordinate and a
relatively transverse radial direction the solutions admit the interpretation
of an intersection among D-branes and S-branes. We speculate on the relevance
of these configurations both to study time dependent phenomena in the AdS/CFT
correspondence as well as to construct cosmological brane-world scenarios
within String Theory admitting accelerating expansion of the Universe.Comment: 31 pages, latex file; v2: typos corrected and references adde
T-Duality and Penrose limits of spatially homogeneous and inhomogeneous cosmologies
Penrose limits of inhomogeneous cosmologies admitting two abelian Killing
vectors and their abelian T-duals are found in general. The wave profiles of
the resulting plane waves are given for particular solutions. Abelian and
non-abelian T-duality are used as solution generating techniques. Furthermore,
it is found that unlike in the case of abelian T-duality, non-abelian T-duality
and taking the Penrose limit are not commutative procedures.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Discussion on non-abelian T-duality expande
Impact of CP phases on the search for sleptons tau and nu_tau
We study the decays of the tau-sleptons (stau_{1,2}) and tau-sneutrino
(snu_tau) in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with complex
parameters A_tau, mu and M_1 (U(1) gaugino mass). We show that the effect of
the CP phases of these parameters on the branching ratios of stau_{1,2} and
snu_tau decays can be quite strong in a large region of the MSSM parameter
space. This could have an important impact on the search for stau_{1,2} and
snu_tau and the determination of the MSSM parameters at future colliders.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX2
The necessity of historical inquiry in educational research: the case of Religious Education
publication-status: PublishedThis is an Author's Original Manuscript of an article whose final and definitive form, the Version of Record, has been published in the British Journal of Religious Education, July 2010. Available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/ or DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2010.498612This article explores the mixed fortunes of historical inquiry as a method in educational studies and exposes evidence for the neglect of this method in religious education research in particular. It argues that historical inquiry, as a counterpart to other research methods, can add depth and range to our understanding of education, including religious education, and can illuminate important longerâterm, broader and philosophical issues. The article also argues that many historical voices have remained silent in the existing historiography of religious education because such historiography is too generalised and too biased towards the development of national policy and curriculum and pedagogical theory. To address this limitation in educational research, this article promotes rigorous historical studies that are more substantially grounded in the appropriate historiographical literature and utilise a wide range of original primary sources. Finally, the article explores a specific example of the way in which a historical approach may be fruitfully applied to a particular contemporary debate concerning the nature and purpose of religious education
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