53 research outputs found

    Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Cells and Tissues: Triple Helix Proteins as a Potential Biomarker for Tumors

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    In this work, the infrared (IR) spectra of living neural cells in suspension, native brain tissue, and native brain tumor tissue were investigated. Methods were developed to overcome the strong IR signal of liquid water so that the signal from the cellular biochemicals could be seen. Measurements could be performed during surgeries, within minutes after resection. Comparison between normal tissue, different cell lineages in suspension, and tumors allowed preliminary assignments of IR bands to be made. The most dramatic difference between tissues and cells was found to be in weaker IR absorbances usually assigned to the triple helix of collagens. Triple helix domains are common in larger structural proteins, and are typically found in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of tissues. An algorithm to correct offsets and calculate the band heights and positions of these bands was developed, so the variance between identical measurements could be assessed. The initial results indicate the triple helix signal is surprisingly consistent between different individuals, and is altered in tumor tissues. Taken together, these preliminary investigations indicate this triple helix signal may be a reliable biomarker for a tumor-like microenvironment. Thus, this signal has potential to aid in the intra-operational delineation of brain tumor borders. © 2013 Stelling et al

    The role of Allee effect in modelling post resection recurrence of glioblastoma

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    Resection of the bulk of a tumour often cannot eliminate all cancer cells, due to their infiltration into the surrounding healthy tissue. This may lead to recurrence of the tumour at a later time. We use a reaction-diffusion equation based model of tumour growth to investigate how the invasion front is delayed by resection, and how this depends on the density and behaviour of the remaining cancer cells. We show that the delay time is highly sensitive to qualitative details of the proliferation dynamics of the cancer cell population. The typically assumed logistic type proliferation leads to unrealistic results, predicting immediate recurrence. We find that in glioblastoma cell cultures the cell proliferation rate is an increasing function of the density at small cell densities. Our analysis suggests that cooperative behaviour of cancer cells, analogous to the Allee effect in ecology, can play a critical role in determining the time until tumour recurrence

    Disrupted lymph node and splenic stroma in mice with induced inflammatory melanomas is associated with impaired recruitment of T and dendritic cells

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    International audienceMigration of dendritic cells (DC) from the tumor environment to the T cell cortex in tumor-draining lymph nodes (TDLN) is essential for priming naïve T lymphocytes (TL) to tumor antigen (Ag). We used a mouse model of induced melanoma in which similar oncogenic events generate two phenotypically distinct melanomas to study the influence of tumor-associated inflammation on secondary lymphoid organ (SLO) organization. One tumor promotes inflammatory cytokines, leading to mobilization of immature myeloid cells (iMC) to the tumor and SLO; the other does not. We report that inflammatory tumors induced alterations of the stromal cell network of SLO, profoundly altering the distribution of TL and the capacity of skin-derived DC and TL to migrate or home to TDLN. These defects, which did not require tumor invasion, correlated with loss of fibroblastic reticular cells in T cell zones and in impaired production of CCL21. Infiltrating iMC accumulated in the TDLN medulla and the splenic red pulp. We propose that impaired function of the stromal cell network during chronic inflammation induced by some tumors renders spleens non-receptive to TL and TDLN non-receptive to TL and migratory DC, while the entry of iMC into these perturbed SLO is enhanced. This could constitute a mechanism by which inflammatory tumors escape immune control. If our results apply to inflammatory tumors in general, the demonstration that SLO are poorly receptive to CCR7-dependent migration of skin-derived DC and naïve TL may constitute an obstacle for proposed vaccination or adoptive TL therapies of their hosts

    Endo180 modulation by bisphosphonates and diagnostic accuracy in metastatic breast cancer

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    We thank the patients who participated in this study; Professor Gerry Thomas and the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Human Biomaterials Resource Centre (Tissue Bank); Professor Clare M Isacke (Institute of Cancer Research, London) for Endo180 antibodies; Dr Richard Harvey (Department of Medical Oncology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust) for CA 15-3 antigen measurement. The Division of Cancer at Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is an Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) supported by funds from Cancer Research UK and the Department of Health (C37/A7283) and forms part of Imperial Cancer Research UK Centre (C42671/A12196). CP is recipient of a CRUK Clinician Scientist award. JW is The Flow Foundation Professor of Oncology at Imperial College London. MPC and GK were supported by donations from Tony and Rita Gallagher and Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust Special Trustees (to JW and JS). MPC was funded by The Rosetrees Trust (Grant JS16/M59; to JW and JS). A-VF was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia fellowship (project supervisor: JS) and Imperial College NHS Healthcare Special Trustees (to JW and JS). MR-T was funded by the Association of International Cancer Research (Grant 08-0803 to JS)

    Rapid target gene validation in complex cancer mouse models using re-derived embryonic stem cells.

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    Human cancers modeled in Genetically Engineered Mouse Models (GEMMs) can provide important mechanistic insights into the molecular basis of tumor development and enable testing of new intervention strategies. The inherent complexity of these models, with often multiple modified tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes, has hampered their use as preclinical models for validating cancer genes and drug targets. In our newly developed approach for the fast generation of tumor cohorts we have overcome this obstacle, as exemplified for three GEMMs; two lung cancer models and one mesothelioma model. Three elements are central for this system; (i) The efficient derivation of authentic Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) from established GEMMs, (ii) the routine introduction of transgenes of choice in these GEMM-ESCs by Flp recombinase-mediated integration and (iii) the direct use of the chimeric animals in tumor cohorts. By applying stringent quality controls, the GEMM-ESC approach proofs to be a reliable and effective method to speed up cancer gene assessment and target validation. As proof-of-principle, we demonstrate that MycL1 is a key driver gene in Small Cell Lung Cancer

    Effective CRISPR/Cas9-mediated correction of a Fanconi anemia defect by error-prone end joining or templated repair

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a cancer predisposition syndrome characterized by congenital abnormalities, bone marrow failure, and hypersensitivity to aldehydes and crosslinking agents. For FA patients, gene editing holds promise for therapeutic applications aimed at functionally restoring mutated genes in hematopoietic stem cells. However, intrinsic FA DNA repair defects may obstruct gene editing feasibility. Here, we report on the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated correction of a disruptive mutation in Fancf. Our experiments revealed that gene editing could effectively restore Fancf function via error-prone end joining resulting in a 27% increased survival in the presence of mitomycin C. In addition, templated gene correction could be achieved after double strand or single strand break formation. Although templated gene editing efficiencies were low (≤6%), FA corrected embryonic stem cells acquired a strong proliferative advantage over non-corrected cells, even without imposing genotoxic stress. Notably, Cas9 nickase activity resulted in mono-allelic gene editing and avoidance of undesired mutagenesis. In conclusion: DNA repair defects associated with FANCF deficiency do not prohibit CRISPR/Cas9 gene correction. Our data provide a solid basis for the application of pre-clinical models to further explore the potential of gene editing against FA, with the eventual aim to obtain therapeutic strategies against bone marrow failure

    Comparative oncogenomics identifies combinations of driver genes and drug targets in BRCA1-mutated breast cancer

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    BRCA1-mutated breast cancer is primarily driven by DNA copy-number alterations (CNAs) containing large numbers of candidate driver genes. Validation of these candidates requires novel approaches for high-throughput in vivo perturbation of gene function. Here we develop genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) of BRCA1-deficient breast cancer that permit rapid introduction of putative drivers by either retargeting of GEMM-derived embryonic stem cells, lentivirus-mediated somatic overexpression or in situ CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene disruption. We use these approaches to validate Myc, Met, Pten and Rb1 as bona fide drivers in BRCA1-associated mammary tumorigenesis. Iterative mouse modeling and comparative oncogenomics analysis show that MYC-overexpression strongly reshapes the CNA landscape of BRCA1-deficient mammary tumors and identify MCL1 as a collaborating driver in these tumors. Moreover, MCL1 inhibition potentiates the in vivo efficacy of PARP inhibition (PARPi), underscoring the therapeutic potential of this combination for treatment of BRCA1-mutated cancer patients with poor response to PARPi monotherapy